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Saturday, December 7, 2013
MRC Invents A Biden 'Gaffe'
Topic: Media Research Center

Scott Whitlock writes in a Dec. 4 Media Research Center item:

Vice President Joe Biden unleashed another gaffe on Tuesday while talking to female employees at an internet company in Japan. According to the Examiner, Biden was "scheduled to address the company's female employees" and "discuss the economic impact of women in the corporate world." Instead, while talking to the women, he blurted, "Do your husbands like you working full time?"

ABC's Good Morning America, CBS This Morning and NBC's Today all ignored the remark. Imagine if a conservative Republican like Rick Santorum had made such a similar comment? The politically correct media would likely trot out the "war on women" theme.

But as the Washington Post points out, Biden asked the question for a reason -- to bring up the issue of women in the workplace in a country where sexism still dominates:

Biden agreed to highlight the issue because the Obama administration, which has made women’s rights a key pillar of its foreign policy agenda, wanted to support Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push for women to augment the shrinking workforce in a nation with a rapidly aging population and plummeting birthrate. In Japan, an estimated 60 percent of women quit their jobs after having children, in part because companies do not offer flexible leave or work schedules and day-care options are expensive and scarce.


At the Japanese Internet company, [U.S ambassador for global women’s issues Cathy] Russell told an anecdote about her own experience when she quit her job as then-senator Biden’s staff director to raise her children full-time. After 10 years, she called him to ask if he’d hire her back on a part-time schedule.

“He said to me, you come back whenever you want, on whatever schedule you want, because you are worth it to me,” Russell said.

Aides said that behind the scenes, Abe thanked Biden for highlighting the issue, and Biden introduced Russell to both Abe and South Korea’s Park. Russell paid separate visits to government officials in Japan and South Korea, visited students at two women’s universities to learn more about their concerns and ambitions and also met with survivors of violence at a pair of women’s shelters.

The Post also noted that CNN’s Jake Tapper "apologized to Biden on the air for failing to 'provide the proper context' while playing the sound bite of the vice president’s remarks in Tokyo." Don't hold your breath waiting for the MRC to issue a similar apology.

Much as the MRC would like this incident to forward the conservatively correct meme that Biden is a gaffe machine, there wasn't a gaffe here.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:33 PM EST
WND's Farah: Don't Mourn for That Commie Mandela
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah devotes his Dec. 6 WorldNetDaily column to remembering Nelson Mandela by trashing him, under the headline "Don't Mourn for Mandela":

Maybe you say: “But Farah, he was fighting against the evil of Apartheid!”

Yes, that is true. Apartheid was inarguably an evil and unjustifiable system. But so is the system Mandela’s revolution brought about – one in which anti-white racism is so strong today that a prominent genocide watchdog group has labeled the current situation a “precursor” to the deliberate, systematic elimination of the race.

In other words, the world has been sold a bill of goods about Mandela. He wasn’t the saintly character portrayed by Morgan Freeman. He wasn’t someone fighting for racial equality. He was the leader of a violent, Communist revolution that has nearly succeeded in all of its grisly horror.

If apartheid was so evil, why does WND employ a columnist, Ilana Mercer, who laments the end of that evil system?

And as we've previously noted, the group that labeled the current situation in South Afrida "a 'precursor' to the deliberate, systematic elimination of the race" has since reduced its alert level.

Farah also writes:

You will read today many stories describing Mandela as a “political prisoner.”

In fact, he served 27 years in prison for 23 specific acts of sabotage and attempting to overthrow the government.

It was only a year ago that some of the international press began to report the truth about Mandela for the first time. Last December, the London Telegraph reported that, indeed, the records showed Mandela was not only a member of the South African Communist Party, he held a “senior rank.”

By the way, Mandela was offered his freedom while incarcerated many times. All he had to do was renounce terrorism. He wouldn’t do it.

Farah leaves out a lot of context. Given that much of the Western world, incluiding the United States, condoned if not outright supported pro-apartheid governments in South Africa, Mandela had to find support from somewhere. 

Farah's claim that Mandela stayed in prison only because he refused to renounce terrorism ignores what Mandela actually said on the subject:

What freedom am I being offered while the organisation of the people remains banned? What freedom am I being offered when I may be arrested on a pass offence? What freedom am I being offered to live my life as a family with my dear wife who remains in banishment in Brandfort? What freedom am I being offered when I must ask for permission to live in an urban area? What freedom am I being offered when I need a stamp in my pass to seek work? What freedom am I being offered when my very South African citizenship is not respected?

Only free men can negotiate. Prisoners cannot enter into contracts. 

In other words, his freedom would be meaningless in a country that still practiced apartheid.

Finally, we suspect that Farah's disdain for Mandela "attempting to overthrow the government" doesn't similarly apply to anyone attempting to overthrow the Obama administration, like WND columnists Larry Klayman and Erik Rush.

(P.S. Yes, the above image is really the cover of the current issue of WND Weekly.)

Posted by Terry K. at 9:46 AM EST
Friday, December 6, 2013
CNS Unemployment Numbers Distortion Watch

If you read today, you would never know that there was good news in the latest unemployment numbers -- a drop in the jobless rate from 7.3 percent to 7.0 percent, and 203,000 new jobs created.

CNS produced three stories on the new numbers, none of which promote the good news. Here are the headlines:

60 Straight Months of Unemployment at 7% or Higher

41% of Net New Jobs in November Were in Government

1,148,000 Fewer Americans Have Jobs Today Than 7 Yrs Ago

These articles again state that "The business and economic reporting of is funded in part with a gift made in memory of Dr. Keith C. Wold." Is CNS' blatant bias and dishonesty in reporting jobless statistics -- a staple of CNS' work in the past year -- what Wold really paid for?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:04 PM EST
WND Reacts Unhappily to Pope's Critique of Capitalism
Topic: WorldNetDaily

There have been a lot of outraged right-wing reactions to Pope Francis' critique of capitalism. WorldNetDaily, of course, can't help but take it to the next level.

Johnathan Moseley took the pope's words quite hard, lamenting in a Dec. 1 WND column that "Jesus was a capitalist, preaching personal responsibility, not a socialist," adding: "Jesus Christ is weeping in heaven hearing Christians espouse a socialist philosophy that has created suffering and poverty around the world. It is impossible to love one’s neighbor as yourself without fighting against socialism, meaning government meddling in private lives."

Ileana Johnson Paugh used her Dec. 3 column to bring in the conspiratorial ranting WND is famous for, claiming that the pope's "social justice" gospel was really an invention of the KGB:

 The Latin American pope from Buenos Aires spoke for the masses that are still waiting for “social justice.” Yet the United States always pledges and helps when tragedy strikes; Americans give generously of their wealth, time and expertise. “Social justice” is an entirely different manufactured creature.

According to Lt. Gen. Ion Pacepa, the Soviet communist-led idea of “social justice” was infiltrated successfully by the KGB into Latin America’s Catholic Church as a religious movement called “liberation theology.” The goal was to “incite Latin America’s poor to rebel against the ‘institutionalized violence of poverty’ generated by the United States.” (Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, “Disinformation,” WND Books, 2013)

From the government’s point of view, what kind of “social justice” are the masses waiting for when pining for socialism and communism? They are waiting to vote again and again for the same individuals and socialist or communist governments that brought them to poverty and kept them perennially downtrodden. They are waiting for socialist governments to give them welfare and free minimal health care through Castro clinics while they stay home and procreate more dependents. They are waiting for the redistribution of wealth from productive citizens. They are enslaved to their governments that decide their daily lives, yet they are told their enslavement is the United States’ fault.

WND -- never one to let an opportunity for self-promotion go to waste -- followed up with an article by Jerome Corsi highlighting how Moseley's column was cited by an Italian journalist.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:14 PM EST
Newsmax Columnist Likens Obamacare to Stalinism
Topic: Newsmax

Folks who had perfectly adequate policies, which were delivering hundreds of thousands of dollars in life-saving benefits from specialized physicians for cancer treatment and other complex illnesses, have lost those benefits and been offered replacement policies cluttered with unneeded services. For example, pediatric vision care for childless couples in their 50s and birth-control benefits for nuns.

Many Americans face death when old policies lapse and can no longer pay for the care they need. But as a Washington lawyer and ardent support [sic] of the president assuaged me, some sacrifice is needed by a few for the progress of the many.

Echoes of Stalin’s casualties building the Moscow subway!

-- Peter Morici, Dec. 3 Newsmax column

Posted by Terry K. at 10:21 AM EST
WND Portrays 'Ethnic Cleansing' (As Claimed By Pro-Apartheid Dead-Enders) As 'Nelson Mandela's Legacy'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Following the death of Nelson Mandela, WorldNetDaioly sent out a tweet stating: "Nelson Mandela's Legacy: JEW BEARS CHRISTIAN WITNESS TO ETHNIC CLEANSING."

The link went to WND's Facebook page, which in turn linked to a 2011 article by Ilana Mercer, WND's resident apartheid-lover, touting how "a “pro-Boer Israeli human rights activist” by the name of Avigdor Eskin visited South Africa on a fact-finding tour" in which he criticized the "ANC-regime’s 'silent genocide' of the … Afrikaner-Boers in South Africa."

What Mercer doesn't tell you: Eskin supports apartheid. In a 2010 Faceook post attributed to Eskin, he writes that "Apartheid was not practiced slavery, but in fact to create optimal conditions for the development of blacks," adding that "Apartheid has emerged as a humane embodiment of the ideas of the ninth chapter of the first books of the Bible."

If Eskin's Wikipedia page is correct, Eskin is also a former member of Meir Kahane's violent far-right Kach movement and laid a death curse on Yitzak Rabin in response to the Oslo Accords.

Note to WND: Right-wing pro-apartheid dead-enders are probably not the most objective source of information about Nelson Mandela.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:25 AM EST
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Terry Jeffrey's Laughably Simplistic View of Illegal Immigration

Here's what CNS editor Terry Jeffrey thinks the immigration issue boils down to, according to his Dec. 4 column:

Daniel and Samuel were both born in Monterrey, Mexico on the same day in 1990 and baptized by the same priest two Sundays later.

Both attended the same primary and secondary schools. Both dreamed of some day moving to the United States. But there the similarity ends.

Samuel dropped out of school in tenth grade. Daniel graduated from secondary school, went on to the university and graduated at the top of his class.

The last time Samuel ever walked through the door of a church is when he walked out of one just after receiving the sacrament of confirmation. Daniel served as an altar boy and attends Mass every Sunday, every holy day and often on other days as well.

After dropping out of school, Samuel held a series of jobs, doing unskilled labor. After graduating from college, Daniel took a teaching job at a local high school and attended graduate school at night, hoping eventually to earn a doctorate in history.

Daniel is habitually honest. In keeping with his religious faith, he would never knowingly break a law unless it was plainly an unjust law — such as one that required him to discriminate against somebody because of their race or to pay for an abortion.

Daniel — also because of his fundamental beliefs — consciously discovered as an adult what he instinctively knew as a child: He was a conservative, who embraced work and family along with his faith.

Samuel was not particularly concerned with any of these things.

At the age of 23, both Samuel and Daniel still dreamed of moving to the United States.

Which of these two hypothetical men would be more likely to illegally cross the U.S. border and illegally work and settle in the United States?


Daniel, considering his true and deeply held moral and religious convictions, could never identify with or lean toward a political party dedicated to the legalized killing of unborn babies and state-sanctioned same-sex marriage.

Since the majority of "unauthorized" Latino immigrants do lean toward a party dedicated to these things, this also seems to suggest Daniel would not be the man to illegally immigrate to the United States.

So, according to Jeffrey, illegal immigrants aren't just uneducated, they're not Christian. Never mind that he has no proof of this -- to the contrary, the vast majority of immigrants, documented and undocumented, are Christian or likely to become one.

In fact, there are probably a few undocumented immigrants that attend whatever church Jeffrey attends -- but he probably doesn't know because they are unlikely to speak up lest they someone like Jeffrey reports them to the authorities.

Jeffrey's laughably simplistic view of immigration demonstrates how much he places right-wing ideology over reality.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:34 PM EST
WND Promotes Allen West's Gun Conspiracy, Ignores That It's Plagiarized
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily finds another Obama conspiracy to latch onto in an unbylined Dec. 3 article:

Former U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., is joining the National Rifle Association and other gun-rights groups to warn about a back-door attack on the Second Amendment by the Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency.

In a column posted on his website Sunday, West wrote about the Doe Run company’s lead-producing plant in Herculaneum, Mo., which is being forced to close after the EPA required it to spend up to $100 million on upgrades.

Doe Run, the last primary lead smelter in the United States, has been around since 1892 but is closing on Dec. 31.

West accused Obama of using the EPA to advance “backdoor gun control … while we are all distracted with Obamacare and Iran nuclear negotiations.”

WND won't tell you, however, that West apparently plagiarized a good portion of his column from another right-wing writer, as Tea Party Poison discovered. After the plagiarism was revealed, West's column was re-edited to remove much (but not all) of the plagiarized material.

Then again, WND is quite acquainted with plagiarism. It just doesn't care.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:01 PM EST
Brent "Skinny Ghetto Crackhead" Bozell Lectures Us On Hateful Rhetoric
Topic: Media Research Center

Brent Bozell gets in some parting shots upon the resignation of MSNBC's Martin Bashir, taking to a Media Research Center press release to rant:

“The question here isn’t whether or not MSNBC will dispense with the hateful rhetoric it shamelessly peddles as ‘news’."

“The question is: Which vile character assassin will NBC/Comcast recruit to replace Martin Bashir?  MSNBC is an absolute laughingstock. If you're not apologizing for your insults (Ed Schultz), you're resigning because of them (Bashir). And if you’re not smart enough to resign, they have to fire you (Alec Baldwin)."

“NBC is the network where civility goes to die. And Comcast: You own that indecency.”

Bozell knows all too well that if you never apologize, you never have to resign. Bozell has yet to acknowledge that he likened President Obama to a "skinny ghetto crackhead," let alone apologize for it, and the vile insult certainly hasn't interrputed his appearances on Sean Hannity's Fox News show, where he voiced the smear.

Bozell is far from the only less-than-civil MRC worker. After all, he employs Matt Philbin, who heartily endorsed Rush Limbaugh's denigration of Sandra Fluke and piled on with further denigration of his own, and called me a "faggot" for accurately quoting his sleazy Obama-Nazi comparisons.

If Bozell truly cared about civil political discourse, he would have more forcefully cricized Limbaugh's sleaze. Instead, he wimped out and created an "I Stand With Rush" website.

Civility died at the MRC a long time ago, and Bozell owns that indecency.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:36 PM EST
NEW ARTICLE: Mr. Washington, Meet Mr. Godwin
Topic: WorldNetDaily
For a guy who insists he's not likening President Obama to Nazis, WorldNetDaily's Ellis Washington sure loves to liken Obama to Nazis. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 12:31 AM EST
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Bias: CNS Quotes Only Right-Wing Catholic Critics of Cardinal Dolan

Barbara Hollingsworth kicks off her Dec. 3 article by stating:

A number of prominent lay Catholics are taking issue with New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s statement on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday that were it not for the Obamacare's treatment of abortion, undocumented immigrants and provisions that require they violate the "dictates of our conscience," Catholics would be among the loudest “cheerleaders” for Obamacare.

But Hollingsworth quotes only right-wing catholic who criticize Dolan, one of whom is her boss, Brent Bozell.

Hollingsworth might want to check CNS' mission statement, which calls for her to "fairly present all legitimate sides of a story." Or did Hollingsworth decide that  any support for Obamacare is somehow illegitimate?

Posted by Terry K. at 9:38 PM EST
WND: Obama Wants To Infect You With HIV!
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The teaser headline on WorldNetDaily's front page today reads, "Does Obama Want You Infected With This?"

The article itself, by Chelsea Schilling, is about discussion of ending the ban on gay males donating blood. She apparently talked to only person for the article, who opposes lifting the ban. The article is heavily biased toward opposing lifting the ban, raising the specter of the blood supply becoming contaminated with HIV. As Media Matters notes, Schilling fails to mention that the American Medical Association favors lifting the ban.

The funny thing about the article? Obama is not mentioned anywhere in it. Nowhere.

In other words, WND is not just engaging in homophobic scaremongering, it's lying. Again.

No wonder nobody belives WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:01 PM EST
MRC Thinks It's Hilarious When Limbaugh Denigrates Women
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center just can't get away from its own hypocrisy. Geoffrey Dickens writes in a Dec. 3 MRC "Media Reality Check":

When Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut” the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks went ballistic, making the conservative talk show host a centerpiece in their campaign to tarnish Mitt Romney and the GOP as engaging in a “war on women.” However when MSNBC’s Martin Bashir launched his own war on women against Sarah Palin, not a single anchor or reporter from the Big Three said a word about his vile attack.

In the two weeks (February 29, 2012 - March 14, 2012) after Limbaugh made his crude Fluke joke, that he apologized for, the Big Three networks aired a total of 32 stories or interview segments that were full of calls for Limbaugh to apologize to the liberal activist Fluke, to get advertisers to abandon the show and demand that Republicans condemn the talk show host. 

How like the MRC to think that denigrating a woman is a joke -- which runs completely counter to its attempted narrative of bashing Bashir.

If you'll recall, MRC employees defended Limbaugh's misogyny as humor, and they approved of it so much that some of them, like Matt Philbin, added their own Fluke attacks.

Dickens calling Limbaugh's remark "crude" is now officially the strongest thing any MRC employee has said about it. MRC had Brent Bozell couldn't muster anything stronger than "let's all agree Limbaugh crossed a line," then created an "I Stand With Rush" website. Then again, the MRC gave Limbaugh its very first "William F. Buckley, Jr. Award for Media Excellence" in 2007.

In focusing only on that one remark, however, Dickens pushes down the memory hold the fact that  Limbaugh launched dozens of personal attacks on Fluke but apologized for only two of them. Bashir's statement on Palin, meanwhile, was a single instance and he apologized much more profusely and sincerely than Limbaugh did.

Dickens huffs: "The questions have to be asked: Why no mandatory time-off for Bashir and why no outrage from the Big Three networks?" Dickens might want to try asking his boss Bozell why he expressed no outrage about Limbaugh and refused to demand Limbaugh take mandatory time off.

And while he's at it, Dickens might want to ask  Bozell whether he thinks his comment that President Obama looks like a "skinny ghetto crackhead" should have kept him at least temporarily from his weekly guest gig on Sean Hannity's Fox News show.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:25 PM EST
The Intolerant, Homophobic Les Kinsolving
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Les Kinsolving has always been a raging homophobe. So much so, in fact, that his Dec. 1 WorldNetDaily column really does argue that if a homosexual is not "mute," he or she is "militant," even if it's Dick Cheney's daughter:

There was once a day in this nation when lesbians and others with alternate sexual orientations were comparatively mute.

There has developed a militancy that may well know no bounds, and that has torn apart the family of the former vice president of the United States.

Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is running for U.S. senator from Wyoming.

Liz has stated publicly that she does not believe in same-sex marriage.

For that, she has been publicly denounced by her militant lesbian sister, Mary Cheney, and Mary’s similarly militant lesbian mate, Heather Poe.


The Cheney sisters, reported the Times, have not spoken (to each other) since the summer, and Mary declared she would not reconcile with Liz unless she changed her position on marriage.

“Liz’s position is to treat my family as second-class citizens. That’s not a position I can be ‘lovingly tolerant’ toward.”

This really begs a question: How would lesbian Mary expect her sister to regard her orientation if she were polyandrous (female polygamy), a pedophile, incestuous or necrophiliac?

Yes, Kinsolving is once again falsely equating homosexuality, pedophilia and necrophilia. That's how homophobic Kinsolving is.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:35 AM EST
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
CNS Still Transcribing Mark Levin, Won't Admit Business Relationship

What do these blog posts over the past couple of weeks -- most by James Beattie -- have in common?

Mark Levin: My Family Discussed Obamacare on Thanksgiving...

Levin: Obamacare Is Vessel Through Which the Left Has Conducted a Coup in This Country

Levin: No Mission Left in Afghanistan

Levin Thanks Harry Reid for Helping to Kill Obamacare

Levin: Paul Ryan's Remarks Prove 'These Guys are Going to Buckle;' Obama and Reid are 'Thrilled'

Levin: 'You Can't Get Along with Harry Reid and Barack Obama - They're Insane'

As with CNS' previous Levin stenography, none of them disclose that CNS' parent, the Media Research Center, has a business relationship with Levin that includes Levin promoting the MRC on his radio show and CNS promoting Levin's logrolling blurb.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:33 PM EST

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