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(articles are in order of their original appearance, with the most recent articles at the top)

2024 Articles

The MRC vs. Justice: The Trump Trial, Part 2
The MRC vs. Justice: The Trump Trial, Part 1
Jack Cashill's Capitol Riot Revisionism
The MRC Cheers An NPR Martyr, Part 2
The MRC Cheers An NPR Martyr, Part 1
Anatomy Of A WND Election Lie
Third-Party Concern-Trolling At The MRC
The MRC's Hunter Biden Derangement, Winter 2024, Part 2
Blowing The Whistle On Bad, Hateful Journalism, Part 3
The MRC's Dirty War On George Soros: New Year, Same Hate
A Conspiracy Promoter At Newsmax
New Press Secretary, Same MRC Hate: April 2024
Michael Brown's Deceptive Anti-LGBTQ Attacks, Part 9: Keeping The Hate Alive
Primary Bias At The MRC
Blowing The Whistle On Bad, Hateful Journalism, Part 2
The MRC's Limited Defense Of Nikki Haley
Root Gone Wild
The MRC vs. Jimmy Kimmel
WND's Gateway To Capitol Riot Misinformation, Part 2
The MRC Flips Over Elon Musk, Part 22: Payday Problems
Jack Cashill's Race-Baiting Takes
New Press Secretary, Same MRC Hate: March 2024
WND's Capitol Riot Revisionism Continues
The MRC's Selective Focus On Gun Massacres
WND Shows More Love For Putin
The Sour State Of The MRC's Union
Newsmax's Anti-Haley Shenanigans
Economist Wars At The MRC
The MRC Flips Over Elon Musk, Part 21: Burying The (Very Recent) Past
Blowing The Whistle On Bad, Hateful Journalism
The MRC vs. Media Literacy, Part 2
The MRC vs. Media Literacy, Part 1
Michael Brown's Deceptive Anti-LGBTQ Attacks, Part 8: Kindred In Hate
New Press Secretary, Same MRC Hate: January-February 2024
The Film Critic Who Thinks He's A Right-Wing Pundit
WND's Gateway To Capitol Riot Misinformation
The MRC's DeSantis Defense Brigade: The Bitter End
The MRC's Hunter Biden Derangement, Winter 2024
The MRC's Dirty War Against George Soros: The Hamas Smear
New Press Secretary, Same MRC Hate: December 2023-January 2024
Fake News At WND: Coronavirus Edition, Part 10
Fondacaro's View: Hate And Lies
Michael Reagan, Living (And Ranting) On His Father's Name
Tim Graham's Revisionist History
The MRC's Loud And Lame War On NewsGuard, Part 5
Jack Cashill, Still On The Wrong Side of History
The MRC Flips Over Elon Musk, Part 20: Anti-Semitic Cleanup
WND Laments Takedown Of Another Confederate Monument
The MRC's Hunter Biden Derangement, Fall 2023
Michael Brown's Deceptive Anti-LGBTQ Attacks, Part 7: The Hate Parade Continues
The MRC Roots Against The Economy (And America), Part 2
The MRC's Leading Liar
Manifesto-Mongering At WND
Debate Patrol At The MRC, Parts 3 and 4
WND's Election Fraud Dead-Ender Columnist
The MRC's Heathering Games Continue
MRC's New Target For Loud And Lame Attacks
Touting Trump At Trump-Free Debates
New Press Secretary, Same MRC Hate: October-November 2023
More Bogus MRC Media 'Studies'
WND Tries To Rebrand Conversion Therapy
The MRC's DeSantis Defense Brigade: Before (And During) The Fall
The MRC's Comedy Cop
Michael Brown Religiously Indulges In Politics
The MRC Flips Over Elon Musk, Part 19: Unhappy Anniversary
The MRC Roots Against The Economy (And America)
WND Remains Obsessed With Obama: The Jack Cashill File
Debate Patrol At The MRC, Part 2
The MRC's Ironic Promotion Of RFK Jr.'s Presidential Campaign, Part 2
Newsmax Parrots The Right-Wing War on NewsGuard
The MRC's Lingering Case of Stelter Derangement Syndrome: The Book Tour
Adjusting Speakers At The MRC
WND Boosts The Conspiracy Theory President (Until It Doesn't)
The MRC's Lingering Case of Stelter Derangement Syndrome
The MRC Lies To Stop Scrutiny Of Disinformation, Part 2
Newsmax Cheerleads For RFK Jr., Part 2
Slanties 2024: Slantenheimer
The MRC Lies To Stop Scrutiny Of Disinformation, Part 1
Michael Brown's Deceptive Anti-LGBTQ Attacks, Part 6: Hate As Virtue
The MRC Flips Over Elon Musk, Part 18: An Anti-Semitic Meltdown
Watching Over Wonky Whistleblowers
Fake News At WND: Coronavirus Edition, Part 9
Loving The Fringe To Own The Libs: The Case Of Russell Brand
WND Remains Obsessed With Obama: The Conspiracy Theories
Debate Patrol At The MRC
WND Remains Obsessed With Obama

Slantie Awards

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Some of the Best
of ConWebWatch

Matt Palumbo, Right-Wing Propagandist

The MRC's Dirty War on George Soros / Part 2

The Continuing Crisis -- And Consequences -- At WND

The MRC's Other Big Lie

Joseph Farah Loves The Big Lie

When The Story Turns, The MRC Hides The Truth

Conspiracy-Mongering For Trump

The MRC’s Ongoing Facebook Deception

The Epstein Deflections

Beyond Paul Nehlen: WND's White Nationalism Problem

WND's Paul Nehlen Problem

Does WND Deserve to Live?

WND vs. Yogurt

Mercer Money Motivates the MRC

The MRC's Trump Flip

WorldNetDaily's Credibility Crisis

WorldNetDaily Bails on Birthers

The Super PAC That Didn't Do Anything

The MRC's Watch-Chihuahua

'The Newsroom' Is Right: WND Makes Up Stuff

WorldNetDaily's Drum Major For Race-Baiting

How Obama-Hate Destroyed WorldNetDaily

Jerome Corsi's Cesspool

WorldNetDaily's Birther Blackout

(Don't) Tell the Truth!

CNS' Fossil-Fueled Bias

The WorldNetDaily Manifesto, By Anders Breivik

More Than An Endorsement

David Patten's Army of Bias

Aaron Klein, Extremist

The Secret Hirsen-Gibson Connection

Newsmax's Rehab Fail

The Birther Factory

Jerome Corsi's Bogus Journey

Schmoozing With Smearmongers

WorldNetDaily's Downward Spiral

WorldNetDaily: Officially Discredited

WorldNetDaily on Trial

Clinton-Hating 2.0

The Depiction-Equals-Approval Fallacy

Who's Behind WorldNetDaily?

The Anti-Kinsey Report

The Masters of WorldNetDaily

The Clinton Equivocation

Another Less-Than-Whole Story

WorldNetDaily's Junk Journalism

Prolonging the Lie

The Foley Artist

Liars and Felons Write Books, Oh My!

WorldNetDaily, Liar

Heil Hit-Slur!

And the Slantie Goes To ...

Only Liberals Have Agendas

WND vs. NYT — The Rest of the Story

The He-Man Clinton-Haters' Club

Accusations of Media Bias in the Jesse Dirkhising Case

O Larry, Where Art Thou?

Actually, They DO Dare Call It Treason

Chickening Out

Paula Non Grata

Unification Press International

HuffPost exclusives

Liberty and Tyranny -- And Misinformation

Right-Wing Tilt Drives Washington Examiner

Newsmax Condones Columnist's Fake Obama Quote

Glenn Beck's Guest is Also an Obama Conspiracy Theorist

Corsi Reflects WorldNetDaily's (Lack of) Journalistic Values

Media Matters exclusives

Hyperinflation for sale: Newsmax and Dick Morris cash in on anti-Obama rhetoric

Dick Morris uses Fox News cred to shill for Newsmax financial schemes

Klein's Obama attack book hurls kitchen sink of falsehoods, conspiracy theories, birtherism

WorldNetDaily vs. WorldNetDaily: Klein's book contradicts his employer on Obama's birth

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