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Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Farah's Trump Restoration Plan Moved Briefly Closer During House Speaker Vote
Topic: WorldNetDaily

For the past couple of years, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has been intermittently obsessed with the idea that Donald Trump could sneak back into the presidency by Republicans winning the House and then naming him House Speaker, then impeaching President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, thus elevating Trump back into office. That was never a realistic plan, of course, but when has Farah been tethered to reality when it comes to anything related to Trump? (See: election fraud conspiracy theories.)

Last month's Republican infighting over picking a new House speaker, though, gave Farah a glimmer of hope, when Trump's name was put into nomination duyring one round of voting. Bob Unruh sycophantically wrote in a Jan. 5 article:

President Trump already has announced his candidacy for the office of president in 2024.

But now his name is appearing in the fight inside the GOP in the U.S. House over the new House speaker, and the idea, although unlikely, could get him back to the White House even sooner.

It's because Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., has voted for Trump to be the next House speaker, a position that requires being elected by the House, but does not require the winner to be a House member.

The Washington Examiner said Gaetz has been leading a GOP revolt against having Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., a party leader for many years, installed in the post.

The GOP already has gone through multiple votes this week without a winner for the job.

Unruh went on to note others who had advanced the idea, including WND columnist Wayne Allyn Root, but surely pleased his boss by claiming that "originating the plan was WND Founder Joseph Farah."


Farah, meanwhile, devoted his Jan. 5 column to taking credit for Gaetz putting Trump's name into nomination:

He said it – finally.

Steve Bannon said it. It was more than a question. It was a PLEA!

Regarding the failure to elect a House speaker, Bannon said: "Why not Trump? Why not Trump?"


This is where it all started: me asking the question on Jan. 3, 2021, and Steve Bannon backing me up a few days later. I couldn't let go of the idea. Other people picked it up.

Then Rep. Matt Gaetz put his name into the mix Thursday, voting for Trump for speaker on the seven round of balloting. Later Gaetz nominated Trump for speaker, prior to the 11th roll call vote.

It was like magic when he dropped it.

It sounded as good as it originally sounded to me in 2021.


Will he do it? Yes, if he's asked. If he has the people's support. He cannot say no to the American people. He'll do it if he's needed. And boy is he needed.

It can be done – Donald Trump will answer the bell.

Trump is listening. He's weighing the options. Obviously, he's not in it to lose. He wants to see a path to victory.

Will you give it to him, America?

Is he still the greatest president whoever served this country? Do we need him now? Will anyone else do?

The answers to that last paragraph are no, no, and yes, but Farah is too wrapped up in Trump worship to care about the facts.

Neither Unruh nor Farah mention that the only vote Trump got in that round of voting was from Gaetz. And never miind that, just a day earlier, a WND article by Joe Kovacs quoted Trump making it clear that he supported McCarthy as speaker.

Nevertheless, Unruh wrote an article the next day touting Trump posting on social media a Photoshopped picture of himself making a goofy face inserted into an image of Biden speaking at a State of the Union-style address, which Unruh soberly portrayed as Trump responding to speculation about him being House speaker. Again, Unruh made sure to credit his boss for coming up with the idea.

Meanwhile, Trump's name never came up for nomination again, and Gaetz's vote was the only one Trump received in all 15 rounds of voting, after which McCarthy finally won the speakership. But Farah didn't seem to want to talk about afterward; his Jan. 6 column hyping how debt-limit concerns played into the speaker vote didn't mention Trump at all.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:45 PM EST

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