If there's one right-wing congressman loves to quote more than Jim Jordan, it's Sen. Ted Cruz. He loves to be in the news, and CNS loves to devote articles to whatever right-wing talking point du jour he's dishing out. How much? Let's count (we are just counting stenography-focused articles in which Cruz is named in the headline, not all references). We'll start our 2020 count here:
- Sen. Cruz: Obama Administration Paid for the Missiles Fired at U.S. Bases Tuesday Night
- Sen. Ted Cruz Anticipates Trump Acquittal: No Allegations of Law-Breaking
- Sen. Ted Cruz: Democrats 'Terrified' That 'Evidence of Real Corruption' Will Emerge in Senate
- Cruz Mocks Pelosi: Trump Will Be ‘Acquitted Forever of These Bogus Impeachment Charges’
- Sen. Ted Cruz: Americans, Not Foreigners, Should Get the Jobs
- Sen. Cruz Introducing Bill to Discourage Chinese Censorship of American Movies
- Sen. Cruz: China is 'Greatest Political Threat' to U.S. -- Espionage, Censorship, Murder
- Sen. Cruz Gets a Haircut at Shelley Luther’s Dallas Salon After Texas Supreme Court Trims Her Jail Sentence
- Sen. Ted Cruz: What Obama Admin. Did Makes Everything Nixon Did Pale in Comparison
- Sen. Cruz: Rosenstein Like Sgt. Schultz in 'Hogan's Heroes': 'I See Nothing, I Hear Nothing'
- Sen. Ted Cruz: DACA Decision 'Is About 5 Justices Who Want Amnesty to Continue'
- Sen. Cruz: Justice Roberts is Using High Court to ‘Achieve Policy Outcomes He Desires’
- Ted Cruz: Biological Males Should Not Be Allowed to Compete in Girls’ Sports
- Sen. Cruz: 'We Need Leaders to Stand Up and Defend America Unapologetically'
- Cruz Blasts 'Deranged' NYT, WashPost for Slanting Trump's Mt. Rushmore Speech as 'Dark, Divisive'
- Cruz, Scalise, McCarthy Among 141 Political Leaders Signing ‘Declaration of Energy Independence’
- Cruz: What Dems Are Doing Is Like Bull Connor Fighting Desegregation
- Cruz: Pelosi Wants to Shovel Cash to Her Friends, Shut Down America
- Sen. Cruz: GOP and Democrat COVID Relief Bills Spend ‘Way Too Much Money,’ Don’t ‘Solve the Problem’
- Cruz: 'Peaceful Protests Must Be Protected. Riots Must Be Stopped'
- Sen. Cruz: 'It's Likely to be a Long, Long Time' Before U.S. Pays Off $3.78T in Debt Added This Year
- Sen. Cruz: 'Elizabeth Warren As Treasury Secretary; Bernie Might be Secretary of State'
- Sen. Ted Cruz Warns: Our Basic Freedoms Are 'One Vote Away' From Disappearing
- Sen. Cruz Asks DOJ to Investigate Film That 'Sexualizes 11-Year-Old Girls'
- Sen. Cruz: Americans Elected Trump Because 'They Wanted Principled Constitutionalists on the Court'
- Sen. Cruz: SCOTUS Nomination Is About Free Speech, Religious Liberty, 2nd Amendment, Not Health Care
- Sen. Cruz to Former FBI Director Comey: Under Oath, Who's Telling the Truth, You or McCabe?
- Cruz: We Need Justices Loyal to the Constitution, Not Cocktail Parties
- Sen. Cruz: 'John Roberts Has Become the New Sandra Day O'Connor'
- Sen. Ted Cruz: 'I'm Worried About the Election'
- Cruz: ‘We’ve Heard Virtually Not a Single Word About Judge Barrett’ from Democrats
- Sen. Ted Cruz: If Voters Are Pessimistic, Depressed, and Hopeless, That Helps Democrats
- Sen. Cruz: Without Barrett, We Are ‘One Vote Away’ From Losing Our Liberties
- Sen. Cruz: 'Who in Their Right Mind Would Want the USA Ruled by 5 Unelected Lawyers Wearing Black Robes?'
- Cruz Blasts Twitter, Facebook For Censoring Story Linking Joe Biden to Burisma
- Sen. Cruz: 'Stunning' What We Saw Last Week: Reports of ‘Potential Corruption,' Then Censorship
- Sen. Cruz: ‘Media’s Docile Willingness to Cede Power to Big Tech… Poses the Single Greatest Threat to a Free Press’
- Cruz: Joe Biden Knows Media ‘Lapdogs’ Will Ignore, Big Tech Will Censor, Hunter Biden Laptop News
- Sen. Ted Cruz: Big Tech Interfering in the Election by Blocking Story on Hunter Biden
- Sen. Cruz to Twitter CEO: 'Who the Hell Elected You' to Decide What News Americans Can See?
- Sens. Cruz, Johnson, Lee Demand Google CEO Respond to Study Showing Get-Out-The-Vote Messages Went to Only Liberals
- Sen. Ted Cruz: 'The Fundamental Question Is, Are We Going to Follow the Law?'
- Ted Cruz: 'Facebook, Twitter and Then Google...Pose the Single Greatest Threat We Have to Free Speech'
- Sen. Cruz Says He Would 'be Happy' to Argue Pennsylvania Voting Case in Supreme Court: 'It's a Pure Issue of Law'
- Ted Cruz: 'If We See a Biden Administration, We Will See Them Abusing Their Power on a Daily Basis'
- Cruz: Think Shutdowns Are 'Appropriate'? Then 'Halt ALL Salaries at CNN & Microsoft'
That's right -- Cruz got a whopping 46 articles devoted to him in 2020 -- and that doesn't even cover the entire year. An issue in CNS' search database kept us from reviewing articles in February, March and the first half of April, meaning that CNS racked up that number of Cruz stenography in just nine and a half months.
The fawning coverage from CNS continued in 2021:
- Sen. Ted Cruz: Electoral Commission Should ‘Consider the Evidence and Resolve the Claims’
- Sen. Cruz Urges Colleagues: ‘Don’t Take the Easy Path’ - Take ‘Door Number Three’ to Ensure Legitimate Election
- Ted Cruz: ‘The President’s Language and Rhetoric Crossed a Line and It Was Reckless’
- Sen. Cruz: 'We Have Robust Political Speech. People Are Entitled to Be Idiots'
- Sen. Cruz: Democrats Pursue ‘Doomed’ Impeachment Trial Because Hatred of Trump Defines Their Party
- Ted Cruz: ‘I’m Willing to Bet That 80 Percent of the Men Named Karen Voted for Joe Biden’
- Sen. Ted Cruz: GOP Is Now the Party of the Working Class; Democratic Party Is the Party of Wealthy Elites
- Sen. Ted Cruz to State Dept. Nominee: ‘Words are Cheap,' Stop Putin's Pipeline
- Sen. Ted Cruz: HR-1 Is 'Single Most Dangerous Piece of Legislation Before Congress'
- Cruz: Becerra ‘Never So Much as Distributed French Fries at a McDonald’s’
- Cruz: Disarming Law-Abiding Citizens Would Make Crime Worse
- Sen. Ted Cruz: Illegal Aliens Testing Positive for COVID at Six Times Higher Rate Than U.S. Population
- Cruz: Biden Administration Using COVID to Muzzle the Media on Migrant Facilities
- Cruz: HR 1 Automatically Registers Anyone Who Interacts with Government to Vote, Including Illegal Immigrants
- Cruz: ‘Biden Administration Has Over 16,000 Children in Custody. We Went and Toured the Biden Cages’
- Sen. Cruz: Biden ‘Political Operative’ Tried to Block Me from Filming the Border Crisis
- Cruz to Austin Mayor: Don’t Turn City into San Fran with ‘Violent Homeless Population Doing Drugs and Defecating in Streets’
- Sen. Cruz: 'Democrats Actively Encouraging Riots & Violence'
- Sen. Cruz on LeBron's Tweet: 'The Left Consistently Goes After, Attacks, and Demonizes Police Officers'
- Sen. Cruz: Democrats' Priority Is 'To Stay in Power Forever'
- Cruz to Democrats: Oppose ‘Rabid Anti-Israel, Conspiracy-Theory-Tweeting Radical’ for Pentagon Post
- Ted Cruz Sums Up Biden’s First Hundred Days: ‘Boring, But Radical’
- Sen. Cruz Rejects Corporate PAC Money, Tells 'Woke' CEOs: 'I Hope the Democrats Take Your Calls'
- Ted Cruz: ‘We’re Teaching Our Children to Obey Arbitrary Gov’t Mandates that Just Drill into Their Everyday Lives’
- Sen. Cruz: 'Corrupt Politicians Act' Would Strike Down States' Voter Integrity Laws, Including ID Requirements
- Sen. Cruz: ‘We’re Seeing Crisis after Crisis after Crisis’ Because Biden Admin. Is the Most Radical in History
- Cruz: Schumer Doesn’t Want to Talk About Israel Crisis Because He Fears an AOC Primary Challenge
- Sen. Cruz: Democrats, Lefty Bureaucrats and Media Trying to Turn Our Military ‘Into a Bunch of Pansies’
- Sen. Cruz Introduces Bill to Ban Vaccine Passports
- Sen. Cruz: 'We Should Be Balancing the Budget Right Now'
- Sen. Ted Cruz: ‘Barbaric. Speaker Pelosi Refuses to Say an Unborn Baby at 15 Weeks is a Human Being’
- Is a 15-Week-Old Unborn Baby a Human Being? Sen. Ted Cruz: ‘Absolutely’
- Ted Cruz: 15 Things You Can’t Say Anymore Because They Can Get You Fired, Canceled, and Erased
- Sen. Cruz: 'Of Course, They Should' Require Voter ID
- Sen. Cruz: How “The Left Is Like the ‘Terminator’”
- Cruz: Critical Race Theory is a 'Lie,' 'Poison Being Poured Into the Minds of Our Kids'
- Sen. Cruz Weighs in On #FreeBritney: 'It's Friggin’ Ridiculous'
- Texas Sen. Cruz: Dems Who Fled the State Over Voter Verification Bill Had to Show I.D. to Board Their Private Jet
- Sen. Cruz: COVID Vaccination Should Be a Choice ‘For Parents and Kids to Make’
- Cruz on Reported Pipeline Deal: ‘Biden Is Defying U.S. Law and Has Utterly Surrendered to Putin’
- Sen. Cruz: White House Working With Facebook to Suppress COVID Postings is an ‘Absolute Abuse of Power’
- Sen. Cruz: Biden-Big Tech Censorship Collusion Is ‘Frightening,’ ‘Same Thing’ You See Happening in Cuba, China
- Sen. Cruz: ‘No’ to Pathway to Citizenship for Illegal Aliens
- Cruz: Latest Mask Guidance Is 'Pure Politics'; Mandates for Americans, But Not for Illegal Aliens?
- Cruz Cracks Up, Cracks Joke When Bernie Sanders Sprints to Catch His Elevator
- Sen. Cruz: ‘No’ on Infrastructure Bill, and ‘I Don’t Need to Read 2,700 Pages to Know Why’ I’ll Vote No
- Ted Cruz: Watch ‘Clown Car at CNN’ Inadvertently Argue for Voter ID by Listing Activities that Require ‘Papers’
- Sen. Cruz Introducing Legislation to Ban Vaccine Mandates, Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports
- Sen. Ted Cruz Blocks Dozens of Nominees Over Nord Stream Sanctions Dispute
- Sen. Cruz: ‘Of Course,’ the $28.4 Trillion Federal Debt Is Too Much
- Sen. Cruz: Biden's Afghan Exit is an 'Embarrassing Spectacle' and 'National Security Catastrophe'
- Sen. Cruz: U.S. 'Must Not and Will Not Leave Our Citizens Behind Taliban Lines'
- Sen. Ted Cruz to Blinken: How Many People on List You Gave to the Taliban Have Been Targeted for Torture or Murder?
- Sen. Cruz: ‘Not Remotely’ Confident That Afgan Refugees Don’t Pose a Threat in U.S.
- Sen. Cruz: Biden Doesn't Understand Taliban; They 'Are Terrorists Who Want to Kill Us'
- Sen. Cruz Finds 10,503 People Waiting for Border Patrol Under a Texas Bridge
- Sen. Cruz: 'There's No Doubt That President Biden's Capacity Is Severely Diminished'
- Sen. Ted Cruz: ‘Stunning. Biden Promises Accountability for Clinton & Cuomo’
- Sen. Cruz: COVID Shows Democrats Are 'Jackbooted Thugs'
- Cruz: Biden’s Policies Responsible for 430,000 Percent Increase in Catch-and-Release at Border
- Sen. Ted Cruz Introduces Bill to Hire 500 New Judges to Immediately Adjudicate Asylum Cases
- Sen. Cruz: 'This Memo Is Politics'; AG Garland Had No Basis for Claiming There's a Disturbing Pattern of Violence
- Sen. Cruz on Abortion: ‘Every Life Should Be Protected’ From Conception to Natural Death
- Sen. Ted Cruz Issues 11 Proclamations of ‘Truth’ Regarding America
- Sen. Ted Cruz Proposes ‘Win-Win’ Way to Give Every Illegal Immigrant $450,000
- Sen. Cruz: 'Really Unfortunate' That 13 House Republicans Helped Pass BIF; Boosts Momentum for 'Socialist Agenda'
- Sen. Cruz: “The White House Is Saying ‘Ignore the Injunction’ – and “This Is Not the First Time They’ve Done This”
- Cruz: The Biden Administration Wants Your Electricity Bill, Heating Bill to Be Higher
- Cruz to DHS Secretary: ‘You’re Right’ the Immigration System Is ‘Broken, But You Broke It’
- Cruz: Admin. Canceling ‘Illegal Alien’ a ‘Politically-Motivated and Orwellian Attempt to Manipulate and Control Language’
- Sen. Cruz: “These Politicians Say They Don’t Give a Damn: ‘Either Obey, Comply – or You’re Fired’’
- Kamala Harris: Omicron Virus ‘Is No One’s Fault;’ Ted Cruz: ‘EXCEPT FOR THE PART WHERE’…
That's a total of at least 72 articles -- which is more stenography than it did for its favorite right-wing radio host, Mark Levin, last year. (Levin might want to raise some question with CNS over why he's not being fawned over to previous levels.) And as with Levin, nearly all of them lack any sort of pushback by a critic -- it's almost entirely straight stenography.
CNS did have to take a break from Cruz-fluffing in early February to crank out articles attacking Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for highlighting that Cruz effectively tried to have her and other members of Congress killed via the Capitol riot because of his support for overturning the election. CNS also made sure not to criticize Cruz for taking a vacation to Cancun during a freak winter storm in Texas that disrupted power across the state and resulted in the deaths of people; it did complain, however, that Bette Midler tweeted about it.
Most members of Congress would kill to get publicity like this -- so fawning, it's almost as if Cruz had paid CNS to do it.