You can call this Hunter Biden Derangement Syndrome.
After the New York Times apparently verified the authenticity of emails found on what has been alleged to be Hunter's laptop, Curtis Houck went into derangement overdrive in a March 17 post:
In a story posted Wednesday night, The New York Times finally came around to implicitly admitting to what many knew in 2020 but, like the intrepid New York Post, were censored for saying: The emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop are indeed real. And, worse yet, the specific e-mails that The Times confirmed involved Burisma.
Worse yet for Hunter, it was revealed he took out a loan to pay millions in back taxes while a “broad federal investigation” of his life has expanded, including testimony from the woman who’s alleged he fathered a child with. Of course, this was of no interest to Thursday’s broadcast network morning newscasts on ABC, CBS, and NBC.
Speaking of burying information, The Times ended with five paragraphs about Luden Alexis Roberts, a former employee of Hunter, former stripper, alleged baby mama that sued him “for child support and paternity in 2019” and spoke with both prosecutors and the grand jury.
Hours before The Times piece, the Fox Business Network’s Evening Edit covered the news about the FOIA request.
Of course Houck praised a Fox channel for pushing the story -- he's effectively Peter Doocy's PR agent, after all.And note his enthusiasm for the more salacious details of the story, showing his ultimate motive here is personal destruction, not factual accuracy, something that can be said for many of the right-wing promoters of the story.
What he didn't do, however, is explain why this story should matter to anyone outside his right-wing bubble, or even why the pro-Trump New York Post should have been taken at face value when the story first surfaced there. As Vox pointed out, the story about the alleged Hunter laptop surfaced before the 2020 presidential election as an obvious attempt at an October surprise, the laptop itself had been handled only by pro-Trump operatives, no verification was offered of the laptop and its contents at the time and even the owner of the repair shop the laptops were dropped off at -- who is conveniently blind so he couldn't even identify who dropped them off -- is a Trump supporter. (One New York Post reporter refused to put their byline on the story.) Even though the emails may be real, it doesn't mean the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden; its provenance and chain of custody remain a mystery. The emails also failed to prove any actual corruption they could like to Joe Biden; as Vox noted, "The emails didn’t dominate mainstream media because, at least so far, they didn’t have the goods."
But when has a lack of goods stopped anyone in the right-wing media from embracing a narrative they think will work? The MRC cranked out numerous posts about it in the following days:
Some of these posts went beyond established fact to claim the entire "Hunter Biden laptop story" has been proven real -- which it hasn't.And all of these posts avoid mentioning the fact that the story would have been believed much earlier had irrefutable verification of the contents of the laptop been presented at the time to overcome the natural reflex to not believe salacious claims made during the heat of an election.
Then again, offering logical arguments are not the intent of this torrent of content -- keeping a dubious story alive by flooding the zone is. And despite this torrent, the MRC has yet to explain why anyone outside of its right-wing bubble should care about Hunter Biden for reasons that don't involve the obsessive right-wing war against the Bidens.
Joel Hirschhorn COVID Misinformation Watch, Long COVID Edition Topic: WorldNetDaily
It's been a while since we checked in on serial COVID misinformer JoelHirschhorn. He's been turning his attention lately to long COVID, a good and medically justifable thing -- but, unfortunately, he's trying to blame COVID vaccines for being a factor.
In his Feb. 3 column, he asserted that "vaccines create the same blood clot problem as COVID itself in many people," which for which he offers no evidence. In fact, the blood clot complications are extremely rare and mostly limited to the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines (the latter of which is not used in the U.S.), and that you're much more likely to get a blood clot from COVID than a vaccine. Hirschhorn continued:
Months ago, in July 2021, a brave and smart Canadian doctor, Charles Hoffe, went public with his findings on COVID-vaccinated patients. Using the d-dimer test of blood, he found that 62% of hundreds of his vaccinated patients had high numbers indicating the presence of micro blood clots. A d-dimer test measures the amount of degraded fibrin in the blood.
He did more than just release that finding. He said that the use of mRNA vaccines would "kill most people through heart failure."
In plain language he said that the mRNA shots are programmed to turn a person's body into a spike protein "factory," and that over time these mass-produced spike proteins cause progressive blood clotting.
He said what other medical experts have expressed, namely that only 25% of the "vaccine" injected into a person's arm actually stays in the arm. The other 75% is collected by your lymphatic system and literally fed into your circulation so these little packages of messenger RNA invade your body. And in a single dose of Moderna "vaccine" there are literally 40 trillion mRNA molecules.
In fact, the spike protein used in COVID vaccines is not toxic, nor does it linger in the body at any toxic level after vaccination. Hoffe is currently facing a disciplinary panel in Canada for spreading CPOVID misinformation.
Hirschhorn went on to cite "the work of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. He has noted 'immune and blood-related categories of risks from vaccines: (1) Clotting from the direct action of spike protein in the bloodstream; (2) Further clotting from the immune system attacking spike-producing endothelial cells.'" As we noted the last time Hirschhorn cited him, Bhakdi is a rabid anti-Semite.
Hirschhorn used his Feb. 21 column to hype isolated cases of myocarditis in young men who got the vaccine -- a rare but acknowledged risk -- and one case of a woman who died of anaphylaxis from getting a vaccines, then went into devil's advocate to spread doubt. He conceded that the CDC says allergic reactions to the vaccine happen in only 5 in one million people, then added, "But are the people giving the shots capable of predicting who is at significant risk of a deadly allergic reaction?" He similarly acknowledged that most medical professionals say that the risk of dying of COVID far exceeds the risk of being hurt by the vaccine, then added: "Which side are you on? Can most people reasonably estimate their risk from COVID vaccine shots?"
Hirschhorn concluded by playing the fear card again:
The main point is that people really are dying because of COVID vaccine shots. In some cases, there are no symptoms acting as a warning of a deadly outcome.
It is often argued by pro-vaccine people that no causality has been proven between COVID vaccine shots and subsequent deaths. That is not true. Autopsies are critically important. Timing by itself does not prove causality. The CDC position is: "Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem."
One can only imagine how many thousands of post-vaccine deaths could have been shown to be caused by vaccine shots if detailed, first-rate autopsies had been done and the results made public. Word is seeping out that hospitals are persuading families of their dead loved ones to cremate their bodies to avoid autopsies.
Note that a new analysis concludes: "As of 6 February 2022, based on publicly available official U.K. and U.S. data, all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death. All age groups under 80 years old have virtually no benefit from receiving a COVID-19 inoculation, and the younger ages incur significant risk."
This review shows that it is time for vaccine coercion and mandates to stop. The truth is that vaccine shots are not always safe.
That "analysis" probably shouldn't be trusted. First off, neither of its authors are medical professionals; Stephanie Seneff is a computer scientist who, as we documented, loves to spread medical misinformation, and Kathy Dopp is a mathematician who's an aggressive anti-vaxxer. The fact their study has been embraced by the likes of quack doctor Joseph Mercola is another reason not to trust it.
Hirschhorn continued to baselessly link vaccines to long COVID in his March 9 column:
There is a very high probability that recovered COVID victims succumbed to all the government coercion and propaganda and got the vaccine shots, even though they have natural immunity governments have not given credit for.
hysicians also are likely seeing "COVID" patients who never had proven COVID infection but were vaccinated. Surely there have been millions of Americans who might have been infected but were asymptomatic and did not have a positive test result. They may assume they were infected! And they very likely got vaccinated. Physicians seeing these people who are complaining of long COVID symptoms may actually be seeing people suffering from vaccine impacts. The medical reason is that spike proteins cause micro blood clots, and the main mRNA vaccines pump bodies full of spike proteins.
Hirschhorn went on to rehash Hoffe's conspiracy theories, which tells us he has no information to impart and must keep relying on the misinformers he has previously embraced.
He was still at it in his April 19 column. Surprisingly, he actually found an mainstream article that discussed the possibility, though he barely acknowleged the fact that the article called any possible link between vaccines and long COVID extremely rare. He hyped a protocol that a physician, Bruce Patterson, developed to treat long COVID, but didn't mention that Patterson has fought to keep his protocol from beingendorsed by anti-vaxx activists like the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. Indeed, Hirschhorn seems to be miffed that Patterson isn't buying into his conspiracy theories about long COVID: "In none of Patterson's considerable writings is there any mention of micro blood clots, nor has he invoked them as explaining the vascular inflammation his treatment protocol addresses."
Hirschhorn eventually complained about the lack of data on the effectiveness of Patterson's protocol -- which others have also noticed, meaning that he can get things right on occasion -- and concluded: "Sometimes it is necessary to consider whether something is really not as good, safe and effective as it's marketing proclaims, especially for a medical cure. If something seems too good to be true, it just might be false. It comes down to trust." The same can be said about Hirschhorn's conspiratorial claims.
MRC's Hays Can't Counter Lizzo, So He Mocks Her Weight Topic: Media Research Center
When you don't have an argument, mock someone's looks. The Media Research Center does this a lot with Brian Stelter, and the MRC's insult parade is only growing. Thus, we have a March 14 post by Gabriel Hays lashing out at singer Lizzo for speaking out in favor of transgender youth that leans heavily on mocking Lizzo's weight and looks. Hays begins with this tasteless sleaze:
In addition to being a big fan of food and a sedentary lifestyle, overweight pop star Lizzo is also a huge fan of abortion and allowing little kids to undergo gender transitions.
Wow, she does not advocate for anything remotely healthy, does she?
Because Hays knows he cannot hurt Lizzo with his fat-phobic insults -- they're for his right-wing readers who, like him, don't particular like black women in general and, in particular, women who could probably beat him up -- he moves on to rattling off right-wing talking points and portraying her as evil for not being a right-winger like him:
During a recent speaking gig at the South by Southwest Conference in Austin, Texas, the “Truth Hurts” singer spoke out against Texas Republicans who are against abortion and indoctrinating children with trans propaganda.
You see, for Lizzo, confusing kids and advocating for their destruction in the womb comes as naturally as ordering everything on the Burger King menu. Don’t get between her and any of those things if you want to keep your head. But petty insults aside, Lizzo’s words show that she’s not one with whom you want to leave your children unattended for long periods of time.
Lizzo then slammed the Texas politicians who are “all up in your uterus.” The pro-life ones of course. Clearly the pop star is no fan of the state’s pro-life “ heartbeat bill.”“The abortion ban is atrocious. Mind your business,” she demanded.
She also stated, “Stay out of my body. This is not political.” Uh, Lizzo, you don’t have to ask twice.
Never mind that a professional hater Hays wouldn't stand a chance with a smart woman like Lizzo in the first place. The sad thing is that Hays' cruel nastiness is what helps feed the right-wing outrage machine.
NEW ARTICLE: CNS' Favorite Hate-Filled Rabbis Topic: has spent the past year giving a platform to the far-right, pro-Trump Coalition for Jewish Values, which lashes out at anything it deems not as right-wing as it is -- including, nonsensically, the Anti-Defamation League. Read more >>
MRC Loves Hurling 'Grooming' Smear To Defend Fla. Law Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center absolutely hated that the Florida "Parent's Rights In Education" bill was dubbed by its opponents as the "don't say gay" bill. Kevin Tober, for instance, huffed in a March 28 post that is was "mislabeling" to use that term "despite the fact that not only does the word gay not appear anywhere in the text of the legislation but it doesn’t prevent children from using the word." (The bill does not outline where, exactly, use of the word is permitted.) By contrast, the MRC went overboard in labeling the bill an "anti-grooming" bill despite the fact that the word "grooming" also appears nowhere in the bill -- which not only ramped up its use of the smear that it had embraced in previous months but also seems to put the lie to its bashing of the "don't say gay" terminology.
Kathleen Krumhansl called the bill an "anti-grooming law" in the headline of her March 13 post, complaining that one Telemundo host "fell for calling the bill 'Don´t Say Gay'" and that other hosts "chose to go along with has been aptly decried as the grooming of the youngest in a subject they cannot fully comprehend: sexuality and gender."
Matt Philbin served up his own weird definition of the bill in a March 17 post: "Dishonestly dubbed by the media the 'Don’t Say Gay' bill, the legislation would ban FLA teachers discussing or teaching sexuality to children five to eight years-old. This is some sort of gay rights outrage. Apparently grooming is a First Amendment right." Philbin huffed a March 22 post that Disney is being "bullied by lefty employees for not more forcefully endorsing the sexual grooming of grade schoolers" and whined that the bill was "dishonestly dubbed by media lefties the 'Don’t say Gay' bill."
John Simmons called it an "anti-grooming bill" in a March 23 post, and Elise Ehrhard called it an "anti-grooming law" in a March 27 post. The next day, in the same post complaining about the "don't say gay" terminology, Tober huffed that bill opponents were using "a familiar leftist media talking point that wanting to protect young children from being sexually groomed is somehow waging a 'culture war.'"
On March 30, Tober got mad that MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle called out the "grooming" smear as used by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis spokesperson Christina Pushaw, pointing out that he was trying "to equate the mere acknowledgment of LGBTQ identities to child abuse," labeling Ruhle "unhinged" for doing so. Simmons returned to suggest on April 1 that LGBT people deserve no rights because there aren't enough of them to be concerned about: "School boards everywhere are rising up to combat Florida’s anti-grooming bill. And America fawns over this agenda and its proponents, despite the fact that LGTBQIA+ people make up less than six percent of America’s population."
Tober went on a rant in an April 3 post defending the right-wing culture war against LGBT actvists like him as exhibited by the Florida bill:
On Sunday’s Reliable Sources, host Brian Stelter opened his show with a bizarre segment complaining about Florida’s anti-child grooming “Parental Rights in Education” law, and defending Disney’s self-destructive turn towards wokeness and in support of sexually indoctrinating their young audience.
Just as crazy was the chyron that ran on the bottom of the screen which read “LGBTQ Community Latest To Be Caught In Culture War” as if the “LGBTQ community” wasn’t the one who started this whole controversy in the first place, as NewsBusters' Tim Graham prudently pointed out.
Stelter demonized his own country when claiming "there is an ugly history in the United States of portraying gays, lesbians, transgender people as perverts, as predators who are preying on children” while alluding to his favorite target Fox News of the Disney controversies: “when I see some of the coverage in the last week, seems to me they are just repeating an ugly history.”
Tober never disproved anything Stelter said about the "ugly history" in the country about demonizing LGBT people -- presumably because he knows it's true and that he himself is actively involved in that demonization by pushing the "grooming" smear.
Krumhansl gushed in an April 6 post about "The anti-grooming laws being enacted throughout the nation, and which grant parents the right to educate their young children on the subjects of sex and gender identity-as opposed to teachers at school," then lied that the the bills were not about inciting anti-LGBT hate, insisting that the bills "are not about grownups, or even remotely fostering any kind of hatred; they simply give parents the right to decide when and where to talk to their children about sexual orientation and gender identity."
Tober embraced the right-wing culture war again in an April 14 post, declaring that if the midterm elections are seen as "a choice between Democrats who are 'focused' on the economy that has led to 40-year high inflation, or Republicans who seek to protect children from sexual abuse and grooming, the contest won’t even be close."
The capper on this campaign, though, was an April 6 post by Philbin that not only defended the "grooming" smear, it bizarrely pretended the only coordinated campaign comes from people criticizing the smear, not the people forwarding it:
So it’s more than a little amusing when the left complains it’s being “smeared” over its opposition to the Florida law against talking sex and gender with K-3 students. Woke folk resent being called “groomers.” Just because they deem it imperative that school libraries include dirty books doesn’t mean they’re pedophiles.
Even better is the coincidence of timing with these complaints. Somebody’s press shop woke up to the unpopularity of the progressive position, the talking points started flying and here comes the deluge of outraged takes.
That last question is a hoot: “Why are conservatives so concerned about ‘grooming’?”
It’s really quite simple: because we can’t imagine any other reason to be upset about not talking sex with kindergartners. For thousands of years parents have gotten through their children’s 9th birthday without uttering “gender-queer” or “pan-sexual.” This is due to a variety of factors, including prepubescent children’s mental and emotional immaturity and the rarity of such disorders. Oh yeah, and because talking about that stuff to tee-ballers is f**cking creepy.
If you’re hopping mad about legislation that enjoys the support of 61% of people (including 55% of Democrats) and simply codifies common-sense and decency, maybe take a step back.
If you feel compelled to discuss sex with someone else’s child, you might be a groomer. Take it from a racist.
Philbin identified no person who was "talking sex with kindergartners" before the law was approved, in florida or anywhere, that would have justified the law's implementation. He was also silent about the right-wing press shop that advised right-wingers like himself to spread the "grooming" smear.
If you're pretending there is no coordinated strategy behind right-wingers suddenly smearing all LGBT people as groomers for simply mentioning the fact that they exist, you might be a homophobic right-wing hack.
CNS Keeps Up Cruz Stenography To Start The Year Topic:
We've documented's enthusiam for serving as a stenographer for Republican Sen. Ted Cruz -- 46 articles about his pontifications in 2020 and 72 in 2021. That PR effort continued in the first three months of 2022:
That's 17 stenography articles, keeping him on pace to achieve his 2021 total. There was no fact-checking, of course, and Cruz's critics were rarely granted an opportunity to respond to his attacks by CNS writers.
And just as is the case with another favorite CNS stenography subject, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, CNS rarely reports any criticism of Cruz or anything that might make him look bad. For instance, when Cruz took his infamous 2021 vacation to Cancun while the Texans he represents were suffering the effects of a freak winter storm that knocked out power to many parts of the state, CNS did no article about that. It did get a couple mentions in other articles, though; an article by Melanie Arter about Texas Democratic politician Beto O'Rourke quoted him noting that Cruz "is vacationing in Cancun right now, when people are literally freezing to death in the state that he was elected to represent and serve," and an anonymously written article complained that longtime CNS target Bette Midler "sent out a couple of tweets at the end of last week attacking Sen. Ted Cruz (R.-Texas) for briefly accompanying his wife and children to Cancun, Mexico when a winter storm was hitting his home state of Texas."
Tim Graham's Jill Biden Derangement Syndrome Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center has a weird complex over first lady Jill Biden, hating for acting like a first lady instead of whatever Melania Trump did (which the MRC, of course, aggressively defended). MRC executive Tim Graham in particular seems to have developed a case of Jill Biden Derangement Syndrome -- a weird affliction because Graham may be the only person in whom she has engendered that kind of irrational rage.
Last October, Graham melted down over a "softball" TV interview Biden did: "There were no difficult questions about how Attorney General Merrick Garland wants to investigate angry parents who attend school board meetings (as the National School Boards Association compares them to domestic terrorists)." Of course, Graham's depiction is a lie, but nobody has ever accused Graham of being a stickler to facts that are inconvenient to his right-wing narratives. Graham spent another October post lashing out at a different "largely softball interview" with Biden and how "the liberal anchor gushed over how 'real' and 'approachable' the First Lady was." (Two words that are rarely associated with Melania Trump, by the way.)
Graham used a December post to grumble that a newspaper wouldn't use the TV celebrity brand "Dr. Oz" to describe Mehmet Oz in its coverage of his Pennsylvania Senate campaign, though "many papers rush to honor 'Dr. Jill Biden,' who has a Ph.D., but isn't a physician."
In a Jan. 17 post, Graham complained that an Associated Press article didn't trash her like he would: "AP should stand for Associated Publicists when they write on Democrat first ladies. ... There’s no space here to write anything negative or critical, like how Jill Biden was expected to lead an effort to reunite separated illegal-immigrant families, but then she wasn’t." He concluded bhy huffing: "AP's journalism reads more like a marketing ploy. Or a charity run to assist the Democrats." Says a guy who receives a six-figure salary to help run a charity that assists Republicans.
In his March 2 column, Graham comes weirdly close to sounding like Vyvyan ranting about Felicity Kendal by complaining that people are too bloody nice to Jill Biden (bolding in original):
On February 27, CNN anchor Pamela Brown (whose father John Brown served as the Democrat [sic] governor of Kentucky) robotically read a Twitter thread from Jill Biden. She introduced it like this: “First Lady Jill Biden addressed the anxiety so many of us are feeling about the ongoing war in Ukraine and the uncertainty of the future.” She can speak for “so many of us,” if she’s talking about CNN’s audience full of Democrats.
Then Brown spent nearly a minute and a half reading 198 florid First Lady words (duplicated on screen) about how parents and teachers and military families are coping, and where to find mental-health resources, and how “Joe and I continue to pray for the brave and proud people of Ukraine.” CNN White House reporter Kate Bennett also had a brief article about this on
The Russians are bombing Ukraine, and CNN wants you to feel grateful that we have the Bidens in the White House to help us cope with the disturbing results of the president’s geopolitical fecklessness.
There they go again, that “so many people” are cheered and charmed by Jill Biden. The apples in the “Facts First” commercials have been replaced with the image of CNN planting Valentine’s hearts on the White House lawn.
He went on to complain about the existence of coverage about Melania Trump's weird decision to get into the scammy-seeming NFT market, which didn't exactly work out the way she hoped, as if such an obvious grifter move wasn't newsworthy.
Graham should really get that Jill Biden Derangement Syndrome treated before it metastasizes throughout the entire MRC the way Obama Derangement Syndrome has. If he gets studs embedded into his forehead, it's time to really worry.
WND's Mercer Thinks Insulting Trudeau's Manhood Is A Proper Way To Defend Canadian Trucker Protest Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily columnist Ilana Mercer has a weird fixation on her idea of manhood, so it's no surprise that one of the things she did in support of the trucker protest in Canada was insult the manhood of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as she did in her Feb. 17 column:
Where, in the story of the travails of the world's heroes, the Canadian Truckers for Freedom, are we?
Justine Trudeau, who fled like a girl into hiding when the lorry drivers, kids in tow, first arrived in Ottawa, has done what this writer had feared he'd do: After instituting some of the most diabolical COVID restrictions in the world, Justine has the dubious distinction of invoking "the never-used Emergencies Act," martial law, in essence, to quash peaceful, democratic civil disobedience, with nary a democratic debate in the People's House of Commons.
"With the emergency powers," warns legal scholar Jonathan Turley, "Trudeau can now prohibit travel, public assemblies, conduct widespread arrests and block donations for the truckers. This also includes freezing bank accounts and ramping up police surveillance and enforcement."
Been there done that, Mr. Turley, Esq.: Trudeau had already instituted some of these measures through COVID restrictions. Countrywide, unvaccinated Canadians have been locked out of society, turned into untouchables. They cannot travel within their own country, work for their own government, attend university without being shamed and segregated, or take employment in the health sector, public or private.
And he's done this evil with vim and venom. Never before have I heard a Western leader boil over with bile for his mostly-white, working-class countrymen. With his daily invective, Trudeau outdoes the Democrats, stateside. Having libeled the truckers as racists, misogynists, insurrectionists and confederate sympathizers – Trudeau likewise regularly calls the unvaccinated racists, misogynists and anti-science extremists, even pondering whether he should "tolerate these people."
Mercer didn't exactly debunk Trudeau's assertion; instead, she whined that "Not only is the tinpot dictator Trudeau currently moving to arrest protesters – but he is freezing private property in the form of funds belonging to these brave, working-class individualists." In reality, the protests interfered with business in Ottawa and blocked U.S.-Canada trade, costing local businesses millions of dollars in revenue and blocking billions of dollars in trade.
When Trudeau finally cracked down and dispersed the disruptive protesters, Mercer went the white nationalism route (with another dose of insulting Trudeau's manhood) in her Feb, 24 column:
Although our side won the first round – Canadian dicktator Justine Trudeau having suddenly caved and revoked the unconstitutional emergency powers seized for no good reason shortly after extending them – the battle is just beginning. We are not afraid to say that this is part of a war on whites.
Conservatives persist in pretending the Canadian Convoy for Freedom, which has served as a lodestar for liberty lovers across the West, was purely class-based and a multicultural affair. The anti-white impetus convulsing the Anglosphere continues to be a blind spot papered-over on our side, although it is an unspoken reality.
We believe that the crackdown in Canada is anti-white in essence and that such an assertion is axiomatically true. Was it not self-evidently clear every time the camera panned out? Put it this way: Do you think Trudeau would have boiled over with such bile as he did, bringing the full weight of the Security and Surveillance State down upon these good, hard-working trucker families, if this protest were brown and black in sizable numbers? Please!
Do you think that the "man," Justine, would have labeled and libeled the truckers as racists, extremists, misogynists, insurrectionists and confederate sympathizers if a good chunk of them were brown and black? Neva! In operation is the bias that dare not speak its name – for to point out anti-white racism is itself considered racist.
Imagine if Donald Trump had declared a state of emergency under the U.S. National Emergencies Act during the 2020 race riots. Imagine how the degenerate progressives who framed BLM-wrought destruction as a form of national cleansing and renewal would have reacted. This columnist had actually called for bringing in the Feds to uphold natural rights, on the grounds that "protection of natural rights trumps federalism." But nothing materialized. Trump left law and order up to states and localities. He and the useless GOP impressed upon us that if we expected our natural right to live unmolested by mobs be upheld, we Deplorables would have to relocate to states like Florida or South Dakota.
Trudeau has implemented the Jan. 6 playbook in Canada.
Mercer seems to think that criminals shouldn't be treated like criminals. Again, she doesn't disprove Trudeau's claims about some of those in the protest. And those petty insults of Trudeau's manhood make her look silly.
MRC Psaki-Bashing, Doocy-Fluffing Watch Topic: Media Research Center
Curtis Houck's job at the Media Research Center is to bash Jen Psaki and act as a fawning cheerleader for Peter Doocy and other right-wing reporters. He filled that role as expected in his summary of the March 9 White House press briefing:
A day after President Biden announced a ban on Russian oil and as gas prices surged to record highs, The Psaki Show featured hardballs Wednesday afternoon on the impact of the Biden economy on consumers. Chiefly, questions from Fox News’s Peter Doocy and Fox Business’s Edward Lawrence led Psaki to struggle to defend the White House’s policies on inflation, gas prices, and a refusal to support expanded domestic energy production.
First, to Lawrence’s fact-checking of Team Biden. He began by calling out their continued flaunting of “green energy” as Americans struggle to stay afloat, let alone purchase an electric car.
Doocy Time arrived a few minutes later and started with a simple question:“Why did you guys decide to rebrand the rise in gas prices as the ‘#PutinPriceHike.’” That was followed by a second part:
[W]e have heard the President warn for months that gas prices were rising because of the supply chain and because of post-pandemic demand. If you guys knew for months that this was going to be the #PutinPriceHike, why are we just hearing that now?
After Psaki doubled down, Doocy shifted to drilling, with the Biden flack suggesting permitting was all that needed to happen before drilling (which the American Petroleum Institute has fact-checked)
Houck then linked to an article from the MRC's "news" division,, that pretended a lobbying group's PR campaign was a "fact-check."
Houck also dutifully transcribed how Doocy pushed his employer's right-wing talking points about the Keystone pipeline:
Doocy tried to make things simpler, wondering “a restart of the Keystone XL construction” is “completely off the table as long as Joe Biden is President.”
When Psaki replied that Doocy should “tell” her “what that would help address,” the Fox correspondent noted that the administration has said “all options are on the table” amid an energy crisis.
Doocy also wondered why we’re not partnering with “a friendly ally,” but Psaki maintained “the pipeline is just the delivery mechanism” and “not an oil field.”
Doocy tried one last time on Keystone restarting, but Psaki sniped that “it would not address any of the problems we’re having.”
Only a right-wing hack like Houck would describe a factual statement as "sniping." (And no mention, of course, of Rosen being a credibly accused sexual harasser.)
For his writeup of the March 14 briefing, Houck had a new pair of right-wing reporters to gush over:
Monday’s episode of The Psaki Show featured Fox News’s Jacqui Heinrich and Newsmax’s James Rosen grilling Press Secretary Jen Psaki over the Biden administration showing weakness when dealing with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the lead up to his invasion of Ukraine as well as their reluctance to provide Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with the military support he needs.
The first one out of the gate was Fox's Jacqui Heinrich who, in light of the news her Fox colleague Benjamin Hall had been injured, wanted to know how the Biden administration would respond now that it appears that Russia is now shooting at American journalists:
Henrich was ready to take the gloves off, pressing Psaki that if the United States doesn’t draw a “red line at something like chemical weapons” wouldn’t it make it easier for Putin or other bad actors to use them in the future not worry about consequences?
In her typical style, Psaki gave Heinrich an attitude claiming that “you heard the President say on Friday that there would be severe consequences and the world would respond if they were to use chemical weapons.”
Later on in the briefing, Psaki called on Rosen, and you could tell she immediately regretted it because Rosen really took it to her:
Rosen’s follow-up question was just as brutal. Rosen argued that Biden and NATO allies never let Putin doubt what consequences he might face if he invaded Ukraine, Putin was told upfront what would happen, so Rosen wanted to know “why a greater effort wasn't made to leave Mr. Putin in doubt about the consequences he might face?”
Psaki responded that the reason why is because Biden is “the President of the United States of America, and he felt it was important to be clear with the American people about what his intentions were and what they were not.”
Notice that it's always Psaki who has an "attitude" and never the right-winbg reporters hurling biased questions at her.
Houck gushed over Heinrich again playing pedantic word games in his writeup of the March 16 briefing:
If you can believe it, Wednesday marked the 200th episode of The Psaki Show (as per the AP’s Chris Megerian) and it featured some of everything, including a quintessential softball question about whether President Biden’s a morning or evening person and hardballs from Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich and Gray TV’s Jon Decker on the latest Biden White House word games.
A few reporters later, it was Jacqui Time and she picked up on an argument Psaki had made throughout the briefing that the guns, missiles, and other military equipment and firepower supplied to Ukraine in the war against Russia were merely “defensive” weaponry and not “offensive”
Asking her to “lay out for us why the administration sees MiGs as provocative and javelins and stingers as not provocative,” Psaki said with a straight-face that “javelins and stingers are defensive weapons” whereas “MiGs are planes — are offensive weapons, which are a different type of military system.”
It's weird that Houck would tacitly credit Psaki's dedication to her job by holding her 200th briefing; he made sure not to mention that Donald Trump's White House went more than a year without holding a press briefing, or that his beloved Kayleigh McEnany abandoned her job by refusing to hold briefings after the Capitol riot.
Fake News: WND Thinks Obama Is Lying About Being Vaccinated Topic: WorldNetDaily
Just because Barack Obama left the White House more than a year ago doesn't mean that WorldNetDaily has stopped pushing Obama conspiracy theories . On March 13, Joe Kovacs embraced a wacky conspiracy theory about Barack Obama catching COVID despite being vaccinated:
J.D. Rucker at the Liberty Daily suggested Obama may, in fact, be lying about his vaccination status.
"I say he is 'allegedly' triple-jabbed because I've started questioning whether any of the globalist elites are actually getting the COVID injections or if they're lying," Rucker said.
"It's conspicuous that despite the massive number of adverse reactions being reported every day, we never hear about the people at the top of the globalist food chain experiencing negative effects from the jabs they allegedly get. It's just as easy to get jabbed with saline as it is with the so-called 'vaccines.'
"Of course, Obama used this positive test result as an opportunity to claim he's grateful for getting injected and to encourage others to do the same. As we've noted many times, there is no way to know if getting injected mitigated the damage done by COVID on an individual, so when they say they're better at fighting the infection than if they were not vaccinated, they're gaslighting."
Kovacs made no effort to fact-check Rucker, of course -- he offers no evidence whatsoever to back up his conpsiracy theory -- nor was there any mention of the fact that the dominant Omicron strain is so contagious that people who are vaccinated can still catch it, though they usually have less severe symptoms than an Omicron victim who isn't vaccinated.
MRC Gets Predictably Triggered By 'After School Satan Clubs' Topic: Media Research Center
After School Satan Clubs don't actually worship Satan; they're a cheeky response to things like after-school "Good News Clubs" foisted upon children by right-wing evangelicals and, unlike those clubs, teach critical thinking skills and a non-religious worldview. The mere idea of the club is enough to trigger right-wingers into apoplectic rage. And just like Lil Nas X's provocations, the MRC fell for it. Gabriel Hays cranked up the manufactured rage in a Jan. 13 post about one such club:
Remember guys, conservative parents concerned about what their children are exposed to might be extremists, or worse, domestic terrorists. On the other hand the staff teaching kids pernicious CRT lessons, disturbing LGTBQ and trans orthodoxy and allowing Satanic afterschool programming are noble victims of the militant parents.
Yes, you read that correctly: a Satanic after school club is the latest abomination to pop up in a public school.
Really, they’re invoking Satan for the destruction of Christian imagery. And, whether they worship Satan or not, they’re still doing the job for him at the end of the day.
Back to the diabolical after school program. The club’s flier features a disturbing tagline which reads, “Hey kids, let’s have fun at after School Satan Club!” Yeah kids, that doesn’t sound weird at all.
The paper then tries to reassure parents that at the club they will teach kids “Benevolence and empathy, Critical thinking, Problem solving, creative expression, and personal sovereignty” – of course outside the Judeo-Christian framework of morality. That sounds like a recipe for disaster.
You know who else pursued “personal sovereignty” outside of God’s kingdom? Yeah, the devil himself.
Also what systems of “benevolence and empathy” divorced from Christianity have we seen crop up in recent years? Black Lives Matter and Antifa. And we all know what kind of fulfillment those groups brought to our society.
The MRC is notalone on the right-wing outrage beat; Fox News similarly melted down over the club, so much so that Satanic Temple spokesperson Lucien Greaves got to appear on Tucker Carlson's show.
When the club was discussed at a Pennsylvania school, it was John Simmons to serve up the performative outrage in an April 20 post:
Most schools offer things like sports teams, book clubs, or music lessons for kids after school. But one school in Pennsylvania is considering offering an extracurricular activity that is literally demonic.
The Northern Elementary School board in York, PA will hold a probationary vote to allow an After School Satan Club in the school, continuing a disturbing trend by self-proclaimed Satanists to weasel their way into elementary and grad schools. This particular club was pushed by a parent who was upset that the school allowed a Bible study in the school during operating hours (oh, the horror!).
Sponsored by the Satanic Temple, the club would offer "activities such as science and crafts projects, puzzles and games and (students) would learn about benevolence, empathy, critical thinking, problem-solving and creative expression." The organization at large is making a concerted effort to establish chapters in response to the Christian Good News Clubs that are currently in many schools across the country.
While benevolence, empathy, etc. , sound nice, no organization that supports abortion and opposes the good morals taught in the Bible should be teaching any of those things.
Furthermore, the fact that an organization that named itself after the father of all evil wants to teach young children these things is more unsettling than the transgender ideology that is infiltrating our schools.
Organizations like this do not belong in schools, and children should not be trusted to men like Greaves. There is no middle ground and there should be no compromise.
Congratulations, boys, on being appropriately triggerred and feeding the MRC's outrage machine as you're paid to do.
Before The War, CNS Loved Gay-Bashing From Putin, Russian Orthodox Church Topic: may be questioning the Russian Orthodox Church now that it is Vladimir Putin's handmaiden in keeping the Russian people supporting its war against Ukraine. But it will not surprise you to learn that CNS -- particularly managing editor Michael W. Chapman, who is already on record as endoring Putin's gay-bashing moves -- thought the Russian Orthodox Church was pretty cool when they expressed a similar hatred of LGBT people and was getting cozy with Putin.
A November 2015 article he wrote featuring Franklin Graham bashing then-President Obama for not hating gay people enough featured a photo (though only the caption remains) showing Graham "meet[ing] with Patriach Kirill of Moscow and All Russia," and it also quoted Graham cheering how he "very much appreciate[s] that President Putin is protecting Russian young people against homosexual propaganda, if only to give them the opportunity to grow up and make a decision for themselves."
When asked his opinion of laws promoting homosexual "marriage" and LGBT "rights" in Western Europe and the United States, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, said such laws "are at odds with the moral nature of human beings" and cause people to rebel against them, and he stressed that perverting marriage and reproduction -- children in families -- "poses a significant threat for the existence of the human race."
"What’s happening in the Western countries is that, for the first time in human history, legislation is at odds with the moral nature of human beings," said Patriarch Kirill in a Nov. 21 interview on (Russia Today).
He added that the legal and social pressure to accept homosexual marriage and related phenomenon "is very reminiscent of what was happening under Soviet totalitarianism."
Chapman even touted another Orthodox leader's Russian leanings. A May 2017 article featured Greek Orthodox bishop Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus demanding that Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan "convert to Orthodoxy or face 'eternal and unending' suffering in Hell, along with Muhammed and his followers," adding that he "further advises Erdogan to be instructed and then baptized in the Orthodox church and to ask his ally, Russian President Vladimir Putin, to be his godfather."
Pat Buchanan -- for whom CNS editor Terry Jeffrey worked during his presidential campaigns in the 1990s -- has also long been a fan of Putin and the Russian Orthodox church's entanglements with him. He defended Putin's land grabs in a 2014 column:
Is Russia really reconstituting the Soviet Union? True, Putin seeks to bring half a dozen ex-Soviet republics, now nations, into an economic union to rival the EU. But where the state religion of the USSR was Marxism-Leninism, i.e., communism, Putin is trying to restore Russian Orthodox Christianity.
There is a difference, as there is a difference between Stalin murdering priests and Putin prosecuting Pussy Riot for blasphemous misbehavior on the high altar of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
(CNS reporter Penny Starr cheered in a 2014 article that Pussy Riot members were "convicted in 2012 of hooliganism after desecrating Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a Russian Orthodox church, by dancing and chanting obscenities on its altar" and complained that members of Congress hailed their bravery in taking a stand against the church's closeness with Putin.)
Buchanan gushed in a November 2016 column that "With Communism dead, Vladimir Putin invokes the greatness and glory of the Russian past and seeks to revive the Orthodox faith."
Buchanan did even more sucking up to Putin in a July 2017 column: "Putin is not Pope Francis. But he is not Stalin; he is not Hitler; he is not Mao; and Russia today is not the USSR. Putin is an autocrat cut from the same bolt of cloth as the Romanov czars." He added that "The Russia of Tolstoy, Pushkin, Solzhenitsyn and the Orthodox Church belongs with the West."
Buchanan hyped the ties between Putin and the church in a May 2018 column:
After being sworn in for a fourth term, Vladimir Putin departed the Kremlin for Annunciation Cathedral to receive the televised blessing of Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The patriarch and his priests in sacred vestments surrounded Putin, who, standing alone, made the sign of the cross.
Meanwhile, sacred vestments from the Sistine Chapel were being transported by the Vatican to New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art to adorn half-clad models in a sexy show billed as "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination." One model sported a papal tiara.
The show proved a sensation in secular media.
One Europe is turning back to God; the other is turning its back on God.
And when Vladimir Putin and Belarus' Alexander Lukashenko are standing up for traditional values against Western cultural elites, the East-West struggle has lost its moral clarity.
In a July 2018 column that particularly didn't age well, Buchanan tried to portray Putin as benig: "The ideology that drove its imperialism is dead. There are parties, demonstrations and dissidents in Russia, and an Orthodox faith that is alive and promoted by Putin. Where, today, is there a vital U.S. interest imperiled by Putin?
One vary rare voice of dissent, however, was a September 2016 column by Eric Metaxas warning his fellow conservatives against cozying up to Putin over his anti-gay edicts because he was trying to shut down non-Orthodox religions, including other Christian sects.
MRC Claims YouTube Is 'Censoring' Gabbard (By Making You Click A Button First) Topic: Media Research Center
Like its "news" division, the Media Research Center has always had a soft spot for Tulsi Gabbard as a Fox News Democrat who would appear on the channel for saying Fox News-friendly things while pretending to be a Democrat. In 2019, it came to Gabbard's defense after Hillary not-inaccurately called out her pro-Russia leanings.
Gabbard's embrace of right-wing social media earned the MRC's approval as well. Last August, Alec Schemmel touted her as among the "thought leaders" joining right-wing video site Rumble, and a December post by Gabriela Pariseau hyped right-wing radio host Dan Bongino listing Gabbard as a "liberal Rumble user."
So when Gabbard got in trouble again for her pro-Russia leanings after Russia invaded Ukraine, the MRC was more than happy to turn her into the latest "victim" of "big tech." Alexander Hall did exactly that in a March 14 post under the headline "YouTube CENSORS Gabbard’s Fox Interview: ‘They Wanna Turn Ukraine into Another Afghanistan’":
YouTube labeled a Fox News interview featuring former Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbardas being potentially “offensive” or “inappropriate.”
Since when is calling for peace inappropriate?
Ingraham Angle host Laura Ingraham asked Gabbard in an early March interview, “Congresswoman, why are we talking about no-fly zones instead of the fact that for the first time we have President Zelensky stepping back from his earlier NATO wishes and even demands?”
Gabbard indicated shock that few people are discussing a statement by Zelensky on ABC News that “he's open to the fact of saying, ‘Hey, yeah, maybe we'll set this NATO membership thing aside,’ and he's willing to talk with Putin directly to negotiate.”
Hall went on to complain that YouTube "slapped the Fox News video with two layers of censorship" -- none of which are actually censorship since the video could still be watched on YouTube; it simply put filters on it for viewers to click through. Hall also hid the fact that Gabbard used her fox News appearance to effectively demand that Ukraine capitulate and unconditionally surrender to Russian demands over NATO in order to stop the war,though there's no guarantee Vladimir Putin would do so even after getting what he wanted.
Hall devoted a March 17 post to letting Gabbard whine about being a victim:
Former Democratic Rep.Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii skewered Big Tech for having “CENSORED” an interview of hers where she criticized Western interference in Ukraine.
“YouTube/Google are offended by my criticism of the Military Industrial Complex and my advocacy for negotiated settlement in Ukraine, because they are the social media arm of that warmongering Power Elite/MIC,” Gabbard explained in a March 16 tweet. Her tweet features a video of an internet user having to go through several complicated steps to see anIngraham Angle interview with Gabbard.
YouTube smeared the Fox News video with two censorship filters: one suggesting that “This video may be inappropriate for some users,” requiring viewers to click or even sign in to verify their age, according to Gabbard’s video. Another filter claimed “the following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.”
What's so "complicated" about clicking through a couple (non-censorship) filters? Hall doesn't explain.And given the MRC's support for Florida's "don't say gay" law, it's nonsensical for Hall to demand that age restrictions be lifted on a video that discusses the bloody business of war and goes into paranoid rantings about the "Military Industrial Complex."
Hall's manufactured victimhood for Gabbard resumed in a March 24 post:
At it again? Former Democratic presidential candidate and Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard torched Big Tech companies, saying she was censored again for cautioning against the U.S. going to war.
Fox News’s Ingraham Angle host Laura Ingraham asked Gabbard in a late March interview: “Why is calling out what many have called the Military Industrial Complex now offensive to Big Tech?” Gabbard acknowledged that a previous interview of hers was censored with multiple filters, but also said she was censored yet again: “Just before coming on your show today, I found out that Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, is also suppressing my voice.” She said her reach on the platform for that particular post shrunk by approximately 90 percent.
Like CNS before him, Hall didn't mention that Gabbard's Instagram traffic drop coincided with Instagram being banned in Russia, where Gabbard had an audience for her pro-Russia, anti-Ukraine rantings, which seems relevant.
A few weeks later, when Russian TV argued that Gabbard should be Donald Trump's running mate in 2024, the MRC remained silent.
The fake-news hits on COVID just keep coming from WorldNetDaily. Like this March 13 article by Art Moore:
CDC data show the Millennial generation suffered a "Vietnam War event," with more than 61,000 excess deaths in that age group from March 2021 to February 2022, according to an analysis by a former Wall Street executive who made a career of crunching numbers to make big-dollar investment decisions.
Edward Dowd, who was a portfolio manager for the multinational investment firm BlackRock, posted the results of an analysis he did with an insurance industry expert on the social media platform Gettr.
In an interview Thursday with Steve Bannon on "War Room," he said that what they found was "shocking."
The Millennials, about ages 25 to 40, experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality over that period, he said, describing it as the "worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history."
It was the highest increase in excess deaths of any age group last year, seven times higher than the Silent Generation, those who are older than 85.
And the increase coincided with the vaccine mandates and the approval of the booster shots.
"Basically, Millennials experienced a Vietnam War," Dowd said, noting 58,000 people died in the conflict.
Moore liked Dowd's spiel so much, apparently, that he interviewed Dowd for a March 16 article in which he repeated those conspiracy theories:
In a video interview Wednesday with WND, a former Wall Street executive whose analysis of CDC data shows an alarming rise in deaths among Millennials over the past year amid the COVID vaccine rollout said he's hoping to start a national conversation that will penetrate an establishment media "blackout" by emboldening people across government and private industry to speak out.
"That's my goal, to just change the conversation, to give people cover," said Edward Dowd, a former portfolio manager for the multinational investment firm BlackRock.
Dowd said the implications of his conclusions are "grim" and "mind-boggling."
"If I am correct – and let's assume I am for the sake of this argument – we have the greatest, colossal financial and human fraud endeavor in the history of the globe."
Unlike Moore, Reuters fact-checked what Dowd -- who is not a medical professional -- said on Bannon's show, and given WND's track record of promoting fake news, it's totally wrong:
While Dowd claims the deaths are due to vaccine rollouts, this CDC data represents excess deaths from COVID-19.
The CDC also notes on the page that there are several limitations to the data, saying it is provisional and incomplete. “The estimates presented may be an early indication of excess mortality related to COVID-19, but should be interpreted with caution, until confirmed by other data sources such as state or local health departments,” the CDC says on the page.
CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) told Reuters via email that the provisional data on CDC’s WONDER database ... does not show that the percent increase since 2019 reaches 84% in any month for the 25-44 age group.
“And these excess deaths should most certainly not be attributed to specific events or causes – they just represent an overall higher number of deaths in this age group relative to previous years and could be due to any number of different factors (missed COVID-19 deaths, missed emergency care for conditions like heart disease, increases in drug overdose deaths and motor vehicle traffic fatalities, etc.),” NCHS said.
Kyle Sheldrick, a medical doctor and researcher, also debunked the video in a Twitter thread (here). Sheldrick explains how Dowd and the unidentified man who examined the data created their graph using CDC data (here), and points to the spread of the dangerous Delta variant as the more likely reason for spikes in deaths in the second half of 2021.
WND really should know better than to give a platform to sketchy anti-vaxxers with questionable, easily debunked data. But it doesn't, and that's why it's on the verge of extinction.
NEW ARTICLE -- Out There, Exhibit 81: Upbeats And Beatdowns At The MRC Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center loves washed-up musicians who spout right-wing political and COVID narratives -- and lashes out at the ones who won't. Read more >>