Noel Sheppard Thinks Spooning Is A 'Sexual Position' Topic: NewsBusters
Noel Sheppard cranked up his outrage machine to rant in a Dec. 29 NewsBusters post:
On Sunday's Reliable Sources, vulgar comedienne Kathy Griffin - who will once again be co-hosting CNN's New Year's Eve special this year despite kissing Anderson Cooper's crotch on air last year! - actually asked new host Brian Stelter, "Have you ever spooned with Candy Crowley?...You might get a better time slot[.]"
Sheppard then adds: "For those unfamiliar, 'spooning' is a sexual position."
Well, not so much. As Talking Points Memo points out, spooning is more a form of cuddling.
Undaunted by his manufactured outrage and resulting stupidity, Sheppard tries to double down in a update to his post:
Update: There's been a lot of discussion about the term "spooning" and whether it's actually a sexual position. Some have claimed it's a term for cuddling. In reality, it's both.
In this instance, would the vulgar Griffin have asked Stelter if he's ever cuddled with Crowley? Consider that she followed her question up with, "You might get a better time slot."
Think about it: Have you ever heard of anyone cuddling their way to the top?
Notice that Sheppard doesn't acknowledge where this "discussion" is coming from -- likely because its happening mainly on liberal blogs that are ridiculing him.
WND Just Can't Stop Obsessing Over (Female) Teacher-Student Sex Topic: WorldNetDaily
It's been a while since we've seen WorldNetDaily indulge in its creepy obsession with female teachers (never the male ones) who have sex with students. But Joe Kovacs delivers the filthy goods in a Dec. 24 WND article:
A Pennsylvania English teacher is charged institutional sexual assault for allegedly having sex five times in the past week with an 18-year-old male student.
Lauren Harrington-Cooper, 31, from Plymouth, Pa., is an instructor at Wyoming Valley West High School.
She’s accused of performing oral sex on the senior three times and having intercourse with him twice.
A probable-cause affidavit indicates the sister of the alleged victim told her brother that Harrington-Cooper said he was “hot” on Dec. 13. The sister subsequently gave him the teacher’s phone number.
Kovacs also reminds us of his employer's obsession by including a link to "The big list: Female teachers with students." He doesn't explain why WND cares so much about the sexual peccadilloes of female teachers while similar offenses by male teachers are apparently OK.
WND's Unruh Throws Abused Child Under the Bus to Protect Homeschooling Topic: WorldNetDaily
In 2008, WorldNetDaily defended abusive homeschooling parents. Now it's pretending that abusive homeschooling parents aren't real homeschoolers.
A Dec. 17 WND article by Bob Unruh is dedicated to fearmongering about a proposed Ohio law that would require parents or legal guardians seeking to remove children from public schools to go through background checks, have interviews conducted in their homes, and to allow their children to be interviewed separately in an effort to make sure the children are being protected from abuse. The law is motivated by a case in which a teenager named Teddy Foltz-Tedesco was beaten to death by a man who was dating his mother; the boy had been withdrawn from school by his mother, who claimed that she was going to homeschool him but instead was apparently trying to cover up evidence of abuse.
As we've come to expect from Unruh, he can't be bothered to contact any supporters of the proposed law for their views. Instead, he gives copious amounts of space to the Home School Legal Defense Association -- which Unruh lavishly calls "the world’s premiere homeschool advocacy organization" -- to attack the law and insist that Teddy Foltz-Tedesco is not representative of homeschoolers:
HSLDA argued the tragic case was not about homeschooling, noting the abuse began while the boy was in public school.
“HSLDA condemns child abuse and is saddened by Teddy’s death,” the organization said in a statement. “HSLDA supports the prosecution of child abusers like Bush and the improvement of systems that prevent child abuse. However, this proposed law does not actually address the problems that led to Teddy’s death and instead unfairly targets homeschooling.”
HSLDA said the 14-year-old had been abused for years, and after teachers reported the abuse to authorities, the mother withdrew the boy from public school to homeschool him.
Neighbors, friends, family, police, teachers and others all knew Teddy was being abused, HSLDA said.
“Finally, Bush beat Teddy so severely that he later died of his injuries. Bush and Teddy’s mother now are in prison,” the group said.
“Teddy Foltz-Tedesco was killed because those responsible for protecting him did not step in as the law or common sense would have dictated. Why?” HSLDA said in a statement. “Although news reports indicate that abuse had been reported for years prior to Teddy’s death, it does not appear that any serious intervention was made by government authorities charged with investigating such allegations.
“Why was not enough done to protect Teddy from known abuse?”
Subjecting hardworking parents who want to invest their time and money in their own children’s education is not the way to address such problems, HSLDA argued.
Of course, the proposed law is not aimed at impeding homeschooling -- it's aimed at exposing child abuse. The triggering factor is not a desire to homeschool; it's the withdrawal of a child from public school.
Given that there is some evidence of abuse in homeschooling families, you'd think that the HSLDA would want to be more proactive. Instead, the HSLDA tries to downplay it, insisting that "evidence suggests that abuse in homeschooling families is rarer than in the general population" and not addressing the issue of families using homeschooling to hide abuse.
Indeed, in the 2008 case referenced above in which WND defended abusive homeschooling parents, the HSLDA was much more concerned that the case would result in an overbroad ruling against homeschooling in general than about the welfare of the children. One HSLDA press release declared that the case was "a Juvenile Court case on allegations of abuse or neglect, which originally had nothing to do with homeschooling."
But Unruh doesn't want to write about that -- as a homeschooler himself (an apparent requirement for working at WND), he's too busy defending homeschooling from alleged threats that he doesn't care who gets hurt by his knee-jerk behavior and his shoddy, biased writing.
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Erik Rush Edition Topic: WorldNetDaily
When are we going to stop pretending that the individual representing himself as Barack Hussein Obama and currently holding the office of president of the United States is anything other than a foreign-backed, Marxist operative and Islamist whose objectives include the effective destruction of America as we know it?
As I advised my streaming show audience this week, I – or anyone else, for that matter – could crack the façade concerning our president’s motives in seconds on any one of the national television news shows on which I’ve appeared by asking one simple question:
"Why is it that everything – everything – Obama has done has had a detrimental effect on America?” Enumerating them and clarifying said motives would, of course, be child’s play.
The Newsmax-Trump Love Affair Continues Topic: Newsmax
You'd think that Newsmax -- after trying to pave the way for a Donald Trump presidential run in 2012, only to get jilted after a proposed Republican presidential debate to be hosted by Trump and Newsmax ended with Trump backing out after most of the other candidates refused to take part -- would have given up on Trump by now.
You'd be wrong. Cathy Burke promotes Trump's latest political whim in a Dec. 26 Newsmax article:
Donald Trump is reportedly getting encouragement to run against incumbent Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo from Republican state lawmakers and Conservative Party leaders.
"We believe we moved him from a soft no to a firm maybe," strategist Michael Caputo told New York Post columnist Andrea Peyser.
In her column Tuesday, Peyser wrote state GOP chairman Ed Cox praised "The Apprentice" creator and billionaire real estate developer for his "smart political mind" after a Dec. 13 meeting.
And three days later, Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long told the Post, "Mr. Trump would give [current Gov.] Andrew Cuomo heartburn," she noted.
Peyser wrote Trump is due to meet with other local lawmakers in January — and he has already said he'll make a decision in January about whether to run.
But he's already ounding more than ready for the political fray.
"If I ran and won, this state would become so rich, our taxes would come down, people would come back, our health care would be taken care of at the highest level," he told Peyser. "Our infrastructure would be rebuilt."
Burke does note that Trump "flirted with, and then quickly ditched, a presidential run in 2012 — and has popped up on lists of 2016 GOP contenders ," but she made no mention of Newsmax's role in promoting that 2012 run.
WND Names Good Buddy Limbaugh As Its 'Person of the Year' Topic: WorldNetDaily
Joe Kovacs couldn't possibly be more sycophantic as he uses a Dec. 22 WorldNetDaily article to announce that Rush Limbaugh is WND's "Person of the Year":
On any given weekday, the 62-year-old man sits in a chair in a South Florida radio studio, surrounded by computer monitors displaying news sites such as the Drudge Report.
He has a “stack of stuff,” which is merely a pile of printed-out news reports about events and issues he wishes to talk about, beginning at six minutes past noon, Eastern Time.
As the musical introduction of his show begins, the opening drum and guitar combination from the Pretenders’ classic “My City Was Gone” pounds out a classic 1980s bass riff which, save for a Cochlear implant, the host would not be able to hear since losing his natural auditory sense years ago.
He then switches on the in-studio video known as the Dittocam and leans into a golden-colored microphone to address the largest radio audience in America, an estimated 15 to 20 million people each week.
And though he tells you what is happening in the news as well as what to think about it from the right side of the U.S. political spectrum with half his brain tied behind his back just to make it fair, none of this has anything to do with why Rush Limbaugh has been named WND’s 2013 Person of the Year.
To put it simply, 2013 is a history-making year for the broadcast giant. Perhaps another, more accurate, way to phrase that is 2013 is a history-celebrating year for Rush.
The radio raconteur who goes by a variety of nicknames including the “doctor of democracy,” “America’s truth detector,” and “harmless, lovable little fuzzball,” has accomplished something that could have a massive and positive ripple effect on generations of future Americans.
In the style of “Twilight Zone” creator Rod Serling, Limbaugh has commenced a fascinating journey through time to accurately dramatize the founding of the United States for the nation’s children and stop, as he puts it, “the bastardization of American history as taught throughout America today.”
Kovacs is hardly objective -- he's a Rush fanboy who's been turning Limbaugh rants into WND "news" articles for years.
And Kovacs isn't going to tell you that the head of the "news" organization making the award to Limbaugh, Joseph Farah, considers himself a friend of Limbaugh's and co-wrote a book with him.
That would seem to make WND's award an exercise in logrolling rather than any sort of genuine honor (as much as an award from WND can be considered an honor, anyway).
We've detailed how is transcribing Mark Levin radio segments without disclosing the fact that CNS' parent, the Media Research Center, has a business relationship with Levin that includes Levin promoting the MRC on his radio show and CNS promoting Levin's logrolling blurbs.
Well, CNS' James Beattie is still at it. Over the past month, he's played dutiful stenographer for Levin on these posts:
Not once does Beattie mention CNS' business relationship with Levin -- something you'd think a website that at least pretends to aspire to journalism would consider doing.
WND's Geller Embraces Matthew Shepard Trutherism Topic: WorldNetDaily
Pamela Geller rants in her Dec. 22 WorldNetDaily column:
Just as the Matthew Shepard case had nothing to do with homophobia, the controversy over plucky duck patriarch Phil Robertson has nothing to do with gay rights. Had a left-wing comic or actor made such remarks (and they have), it would have been water off a duck’s back. But the ducky patriarch cited the Bible, and that thar’s fighting words.
These vicious attacks using false narratives are very effective. Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered in Wyoming. His killing became the icon of gay hate and the impetus behind the anti-constitutional “hate-crime” legislation. The fallacious tale of Mathew Shepard resulted in the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009, which, according to the Justice Department, “provides funding and technical assistance to state, local, and tribal jurisdictions to help them to more effectively investigate and prosecute hate crimes.”
All crime is hate – criminalizing the thought behind it was a fatal line to cross. Hate-speech laws would inevitably follow hate-crime legislation. The fact is, Matthew Shepard was murdered by his gay lover in a meth deal gone bad. Shepard’s sexual preference “certainly wasn’t the motive in the homicide,” investigative journalist Stephen Jimenez quotes police investigator Ben Fritzen in his blockbuster book, “The Book of Matt.” “What it came down to really is drugs and money,” said Jimenez, who is also gay.
In fact -- as we pointed out when WND editor Joseph Farah embraced this same revisionism -- Jimenez's book is fundamentally flawed. The "gay lover" to which Geller refers not only has denied any sexual relationship with Shepard, he mounted a "gay panic" defense at his murder trial. Jimenez is also a friend of said killer's defense lawyer, which raises further questions about his objectivity.
WND columnist Dennis Prager similarly embraced Jimenez's Shepard trutherism earlier this month.
We are ruled by someone who is in effect the pharaoh and at the least a Muslim at heart who disdains the Judeo-Christian heritage and foundations upon which our nation was forged and who has rung up extreme national debt and loathes capitalism, instead seeing it his “duty” to redistribute wealth to “his” people for years of their slavery. President Barack Hussein Obama and his compromised if not corrupt enablers in Congress and in the judiciary, like a time warp, have thrust We the People back to 1776 and provoked our Second American Revolution. And, the current revolutionary climate is even more severe, since unlike the colonies, contemporary America is on the steep decline. Our resources, wealth, ethics, spirituality and liberties are being stifled by a socialistic choke hold on our economy and lives, where our “Muslim” president and the government, not God, is to be worshiped and obeyed – else authoritarian henchmen and thugs at the NSA and IRS will destroy you.
In the wake of all the lies Obama told us about the Affordable Care Act, I’ve been wondering if Michelle is beginning to suspect Barack might have been hedging his bets when he said: “I take you to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. Period!”
If such crimes are occurring at this relatively low level, then imagine the as yet not fully disclosed actions of high officials, who play a deadly game to remain in power to enrich themselves at the public trough, or in the case of Obama, transform our nation from a capitalist and free state to a socialist Marxist one, generally loyal not to ordinary Americans but to his wildly ultra-leftist, atheist, anti-Judeo-Christian, anti-white and Muslim benefactors, supporters and friends – of which he is their “Manchurian Candidate.” Were the intimate details of your life to be fed by Obama and his henchmen to communist-sympathizing groups such as People For the American Way and other George Soros-supported organizations, the reputations and lives of anyone seeking to take on the government, which to them is their god, would surely be destroyed as well.
The more I watch the Obama administration at what it ostensibly calls “work” while it runs out the clock on the remaining years of his second term, my imagination clicks into overdrive and I can see the parody version that would be a hit movie or TV series.
But the truth is, it wouldn’t be a parody. It would be a simple retelling of what has happened, and is happening.
“Truth is stranger than fiction,” as Lord Byron wrote, but Mark Twain elaborated on that by explaining that fiction is obligated to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t.
So how is it that the administration has the gall to promulgate yet more burdensome IRS regulation of nonprofits that is likely to affect principally conservative groups with the body of the last IRS scandal not yet cold?
I answered this earlier: Obama doesn’t care. Even as his presidency crumbles, he is still operating as though he believes he can get away with absolutely anything. Further, as in other areas, he is doubling-down his efforts in the face of political opposition, a modality in which he has operated throughout.
Will this lead to or accelerate Obama’s downfall? I certainly hope so. Still, I would be grossly negligent if I failed to mention other existing threats to the republic and to the American people. If the overt criminality of President Obama and his administration aren’t enough to get your teeth gnashing, the smarmy arrogance of certain Republican lawmakers is likely to do so.
Under the guise of journalism, the Obama administration’s low-class mouthpieces over at CNN invited me for a “discussion” about my recent victory over the NSA’s secret and illegal spy program. In typical leftist-ese, it was a hit piece designed to attack my character and reputation, an outrageous attempt to try to cut me down to size because I have opposed President Barack Hussein Obama and his administration and now clearly am a huge threat to his continuation in office.
Because it’s been about 80 years since Will Rogers died in a plane crash, there are a lot of people who never heard of him even though he had been a major attraction in vaudeville, a movie star and a homespun columnist given to such observations as “The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.”
But, to be fair, as wise as he was, Mr. Rogers never heard of Obamacare. It’s also worth noting that when he uttered his most famous line, “I never met a man I didn’t like,” he had never met Barack Obama.
Barack Obama has disrespectfully reduced the office of the presidency by referring to its prestigious position in common man’s lingo: a job.
During the year-end presidential news conference Friday, an AP reporter tactfully, yet bluntly, fired off comments and questions to Obama about his troubling poll stats, sinking credibility among the American people, and ill-effective website. Obama erroneously replied that polling isn’t any indication of his performance as president. Although such a statement is typical political vernacular – especially for a president who is polling so badly – what is absolutely appalling is how Obama spoke of the office he holds. “I took this job to deliver for the American people …”
The presidency is a job that one takes?
No. The presidency is the highest office in America. Children dream of one day becoming president; they are taught that the presidency is a prominent position, and it’s a noble goal to reach.
It might be easy to forget, but ultraliberal Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla) is one of those dreaded "greedheads" who deal in millions of dollars of stocks. A story on the front of The Washington Post business section on Sunday reports Grayson “got burned twice by ‘stock loan’ schemes that have cost him nearly $50 million.”
Dina El Boghdady reports Grayson is ranked 21st in the House for wealth, with a net worth of “at least $16.7 million, in part due to the value of his stock portfolio.” Grayson lost about $18 million in transactions with Virginia businessman William Dean Chapman, who was just sentenced to 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to defrauding Grayson and 121 others. The Post didn't seem to rifle through any of Grayson's recent tax returns, like they wanted to do to Mitt Romney.
Graham seems to have missed the part where Romney was running for president while Grayson wasn't.
Also: Grayson is an "ultraliberal"? Then again, to the right-wingers and Heatherers at the MRC, anyone who isn't as far right as they are must be, by definition "ultraliberal."
WND's Maloof Lifts Story From Discredited Walid Shoebat Topic: WorldNetDaily
Michael Maloof writes in a Dec. 19 WorldNetDaily article that is "excerpted from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, the premium online newsletter published by the founder of WND. Subscriptions are $99 a year or, for monthly trials, just $9.95 per month for credit card users, and provide instant access for the complete reports":
An auxiliary Greek Orthodox bishop of Antioch based in Damascus, Syria, has issued a call to arms to Christians worldwide to fight the Islamicmilitants who have killed and kidnapped Christians and destroyed their holy places in Syria.
In referring to the most recent kidnapping of 13 nuns and orphanage workers and the taking over of the ancient Christian Syrian village of Malloula by al-Qaida fighters, Bishop Luca al-Khoury said many young men “are asking us to take action.”
“I call on every young man who can take up arms to come forward,” al-Khoury said, adding that Christians need to engage in self-defense and protect Christian holy places.
“Our young people are ready (and) their fingers are on the trigger and they’re ready to fight for the sake of Syria and for the sake of self-defense,” al-Khoury said.
Al-Khoury pointed out that some 40 churches have been damaged or destroyed during the war in Syria.
He blamed the international community for accepting the Syrian opposition’s claim that the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is killing Syrians.
How would Maloof have access to such a thing as this? The G2 website says this is a result of WND editor Joseph Farah tapping his "vast network of international intelligence sources to bring you credible insights into geo-political and geo-strategic developments."
Or maybe they're just copying things from far-right websites. This is what appeared nine days earlier on the website of Walid Shoebat -- who has been credibly accused of of lying about his own past as a self-proclaimed Islamic terrorist-turned-Christian -- and written by Shoebat's son Theodore:
The Crusade continues on….
A senior Orthodox bishop named Luca al-Khoury has made the call to arms against the Muslim heretics who are seeking the lives of the innocent. He exhorted every Christian young man to take up a weapon, and fight the advancers of Allah’s deceptions. He declared:
we have many young men who are asking us [to take action], and there are those demanding that we take immediate action.
He then exclaimed:
I call on every young man who can take up arms to come forward …Our young people are ready; their fingers are on the trigger and they’re ready to fight for the sake of Syria and for the sake of self-defense
The Bishop made these calls to self-defense as a response to the jihadist take over of the ancient Christian village of Maloula, in which 12 nuns and orphanage workers were kidnapped.
He also spoke of how 40 churches have been attacked by the Muslims, and he chided those who accepted the rebels’ side of the story, which is, according to him, “that the regime is killing its people – they are seeing things with only eye.”
Despite what Maloof, Shoebat and this Orthodox bishop (who is either "senior" or "auxiliary"), that Assad is killing his own people is not just a claim made by "the opposition" -- it's documentedfact.
Aside from this additional example of WND siding with a murderous dictator -- and, by extension, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin -- because he made Obama look bad, there's the issue of sourcing. WND wants you to pay $99 a year for content available for free on the website of discredited extremist activists. That doesn't seem like much of a bargain.
The Truth About The MRC's 'The Truth About Media' Topic: Media Research Center
As part of its year-end fundraising drive, the Media Research Center has launched a website called "The Truth About Media." At first glance, it looks objective and informative, discussing how people consume news.
Once we hit the subhead "Fact: The Media Distort the Truth," however, the MRC is back to its old, partisan ways:
According to a Pew study, 82 percent of Americans agree that there is at least some bias in news coverage—and they agree it is more of a liberal bias than conservative.
That is why the Media Research Center exists—to make sure that TRUTH is reported and that the media's overwhelmingly liberal bias is neutralized.
Someone has to stand up to this leftist bias to make sure it is countered, exposed, and neutralized!
The MRC then rages against George Soros:
Since 2003, anti-American billionaire George Soros has spent more than $52 million funding media properties, and he has direct ties to more than 30 news outlets—including The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Associated Press, CNN, and ABC.
In keeping with his hard-left socialist vision for America, Soros goes after this the best way he knows how—through accessing and controlling the "news" media.
And if that weren't enough, George Soros has now accepted a position on the National Finance Council of the Ready for Hillary Super PAC, a group paving the way for a 2016 presidential run for the former first lady.
If the MRC doesn't expose Soros and neutralize these efforts, who knows where we'll be!
In fact, as we've documented, the money Soros donates to various journalistic efforts pales in comparison to the millions of dollars from right-wing billionaires and foundations that prop up much of the conservative media. In fact, many of those outlets would be out of business if they were subjected to the same free-market forces conservatives normally champion; indeed, even right-wing billionaires get tired of flushing never-ending amounts of cash down a money pit, which explains the newly reduced scale of operations like Human Events and the Washington Examiner.
The website then explains "the MRC difference":
We can stop the liberal bias and censorship and shred the media's credibility by educating millions of Americans about our indisputable, scientific research proving that the liberal media are water carriers for the Left's agenda.
The MRC's research is "scientific" and "indisputable"? Puh-leeze. We've amplydocumented how the MRC's so-called research falls far short of scientific standards and, thus, is far from "indisputable."Heck, it wasn't until this year that the MRC even bothered to start performing the basic scientific research method of documenting its methodology for its "special reports."
The actual truth about the media is much different from the MRC's ideologically driven narrative. The truth about the MRC is that it really doesn't care about the media -- only defeating its ideological enemies.
WND Tries to Whitewash Tax Crimes of Creationist Pastor Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily just loves to whitewash and minimize the crimes of its favorite right-wing icons. The latest attempt comes in an unbylined Dec. 17 WND article.
The article touts a proposal that would reduce the sentences of "first-offense, nonviolent federal offenders who exhibit good behavior." The article features one possible beneficiary of the law, creationist pastorKent Hovind, who is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence for various tax offenses.
But try as it might, even WND can't quote pull off the full whitewash job on Hovind, which involves trying to explain away 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions to avoid scrutiny under money-laundering laws:
His son, Eric Hovind, who now directs a new ministry in Pensacola with the same mission of his father’s Creation Science Evangelism, contends the government completely misrepresented his parents in the trial, portraying them as anti-government radicals. His mother, Jo, the ministry’s bookkeeper, served one year in prison.
While Kent Hovind has made statements over the course of his ministry that challenge the authority of the federal government to collect income taxes, he insists he has not broken any laws.
“I’ve never been anti-tax or a tax protester,” he told WND. “I have always said that everyone should obey the law, including the government. I have always paid every tax I owe.”
As WND reported in 2009, Hovind argues he took a vow of poverty as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ and, therefore, owns nothing and receives no income. All of his needs are taken care of by the ministry, he insists.
He says he understood that as a registered 508 non-profit organization, he was not required to withhold taxes, leaving IRS obligations with each worker. In November 2006, however, Hovind was convicted of failing to collect and pay $470,000 in withholding taxes, obstructing tax laws, structuring transactions totaling $430,500 to avoid financial reporting laws, filing a frivolous lawsuit against the IRS, filing an injunction against an IRS agent and threatening investigators and others who cooperated with the investigation.
WND doesn't quite come clean, though. As Forbes reports: "Although Hovind states that he has paid all taxes that he owes, I have never seen him explicitly state that he actually filed returns for the years 1998 through 2006, which were the years that were the subject of the Tax Court decision. It is pretty challenging for an American to be earning enough for any sort of reasonable lifestyle without triggering a return filing obligation."
The article also refers to "Paul J. Hansen of Omaha, Neb." as "an attorney advising Hovind." In fact, Hansen is not an attorney -- he's an activist in the "sovereign citizen" movement who contends he does not have to follow the laws of government if he doesn't want to.
And that exposes WND's big omission: Hovind is affiliated with the "sovereign citizen" movement as well.
Whenever WND does a profile like this, it's almost always trying to hide something. That's the case here.
CNS Bashes Obama For Taking Vacation, Ignores Bush's Far Higher Number of Vacation Days Topic:
Yes, this story exists, courtesy of's Ali Meyer:
President Barack Obama, who is departing Friday for a vacation in Hawaii that will reportedly last until Jan. 5, took more annual vacation days on average in his first term than the average private-sector worker gets after 20 years on the job.
Obama took an average of 21.5 vacations days per year in his first four years as president. By comparison, private-industry workers in the United States who have at least 20 years on the job get an average of 19 days of paid vacation per year.
And there's a graphic!
Needless to say, Meyer fails to mention thatObama's predecessor, George W. Bush, took far more vacation days than he did -- more than three times as many, in fact -- and, thus far more than the average private-sector worker gets after 20 years on the job.
WND's Flaherty Lashes Out At Victim Who Challenges His Race-Baiting Narrative Topic: WorldNetDaily
Colin Flaherty is so committed to the race-baiting narrative that "black mobs" are systematically attacking and killing white people that a victim who denies his meme is a threat.
Flaherty begins a Dec. 12 WND article by declaring, "Just because someone gets punched in the face, that does not make him an expert on the Knockout Game." The same also applies to race-baiters, but Flaherty won't tell you that.
The subject of Flaherty's ire is James Addlespurger, who was attacked in a 2012 incident caught on video that has been repeatedly played on TV to prove a supposed epidemic of "knockout game" violence. Huffington Post reports:
Addlespurger says the security footage has been used to identify the supposed "trend" -- and it's played on TV news shows countless times -- but he doesn't call the attack a "Knockout Game." He simply calls it "assault."
"I feel like I'm exploited," Addlespurger told HuffPost Live. "People need a label. If they're selling toothpaste or CDs, or news stories, they need a label ... To me it's an assault, plain and simple."
The supposed trend, he says, evolved from his and a few other videos on the Internet showing men recording themselves knocking people out. But just because you can find it on YouTube doesn't mean it's a violent trend.
But Flaherty is having none of this since it threatens his race-baiting cash cow:
Appearing on the HuffPost Live, Addlespurger said he believes he is being manipulated by sinister conservative commentators like Bill O’Reilly and others who have pointed out that most of the attackers in the Knockout Game are black and most of the victims are not.
“I work with kids every day. As a public school teacher for 20 years. I understand that kids are troubled. But to stereotype and go down that avenue, I am not going to fan those flames of hatred.”
The Knockout Game is a “faux trend,” said HuffPost Live, in part because the person who punched Addlespurger in the face said so on ABC’s Nightline.
Addlespurger is not the only victim of racial violence in the Pittsburgh area. Though there is no indication he ever checked.
But Flaherty offers no evidence that -- like the vast majority of the other cherry-picked incidents Flaherty invokes to back up his "black mob violence" narrative -- the attack on Addlespurger was racially motivated.
Flaherty then uncovers someone to do an armchair analysis of Addlespurger by claiming he suffers from "Masochistic Altruism," in which "one can sustain a thoroughly false sense of nobility as they take their occasional beating." Flaherty declares: Others point out that some are hesitant to talk about the race of their attackers because they fear becoming victimized once again: This time as a racist."
Flaherty offers no evidence that this is the case with Addlespurger, yet he huffs: "But Addlespurger’s story is that race had nothing to do with the violence against him. And he is sticking to it."
And Flaherty is sticking to his race-baiting narrative.