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Monday, August 10, 2020
Kupelian Mad That WND Is Accurately Described
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian continued his routine of pretending that nobody knows what WND is really about in a July 23 email to readers addressed to the "Pro-Family American" Kupelian likes to think is WND's readership. After proclaiming that "FIVE black conservative candidates won their primaries in Maryland!" -- something he didn't provide a link for to back up the claim -- huffed that these candidates were being ignored by the "diversity-obsessed leftist media" because the "elite media’s goal in 2020 is to paint conservatives as racist reactionaries." he then huffed (bolding in original):

Here at WorldNetDaily, we believe in telling the truth to the American people… not a far-left “narrative.”

But right now, WND is struggling … because Big Tech and the far left are doing everything they possibly can to suppress, censor and ban us, to defame us as “bigots” and “conspiracy theorists,” to wipe out our advertising revenue, to silence our truthful reporting and shut us down – and ultimately to brainwash the American people.

No, David -- WND is described as "bigots" and "conspiracy theorists" because that's what you are, and that's how you got here.

Kupelian wants people to forget it has published racial bigots like Paul Nehlen, Colin Flaherty and Scott Greer, among others. WND directly employed racial bigots like Michael Thompson and Kevin DeAnna.

Kupelian also wants us to forget that for the eight-plus years that Barack Obama ran for and held the presidency, WND pursued the never-proven conspiracy theory that he was not eligible to be president and possibly born in Kenya. The chief proponent of that conspiracy theory at WND, Jerome Corsi, was employed by WND for mroe than a decade and was so comfortable in his bigotry that he appeared on a white nationalist radio show to promote his anti-Obama work. Kupelian has yet to apologize for that credibility-destroying obsession, just as he has yet to apologize for its pursuit of conspiracy theories over Seth Rich's death.

If Kupelian doesn't want WND to be dismissed as bigots and conspiracy theories, he should stop publishing bigots and conspiracy theories and apologize for the ones he has published over the years. Simple, really.

Kupelian concluded by begging readers for money so WND can "continue reporting honestly, factually and fearlessly, something America needs now more than ever." America does need that more than ever, but it's never going to get that from WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:10 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, August 10, 2020 1:49 PM EDT

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