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Monday, March 20, 2023
MRC Loved 'Dilbert' Cartoonist's Right-Wing Leanings -- But Is Silent On His Racism
Topic: Media Research Center

Even before it published an error-ridden post last September falsely claiming that his "Dilbert" comic was dropped by a newspaper chain for making fun of liberals, the Media Research Center was a longtime champion of the right-wing turn of cartoonist Scott Adams:

  • A 2013 post noted that a Paul Krugman-like character had been added to the comic strip, adding that "Paul Krugman is now both literally and figuratively a cartoon."
  • A June 2016 post by P.J. Gladnick complained that  Adams' right-wing turn was called out, insisting in response that "Adams has been so amazingly correct in his analysis of why Trump is winning."
  • A November 2016 post by Gladnick hyped Adams criticizing CNN for the purported "lengths they go to in order to avoid mentioning Hillary Clinton's name or her troubles."
  • A March 2017 post by the disgraced Tom Blumer touted how Adams "spotted the Donald Trump phenomenon early on" and repeated his attacking on a New Yorker "hit piece" about him.
  • In a May 2017 post, Gladnick gushed over how Adams "had a good laugh" over a tweet by Keith Olbermann regarding Trump's firing of FBI director James Comey.
  • A few days later, Aly Nielsen hyped a "Dilbert" storyline in which "Dilbert’s boss invited a climate scientist to explain how climatologists predicted the impact of climate change. The result was a hilarious send-up of how such scientists respond."
  • A December 2018 post by Gladnick featured Adams complaining that images of him in a Google search are manipulated images of him as a Nazi and how "Adams gave Google a deadline to remove those offensive images."
  • Gladnick followed with a February 2019 post noting that Adams "brought up an interesting thesis in a Tweet on Friday about whether Trump Derangement Syndrome could be used as a legal defense in the future for people who acted criminally or immorally."

Then came last month, when Adams went on a racist tirade (which would seem to show that the manipulated Nazi images were merely prescient) that caused his comic to be dropped by hundreds of newspapers. Neither Gladnick nor anyone else at the MRC has referenced this incident or Adams since -- not even to denounce Adams even though that would be the easiest thing in the world to do. It was also silent when Elon Musk defended Adams in a tweet he later deleted -- which also would have been an easy layup.

Then again, the MRC had a lot of trouble criticizing Kanye West for his turn to anti-Semitism after spending years praising his right-wing-friendly pronouncements.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:54 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, March 20, 2023 8:09 PM EDT
NEW ARTICLE: Joseph Farah's Trump Restoration Project
Topic: WorldNetDaily
The WorldNetDaily editor's wild plan to return Donald Trump to the presidency by first making him House speaker actually got slightly closer to reality for a very brief time (though he may have to fight Wayne Allyn Root over credit for the plan). Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 1:16 AM EDT
Sunday, March 19, 2023
MRC Keeps On Fluffing Musk, Touting Dubious 'Twitter Files'
Topic: Media Research Center

Elon Musk had a pretty rough February -- it was revealed that not only did he fire a Twitter engineer because his tweets weren't getting engagement (which he reportedly demanded after his Super Bowl tweet got fewer views than President Biden's), he order those engineers to create a method to give his tweets maximum visibility whether Twitter users subscribe to his feed or not (all of which he laughably denied). Twitter succumbed to the demands of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and censored a documentary film critical of him (about which Musk pleaded ignorance). Musk also defended "Dilbert" cartoonist Scott Adams after he went on a racist rant (which he later deleted), and ads from large mainstream companies are appearing next to tweets from Holocaust deniers.

But you didn't read about any of this at the Media Research Center because it remains a group of Musk fanboys and his PR operation. A Feb. 10 post by Catherine Salgado cheerily touted a far-right congresswoman naming a bill based on the selectively released "Twitter files" after Musk:

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) issued a press release on Thursday announcing that she introduced the Exposing Lewd Outlays for Social Networking Companies Act, or the ELON Act, to audit Big Tech’s collusion with the government to censor Americans. The ELON Act also puts a year’s moratorium on FBI payments to tech companies.


The congresswoman quoted Elon Musk who tweeted that, “Government paid Twitter millions of dollars to censor info from the public.”

Renata Kiss quoting Musk-fluffing from others in a Feb. 14 post:

Renowned podcast host Joe Rogan and Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi hashed out Elon Musk’s quirky business strategy at Twitter that ticked off many on the left.

On Monday, podcast host Joe Rogan released a conversation with guest Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi where they discussed “eccentric billionaire” Twitter owner Elon Musk’s leadership style and the platform’s sudden turn towards free speech despite media backlash. Rogan said Elon Musk “truly believes that censored social media is a threat to democracy.” He added, “I believe it too.” 

The pair discussed the radical transparency Musk has brought to the platform through the Twitter files.

Kiss added that "Joe Rogan has been adamant about the liberal media’s silence over The Twitter Files, which he equated with a Watergate level scandal on a previous episode" -- which, of course, the MRC previously hyped.

The next day, Kiss cheered Musk's recitation of right-wing talking points:

Elon Musk says Big Tech oligarchs in San Francisco shouldn’t impose their values on the world for the sake of the future of our civilization.

On Wednesday, Elon Musk warned against Silicon Valley elitism at the World Government Summit in Dubai. He referred to the rampant censorship under Twitter’s previous leadership and said it was important “for the future of civilization to try to correct that thumb on the scale,” and to “have Twitter more accurately reflect ... the people of earth.”

Musk highlighted the stark contrast between “the rest of the world” and the “niche ideology” of Twitter headquarters and its progressive San Francisco neighborhoods.

“That’s the general idea to reflect the values of the people as opposed to imposing the values of essentially San Francisco and Berkeley–which are somewhat of a niche ideology as compared to the rest of the world.”

Needless to say, none of these posts mentioned Musk's own elitism in demanding that everyone see his tweets whether they want to or not.Meanwhile, Autumn Johnson had a new "Twitter files" drop to uncritically promote in a Feb. 20 post:

The latest drop of Twitter Files shows that a United States senator's campaign director pressured the company to target his political opponents.

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi posted a thread of tweets illustrating how government officials intentionally targeted constituents and political rivals as "Russian-controlled." Taibbi’s reporting revealed that Sen. Angus King's (I-ME) campaign director and Mark Lenzi, a State Department official, each separately pressured Twitter to censor certain accounts on the platform.

A 2018 email from a Twitter official indicated that King's campaign director flagged< approximately 354 "suspicious" accounts to Twitter. Some of the accounts appear to have included supporters of his opponent at the time, Maine Republican State Sen. Eric Brakey.

But as Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall pointed out, King flagged both conservative and liberal accounts that were considered suspicious -- but Taibbi wrote only about the conservative ones. Taibbi effectively confirmed his laziness in a later tweet. Johnson never updated her post to note the whole story -- she seems mot to understand that if all Taibbi is doing is serving as a servile stenographer for Musk, he's not an "independent journalist."

Instead, the Musk-fluffing continued in a post the same day by Joseph Vazquez:

It appears the liberal media doomsaying over how Twitter owner Elon Musk was supposedly going to make the company implode by cutting the old regime’s censorship-obsessed workforce in half was nothing but noise. And even a Washington Postcolumnist had to eat crow.

Post columnist Megan McArdle was blunt in her Feb. 19 op-ed: “How Elon Musk fired Twitter staff and broke nothing.” She admitted right off the bat that she was “incredulous” when “Musk said he was going to cut up to 75 percent of Twitter’s workforce last year.”

McArdle noted that she initially viewed Musk’s workforce overhaul as “over the top,” “so obviously irrational” and she pointed to an October 2022 column where she lambasted Musk’s method as nonsensical.

“Layoffs of that magnitude mean critical operations running at half strength,” she said at the time. But now, in retrospect, it seems McArdle has had a change in perspective. “[S]ure, in the end he only laid off half the staff, but … half the staff! Yet the site is still running,” she said.

But it turns out that Vazquez's serving of crow to McArdle was a bit premature: Twitter suffered a severe outage a couple weeks later, which was described as "the second Twitter glitch in less than a week and the third in under a month."

A Feb. 22 post by Salgado complained that others engage in the same type of activism against Musk that the MRC does against "liberal media":

Leftist billionaire and eBay founder Pierre Omidyar is bankrolling a sketchy “dark-money group” that is pushing a corporate boycott campaign against Twitter owner Elon Musk.

The Omidyar Network gave Accountable Tech $509,500 between 2021 and 2022, according to Omidyar Network records. The Washington Free Beacon, who also reported on the funding, said Omidyar also gave $2 million more to other groups attacking and writing pieces slamming Musk for his takeover of Twitter.

One leftist Omidyar-funded group, Free Press, claimed in a statement Musk’s pro-free speech Twitter plans would make it a “free-for-all of hate and harassment.”

Accountable Tech and other Omidyar-funded groups have issued demands for investigations into Musk and campaigns aiming to pressure corporations into boycotting Twitter. An Omidyar Network spokeswoman reportedly verified the funding to Free Beacon but claimed the network did not direct the boycott campaign.

Salgado did not disclose which shadowy right-wing billionaires pay her to defend Musk.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:36 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, March 20, 2023 8:10 PM EDT
CNS Keeps Riding On Right-Wing Anti-ESG Bandwagon
Topic: continued its ideologically mandated right-wing bandwagon campaign against investments that take environmental, social and governmental issues into consideration with a Jan. 4 article by Craig Bannister:

As 2022 drew to a close, all 10 of the largest Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) funds left investors suffering double-digit percentage losses in the value of their portfolios, an analysis by Bloomberg reveals.

What’s more, the report finds that eight of the ten largest ESG funds, measured by assets, performed worse than the S&P 500:

But actual analyists point out that this is a "very narrow interpretation of the data" and that ESG investments have done well on a long-term basis:

The problem with this argument – ESG products are bad investments and take returns off the table for hardworking pension funds investors – is that it relies on a very narrow interpretation of the data. Looking at both a short- and long-term horizon, the figures are much better. In the third quarter (the latest figures available), global ESG median return was -6.09% compared with a broader global equity peer group return of -6.87%. Nearly two in three funds – a full 65% outperformed the index.


More important is looking at longer term results. On a one-year basis, 63% of global ESG products underperformed. This reflects the overall underperformance of growth products, as 73% of these investments underperformed the index. But looking at a three-year time horizon is different. Seventy-four percent of ESG products outperformed the benchmark, with a median return of 5.9%.

Neertheless, Bannister quoted a right-wing activist insisting that these numbers "dispelled the myth that ESG is a worthy investment" and demanding tyhat it be "challenged and defeated politically."

Bannister continued to crank out biased anti-ESG articles throughout January and February, many of which were reprinted at its Media Research Center parent's NewsBusters blog (so much for any purported wall between news and opinion at the MRC):

When the Biden adminstration established a new rule that allows retirement plans to more easily consider ESG factors, Bannistert had a preordained freakout over it in a Jan. 30 post:

A new Biden Administration rule took effect Monday, allowing retirement plan administrators (fiduciaries) to base investments on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals, rather than only on the maximum financial benefit of their clients.

The U.S. Department of Labor released the final rule under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) to allow plan fiduciaries to consider climate change and other environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when they make investment decisions and when they exercise shareholder rights, including voting on shareholder resolutions and board nominations.

The Biden rule eliminates a 2020 Trump Administration rule requirement that fiduciaries consider only the monetary benefit (“pecuniary only”) to their clients when choosing investments.

In other words, it's not a new rule but simply reverses a Trump policy and returns things to the previous status quo. Later that day, Bannister served up some related PR for the fossil fuel industry (which CNS loves to do):

An alliance of two hundred companies engaged in oil and natural gas exploration and production has joined with the attorneys general of 25 states in a lawsuit seeking to stop a new Biden Administration rule allowing retirement account managers to invest in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) efforts, even if they’re not the most profitable for their clients.

The complaint, filed in Texas, seeks a preliminary injunction and permanent relief, in the form of a declaration that the ESG rule violates both the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and is arbitrary and capricious.

“This rule is an affront to every American concerned about their retirement account. The fact that the Biden Administration is now opting to risk the financial security of working-class Americans to advance a woke political agenda is insulting and illegal,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is co-leading the lawsuit, said in a press release announcingthe complaint:

But if the policy simply reverts to previous norms, it makes no sense to call it "aritrary and capricious."

Bannister touted his employer's activism on theissue in a Feb. 1 article:

Every Republican senator and Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) are introducing a resolution opposing President Joe Biden’s new ESG investment rule because it politicizes and threatens the value of Americans’ 401Ks.

Led by Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN), the senators condemn the rule, because it allows fiduciaries to consider ideological factors – specifically, environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals – when investing, rather than just rate of return.


The Media Research Center (MRC), along with more than a hundred other conservative organizations, have endorsed the resolution in the following letter to Congress:

Bannister failed, however, to dlsclose that the MRC operates CNS -- meaning that there's a conflict of interest here. So much for CNS being a responsible "news" organization.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:17 AM EDT
Saturday, March 18, 2023
MRC Can't Bash Rihanna At Super Bowl, So It Bashes 'Black National Anthem' Instead
Topic: Media Research Center

When Rihanna was announced as the performer at the Super Bowl halftime show, the Media Research Center -- which loves to freak out over Super Bowl halftime shows -- tried to get ahead of things. John Simmons pre-emptively ranted in a Sept. 26 post immediately after the announcement:

Do you feel it coming in the air, hearing the screams from everywhere? That’s the sound of all the people that are ecstatic that woke singer Rihanna will be performing at the Super Bowl LVII halftime show.


While her status as an icon and her talent are not in doubt, she has a long history of supporting anything woke.

In June, Rihanna, along with Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, pledged $15 million to organizations that combat climate change and its particular effect on people LGBT members and minorities (because climate change is homophobic and racist).

Furthermore, her beauty company, Fenty, released a series of ads that showed gender-bending men wearing lipstick. She’s also an avid supporter of abortion, but that shouldn’t be a surprise in today’s celebrity culture.

Hopefully, her concert doesn’t have any underlying woke messages in it and we can just enjoy a halftime show simply as a concert. But given her track record -- and the fact that this is an NFL-organized event -- that might be too much to ask.

Bur Rihanna's halftime show came and went, and the MRC found nothing to get outraged about. So Simmons ranted instead about "Lift Every Voice And Sing" being sung before the game:

Kickoff hadn’t even happened in Super Bowl LVII before we got a heavy dose of progressive agendas being shoved down our throats - along with nachos and wings.

There were two major elements of the pregame ceremony that has something to do with wokeness:

1) Singing Of The Black National Anthem: Singer Sheryl Lee Ralph performed her rendition of “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” marking the first time that the song - also widely referred to as the unofficial “Black National Anthem” - was sung before the Super Bowl.

Of all the backwards ways in which progressives try to elevate black voices so that they are viewed as “equal,” this might be the most counterproductive method they choose.

If one ethnic group sings an anthem that only represents themselves and not the rest of the country, doesn’t that mean they are choosing to further the divide they claim is a problem that needs to be addressed?


Our national anthem is one of the few elements of culture where Americans recognize that no matter how we disagree, we are all citizens of the same country. If we are going to start having every ethnic group have its own national song, we’re not going to be a united country for very long.

Yes, Simmons thinks a song that first appeared in 1900 is "woke." He cited no lyrics from the song he considered to be overly "woke" or objectionable.

Simmons went on to complain that the all-female crew who conducted the annual flyover of the stadium had "a lot of wokeness mixed into it. After all, a progressive organization like the NFL will do anything to magnify the voices and accomplishments of oppressed groups like women." Simmons didn't explain why that was a bad thing.

This meltdown complements the MRC's defense of religious commercials aired during the Super Bowl that were paid for right-wing interests.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:13 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, March 18, 2023 10:32 AM EDT
Joseph Farah's Biden Derangement Syndrome, New Year Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Something about President Biden makes WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah go into spasms of Biden Derangement Syndrome. And with the new year, we saw new Biden meltdowns from Farah. Let's review, shall we?

Does it seem like every day, there is another scandal surrounding Joe Biden?

It seems like our world is on fire.

  • Beginning on the first day of his "presidency," Biden has done everything wrong. He set out first to ensure the U.S. was no longer energy independent – by design.
  • He began declaring Republicans were "insurrectionists" – and the real enemies of America.
  • The Department of Justice began treating parents of school children as a "domestic enemies."
  • He made a debacle of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
  • He opened the border for massive illegal immigration.
  • He stepped up censorship against most of his domestic opponents.

And now this:

Reported this week is the fact that among the items from Joe Biden's time as vice president discovered in a private office last fall are 10 classified documents including U.S. intelligence memos and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom. The documents were dated between 2013 and 2016.

They were found in three or four boxes that also contained unclassified papers that fall under the Presidential Records Act.


-- Jan. 11

What has Joe Biden been hiding from 2016 and beyond? No one in the press has been asking. Strange. Because a lot is not known about that time period – stuff that could explain much about the classified documents recently discovered at his homes in Delaware and at the Penn Biden Center.

Starting in 2018, Biden started doing weird stuff – he started building his "crime family."

That's when we found out that Hunter Biden claimed that he owned his Dad's home – the one his father also claimed to own. Hunter, in fact, also listed the house as his primary residence on his driver's license. This is the very same home where Joe Biden has spent a third of his presidency, in addition to his beach house in Rehoboth, without maintaining any visitor logs.

It seems there's a lot to be learned from Hunter's "Laptop from Hell," still in the possession of the FBI and FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Now do you understand why Biden's tax returns are not available after 2018?

-- Jan. 17

(In fact, the Bidens have released their tax returns through 2021.)

Many of us have been trying to figure out what's wrong with so many in our country. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the governor of Arkansas, gave the rebuttal to Biden's State of the Union. Because she has a humble heart, she called his caricature speech "crazy."

It was crazy. It was warlike. It was sinful. His statements were full of fighting words. They were proud. They were devilish.

He is far from God. He's not walking with him. He's walking the other direction.

With his words, Biden he was being thoroughly deceitful, and he's been that way for a long time. What he has been doing to this country for his entire career is despicable. What he is doing now is taking us all down to the pit of hell – if we will follow.


It comes down to humility. That's what God says.

As James, Jesus' brother, said: "Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness."

That means you, too, Joe Biden.

-- Feb. 10

Many people have read Alex Thompson's Politico story that contains the most truthful quote that Barack Obama may have ever given to anyone about Joe Biden.

Obama, you will recall, spoke with a Democrat, expressing his private doubts about Biden becoming the Democratic Party's presidential nominee in 2020.

The former president famously said: "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--- things up."


Obama was absolutely right about Biden. We've all seen it in spades. He had it exactly right.

"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f--- things up." Words that all Americans are increasingly comprehending on a daily basis.

-- Feb. 14

You had better sit down for this one. It's so bizarre, you won't believe it. I scarcely believe it myself.

The World Health Organization, a subsidiary of the United Nations run by a team of bureaucrats in Geneva, soon could have the power to dictate lockdowns, vaccination mandates, social distancing and much more in the United States.

Even surveillance of citizens.

Joe Biden is getting ready to sign the U.S. up to a "legally binding" deal that would give international politicians authority to make decisions for America during a pandemic.

And he's maneuvering so it won't require approval by the U.S Senate. I'm not kidding. And you didn't believe all those who told you that the 2020 election was fraudulent, stolen from the people, rigged and that was only the beginning?

Think again.

-- Feb. 21

(Not only is this claim not true, it was debunked months before Farah wrote about it.)

You'll be happy to hear that Joe Biden recently got a clean bill of health from his personal physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor. Of course, the report didn't mention his noticeable cognitive decline – the thing that concerns most Americans.

Nevertheless, he was cleared as fit to continue fulfilling his duties as commander in chief – with memory lapses, trips and falls, forgetfulness episodes, inability to know where he is and where he's going, nor what he is talking about.

-- March 2

Posted by Terry K. at 1:55 AM EDT
Friday, March 17, 2023
MRC Touts, Defends Tony Dungy's Right-Wing Christian Leanings
Topic: Media Research Center

Like its co-workers down the hall at, the Media Research Center loves former NFL coach Tony Dungy and, more specifically, his right-wing leanings. In April 2022, John Simmons defended Dungy after he was criticized for appearing with Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as he signed a bill claiming to boost fatherhood initiatives, calling it "just another installment of unhinged individuals with nothing better to do with their time than tear someone else down." (Um, isn't that pretty much an accurate description of the MRC as a whole?) Simmons followed up two days later with another post praising Dungy: "Instead of caving to the mob and rescinding his support to get back in their good graces, Dungy doubled down on his stance." More defenses and promotion came after that:

When Dungy was called out for hanging out with an anti-LGBT preacher, Jay Maxson used a Jan. 12 post to defend Dungy ... and homophobia:

Openly Christian NFL broadcaster Tony Dungy, a former NFL player and coach with a Super Bowl championship on his resume, is being targeted for his faith by the alphabet mob. Outsports is doing a two-part series examining his “anti-LGBT past”, starting with a smackdown over his upcoming appearance at a Christian conference in March. 

Dungy and CBS football host James Brown are both speaking at the Charis Bible College’s Men’s Advance 2023, March 9-11. They’ve been featured for years at the event hosted by “rabidly anti-gay Christian evangelist Andrew Wommack,” who has equated being gay to murder, according to Outsports co-founder and Christian shamer Cyd Zeigler.


Wommack’s anti-LGBT rhetoric uses “cruel language,’’ Zeigler charged. Two years ago, he claimed homosexual behavior is hazardous to people’s lives. Which, according to much social science research, is absolutely true. 

“If you are a Christian, if you claim to be a Christian, and you promote homosexuality as an accepted lifestyle ... if you believe that, you are taking a stand completely against the word of God,” Wommack has stated in the past. 

It’s going to be a bitter pill to swallow for LGBT people “to learn these two men openly embrace someone who has made such cruel public comments about the LGBT community,” Zeigler said, adding that 96 percent of Outsports Twitter comments expressed “discomfort with listening to someone who has embraced an anti-gay preacher discuss the NFL on television.” 

Wow, only 4 percent of Outsports followers reject Zeigler’s Kool-Aid. With its in-your-face alphabet agenda, Outsports hardly qualifies as a credible source on public opinion. 


It’s horrible that these two heretics to LGBTQABCD orthodoxy are going to be front-and-center during the NFL Playoffs the next three weekends, Zeigler moans. Mainstream America does confirm them and their religious freedom.

A Jan. 21 column by Jeffrey Lord similarly ran to Dungy's defense after it was questioned whether his right-wing sympathies made him suitable for being a featured NFL commentator:

Well. Message received. If you are a black man, you are expected to be Left. But Dungy has had the temerity to walk off the liberal plantation and think for himself - and he should be fired post-haste.

Where have we heard this bigoted line of thought before? Oh yes. Recall this 2020 headline at CNN: Biden: ‘If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black’

Which is to say, if you’re black and don’t think the way white liberals demand, then “you ain’t black.” 

In the case of Tony Dungy, this kind of woke bigotry is being used to demand that he be fired.

Maxson returned to whine in a Jan. 25 post that Outsports continued to criticize Dungy:

The ravenous LGBTQABCD mouthpiece Outsports says that, after posting six anti-Tony Dungy rants this month alone, there is “no agenda” against the Christian NFL football commentator. Talk about blathering out of both sides of your mouth! 


The “gay agenda” has not returned; it never left. LGBTQABCD fascists have completely captured pro sports and the left-stream media, who bow to them. They’re angry over the last few non-compliant sports commentators. 


Dungy’s defenders are bludgeoning the alphabet mob with debate by taking a “rhetorical steel chair to the head,” Schultz roared. Despite Outsports’ outburst of anti-Dungy attacks, he defends it by contending Christians have the freedom to express their beliefs. It just doesn’t shield them from criticism … or month-long attacks. 

Thus, “Destroy Dungy Month” aims to cancel him for expressing his Christian beliefs. Schultz still insists that the mob is not engaging in an anti-God agenda, and his post should strike everyone as being eminently reasonable. 

This is clearly the eminent reason of an alternate universe where God-fearing people are despised.

After Dungy got busted for spreading a false story about classrooms installing litter boxes for children who identify as cats, it was Tim Graham's turn to play defense in a Jan. 27 post:

Sports-section columnists can be the most aggressive liberal jerks in the opinion business. In Tuesday’s Washington Post, columnist (and University of Maryland journalism professor) Kevin Blackistone aggressively played guilt by association when Hall of Fame NFL coach and NBC football analyst Tony Dungy attended the March for Life last week.

The headline was “Dungy shows the regressive and intolerant worst in sports.” Inside the paper, a similar headline: “Dungy has offered his voice to the cause of intolerance.” Obviously, Blackistone doesn’t believe “black lives matter” when it comes to abortions.

Blackistone tried to tie Dungy to anyone who ever spoke at a March for Life, starting with Sen. Jesse Helms (in the Reagan years), Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry, and Donald Trump. Now imagine how he’d freak out if we started talking about that photograph where Barack Obama is beaming next to Rev. Louis Farrakhan.

He vaguely mentioned a tweet that Dungy deleted about the rumor/joke that high schools are putting litter boxes in the bathrooms for students who identify as cats. Dungy apologized: “I saw a tweet [Tuesday] and I responded to it in the wrong way. As a Christian I should speak in love and in ways that are caring and helpful. I failed to do that and I am deeply sorry.”


He concluded by noting Dungy is speaking at an anti-gay minister’s conference, warning: “Dungy should know going through with that appearance could be hazardous to his career.”

Before the March for Life, USA Today sports columnist Nancy Armour also trashed Dungy for his kitty-litter tweet, although she at least explained what it was. the headline was "Tony Dungy shows his true values with hateful tweet that puts transgender kids at risk."


Armour somehow thinks you can only measure God's word from the words Jesus actually said in the New Testament, and you can ignore everything else the Bible says about God making humans male and female -- "assigning them at birth." That God is apparently a bigot. 

Graham provided no evidence that the kitty litter story was a "rumor/joke," and Dungy made no claim to that effect in his apology.

Maxson served up a Feb. 12 post praising Dungy yet again, this time for encouraging prayer:

Years ago, when Tony Dungy was head coach of the Tampa Bay Bucs, the NFL issued all teams a “no prayers on the field” edict. The whole world saw that directive get blown off when Damar Hamlin’s heart stopped beating in Cincinnati this past season. Dungy and other football greats kept the faith talk rolling in their appearances before 2,000 people attending Saturday’s Athletes In Action Super Bowl Breakfast in Phoenix. 


“It’s okay to pray, and God answers prayer,” Dungy said Saturday. God is going to use Damar, and He showed us God is real. Bills’ quarterback and Hamlin teammate Josh Allen said he wasn’t too spiritual, but he saw what was happening, confessed that God is real and is using Damar for His glory.

Maxson concluded: "It’s refreshing to know that, during this era of woke sports franchises and athletes, there are still stand-up, inspirational athletes with deep faith who are setting good examples by standing on God’s Word." Maxson didn't explain what "woke" means.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:08 PM EDT
Newsmax Promotes Dubiously Sourced Attack On COVID Vaccines
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax has apparently decided it wants in on some of that COVID vaccine misinformation action that WorldNetDaily has been not-so-lucratively mining. Lynn Allison wrote in a Jan. 25 article:

A new study claims that the underreporting of adverse events linked to COVID-19 vaccination is caused by clinical, political, systemic, and media factors. The peer-reviewed study published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research claims that this lack of information has led to misguided recommendations by authorities. The study is titled “The Blind Spot in COVID-19 Vaccination Policies: Under-Reported Adverse Events.”

According to The Epoch Times, Patrick Provost, a professor in the Department of Microbiology at Laval University in Quebec City, says his study is based on a the adverse reactions suffered by two scientists who were in good health prior to vaccination. He claims they experienced several adverse events (AEs) after getting COVID-19 vaccines and still suffer the consequences.

Allison didn't mention that not only is the Epoch Times an anti-vaxxer publication, the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research leans anti-vaxxer, so it's not clear how good the journal's purported peer review is.

There is one improvement over WND's approach, though: Allison did actually note Provost's anti-vaxxer leanings and that he "was suspended by Laval University for eight weeks last summer after he said publicly that there’s no real benefit to vaccinate children against COVID-19," and she did note criticismof Provost's results:

Provost’s views were challenged by many experts, including Dr. Mathieu Nadeau-Vallée, a medical resident at University of Montreal, who holds a Ph.D. in immunology. He said that Provost is not an expert in the mRNA technology used in the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, or in the vaccination of children.

“This person doesn’t really have the expertise to speak about this,” Nadeau-Vallée.  “He’s a biochemistry professor; he doesn’t study messenger RNA, he studies small RNA. It’s not at all the same area of research. So, this is a person who is expressing themselves about a subject that they’re not really an expert in and is speaking against the scientific consensus on that subject.”  Nadeau-Vallée said that COVID-19 vaccines and public health measures have saved lives.

“Academic freedom means being able to speak about any subject but it doesn’t mean we can say false things,” he said, adding that if someone wants to speak against scientific consensus, they have to show scientific evidence.

This was all buried at the bottom of the article, however, with the questionable study claims given more prominence.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:47 PM EDT
WND's Alexander Rages Over Red States Catering To Non-Right-Wing Tourists
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Rachel Alexander -- who we last saw embracing conspiracy theories about election fraud in Arizona -- devoted her Feb. 6 WorldNetDaily column to complaining that Republican-run states are trying to attract tourists who aren't right-wingers (and, worse, may not be heterosexual):

Right in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis' own state, government tourism agencies are promoting radical LGBTQ+ causes, including taxpayer-funded "Visit Florida." Visit Orlando paid the leftist PR company MMGY for a "study" that rebuked DeSantis' policies and the laws of Florida. New York-based MMGY is one of the largest PR companies for tourism offices in the country, and also one of the most woke.

MMGY Global thanked Visit Orlando and others, including Destination DC and Greater Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau, for financial contributions to the study. The study asked LGBTQ+ individuals whether "state policies related to their LGBTQ+ identity greatly impact their decision to travel." It found that 52% said yes. Stirring up these types of views does nothing to help tourism in red states like Florida; it generates hostility and will just backfire on efforts to promote tourism there.

Visit Florida's agenda for March has just one item listed on it: "LGBTQIA+ FloridaEvents, Pride festivals, bars, beaches and destinations." There's no semblance of balance, no conservative or Christian events. Those types of activities have been scrubbed clean from tourism agencies. One of the partnerships prominently featured on MMGY's website is the "Love and Lipliner" event at the James New York hotel featuring "some of NYC's biggest drag stars."

Alexander didn't explain why Republican-led stdates shouldn't want to attract tourists who may not politically agree with them but have disposable income. Instead, she went on a rant about the PR agencies these states hired for their tourism campaigns. one of which "isn't an American company," that target people that aren't right-wing election deniers like herself and who are, of course, "woke" (whatever that means). Alexander huffily concluded:

Visit Florida's annual report shows on page 17 that more tourists come from red states than blue states. Florida's main tourism comes from seven red states, three purple states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia) and just five blue states. So why the focus on New York PR and leftist causes?

Why are multiple red states continuing to contract with woke PR companies? With the left canceling so many businesses now, it's insulting to pass over conservative PR companies who no doubt could really use the work due to being blacklisted over their politics.

Perhaps because those New Yorkers bring more tourism money to state than visitors from red states. But with Florida's Republican governor Ron DeSantis declaring war on LGBTQ people and anyone who won't play ball with his right-wing agenda, that money will start to dry up and no tourism money spent to lure them will be effective. That seems to be what Alexander wants.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:24 AM EDT
NEW ARTICLE: The MRC's 'Secondhand Censorship' Scam
Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center invented a metric designed solely to generate wildly inflated "censorship" numbers to further the right-wing Big Tech victimhood narrative. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 9:30 AM EDT
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Anti-Trans Mocking And Misgendering: MRC Spews Hate At Rachel Levine
Topic: Media Research Center

Not only does the Media Research Center hate transgender people in general, it has particular loathing for individual transgender people like Dylan Mulvaney. Another target has been transgender Biden administraiton official Rachel Levine, and it showed all through last year. Gabriel Hays sneered ina March 2022 post:

So we have another very serious, highly respected “Women of the Year” list given to us by USA TODAY and would you look at that? A biological man has been included among the roster of the influential and powerful women.

Oh wow. What an amazing, groundbreaking historical moment we have here!

The world’s first Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary to be considered a woman (even though he’s a biological man), Dr. Rachel Levine, now has the honor of being called one of USA TODAY’s Women of the Year. 

So a man is now woman of the year? And damn right, it’s our duty as politically correct Americans to nod along while clapping vigorously for her achievement.

Suzanne Hackney wrote the outlet’s entry on Levine’s new honorable female status on March 13, stating, “Rachel Levine is one of USA TODAY’s Women of the Year, a recognition of women across the country who have made a significant impact.” Ok first of all. He’s not a woman, and secondly, how does Hackney feel knowing that she has helped the patriarchy insert a male into a “woman of the year” category?


He’s not a freaking woman – no matter how much of a looker he is with his long gray hair cascading down over his spiffy new female-styled HHS Naval uniform.

And USA TODAY, how do you feel about taking this spot away from a real biological woman? Does that feel like true equality to you? Or might it be that you’re actually taking away from the achievements of actual women?

Shortly afterward, the MRC did a lot of complaining on behalf of right-wingers who faced consequences for their transpobic reactions to Levine. A few days later, it whined that Twitter temporarily locked the account of unfunny right-wing "satire" site The Babylon Bee "after the satire site posted that Rachel Levine was the site’s “Man of the Year.” Levine is a transgender woman." That was followed by a post from Alexander Hall citing another transphobe facing consequences:

Twitter censored Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk for declaring that United States Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine had lived for many years as a male. 

Who’s the man? It depends on who you ask, apparently. “Charlie Kirk, founder of TPUSA, talk radio host and outspoken conservative commentator, was suspended from Twitter on Tuesday after identifying President Joe Biden's assistant health secretary in the Department of Health and Human Services as a man,” The Post Millennial reported March 22. Kirk reportedly called out Levine and slammed the fact the official was awarded for being a notable “woman” by USA Today:

“‘Richard Levine,’ Kirk wrote, ‘spent 54 years of his life as a man. He had a wife and family. He “transitioned” to being a woman in 2011, Joe Biden appointed Levine to be a 4-Star Admiral, and now USA Today has named “Rachel” Levine as a “Woman of the Year”[.] Where are the feminists??’"


Kirk reportedly explained to The Post Millennial that "Everything I said was precisely accurate” He noted further that "Twitter still suspended my account. That should terrify every American, even those who disagree with me. What they want is submission. They have become the enemy of the truth."

That was followed by Joseph Vazquez insisting the Bee's insult was just "benign humor" -- apparently, that's how right-wingers treat all mocking of transgender people -- and whining that another Bee employee had his account suspended for spreading it. Then came a post by Autumn Johnson grumbling that a right-wing Federalist writer also got his account suspended for misgendering Levine. Tierin-Rose Mandelburg returned to whining in promoting her April 6 podcast:

Rachel Levine is the Assistant Secretary of Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Levine is also “the first female four-star admiral of the [U.S. Public Health Service] Commissioned Corps.” Ironically, the left has labeled Levine as transgender, despite the fact that Levine spent 54 years as a male before transitioning to a “female.”

Levine’s biological sex is male. Levine has the X and Y chromosomes, and scientifically is a male. Mention of that fact on social media, however, apparently draws censorship.


Big Tech allows false narratives to spread rapidly, but censors any content that doesn’t fit within the constructs of the left’s woke ideology.

Yes, not hating transgender people and treating them with the respect that every human deserves is apparently a "woke ideology."

Tim Graham spent a May 1 post complaining that anti-trans right-wingers weren't quoted in an NPR story about Levine:

The most ridiculous joke that airs daily on National Public Radio is that their evening news program is called All Things Considered. 

On the Friday night commute, NPR listeners witnessed an audio press release of sorts for the Biden administration. Transgender activist and assistant HHS secretary Rachel Levine is giving a speech to an LGBTQ health conference at Texas Christian University, and NPR promoted it like a press secretary. No opposing view was considered, certainly not about the "Christian" part.


Conservatives are forced to fund this one-sided propaganda. They are not considered. 

Conservatives like Graham don't want people like Levine to exist, let alone be gainfully employed. Why would anyone think that's a legitimate argument that deserves amplification? Nevertheless, he further whined about this in his podcast the next day.

A June 23 post by Gabriela Pariseau complaining that anti-trans right-wingers were "censored" for things like attacking Levine dishonestly framed that hate as affirming "science." In a July 20 post, Pariseau and Brian Bradley factored Levine into their completely made-up "secondhand censorship" metric, insisting that all those transphobes suspended by Twitter for insulting Levine were merely being "critical of the left's transgender narrative."

Matt Philbin ramped up the misgendering and mocking of Levine in a Nov. 7 post that we can assume he considers "benign humor":

You can’t keep a good man down. Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine is proof. Already an admiral of some sort and a USA Today Woman of the Year, Levine was recently elected to the National Academy of Medicine. 

It’s another honor, sure, but it’s also another responsibility for someone so busy berating opponents of child mutilation (Rachel is proof you can have it all, ladies!)

One day he’s at a Boston chop shop “to highlight the importance of the work that they are doing for vulnerable, transgender and gender diverse children and their families,” to warn that opposition to double mastectomies for 14 year-olds is “the tip of the spear of the culture wars.” (Stop snickering!)

Another day he’s in California warning state governments to mind their own business when they see electrical storms and eerie lights up at Castle Frankenstein.

So in light of his good work and achievements, and as his political party makes ready to reap the electoral fruits of its focus on these important kitchen table issues, we offer up this heartfelt original musical tribute to the Good Doctor. With apologies to the memory of Muddy Waters, please enjoy “Mannish Girl” by The Unwoke.

A Dec. 30 post by Catherine Salgado complained that Levine advocated for a crackdown on anti-trans hate, which she unsurprisingly falsely framed as "censorship":

Transgender activist and Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine reportedly tried to galvanize doctors to demand increased censorship from Big Tech.

Levine actively encouraged state medical board doctors to pressure Big Tech platforms to censor criticism of transgender ideology, Daily Signal Managing Editor Tyler O'Neil wrote in an op-ed Thursday.

Levine’s transgenderism has been linked to Big Tech censorship before. Satire site The Babylon Bee named Levine its “Man of the Year” and was suspended on Twitter until recently restored by new Twitter owner Elon Musk.

Levine falsely claimed that any such critiques were “medical misinformation” because there’s supposedly no “scientific or medical dispute” about the positives of experimental drugs and “transgender” surgeries.

There is actually a great deal of scientific and medical debate, and not just from conservatives. Even the leftist New York Times recently published an in-depth piece on the potential severe long-term effects of puberty blockers on “trans” kids. Activists like Levine claim that “transgender” people are likely to commit suicide unless they can get drugs or body-altering surgeries to “change” their sex.

Salgado concluded: "This is advancement of leftist dogma through the means of biased censorship." But right-wing transphobia is not a "dogma"?

Posted by Terry K. at 8:41 PM EDT
WND Exploits Damar Hamiln For Both Prayer And Conspiracy Theories
Topic: WorldNetDaily

After NFL player Damar Hamlin collapsed during a game, WorldNetDaily's first reaction to it was to build an evidence-free conspiracy theory that a COVID vaccine caused it. But it also exploited the incident for another cause: promoting prayer. It published a couple outside articles noting the prayer, and WND columnists got in on the action as well to hitch it to their own agendas. Bob Just wrote in his Jan. 4 column:

Most of the country, young and old, started seeing those video clips of the whole Buffalo team kneeling at midfield to pray for Damar Hamlin, the Bills' 24-year-old safety. Of course, millions of Americans had watched live as this moment of faith unfolded.

America started praying. Even an on-air ESPN host stopped to pray with his media colleagues. Important things became very clear, and the unimportant disappeared.

Along with the images of men kneeling in prayer, I was touched by seeing a black player (Tre'Davious White) hugging a white player (Mitch Morse), both grieving for their young teammate, now with his whole future in question, not to mention his life.

Different images from earlier NFL games came to mind – pictures of a different kind of kneeling, players "taking a knee" in angry protest. For many Americans this only made the anger worse, the pain deeper and racial division wider.

Actually, taking a knee was not an "angry protest" -- it was a silent one designed to make a statement about the way non-white people have been treated in this country. If such a silent protest made "racial division wider," it's likely because there's still more reckoning to do. he then turned to claim that the prayers for Hamlin were a racial unifier:

In fact, we don't see the best example of "antiracism" right in front of us – Christians of all races and ethnicities doing what they do every day, working together to improve their communities, whether making up Christmas boxes of food for needy families or just doing their best to love their neighbors and be responsible citizens.

The impact of millions of Christians from all walks of life – and of every race – working and praying together is America's best kept secret, thanks to the media. But now more than ever we need inspiring examples of racial harmony. They are everywhere if we'd only look.

Michael Brown glommed onto to the incident as well in his Jan. 9 column:

Around the nation, in response to the life-threatening injury to Buffalo Bills football player Damar Hamlin, people prayed. Hamlin's teammates and coaches prayed. Millions of fans joined in prayer, tweeting their support. Even on live TV, sports commentators stopped in the middle of their broadcast to pray.

But this is only natural. During times of crisis, especially life and death crisis, people turn to God.

We know the situation is grave, we know we cannot change things ourselves, and we know that only God – an all-powerful being who cares – can turn the tide.

That's why, at such times, people do not turn to atheism. They turn to God.

Two days later, Brown called for exploiting the tragedy for evangelism purposes (while of course denying he's being trying to do that):

All this is good and positive, and in many ways, this could be just the beginning of a beautiful redemptive story.

But there are certainly more things we should be praying for when it comes to Hamlin and the NFL, specifically, the spiritual condition of the men and women who are praying and talking about faith.

Do they all know the Lord personally and intimately? Have they been transformed by His love and grace? Are they followers of Jesus or simply people who recognize that, in times of crisis, we need to look to God?

To be clear, I do not ask these questions in a critical or condemning way. That's the last thought on my mind.


May the open show of spirituality that has suddenly emerged across the country, receiving widespread praise rather than criticism, continue to grow until millions have come to know Jesus for themselves.

Other WND columnnists like Jane Orient and Wayne Allyn Root were content spreading uninformed COVID vaccine conspiracy theories about Hamliln.

Bob Unruh wrote a Jan. 31 article touting Hamlin's recovery to exploit prayer:

Buffalo Bills football player Damar Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest on live television a few weeks ago. Emergency services responded, he was hospitalized and he's recovering.

There were many people who openly called for prayer for him.

Now, a Western Journal report has revealed he credits God for "using him as a vessel" during that process.


Now there's a new poll that shows two-thirds of the survey's respondents said public calls for prayer are effective.

The polling, by, in partnership with McLaughlin and Associates, surveyed 1,000 likely general election voters Jan. 19-23.

"This poll reveals that public calls to prayer after Damar Hamlin’s collapse from cardiac arrest on national television and through his miraculous healing have, at least for the moment, brought Americans together across the partisan divide," explained Jeff Myers, president of

"Prominent members of the NFL community and sports commentators were led to publicly pray for Damar, and that resonated with the vast majority of Americans."

Unruh reverted to conspiracy-theory form, however, in a Feb. 14 article framing a Hamlin non-answer about what he thinks the cause of his cardiac arrest was as proof it was caused by a COVID vaccine:

On the critical question of what caused his cardiac arrest, however, he was silent.

Asked by Strahan, Hamlin responded with a loooong pause.


Then another looong pause.


Eventually, he says, "That's something I want to stay away from."

Of course, multitudes of young and athletic men and boys across America have been reporting heart issues – and some have been dying – after they have taken the experimental COVID-19 shots that have been linked to myocarditis, and other heart ailments.

Newsweek reported his interview "provoked a flurry of new conspiracy theories on social media as to whether the COVID-19 vaccine was to blame for Hamlin's collapse and medical attention."

"It's quite clear that the reason Damar Hamlin won't disclose what nearly killed him is because what nearly killed him was the COVID-19 vaccine," tweeted One America News Network host Addison Smith.

Needless to say, Unruh did not back up his claim that "multitudes" of "young and athletic men and boys" have heart issues from COVID vaccines.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:25 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, March 16, 2023 7:34 PM EDT
MRC Dishonestly Insists Anti-Abortion Activists Are Not Targeting Contraception
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center keeps trying to argue, all evidence to the contrary, that anti-abortion activists are not planning to target contraception now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned. Alex Christy wrote in a Jan. 25 post:

Temp host Wanda Sykes invited The Nation’s Katha Pollitt on to Comedy Central’s Tuesday edition of The Daily Show to lament the terminology of pro-lifers, declaring there to be “no such thing as an abortion doctor” and allow Pollitt to spread some debunked talking points about what pro-lifers really seek to achieve.

On the terminology front, Sykes declared, “Now in the terminology that they use, it's like scare tactics, like, you know, like, partial-birth abortion, and abortion doctors. Like, no one goes to college and go, you know, ‘what you going to be’ ‘I’m going to be a cardiologist,’ ‘what you doing?’ ‘I don’t know; I think I’m going to work with feet.’ ‘What about you?’ ‘Abortion! That's all I'm doing. Just abortions.’ There is no such thing as an abortion doctor.”

Even if one accepts Sykes’s premise that there is no such thing as an abortion doctor, abortions are still preformed—that’s why Pollitt was on the show—and so to call that a scare tactic is simply wrong.


Shifting gears, Sykes wondered, “I am glad you said that, to hear that young women are active and they’re voting because we need them, because, you know, the House Majority Leader, Steve Scalise, said that Roe’s reversal and this is a quote, he said ‘only the first phase in the battle. Now the next phase begins.’ Like, what is that next phase? What, you know, what do you think that means?”

The obviously correct answer is that while Roe’s downfall was a necessary first step, the movement is now needs to turn to legislating. For Pollitt, however, the answer was birth control, “I think it means contraception. Going after contraception. That, you know, there are right-to-lifers that believe that the birth control pill is what they call a chemical abortion. They think that the morning-after pill is what you take to prevent a pregnancy, is actually an abortion.”

That is completely false. Even Planned Parenthood felt the need to counter all the fear-mongering on the morning-after pill. Fact-checkers at outlets nobody would consider pro-life have also debunked this talking point.

Christy is being dishonest. The articles he cites as evidence that anti-abortion activists are not targeting the morning-after pill refer specifically to false claims the pill had been outlawed in Tennessee and Missouri. In fact, anti-abortion activists do believe the morning after pill causes an abortion, which makes them a target -- indeed, a proposed bill in Texas would effectively outlaw them.

Five days after Christy's post went live, his co-worker and anti-abortion extremist Tierin-Rose Mandelburg went on a tirade against the morning-after pill being available in vending machines at George Washington University, ranting that "Not only does the pill placement reemphasize how devalued the life of a child is at GW, but the vending machines serve as a signal to 1. have unprotected sex and deal with none of the consequences and 2. that you need these pills in order to succeed." Does this sound like a person who does not want to outlaw this form of contraception (or all contraeption)?

Christy went on to deceive some more:

Pollitt did not let a little fake news get in the way of a good narrative, “They think the IUD is an abortion, it's like, it's in there, it's performing abortions every day. They have their own facts and I think that we are already seeing that contraception, which should be part of -- if you are against abortion, you should be in favor of contraception, because that will prevent— but we are already seeing moves to make contraception harder to get.”

Pollitt is correct. Anti-abortion activists do argue that IUDs are an abortifacient, and Hobby Lobby argued that point in a Supreme Court case designed to get it out of having to cover contraception for its employees.

The only person whose talking points have been debunked here is Christy.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:41 PM EDT
Another CNS Reporting Trick: Out-Of-Context Stats That Make Democrats Look Bad

Another one of's biased reporting tricks -- alongside cherry-picking pockets of high unemployment to attack President Biden and and compaining about the wealth of the Washington, D.C. suburbs where CNS employees live and work -- is picking metrics that make Democrats look bad while eliminating relevant context. Crajg Bannister wrote in a Dec. 2 article:

Every one of the 10 cities anchoring a metropolitan area with the most homebuyers looking to relocate, rather than enter, has a Democrat [sic] mayor, results of a new migration study reveal.

A new study of homebuyers by brokerage company Redfin examines the target destinations of prospective homebuyer searches from August through October of this year.

The study ranks metropolitan cities by their net outflow, a measure of how many more homebuyers are looking to leave an area than move into it.

San Francisco, California has the highest net outflow, followed by Los Angeles, California and New York City. Washington, D.C. has the fourth-highest net number of homebuyers looking to flee to another area, while Boston, Massachusetts comes in at number five.

Chicago (IL), Detroit (MI), Denver (CO), Seattle (WA) and Philadelphia (PA) round out the top 10 cities with the highest homebuyer net outflows.

Bannister didn't mention the fact that the Redfin study he referenced specifically cited the ability to work remotely -- not anything to do with the mayor's political party -- as the driving factor behind people moving out of large cities.

Bannister pulled a similar stunt in a Jan. 23 article:

Except for Alaska, every one of the 10 markets where consumers pay the highest prices for a gallon of gas was run by a Democrat in 2022, analysis of AAA data released Tuesday reveals.

At a national average of $3.45, the cost of a gallon of Regular gas on Tuesday was:

  • Up 2 cents from Monday,
  • Up 12 cents from a week earlier,
  • Up 35 cents from a month ago, and
  • Up 12 cents a year ago.

The highest state is Hawaii, which is an island, so gas prices have always been higher. The second highest state is California, where gas is more expensive to refine because of a state-mandated blend esigned to reduce emissions and refineries closing rather than upgrade their facilities. The price factors for those states would remain no matter which party occupied the governor's office -- something Bannister didn't bother to tell his readers.

Editor Terry Jeffrey served up his own contribution to the genre in a March 3 article:

All nine states with the lowest annual average unemployment rates for 2022 had Republican governors during that year, while all ten states with the highest annual average unemployment rates had Democratic governors.

The published the annual average unemployment rates for all fifty states.

What Jeffrey didn't mention: Most of those Republican-led states with the lowest unemployment are mostly either sparsely populated states in flyover areas or tiny states in the Northeast like Vermont and New Hampshire, while the states with the highest unemployment include three of the most populous, Illinois, New York and California.

This is an echo of an Oct. 6 article by intern Lauren Shank that claimed "the national average price of regular unleaded gas was $3.831, with top blue states charging over a dollar more and top red states charging just below the national average, which also omitted context about why gas prices are high in states like California.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:28 AM EDT
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
MRC Dutifully Parrots Right-Wing Anti-ESG Talking Points
Topic: Media Research Center

Raging against corporate policies and investing strategies that take environmental, social and governmental issues into consideration is the new hotness in the right-wing media bubble, and like its "news" division CNS, the Media Research Center did as it was told and has been dutifully spouting those anti-ESG talking points for months now, mixing in its pro-Elon Musk and anti-George Soros obsessions where it can. Here's what it cranked out during 2022:

The MRC's NewsBusters blog even republished a few CNS articles (here, here and here) to pad out its own article count for 2022, which would seem to confirm that CNS is not actually a "news" operation, if it ever was.

In a July 2022 article, Clark had a sad that college students care more about ESG-related careers than oil-related ones:

Bloomberg News revealed that U.S. college students are voting with their feet and choosing to enter the woke environmental, social and governance sector over the oil industry. 

Some students have become disenchanted with the oil industry and concerned that “fossil fuels may not have much of a future given increasing pressure from politicians, activists and investors to pivot toward more climate-friendly energy sources,” Bloomberg News reported in a July 6 article. 

A leading cause of the widespread loss of students’ faith in the oil industry is the “energy transition” as led by President Joe Biden and otherDemocrats.

A Nov. 29 article by Joseph Vazquez raged at his imagined version of ESG while touting right-wing activism against it:

U.S. states have reportedly had it with leftist behemoth investment companies like Vanguard Group exploiting woke environmental, social and governance standards to overhaul American culture into a leftist dreamscape.

Thirteen Republican attorneys general led by Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes (R) “filed a rare motion Monday” asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission “to prevent” Vanguard Group from “purchasing shares of publicly listed utility companies,” according to Fox Business.

The reason? The company has a particular obsession for ESG investing. The AGs are reportedly asking “to hold a hearing examining whether Vanguard Group should be given blanket authorization to purchase large quantities of public utility stocks due to its support” for ESGs.

ESGs are wielded to coerce companies to change their corporate policies to abide by a leftist ideological structure on issues such as climate change and gender.

The MRC's ESG obsession in January and February were largely fed by lazy repostings from CNS, mostly written by Craig Bannister:

There was also a CNS reprint touting how the MRC joined "more than a hundred other conservative organizations" in endorsing a resolution "opposing President Joe Biden’s new ESG investment rule because it politicizes and threatens the value of Americans’ 401Ks."

There were also a couple original articles as well:

The MRC is engaged in political advocacy, not "media research," in parroting right-wing anti-ESG talking points. it should be treated as such.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:51 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 11:26 PM EDT

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