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Friday, January 16, 2015
MRC: Fox News Dispute With Dish Network Is A Democratic Conspiracy
Topic: Media Research Center

The last time we saw Media Research Center videographer Dan Joseph, he was embarrassing himself by pathetically pretending to be transgender to mock the idea that transgendered people have rights. Now he's on the conspiracy bandwagon in a Jan. 13 blog post (boldface his):

Dish Network dropped Fox News and its sister network Fox Business Channel at the end of last year and the network still remains blacked out for Dish’s 14 million subscribers. Dish Network claims that they dropped the nation’s number one cable news network because of a contract dispute. 

However in recent days Fox News has begun to suggest that Dish Network is engaged in an effort to censor the network's content.

While it’s not entirely clear who’s in the right in this matter, digging into the background of Dish Network’s  founder and chairman Charles Ergen may help to illuminate why animosity between Dish and FNC has reached such epic proportions.

As it turns out, Charles Ergen is a big-time donor to the Democratic Party.  According to Open Secrets, Ergen donated a total of $64,000 to the Democratic Senatorial campaign Committee in 2014. 

The whole censorship conspiracy Joseph is pushing had one big hole in it: as a substitute for Fox News, Dish Network made available another right-wing "news" channel, The Blaze, to its subscribers. Joseph didn't mention that.

Joseph then tries to back down, claiming that such a donation "does not necessarily mean that he is targeting Fox News due to a disagreement with the network’s content." Then he negates it by bringing out the boldface again: 

But, Ergen may have a history of abusing his position of power to promote his political preferences.

In 2012, a federal complaint was filed against Ergen in which several company executives alleged that he had intimidated them into making contributions to specific candidates, the majority of which were Democrats.

The claim was filed by an unnamed company insider who accused Ergen of "forcing" Dish Network’s Chief Operating Officer Bernard Han to donate to a Democratic Party candidate in the 2009/2010 election cycle.

The complaint also claimed that Han was “encouraged" to attend Democratic functions and fundraisers and that other Dish employees were strong-armed by Ergen in a similar way.

Curiously, a couple days later when noting that Fox and Dish Network had reached an agreement to return the channels to the service, Joseph mentioned nothing about his big Democrat censorship conspiracy.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:51 PM EST
WND Tries To Sell Discredited Book In Middle of Article Admitting It's Discredited
Topic: WorldNetDaily

You can't make this stuff up, folks.

A Jan. 15 WorldNetDaily article steals a Washington Post article on a Christian book publisher recalling the book “The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven” after the boy and his mother recanted the book's central claim by admitting he did not go to heaven and said so because "I thought it would get me attention."

But what's that in the middle of WND's stolen excerpt? A plug to buy the book from WND's online store. No, really:

That's right -- WND is trying to sell you a book through an article that admits the book is a lie. 

If that wasn't insulting enough, WND isn't even offering you much of a deal on this discredited book. As of this writing, it's available for the "discount price" of $19.99, a mere $5 off the cover price.

Wouldn't be easier for WND to simply return those books to the publisher instead of cynically trying to sell a book it knows is false?

Then again, WND has no problem selling discredited books, as demonstrated by its selling of David Barton's book on Thomas Jefferson, also recalled by its publisher for its numerous falsehoods.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:40 AM EST
Updated: Friday, January 16, 2015 10:41 AM EST
Thursday, January 15, 2015
CNS' Hunter Still Obsessing Over Money Spent on LGBT Issues

Last month, deputy managing editor Melanie Hunter tried to start the ball rolling again on the website's crusade to portray any money spent on LGBT issues as wasteful. She does it again this week:

$661,858 Federal Study: Will 'Rapid HIV Home Test' Reduce HIV Infection Among Gays?

$210,871 Federal Study Uses Smartphones to Stop Spread of HIV among Gay Men – in Romania

Of the five articles Hunter has written over the past month highlighting government spending , all five have singled out LGBT issues. She has not explained why she apparently finds such spending so offensive.

It may also be that Hunter is simply providing catnip to CNS readers. Each of her articles include dozens, if not hundreds, of comments from CNS readers that can only be described as virulently homophobic. CNS has not explained why it feels the need to perform such a service to let its readers vent their hatred.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:42 PM EST
Why Won't WND's Klein Identify Key Figure Named In Sex Scandal?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Aaron Klein writes in a Jan. 11 WorldNetDaily article:

One largely unasked question surrounding the Jeffrey Epstein affair is whether any current or former U.S. political figures were videoed frolicking with the financier’s alleged ring of underage “sex slaves.”

There is evidence Epstein kept cameras hidden in the bedrooms of his various homes. Damaging videos of sitting U.S. politicians abusing schoolgirls could constitute a national security threat, providing sources of blackmail for foreign countries.

Prince Andrew is the only currently serving political figure alleged to have participated in Epstein’s underage activities. In court filings, Jane Doe No. 3, identified as 31-year-old Virginia Roberts, says that when she was 17 she was forced by Epstein to have repeated “sexual relations” with the Duke of York in London, New York and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Klein is lying when he writes that Prince Andrew is the only political figure who has been named in the case. He makes no mention of the fact that lawyer Alan Dershowitz has also been implicated in the scandal (he has vociferously denied any involvement).

Why would Klein not report Dershowitz's alleged links to this scandal, even though he's a brand-name political figure? Perhaps because he's a buddy of Klein and WND.

In 2012, Dershowitz appeared on Klein's radio show to rail against Media Matters (disclosure: my former employer) for employing a blogger who had been critical of Israel. WND has promoted Dershowitz's views when they align with WND's right-wing political agenda (which seems to be increasingly often).

It appears that Klein is trying to protect Dershowitz by not naming him in the Epstein scandal -- after all, it can't be because the accusation may not be true, since WND has no problem publishing falsehoods.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:12 PM EST
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
MRC Defends The Honor of France's Far-Right National Front
Topic: Media Research Center

It's nice to know that the Media Research Center is running to the defense of the National Front, the far-right French political group.

In a Jan. 7 item, Scott Whitlock took offense at the "false equivalence" of right-wing extremists in Europe like the National Front being likened to extremist Muslims, making sure to tell us: "Militant non-Muslims are not beheading and shooting Muslims in Europe. In general, they are calling for changes in immigration laws."

Whitlock doesn't mention that those "changes in immigration laws" he presents as so benign actually involve a complete moratorium on immigration, or that National Front leader Marine Le Pen has likened Muslims in France to a Nazi occupation.

Two days later, Curtis Houck took offense at a pundit on MSNBC claiming that the National Front has "no business" taking part in Parliament, disdainfully noting how the pundit "drew a moral equivalency between the murdering Islamic jihadists who committed the attacks and caused so much angst since Wednesday and a French political party."

And a Jan. 8 NewsBusters post by Tom Blumer sneer at the New York Times highlighting the anti-immigrant sentiments of far-right nationalists like the National Front, snarkily adding: "Yeah, those are Europe's biggest problems, not Islamic terrorism."

We'd say something about strange bedfellows, but the right-wing MRC defending other right-wingers is not strange at all.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:51 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 8:53 PM EST
NEW ARTICLE: Joseph Farah's Year of Lies About Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily
The WorldNetDaily editor spent 2014 spreading falsehoods about him -- and lying about previous lies he has spread. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 11:51 AM EST
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
The MRC's 'No True Scotsman' Theory of Christian Violence
Topic: Media Research Center

"No true Scotsman" is the informal name of a logical fallacy that seeks to exclude a person from a group for certain behavior by claiming that through engaging in that behavior, they aren't a "real" member of that group.

Or, as the Media Rsearch Center interprets it: If a Christian committed an act of violence or terror, he or she is not a Christian. The point, of course, is to  drive home the point that Muslims who commit terroristic acts, i.e. the Charlie Hebdo attack, are acting in accordance with their group.

In a Jan. 7 MRC item, Kristine Marsh took offense when someone brought up an incident of a Christian who beheaded someone last year. Marsh insisted that the perpetrator was "heavily drugged man with fanatical 'Christian' beliefs," then huffed: "While this man was rightly described as a “religious zealot,” if there’s a beheading revival sweeping Christian denominations, we’re unaware of it. It takes an awful lot of magical thinking to seriously compare one random psychotic event to a the near-weekly decapitations by ISIS – not to mention al Qaeda’s fondness for sawing off infidels’ heads on video – and other common atrocities committed explicitly in the name of Islam."

When another person on TV pointed out that Anders Breivik, who massacred dozens in Norway, was a Christian, Matthew Balan denied it in a Jan. 12 item, claiming that Breivik "considered himself to be a 'cultural Christian,' and condemned then-Pope Benedict XVI, as well as Protestant churches. So, just as in the case of the Lord's Resistance Army, Breivik isn't a serious Christian."

Yet all Muslims are somehow responsible when someone claims to kill in the name of Islam. Interesting.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:29 PM EST
'Good Guy' Jailed In Gun Incident Not As Good As WND Columnist Thinks
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jeff Knox does his best to create an unfortunate victim in his Jan. 8 WorldNetDaily column:

Just days after the horror at Sandy Hook Elementary School, a 23-year-old college student in Connecticut was a victim of another gun-related tragedy. No guns were fired, no one was physically injured, but even so, a life was ruined. William Dong was licensed in Connecticut to carry a concealed handgun. He worked for an armored-car company and, along with being a good student and hard worker, he was a budding firearm enthusiast. Unable to afford an expensive gun safe, Dong secured his small collection of firearms and ammunition in his locked bedroom in his parents’ home.

Being human, Dong was deeply disturbed by the atrocity in Newtown and the subsequent media hype surrounding that tragic event. Like many people, especially those near the event, he developed a fear of something like that happening again and being helpless to do anything about it. He was reassured by his own ability to carry and effectively use a handgun, but also wanted to have a good personal-defense carbine. That’s when William Dong made his first mistake; on a trip to Pennsylvania he purchased a Bushmaster AR-style rifle from a private seller. It’s not illegal to purchase a long gun in another state in a face-to-face transaction, but out-of-state purchases should be made through a licensed dealer. Since the rifle he purchased had a collapsible stock and other “military” features, it was subsequently banned in Connecticut, compounding Dong’s mistake.


Dong’s third mistake was deciding he was going to take a trip to the range after class one day. He put his rifle and some ammo in his car in preparation for that range session. He parked the car off campus and made a point of placing the rifle out of view behind the driver’s seat before walking to class.

A homeless woman saw the rifle when Dong transferred it to the back seat of his SUV. She then noted that he was headed toward the university campus and, with visions of Sandy Hook dancing in her head, she called the police to report a man with a gun headed toward the campus of UNH. Police and SWAT teams mobilized as Dong hurried to biology class, where he was in the middle of a test when the school went into lockdown. Dong was peacefully taken into custody a few minutes later.

There was never any indication that William Dong planned to harm anyone. He made no threats, had no history of any sort of mental illness, or even reports of odd behavior. By all indications, William Dong was just a guy who enjoyed guns and shooting who had the misfortune of living in the wrong part of the country.


Certainly William Dong made mistakes. His biggest mistake was believing that because he was a “good guy” and had no malicious intent, others would recognize that as well. Being a “good guy” is no defense against public panic.

Actually, Dong is not quite the "good guy" Knox wants you to believe he is. As the Hartford Courant reported -- and Knox failed to mention -- Dong's behavior was highly suspicious, and he made no effort to clarify it at his sentencing:

Standing before the judge, shackled and dressed in an ill-fitting orange prison jumpsuit with a gallery of onlookers listening, Dong did not solve the mystery.

"I have nothing for the court, your honor," Dong, 23, replied minutes before Judge Frank A. Iannotti sent him to prison for two years for illegally purchasing an assault weapon banned in Connecticut and other weapons charges stemming from the December 2013 scare that prompted a four-hour lockdown on the UNH campus and at schools near the university in West Haven.

It was an answer that the prosecutor, Kevin D. Lawlor, appeared to have anticipated. Before Dong spoke at the hearing at Superior Court in Milford, Lawlor called Dong "an enigma" who gave police contradictory statements as to why he had the firearms that day.


Lawlor said police discovered that Dong had repeatedly researched Connecticut's gun laws on his iPad in the weeks leading up to the incident and looked to purchase a so-called bump fire device that can turn a regular rifle into a machine gun. Two days before the lockdown, he was researching the Sandy Hook massacre, Lawlor said. Police also found newspaper clippings of the Colorado theater shooting at his home.

When questioned by police, Dong gave "conflicting" reasons for having the guns, answers that failed to tell investigators whether it was a misunderstanding or if they had just averted a major tragedy, Lawlor said.

"Those glimpses into his state of mind at the time concern me to this day and have never really been clarified," Lawlor said.

Still, Knox wants you to think Dong is a victim of anti-gun hysteria:

Media, prosecutors, and politicians went into a frenzy, declaring that a tragedy had been averted and referring to Dong as a “gunman,” with blazing headlines calling him a “Gun-Wielding UNH Student,” even though he never “wielded” a gun in the incident. Press accounts made much of the fact that police found 2,700 rounds of ammunition in Dong’s bedroom (which isn’t a lot to an avid shooter) along with newspaper clippings about the Batman movie massacre in Colorado, even pointing to the lock on his bedroom door as an indication of evil intent. Gov. Dannel Malloy quickly claimed Dong’s arrest was proof that the new firearm restrictions he had helped push through the state legislature – on top of laws that were already among the most restrictive in the nation – had worked, never mind that the new laws had little bearing on Dong’s case.


Gun control laws don’t stop lunatic killers, but tragically, they do ruin people’s lives.

While admitting he doesn't "know what was in William Dong’s heart" -- and refusing to admit Dong's own behavior and shifting statements to authorities could very well be an indication of what was in his heart -- Knox somehow knows Dong is a victim. Funny, that.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:10 PM EST
CNS Afghan Body Count Obsession Watch

We've documented how, in contrast to touting how U.S. troop casualities declined under President Bush (which involved ignoring how they also increased under Bush), is dedicated to telling us how many U.S. casualities there have been in Afghanistan. CNS does it again in a Jan. 7 article by Ali Meyer:

Fifty-five U.S. servicemen were killed in Afghanistan in 2014, bringing the total number of American fatalities in the 13-year war to 2,232, according to a database.

Of those 2,232 deaths, 1,663 – 74.5 percent – occurred since President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009. The deadliest years for U.S. personnel were 2010, when 495 were killed; 2011, when there were 404 casualties; and 2009 when the death toll was 306.

Those three years combined accounted for more than half, or 54 percent, of the total U.S. casualties in the war.

As is usual, two words you won't find in Meyer's article are "Iraq" and "Bush," even though the casualty rate in Afghanistan (not to mention the total casualty rate ) has been much lower than it was at its peak in Iraq.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:40 PM EST
Monday, January 12, 2015
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Pat Boone Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Suppose America elects a charismatic young president who makes all kinds of brave promises and sweeps into the White House. This young man not only has little political or governmental experience, but none at all in business or administration. Curiously, his upbringing is never closely examined or evaluated; it’s just assumed that anybody elected president must love America – but this young man had been trained by parents and others to consider this country a colonial oppressor and unfit to be a world leader! In college, by his own autobiographical account, he sought out Marxist professors, in not one but three colleges.

Once elected, he uses his newfound executive authority to seal off all his early school, passport and travel records, lest his true intents be uncovered. He eventually has a fake “copy of a birth certificate” created and exhibited on the White House website, complete with glaring errors that betray its falsehood. Somehow Congress seems mesmerized and intimidated from confronting him, so he creates a phalanx of legislative “czars” to regulate and virtually stifle all business and energy progress, and these “czars” – among them known Muslim and Marxist and homosexual activists – report not to Congress but directly to him!

Having declared that he considered the U.S. Constitution a “flawed” document, he proceeds as president to ride roughshod over the document and its establishment of three separate and equal branches of our government, declaring openly if Congress won’t give him what he wants, he “has a phone and a pen” and will make executive decisions and even change laws he has crammed through the legislature, determined to effectively dismantle the two-party system and the separation-of-powers concept.

Now, theoretically, many might call all this treason. But wait.

Suppose this increasingly arrogant young man, having become commander in chief of the military, begins to quietly fire and replace full admirals and generals who object to his decisions to withdraw from territories gained by the lives of 4,000 brave young Americans, and to issue more orders that will weaken the whole defense system and cost more young American lives. Treason? Wait …

Suppose this pompous man also appoints an attorney general who announces with him that they not only will enable hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to invade the country – but that they will not enforce the immigration laws themselves! This, knowing that among those undocumented aliens there would certainly be trained enemies of the United States, whose sole purpose for crossing our borders is to destroy the country he had learned to despise as a young man. And what if this attorney general concocts a scheme to furnish thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels and potential terrorists? Treason? The case is building.

Now suppose that this Manchurian (or Indonesian) Candidate, never having any business or economic experience, but knowing that one vital reason for America’s world dominance is its giant economy, forces through a weak and compliant Congress decisions that add trillions of dollars of unpayable, inexcusable debt, piling up three times more debt on American taxpayers and businesses than all past presidents combined! In this unthinkable scenario, he is systematically crippling, bankrupting and discrediting his country. And in all of this, he’s following the plan he had learned from a famous Communist Party organizer.

Now, in this imagined story, we can add the deliberate dividing of the citizens along racial, economic and political lines. We can add his awarding billions of dollars of speculative contracts to party donors and even family friends. We can toss in his leaving his command post while a U.S. ambassador and other Americans are under fire and eventually dying … to pack his bags and fly to Las Vegas for a political fundraiser. A definite Benedict Arnold comparison.

And, to leave no doubt whatsoever, while our nation is slipping into all-out war against inhuman killers who behead innocent people, this pretender in chief makes the personal decision to release known murderers from a military prison and to send them back to the Mideast, all expenses paid and with no penalty for their crimes, to supposedly “rehab” – and then certainly reassume leadership positions with our murderous enemies. No consultation with, or consent from, Congress. Just his own decision, knowing brave young Americans will face these beasts again in a battle to the death. If there’s a clearer definition of treason, I can’t think of it.

All this is theoretical, of course – but I think if such an interloper and subversive impostor were to somehow arise and become our president, if he weren’t eventually exposed, prosecuted and impeached, America should apologize to Benedict Arnold.

And his picture should be posted in Webster’s alongside the words “treason” and “traitor.”

-- Pat Boone, Jan. 9 WorldNetdaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 8:58 PM EST
MRC, Alveda King Try to Exploit Nicki Minaj's Pain
Topic: Media Research Center

You knew that Nicki Minaj's admission that she is "haunted" by an abortion she had as a teenager would be catnip to anti-abortion activists. And true to form, the Media Research Center pounces and exploits her pain.

Katie Yoder writes in a Jan. 9 MRC item:

Despite the media’s narrative, the loss of a little baby through abortion is not easily forgotten, according to pro-life leaders.

Dr. Alveda C. King, pro-life activist and niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., and others spoke at a Washington, D.C. press conference Jan. 8 to launch “Healing the Shockwaves of Abortion,” a year-long initiative of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign to reach out to those impacted by abortion. At the event, Dr. King told MRC Culture that abortion will change even singer Nicki Minaj – and that Minaj will “reach that conclusion” that abortion “was bad for me” and “bad for my baby.”

At the event, MRC Culture asked King, the Priests for Life Pastoral Associate and African American Outreach Director, how she responds to women like Nicki Minaj, who recently admitted that while abortion “haunted” her, she defines herself as pro-choice.

King acknowledged, “I was pro-choice early on.” Referencing herself and Georgette Forney, a Silent No More Awareness co-founder who once had an abortion, she said, “We were protesting because we did not understand.”

“Nicki basically said, ‘Well I guess I must still say I’m pro-choice, or I would sound hypocritical because I had an abortion,’” she explained. 

Yoder falsely privileges King with the "Dr." honorific even though her doctorate is honorary.

Yoder goes on to claim that the "Shockwaves" project "seeks to expose and heal the secrecy and silence surrounding the emotional and physical pain of abortion." If the movement's treatment of Nicki Minaj is any indication, the actual goal is to exploit other people's pain for their own political ends by claiming that some women's regret of abortion means that nobody should be allowed to have one.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:01 PM EST
WND's Diana West Is A Birther Dead-Ender
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Diana West lost her gig as a syndicated columnist a few weeks back. Her farewell column offers clues as to why -- she praises Dutch anti-Muslim activist Geert Wilders as "the greatest political hope for the Western world" and laments "the filter of conservative media," even though that "filter" is almost exclusively dedicated to editing out views that are less conservative.

Plus, she's a birther dead-ender. In that column, she proclaimed "the near-certainty that Barack Obama’s online birth certificate and Selective Service registration card are forgeries."

That's the kind of thinking that WorldNetDaily likes, so it's keeping West on as a columnist. Her Jan. 6 column is a birther screed impressive only in its denial of reality:

For starters, there’s that unsolved mystery of why there is a piece of phony electronic artwork on the White House website purporting to be an image of a 1961 government document attesting to the details of Barack Obama’s birth. That this is evidence of what is likely the biggest case of identity fraud in history isn’t news to American media investigating more pressing matters (e.g., the presidential golf game). Nor, it seems, is other evidence of fraud or forgery from different investigations and numerous court proceedings. But it’s not just media (exception: that turn their collective blind eye. Relevant federal, state and local authorities (exception: Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio) have consistently ignored, derided or buried all such evidence rather than carry out their legal responsibilities.

Interestingly, the president himself hasn’t ignored it all. He can’t. When he must, Obama has paid untold sums to legal teams to defend himself in court against the multiple challenges to his eligibility to serve as president that crescendoed in 2012.

In a case questioning Obama’s eligibility for the 2012 presidential ballot in Georgia, evidence was introduced in an administrative law court to prove that the president is using a Connecticut Social Security number (he never lived in Connecticut), that Obama’s Social Security number was never really issued to him, and that his Social Security number does not pass the U.S. government’s own E-Verify test.

As we've documented, the  "investigations" West cites -- specifically, the Arpaio "Cold Case Posse" probe sleazed into existence by WND and which Arpaio himself has admitted was merely a scheme to raise money for his re-election campaign -- are led by anti-Obama partisans like Jerome Corsi, not actual impartial investigators, meaning they could not possibly be taken seriously.

West's dismissal of the Obama birth certificate as a "phony electronic artwork" ignores the fact that a Xerox office scanner produces the same anomalies that the certificate allegedly has. No birther investigation has discredited this information.

West's evidence that the birth certificate is "phony" is a link to a 2012 "Cold Case Posse" press conference, even though it considered a joke at the time for its conspratorial leanings and lack of actual evidence.

West's insistence that Obama's Social Security number is fraudulent is contradicted by the fact that birther Phil Berg has rejected the idea. And the idea that Obama's Social Security number "does not pass the U.S. government’s own E-Verify test" is irrelevant -- as Dr. Conspiracy notes, it's likely that Obama received a new Social Security after birthers made his old one public, thus exposing him to identity fraud, and the Social Security Administration confirms that the personal records of a president have additional security restrictions on "select national figures."

West's distress that Obama lawyers have deflected some birther lawsuits by pointing out that "having a Social Security number is not a prerequisite to serving as president" betrays her ignorance of the legal process. Obama's lawyers are simply engaging in smart, competent lawyering -- there's no need to waste resources going into the Social Security if it can't be proven that it has anything to do with Obama's "eligibility." West's ire should be better directed at birther lawyers too incompetent to make their case instead of those who repeatedly and successfully counter their arguments.

West complains about the "psychosis of denial" that purportedly keeps the media from looking into birther issues, but in fact it's West herself who suffers from it. She has chosen to ignore the ample evidence that discredits her birther conspiracy theories in favor of spitefully crusading simply because she doesn't like Obama.

No wonder West lost her gig as a syndicated columnist. No wonder WND is the pretty much the only outlet that will still publisher.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:09 PM EST
Updated: Monday, January 12, 2015 12:23 PM EST
Sunday, January 11, 2015
CNS Unemployment Numbers Distortion Watch

In December, the U.S. economy added 252,000 jobs and the unemployment rate declined to 5.6 percent. As usual, you won't be reading about this at Instead, you'll hear all about these cherry-picked numbers:

Record 55,807,000 Women Not In Labor Force; Participation Rate Matches 26-Year Low

Labor Force Participation Matches 36-Year Low; 92,898,000 Out of Labor Force

White Unemployment, 4.8% -- Black Unemployment, 10.4%

Only one of the articles mentioned the fact that the unemployment rate dropped to 5.6 percent. None mentioned that 252,000 jobs were created. And the article about black unemployment waited until the fourth paragraph to mention that the 10.4 percent rate of black unemployment in December was a significant drop from November's 11.0 percent, though writer Michael Chapman insisted the rate merely "dropped slightly."

Posted by Terry K. at 10:11 PM EST
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily
So, how do we tie Holder and/or Obama to the actions of the Bronx Defenders and thus the deaths of Wenjian and Ramos? Well, we really don’t have to. It is clear – whether we study the IRS nonprofit targeting scandal, the domestic spying scandal, or Holder policies such as eschewing the prosecution of black defendants when alleged victims were white – that the global modus operandi in the administration has been top-down. The deep inculcation of radicalism, racism and anti-American sentiment in Barack Obama, senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder and Cabinet members past and present dictated this sort of action in the past, and preclude any conclusion other than DOJ complicity in the video funding project.

-- Erik Rush, Dec. 31 WorldNetDaily column

Uncle Sugar’s largesse must come from somewhere. Obama Claus’ generosity with other people’s money, his Obamaphones and his socialized, ineptly run Obamacare, his virtually endless Obama-era unemployment benefits and his swollen rolls of Obama-policy-generated welfare recipients must have a source.

-- Phil Elmore, Dec. 31 WND column

My former Italian father-in-law used to say this, half in jest: “Appreciate today, because tomorrow is going to be even worse.”

Guido, Rome’s answer to “I don’t get no respect” Rodney Dangerfield, may they both rest in peace, had it right, particularly in today’s world of President Barack Hussein Obama. If 2014 is any indication, a year that saw not only a myriad of continuing deepening Obama scandals, but, for good measure, also the opening of relations with the Hitleresque dictatorship of Communist Cuba, then 2015 promises more of the same, only worse. Indeed, under the “leadership” of our “Black-Muslim in Chief” – who favors all things African and Islamic over the rest of us – it is likely that the nation and the world is about to explode at any moment.

-- Larry Klayman, Jan. 1 WND column

After six years, some people think Obama is inept. However, if you agree that he has achieved a good deal of his original intention, which, as he vowed in 2008, included the redistribution of America’s wealth, the destruction of the coal industry, changing the way that the world viewed us and the radical transformation of America – including its economy, its health care and race relations – I’d have to say he’s been pretty damn ept!

 -- Burt Prelutsky, Jan. 1 WND column

Americans very clearly voted for opposition to Obama in November. Americans will not see any if Boehner is returned to the office of House speaker. It’s that simple.

House Republicans need to grow a pair real fast.

A vote for Boehner tomorrow is a vote for Obama.

They need to hear that, see it and feel it in their soul.

-- Joseph Farah, Jan. 3 WND column

With President Obama drunk on the powers of the presidency and defiantly challenging the Republican Party to take away the executive order proof alcohol he continued to imbibe, the American people demanded the GOP institute some semblance of prohibition with the historic vote; instead, John Boehner decided to fund the very programs and actions the voters spurned when he rushed to pass the cromnibus bill.

With this passing, Obama was allowed to continue his bacchanalia all over the United States Constitution – courtesy of a House of Representatives led by John Boehner.

-- John Rocker, Jan. 5 WND column

Suppose America elects a charismatic young president who makes all kinds of brave promises and sweeps into the White House. This young man not only has little political or governmental experience, but none at all in business or administration. Curiously, his upbringing is never closely examined or evaluated; it’s just assumed that anybody elected president must love America – but this young man had been trained by parents and others to consider this country a colonial oppressor and unfit to be a world leader! In college, by his own autobiographical account, he sought out Marxist professors, in not one but three colleges.

Once elected, he uses his newfound executive authority to seal off all his early school, passport and travel records, lest his true intents be uncovered. He eventually has a fake “copy of a birth certificate” created and exhibited on the White House website, complete with glaring errors that betray its falsehood.

-- Pat Boone, Jan. 9 WND column

While various political parties in Europe, as well as a growing civilian populace, are beginning to recognize the dangers of allowing a Muslim population to grow out of control within their borders, we in the United States still plod along naively. Of course, this is furthered by our “Muslim in Chief,” Barack Hussein Obama, who just recently granted, emperor-style, amnesty to nearly 5 million illegal aliens, many of whom are not just criminal, but also Muslim. Of course, Obama has no problem with allowing these people to remain within our borders, as he has a kinship with them. Simply put, he is both a criminal, as documented by the myriad scandals during his administration, and at least one-half Muslim. In his heart, his actions have shown that he is fully Muslim in word and deed. Obama’s pro-Islamic wings need to be clipped, and that is why in part I filed a lawsuit on behalf of Sheriff Joe Arpaio to declare unconstitutional and enjoin his executive actions granting what is in effect “amnesty” for all illegal aliens.

-- Larry Klayman, Jan. 9 WND column

The U.S. president said nothing and, in fact, did not attend the massive Sunday rally, even though heads of state of 37 countries found time in their schedules to attend. Eric Holder was scheduled to be there.

How embarrassing. I sure hope Obama’s not playing golf.

-- Barbara Simpson, Jan. 11 WND column

Who will protect freedom?

Not Barack Obama. He once again went to extraordinary lengths to make sure not to associate Islam with the Charlie Hebdo attack. Obama’s post-Paris policy is to teach the American people the “the tenets of Islam.” We already know them, Hussein, in spades.

This is, of course, consistent with his Shariah-adherent policies. Obama has a long history of whitewashing and scrubbing jihad – from Fort Hood, the Islamic State, the Oklahoma beheading, Benghazi and on and on. Why? Why did he warn us that “The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”?

Where is his allegiance? Either Obama is not so secretly a jihad sympathizer, or he’s a believer. It’s one and the same. No one in his right mind can justify the unjustifiable. But Obama does just that.

In any case, he is a perfidious president, putting all Americans in grave danger. He is sanctioning evil. Evil is made possible by the sanction you give it. Obama’s sanction and support for the brutal speech restrictions under Islamic law (blasphemy under the Shariah) has emboldened and empowered these savages.

-- Pamela Geller, Jan. 11 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 6:19 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, January 11, 2015 6:24 PM EST
CNS' Starr Gives Keystone Falsehoods A Pass In Shilling for Oil Industry

Penny Starr writes in a Jan. 6 article:

Jack Gerard, CEO of the American Petroleum Institute, says President Barack Obama is “factually incorrect” to say that the Keystone XL Pipeline will not benefit Americans.

At the press conference in Washington Tuesday, asked Gerard about Obama’s remarks in November about the pipeline, which, if approved, would transport crude oil from Canada and from two U.S. states to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

Obama said at the time that the pipeline would only benefit Canada and would not have any impact on domestic gasoline prices. asked Gerard: “In November, President Obama said at a press conference – he was asked about the Keystone Pipeline and he said, quote, 'Understand what this project is. It is providing the ability of Canada to pump their oil, send it through our land down to the Gulf where it will be sold everywhere else.' Quote: 'It doesn’t have an impact on U.S. gas prices.'"

“Let me say first and foremost, what the president said is factually incorrect,” Gerard responded, citing the U.S. State Department’s report on the pipeline, which states that, among other benefits, the project would generate more than 42,000 jobs in the U.S. during the estimated two-year construction time frame.

Actually, Gerard is the one who's being "factually incorrect" -- and Starr is too busy shilling for the oil industry to call him out on it.

As we've documented the last time Starr peddled oil industry propaganda, the Keystone pipeline will not "generate" 42,000 jobs -- the vast majority of those jobs are temporary and would last only as long as the pipeline is being constructed, and a number of them already exist. The operation and maintenance of the pipeline after construction will create only about 50 jobs.

Starr also let Gerard misleadingly suggest that Canadian oil shipped through the pipeline will stay in the U.S. -- and, thus, lower U.S. oil prices -- because "all crude oil in the U.S. – including that from Canada – is banned from export." But neither Gerard nor Starr mention that there are no limits on the export of refined oil products.

Starr is also silent on the fact that Gerard's insistence that "crude oil exports will actually lower the cost of domestic price of gasoline" flies in the face of experience with natural gas exports, which have not lowered the price of natural gas in the U.S.

We know that CNS' parent, the Media Research Center, receives funding from the fossil fuel industry, but would it kill Starr to do a little actual reporting instead of serving as a stenographer, even if that what she's being paid to do?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:41 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, January 11, 2015 10:15 PM EST

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