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Friday, February 10, 2023
MRC's Jean-Pierre-Bashing Watch
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center continued its attacks on White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, portraying her as incompetent for not answering questions to its satisfaction over the discovery of classified documents by President Biden outside the normal places they should be (which the MRC has also obsessed over). For the Jan. 17 briefing, Curtis Houck cheered that the "inept" Jean-Pierre was peppered with question from non-right-wing reporters even as he complained that she ignored right-wing outlets:

Tuesday’s White House press briefing marked another installment of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for the inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as, while she ignored journalists from the Daily Caller, Fox News, and Newsmax about President Biden’s classified documents scandal, she ran into a proverbial buzzsaw from outlets such as ABC, the AP, CBS, CBS News Radio, NBC, and NPR with fiery questions about the scandal.

Houck complained further that Jean-Pierre wouldn't take the bait in his writeup of the Jan. 18 briefing, praising not only a current Fox News employee but a former one as well:

As we’ve documented over the last week (see here, here, here and here), Wednesday’s White House press briefing marked yet another tough day at the office for the empty and inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as she kept up her stonewalling on President Biden’s classified documents scandal, while reporters from the likes of the ABC, the Associated Press, CBS, the Fox News Channel, Gray Television, NBC, and even an independent journalist from Angola fired off hardballs.

The AP’s Josh Boak led off the unsuccessful questioning by wondering if Jean-Pierre could give a justification “against visitor logs for” Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home “given the frequency with which [he] works” there, but Jean-Pierre only told him to review statements from the White House counsel and Secret Service.

Formerly with Fox News Radio, Gray Television’s Jon Decker brought the hardball a little later, invoking Biden’s September 60 Minutes interview where he denounced Trump hoarding classified documents as “irresponsible”: “[D]o you think it was proper for President Biden to comment on an ongoing DOJ investigation?”


After not being called on Tuesday, Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich had a turn and focused on more public press access seeing as how “we’re in sort of an information blackout.” When Jean-Pierre said “no” to whether she’d have someone speak at a briefing, Heinrich tried once more before returning to the previous concern raised about any national security concerns.

Houck did not offer evidence to back up his claim that  Jean-Pierre declining not to answer questions made her "inept."

Meanwhile, Tim Graham gleefully touted criticism of Jean-Pierre from anonymous White House reporters (funny how anonyous sources are suddenly credible when they're spouting right-wing narratives, eh, Tim?) as reported by CNN's Oliver Darcy, whom the MRC normally hates and whom Houck himself obsessively denigrates as a "Benedict Arnold" for for the sin of escaping the right-wing media bubble. Graham went on to whine:

Then Darcy added a comical rebuttal from an anonymous White House source in a statement to CNN: "A lot of this sounds more like theater criticism than concern about ability to report facts for the American people’s benefit." Wrong! Reporters in this case are upset over lies about the Biden documents scandal. 


Anyone watching the briefing in recent says [sic] isn't really seeing a question-and-answer session as much as a question-and-stonewall session.


Can Jean-Pierre last at the White House if this document scandal goes on for months? Surely, Team Biden wishes they had a more talented stonewaller like Jen Psaki to handle the newly angered press corps. 

We don't recall anyone at the MRC complaining when their beloved Kayleigh McEnany stonewalled reporters -- but then, her stonewalling was for the conserative cause.

Despite the MRC previously denying that Jean-Pierre was being attacked as a diversity hire, Kevin Tober did exactly that in his writeup of thte Jan. 23 briefing:

During Monday’s White House press briefing, a handful of members of the White House press corps continued pressing the incompetent diversity hire, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over the fifth batch of classified documents found in President Joe Biden’s home in Delaware and his regime’s lack of transparency over the scandal. 

First out of the gate on this topic was a series of spicy barbs thrown by ABC’s Mary Bruce who asked Jean-Pierre: “You have said though from this podium many, many times over the last two weeks that this President takes the handling of classified material very seriously, and yet we continue to learn about more documents being found and discovered at his home.” 

Due to those facts, Bruce asked: “Why should the American people believe that this President takes classified material seriously and the handling of it?” 

Of course, Jean-Pierre, like all the prior times she’s been asked, had no real answer. “The American people heard from the President directly on this when he was asked by your colleagues at least twice now about how he sees this process,” she mumbled.

Houck surprisingly whined more about a reporter who dared to deviate from questioning about Biden documents than about Jean-Pierre for the Jan. 24 briefing:

Tuesday afternoon’s White House press briefing brought about plenty more hardballs on President Biden’s classified documents scandal that the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer, but along the way, Angolan reporter Hariana Veras temporarily brought the briefing to a halt with two long stemwinders of leftist commentary demanding gun control.

The next day, Houck once again tried to dunk on Jean-Pierre by praising a national security expert who was brought in, though he too was denigrated as a "crutch":

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre brought in National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby Wednesday afternoon to serve as a crutch amid weeks of hardballs on the Biden classified documents scandal and, sure enough, Kirby ended up exposing Jean-Pierre’s repetitive, tiresome answers by actually providing general explanations for why handling classified information is incredibly serious.

ABC’s MaryAlice Parks went first and cited “bipartisan outrage and frustration over the last few days that there are just more and more disclosures of classified documents showing up in places where they were not supposed to be.”


Jean-Pierre eventually had a turn, but she went back to shutting down, refusing to answer questions from AP’s Aamer Madhani on whether “all former presidents” should “scrub...their homes and offices” for classified documents and ABC’s MaryAlice Parks on whether the Biden-Harris administration would commit to ensure they’d leave office with no classified documents.

Any excuse to take a shot at Jean-Pierre, it appears.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:06 PM EST
Updated: Friday, February 10, 2023 10:08 PM EST
Newsmax's Victimhood Train Keeps Rolling
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax can't stop complaining that its TV channel was dropped by DirecTV in a business dispute of licensing fees, which it is dishonestly framing as "censorship" (even though DrecTV replaced it with another right-wing channel, obliterating any claim to viewpoint censorship), and it's continuing to call back seemingly everyone who ever appeared on the channel to perform a little outrage over it. Here's how if finished out its second week of victimhood:

By our count, that's at least 111 "news" articles Newsmax has published complaining about getting deplatformed, attacking DirecTV and threatening to sic the government on the company over a business decision.

Newsmax columnists have opined as well. Tom Borelli parroted the pro-Newsmax line in a Feb. 3 column:

To the uninformed, DirecTV’s claim it got rid of Newsmax based on a business decision seems reasonable on the surface; looking deeper, it’s clear an intimidation campaign by U.S. House Democrats was a driving force behind its move to get rid of Newsmax.

In a February 2021 letter from Reps. Anna G. Eshoo, D-Calif., and Jerry McNerney, D-Calif., to companies that distribute TV news programs through streaming, satellite or cable, pressed those companies on their justification for providing Fox News, Newsmax and OANN to their customers.

Reps. Eshoo’s and McNerney’s opening paragraph didnt pull any punches; it accused AT&T and DIRECTV of being responsible for "disseminating misinformation to millions."

The congresspersons followed up by asking the companies a number of questions including how "moral and ethical principles" play into deciding which channels to distribute and do they require "content guidelines."

They also asked if actions were taken against the TV channels regarding "the November 3, 2020 elections, the January 6, 2021 Capital insurrection or COVID-19 misinformation."

The last question served as a direct assault on the companies business decision demanding to know if they planned to continue to carry Fox News, Newsmax and OANN and "If so, why?"


We want you to cancel Newsmax and other conservative outlets because we don’t agree with their content because it makes Democrats look bad in the eyes of the public.

Borelli censored the fact that bot Newsmax and OAN did, in fact, broadcast falsehoods and misinformation regarding the 2020 election, particularly about election tech firm Dominion, who is suing both of them. Borelli also wrote:

It may well be argued that AT&T and DirecTVare feeling the sting of GOP wrath because they just added a new conservative outlet, The First, to its offerings.

Perhaps that reflects an obvious clean up aisle five move in an effort to placate the political outrage it created.

The best solution for all is for AT&T and DirecTV to bring back Newsmax.

That, as far as we can tell, is only the second reference at Newsmax to the fact that DirecTV did, in fact, replace it with another right-wing channel -- which, again, obliterates the argument that what DirecTV did is viewpoint censorship. The first apparent reference was in a Jan. 27 article.

James Hirsen devoted his Feb. 6 column to blaming Newsmax's deplatforming on DirecTV's parent, AT&T, somehow being "woke" (translation: not filled with right-wingers):

In a nutshell, the world's largest telecommunications company (and third largest provider of cellphones) has insidiously morphed into a far-left organization that poses as a service company.

According to OpenSecrets, during the time period between 1989 and 2019, AT&T was the 14th-largest donor to United States federal political campaigns and committees, contributing tens of millions of dollars, a majority of which went straight into Democrat hands.

As Newsmax contributor Jeffrey Lord reported in the American Spectator, the company's leaders have backgrounds that link them with politicians of the liberal Democrat kind.

AT&T’s board of directors includes a chairman of the board that previously served as FCC chair, and was appointed by former President Bill Clinton. This same chairman of the board was an ambassador that was appointed to the position by former President Barack Obama.

Two board members are reliable contributors to prominent Democratic candidates, including one individual who was an adviser and supporter of former President Bill Clinton, as well as being the co-chair of the left-leaning Brookings Institution.


Did corporate heads at AT&T via its DirecTV subsidiary set out to suppress the speech of Newsmax? And was the company following the dictates of its fellow left-leaning politicians, media apparatchiks and radical activist groups?

The pieces of the puzzle seem to be falling into place.

Hirsen didn't explain how not being filled with right-wingers makes as company "woke." Nor did he disclose that DirecTV replace Newsmax with another right-wing channel, which undermines his conspikracy theory that the company was "following the dictates of its fellow left-leaning politicians, media apparatchiks and radical activist groups."

(Updated to note a previous reference to The First.)

Posted by Terry K. at 6:30 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 11:31 AM EST
NEW ARTICLE -- Anti-Semitism And The MRC: The Virus Spreads
Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center was as squishy on the anti-Semitism of Kyrie Irving and on Donald Trump's dining with anti-Semites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes as it was on Ye's anti-Semitism. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 11:43 AM EST
CNS Can't Stop Making Petty Attacks On Nancy Pelosi
Topic: may have shifted to petty attacks on the House Democratic leader, Hakeem Jeffries, but that doesn't mean it's done with petty attacks on the previous leader, Nancy Pelosi. We've already noted how CNS briefly obsessed over a tiny provision in the omnibus budget bill naming a building after her and that she noted that money in the bill will help LGBTQ youth, but there's much more.

A Dec. 1 article by Craig Bannister complained that Pelosi marked World AIDS Day and reminded us (with boldface!) that most AIDS victims are icky gay people who presumably don't deserve health equity because they're icky gay people:

Democrats remain committed to creating “health equity” when it comes to AIDS, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday, in a statement commemorating this year’s World AIDS Day, December 1.

AIDS “disproportionately” infects LGBTQ communities, those of color and the poor, Pelosi says in a statement posted on the speaker’s website:


But, as emphasizes with bolded text, behavior, not health discrimination, appears to be at the root of the disproportionately high HIV rates among some subpopulations, as “ gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are by far the most affected group in the US”:

An anonymously written Dec. 23 article carried the headline "Nancy Pelosi: ‘As Speaker of the House, I Have Awesome Power’" -- as if to portray her as a power-mad megalomaniac (despite the fact that she was in the middle of voluntarily stepping down from House leadership). The anonymous writer did put her words in context in the article:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) reflected during her last speaker’s press conference on Thursday on how much power she has enjoyed in that position.

“As Speaker of the House, I have awesome power,” said Pelosi.

“Now transitioning to a different role, I expect to have strong influence, but not on my Members, just in terms of encouraging more women, for example, to run,” she said.

“But the Speaker of the House is a very big job, and just wrapping it up will take time, with the Library of Congress for the papers, with the Historian of the Capitol–of the Congress–in terms of interviews and the rest of that,” said Pelosi.

CNS continues to disapprovingly note (anonymously, of course) whenever Pelosi references her Catholic faith:

The latter article made a point of adding: "In May 2022, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco notified Pelosi that because she persisted in advocating legalized abortion she could no longer receive Holy Communion in the Catholic Church. In doing so, Cordileone cited an instruction that then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had sent to the Catholic bishops of the United States in 2004." The anonymous writer failed to note that Pope Francis generally disapproves of denying Communion to Catholic politicians.

Another anonymously wreitten article, on Jan. 6, impllicitly took Pelosi to task for invoking the Catholic holy day of Epiphany to criticize the Capitol riot:

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.), the former speaker of the House, put out a statement on Jan. 6—which is the Catholic Feast of the Epiphany--calling on people to pray to ensure that this day remains an “epiphany” for America based on what happened on Jan. 6, 2021.

The statement was headlined: “Pelosi Statement on Two Years Since January 6th Insurrection.”

“Two years ago today, our nation watched in horror as a terrorist mob stormed the Capitol grounds in a violent attempt to subvert the peaceful transfer of power,” said Pelosi in her statement.

“January 6th marks the Feast of the Epiphany in the Catholic tradition,” Pelosi said. “As we commemorate two years since the insurrection, let us pray that this day continues to serve as an epiphany for our nation: to heal the wounds that remain and to preserve American Democracy, what Lincoln called ‘the last best hope of earth.’”

Three days later, CNS managing editor Michael W. Chapman wrote an article trying to whitewash the effects of the riot.

A Jan. 9 article -- anonymously written, of course -- complained that Jeffries said nice things about Pelosi:

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D.-N.Y.) said in a speech from the podium at the front of the House chamber on Saturday that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) was the “greatest speaker of all time.”

“Before I proceed any further, let me begin by acknowledging the distinguished Gentlelady from the great state of California, the iconic, the heroic, the legendary Speaker Emerita, Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi,” said Jeffries.

“And without question in my mind, Speaker Emerita Pelosi will go down in history as the greatest Speaker of all time,” he said.

Pelosi, who was in the chamber, acknowledged the praise of her successor with a broad smile.

CNS apparently thinks this is a bad thing.

On Jan. 20, yet another anonymously written article groused about Pelosi's selection of quotes from Martin Luther King:

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) sent out a pair of tweets on Martin Luther King Day in which she quoted King as saying that God did not intend for a one class “of people to live in superfluous inordinate wealth.”


Earlier that day, Pelosi had sent out a tweet that said: “Dr. King wrote: ‘God never intended for one group of people to live in superfluous inordinate wealth, while others live in abject deadening poverty.’

“Let us draw strength from these words,” Pelosi said, “as we strive to realize Dr. King & Coretta’s glorious vision of justice, equality & peace.”

We can see why CNS might be upset about that.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:06 AM EST
Updated: Friday, February 10, 2023 1:57 PM EST
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Kaepernick Derangement Syndrome Lingers At The MRC
Topic: Media Research Center

Despite the fact that he hasn't played in the NFL since the2016 season, Colin Kaepernick continues to live rent-free in the collective heads of the Media Research Center. It's not that the MRC doesn't know that fact. In a September 2020 post, Jay Maxson pointed it out in ranting that Kaepernick (whom Maxson called a "vastly overrated SJW" in the headline) was being added to that year's edition of the Madden NFL video game:

Aiming to cash in on social justice warrior dollars, EA Sports is bringing Colin Kaepernick back to Madden video football as a featured quarterback in the Madden NFL 21 edition of the game. He hasn't played in the National Football League since 2016 and is the only long-time inactive quarterback included in the video game.

Not only is Kaepernick's name on the Madden 21 player roster, but his player rating parallels that of past Super Bowl champion Ben Roethlisberger. It's also surprisingly better than that of Cam Newton and Jared Goff.

Why aren't Peyton Manning, Andrew Luck and Tony Romo and other recently retired former quarterbacks included in Madden 21? There's no SJW dollar to be made off those good citizens who never shamed their country when they played.


To the radical Left, Kaepernick is the second coming of Muhammad Ali and a useful idiot for Black Lives Matter. His sycophants just can't stop talking about him, and the media won't stop pressuring teams to sign him. Any mention of Kaepernick's name or forum to make him visible has been regarded as vindication for his disgusting behavior.  

You'd think that Maxson and Co. would want to studiously ignore Kaepernick. Instead, they have continued to lash out at any mention of him , or at anyone who dares to say anything nice about him, in the (non-right-wing) media. Here are the posts the MRC devoted to attacking Kaepernick just in in 2021:

The MRC's Kaepernick obsession continued into 2022:

That's a total of 30 articles in two years -- a half-decade after Kaepernick last played in the NFL -- talk about Kaepernick Derangement Syndrome. And these are just the ones that reference Kaepernick in the headline; there are numerous others that reference him in the post itself that aren't counted here.

Kapeernick Derangement is already off and running at the MRC for this year. A Jan. 27 post by Maxson whined:

Football pariah Colin Kaepernick seems to have given up on tweeting endless workout videos in favor of his true calling: smearing America and law-enforcement. After bombing in a tryout with the Las Vegas Raiders last year, Kaepernick appears to be less interested in returning to the NFL, more focused on producing woke television documentaries and taking potshots at cops. 

Kaepernick’s next documentary is a three-part series, “Killing County,” targeting the Bakersfield, Calif., police department. People Magazine reports the series debuts Feb. 3. Kaepernick and ABC News Studious teamed up on the series featuring the story of Jorge Ramirez Jr., who was killed by police.  

People said the documentary covers the story of the Ramirez shooting at a hotel and how it catapulted his family toward “a struggle for justice and answers in their loved one's death.”

The People story by Tristan Balagtas describes the documentary as an exploration of distrust by the Ramirezes and other families toward police officers. Kaepernick is all about distrust of cops.

Maxson didn't demand that the police stop doing things that engender distrust; instead, he (or she) complained that Kaepernic "has compared them to slave patrolmen" -- a not-inaccurate claim.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:58 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, February 9, 2023 9:23 PM EST
WND's Orient Tries To Exploit NFL Player's Collapse To Fearmonger About Vaccines
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We've shown how WorldNetDaily columnist Jane Orient of the fringe-right Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has bought into the conspiracy theory that people -- particularly athletes -- are dropping dead because of the COVID vaccines, despite a complete lack of credible evidence to back it up. When NFL player Damar Hamlin collapsed during a game. Orient made sure to shoehorn that into her conspiracy, writing in her Jan. 5 column:

Millions of people saw Buffalo Bills player Damar Hamlin collapse on the football field on Jan. 2. He was tackled, fell down and at first stood up. Even to aficionados of the sport, this looked no different from what usually happens throughout the game. But then his heart stopped, and he collapsed. At this moment, Hamlin is reportedly in critical condition despite vigorous CPR on the field. In all likelihood, his promising career is over.

There is an outpouring of sympathy for this young man and his family, suddenly struck by a terrible tragedy. And also a flood of social media posts from both sides of the political narrative: It must have been the COVID shot, or the "safe and effective" COVID shot had nothing to do with it.

People are learning from well-polished presentations about commotio cordis, an extremely rare event. A sudden impact to the chest throws the heart into a fatal rhythm disturbance. Classically, it occurs in young boys not wearing protective gear who get hit in the chest with a baseball or similar projectile traveling around 40 mph – not an older, well-protected football players. Still, Hamlin did get hit in the chest.

By now, people have noticed that a lot of athletes have been collapsing on the field, and a high percentage of them die. Many are not even engaged in contact sports. Sudden death when engaged in strenuous activity that triggers a surge of adrenalin is not new. Certain congenital heart conditions, such as hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, predispose to it, and aspiring athletes should be carefully screened for this. There are also several possibilities for which screening is not ordinarily done.

Is sudden death occurring more commonly, or is it just getting more attention?

Of course, Orient offered no proof that the former is happeningh; the real situiation is the latter, fed by anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists like her.

Even though Orient offered no proof whatsoever that what happened to Hamlin had anthing to do with a vaccine, she demanded that we get "serious about avoiding future tragedies in case the COVID shots just might play a role" through things like "Suspend[ing] further injections until damage from the shots can be ruled out" and doing "a study that screens a large population of vaccine recipients with cardiac enzymes (troponins), ultrasound, and MRI to check for inflammation." She concluded by invoking another conspiracy: "Which, after all, is more important: the hearts of our people, or the profits of the vaccine purveyors?"

Orient tried to exploit Hamlin's condition for her conspiratorial cause again in her Jan. 24 column:

Cases like Hamlin's, however, may be the stimulus for very important research. It is not only that the spectacular collapse of an NFL star or other celebrity attracts a lot of sensational media coverage. It's not just the individual tragedies. The actual number of cases is increasing at such a disturbing rate that the public is finally noticing it.

A surge of adrenalin with extraordinary exertion may trigger the fatal rhythm disorder. A surge of hormones just before awakening might explain how young people die in their beds. But what makes the heart's electrical system more irritable?

The current spike in reports of SCD just happens to coincide with push to get everybody injected with COVID-19 vaccines. Although your vaccination status must be made known to ticket takers at a concert, it seems to be too sensitive to include in news reports on sudden cardiac death.

What can impair your heart's electrical system? The differential diagnosis includes trauma, a congenital (birth) defect, infection, inflammation, autoimmune damage, toxic effect and drug effect. Damage from the spike protein that COVID injections cause your body to make, and/or the immune response to it, is a plausible mechanism. How to demonstrate it? Patients who die should have an autopsy, with tissue preserved for tests, such as histopathological staining or chemical analysis for toxins, that may become available later. An autopsy should be standard in all unexpected deaths, but is rarely done, for financial reasons. This should be a priority for SCD research funding.


The COVID products are so different that some say they should not be called vaccines. However, all vaccines affect the immune system, by design. Immunology is extremely complex, varies greatly in individuals and is not well understood.

Instead of speculating about climate change, gas stoves, minuscule increases in dust particles in the air, 5G, plastic bottles, etc., let's try to find an answer to an age-old but dramatically increasing problem.

Again, Orient couldn't be bothered to offer any actual evidence there's any link between vaccines and Hamlin's collapse. But then, fearmongering about vaccines is the point, and actual evidence would complilcate her agenda.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:24 PM EST
How Has The MRC Been Fluffing Trump Lately?
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center has remained fairly loyal to Donald Trump, even after the Capitol riot -- and it's still doing the occasional puff piece for him to help distract from other things.

In mid-December, the big news in Trump World was a "MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT" he saidhe would make... which turned out to be NFT trading cards (issued as the NFT market was crashing) that even his allies criticized as unusually money-grubbing even for him. But you read nothing about that at the MRC's NewsBusters; instead, Gabriela Pariseau served as a servile Trump stenographer for something he released the same day in a Dec. 15 post:

“The censorship cartel must be dismantled and destroyed and it must happen immediately,” former President Donald Trump said in a recent video announcing his policy stance on Big Tech’s approach to free speech.

“Today, I’m announcing my plan to shatter the left-wing censorship regime and to reclaim the right to free speech for all Americans,” he said. Trump added that he would ban Big Tech-government collusion to censor Americans, as well as fire and investigate government officials who previously colluded, break up Big Tech and revise Section 230.

Trump committed to take immediate action to protect free speech if Americans elect him as  president in 2024.

“Within hours of my inauguration, I will sign an executive order banning any federal department or agency from colluding with any organization, business, or person, to censor, limit, categorize, or impede the lawful speech of American citizens,” Trump said.


Trump made these statements in the wake of Twitter CEO Elon Musk’s release of the Twitter Files, which among other things revealed Twitter’s internal and political collusion to censor the New York Post’s Hunter Biden bombshell and to ban then-President Trump.

Speaking of censoring, Pariseau censored any mention of the NFT debacle.

(Newsmax similarly promoted this policy sdtatement, though it did also promote the NFTs while censoring criticism.)

Meanwhile, Jay Maxson served up his (or her) own Trump sycophancy in a Jan. 23 post:

Former President Donald Trump won a senior golf tournament over the weekend and used the occasion to take a driver to President Joe Biden’s physical ability to lead the nation. 

Following his victory Sunday in the Senior Club Championship at his own Trump International Golf Club, the ex-prez boasted on Truth Social media: 

“A great honor to have won the Senior Club Championship at Trump International Golf Club, one of the best courses in the Country, in Palm Beach County, Florida.” 

The 76-year-old former commander in chief then chipped away at his rival President Biden’s physical and mental fitness.

“Competed against many fine golfers, and was hitting the ball long and straight,” Trump said. “The reason that I announce this on fabulous TRUTH is that, in a very real way, it serves as a physical exam, only MUCH tougher. You need strength and stamina to WIN, & I have strength & stamina – most others don’t. You also need strength & stamina to GOVERN!”

These remarks are obviously aimed at Biden, says Outkick blogger Mark Harris. President Biden did not keep his promise to release the results of his 2022 physical examination. 

Biden has been too confused in some of his public appearances to remember promises made or where he’s supposed to go and what he’s supposed to do when the cameras are rolling. This has been evident during sports-related events at the White House, too. 

It’s also evident that the president’s handlers often have to provide instructions for him in his ability to function.

Maxson didn't mention, however, that Trump played only half of the tournamemt he claims to have "won"; he spent one day of the two-day tourney attending the funeral of Diamond of Trump-fluffing Diamond and Silk notoriety (where he gave a bizarre eulogy in which he admitted he hardly knew her). It was so egregous that even the right-wing Daily Mail pointed it out. Trump apparently substituted that day's play with a round he played a few days earlier, which might be acceptable but for the fact that Trump is a notorioius golf cheat.

But then, that would have negated the purpose of Maxson's Trump-fluffing.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:15 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, February 9, 2023 5:36 PM EST
CNS Managing Editor Tries To Spin Capitol Riot

We've documented how uncritically repeated unproven conspiracy theories from Donald Trump and his supporters that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him, then was briefly shocked into being a fair and balanced news organization after the Capitol riot, though it eventually descended into whataboutism over protests against police brutality. For the second anniversary of the riot, CNS managing editor Michael W. Chapman worked to spin the events of the riot in a Jan. 9 article:

Contrary to the claims and inferences by Democrat [sic] Party leaders and many people in the left-wing media, not one Capitol Police officer was killed during the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol. 

However, three Trump supporters at the event died, two by natural causes and one by accident. Also, a fourth Trump supporter, Air Force veteran Ashlii Babbitt, was shot and killed by Police Officer Lt. Michael Byrd.

In a Jan. 6, 2023 tweet, House Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, commented, "Thinking of the families of law enforcement officers we lost that dark day."

On Jan. 5, 2023, President Joe Biden at a public event said, "Jill and I have mourned police officers in this Capitol rotunda not once but twice in the wake of January 6. Once to honor Officer Brian Sicknick, who lost his life the day after the attack. The second time to honor Officer Billy Evans, who lost his life defending the Capitol as well.”

As the autopsy report by the D.C. Chief Medical Examiner documents, Officer Brian Sicknick died of "natural" causes on Jan. 7. He died from "acute brainstem and cerebellar infarcts due to acute basilar artery thrombosis," states the report. In layman's terms, Officer Sicknick died from strokes. The "manner of death" was officially declared "natural."

Police Officer Billy Evans did not die "defending the Capitol" on Jan. 6, 2021. He was deliberately hit by a car at the Capitol on April 2, 2021; the driver of the vehicle was Noah Green, a "vocal defender of the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan."

We've noted how CNS largely ignored Sicknick's death until after that medical examiner's report came out blaming his death on "natural causes."Then as now, CNS censored the fact that the medical examiner also said that "all that transpired" at the Capitol riot "played a role in his condition."

Chapman further complained:

Speaking on the House floor on Jan. 2, 2023, newly elected Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) stated, "We are gathered here to honor their memory and acknowledge with deep gratitude the tremendous bravery of the hundreds of officers who defended us at this citadel of democracy that fateful day."

"As a result of the events on January 6, the lives of five heroic officers were lost," he added.

Yet not one police officer was killed (or died) on Jan. 6, 2021.

Chapman went on to list thet names of those officers who committed  to make the point that they did not die the day of the riot. But again, he censored the fact that the suicide of at least one officer has been ruled a death in the line of duty.

Chapman then invoked ranty Fox News host Tucker Carlson to defend Babbitt and attack Byrd:

Commenting on Babbitt's death, Carlson said on Jan. 6, 2023, "Two years ago today, a Capitol Hill police officer called Michael Byrd shot an unarmed woman in the neck. At the time of that killing, Byrd had a documented history of gross negligence with a firearm. He left a loaded Glock pistol in a public men's room at the Capitol, which for a law enforcement official is a firing offense.

"But for some reason, Michael Byrd was still on the force that day. The woman he killed was called Ashli Babbitt. Babbitt was a married 14-year veteran of the US military. She ran a pool cleaning company with her husband in San Diego. Physically, she was tiny. She was also unarmed.

"Michael Byrd later admitted he had no indication at all that Babbitt was carrying a weapon. She posed no visible threat. He killed her anyway.

"Under normal circumstances, Byrd would have been fired immediately and charged with murder, which he clearly committed, but that's not what happened.

"After doing essentially no investigation into the shooting, Nancy Pelosi's congressional police force declared Byrd a national hero and the media strongly agreed."

In February 2019, Officer Byrd left his gun, a Glock 22, in a bathroom in the U.S. Capitol. It was found later that day in a routine security sweep. Byrd said the incident was a "terrible mistake" and he "was penalized for it."

Byrd's shooting of Babbitt was the first time he had discharged his weapon in 28 years as a policeman.

Neither Carlson nor Chapman explained why Babbitt was climbing through a broken window, nor did they mention any of the other acts of violence that day that made law enforcement less inclined to give domestic terrorists the benefit of the doubt. Neither was it explained why they are being so harsh on Byrd when these law-and-order conservatives normally stick up for law enforcement no questions asked.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:02 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, February 9, 2023 5:38 PM EST
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
MRC Continued Hypocritically Hammering On Biden Classified Documents Story
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's gloating over President Biden's classified document kerfuffle -- and complaining about people continually pointing out that it's nothing like Donald Trump's document hordading -- continued from where we left off, even though it labored mightily to work the deflect-and-defend angle when the FBI raided Donald Trump's estate last year to retrieve classified documents he refused to return. 

Jeffrey Lord gleefully declared that it was a "media misfire" that Biden got a special counsel to look into his document situation the way Trump got one for his in his Jan. 14 column:

Joe Biden’s Trump-hating liberal media allies can take a bow. By their insistence that a Special Counsel be appointed to investigate Trump because he had classified documents at Mar a Lago, the revelations that Biden did exactly the same thing - three times over! - has now won their hero a Special Counsel of his own, plus a congressional investigation. All this along with the revelation that his Penn Biden Center has been financed by millions in Chinese dark money. And also raising the question, of course, of how much of that Chinese money was laundered through the Biden Center before going in the Big Guy’s pocket.

The MRC played up a couple more instances of non-right-wing media criticizing Biden over this (oblivious to the fact that it discredits its narrative that these outlets are hopelessly biased):

Then it was back to whining that people keep pointing out the difference between the Biden and Trump situations. Bill D'Agostino huffed in a Jan. 16 post:

The rapidly unfolding nightmare of President Biden’s document scandal prompted desperate talking points from Democrat-friendly cable networks last week, the most prominent of which was the claim that Biden’s classified document issues bore “night and day” differences to those of former President Trump.

Pundits were clearly rankled that Republicans were drawing comparisons between Biden and Trump, and they endeavored at every turn to point out the differences between the two cases.

D'Agostino didn't dispute that there is a difference; instead he parroted Lord by noting that "despite the corporate media’s protests, a Special Counsel has been appointed. One suspects he will not receive the same high praise with which the media routinely showered Robert Mueller."

Clay Waters similarly whined later that day:

Public television’s idea of a balanced political debate: Friday's PBS NewsHour punditry found little daylight between “conservative” New York Times columnist David Brooks and liberal Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart, nodding in agreement that the new Biden classified document controversy had no comparison to Trump’s.


The Post’s Jonathan Capehart pretended the relative raw number of top secret documents found in the possession of Biden as compared with Trump was a significant comparison, though we don’t yet know what was in the Biden documents, calling the comparison "apples and basketballs."


Capehart tried to compare Biden’s woes favorably to Trump, saying the Biden team “have been cooperating. They have been transparent….The former president [Trump] stands accused basically of obstruction of justice. That is not what is happening with President Biden.”

Despite complaining that it was said, Waters also didn't dispute the accuracy of the assessment.

Curtis Houck repeated the MRC's sub-complaint, that it's being pointed out how Republicans are hypocritically using the discovery to attack Biden:

The Biden documents scandal entered its second week Monday and, on the flagship broadcast network morning news shows, ABC’s Good Morning America remained in a defensive mode for Team Biden by repeatedly insisting the White House will be cooperative and transparent with the special counsel, fretting “Republicans...are now pouncing,” and boasting Republicans will never be able to find out who’s been visiting Biden at his Wilmington, Delaware home.

Senior White House correspondent Mary Bruce may have tried to seem tough, but she was her usual self in falling on the grenades. She noted that “the White House is hardly being forthcoming,” but then said in the next sentence that “[t]hey are being extremely cautious” and fretting a “sense of drip, drip, drip” has set in.

After passing along the weekend’s developments with more documents found last week at Biden’s personal residence having triggered “more questions,”  Bruce went into attack mode: “Republicans, who have shown little interest in investigating Donald Trump's handling of classified documents, are now pouncing on the President.”

It's "attack mode" to point out Republican hypocrisy?

Alex Christy sounded like a PR flack for a Republican congressman in a Jan. 17 post: "It is still unknown what exactly was in the documents, how they ended up at the Penn Biden Center and his Delaware home, and why it took months for the public to be made aware of the documents’ discovery. Those are real questions that have nothing to do with the Trump case that deserve answers." Yet we do't recall Christy demanding similar answers from Trump.

Houck returned to repeat his narrative: "ABC’s Good Morning America fought a surprisingly lonely battle Tuesday in carrying water for President Biden and the White House amid their classified documents scandal, repeatedly touting the administration as 'firing back' at Republicans wanting to learn more and making requests of the regime because...Donald Trump." Again, despite the complaints, Houck made no attempt to argue that there wasn't hypocrisy. More complaints followed:

While most normal people had moved on by this point, the MRC wasn't going to yet, as evidence by Brent Bozell rushing to Fox Business for a softball interview to desperately keep the story alive:

Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell joined the Wednesday edition of the Fox Business Network’s Varney & Co. to sound off on the liberal media’s coverage of President Biden’s classified documents scandal and, for Bozell, it boiled down to six stages of behavior.

Host Stuart Varney began with highlights from Tuesday’s firecracker of a White House press briefing before asking Bozell: “[H]as the media finally turned against the White House, in your judgment?”


The scandal only grew, meaning a stage three with the press “turning reluctantly against Biden after the first — after the second group of — of — of boxes were found.”

Bozell added stage four had the liberal media becoming “even more skeptical of Biden” last Thursday when Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel ahead of five and six: “Stage five is the interesting — this is where there are right now. They've grown frustrated with the White House. They know the White House is stonewalling. They know the White House is not forthcoming. Stage six is what's going to happen next.”

If there was any mention of Trump's document scandal, it was not deemed important enough to be referenced in the item.

But even that last-ditch effort didn't help, and the MRC got bored with it too, as the posts on it slowed to a trickle over the next few days:

Perhaps even the MRC realizes there was nothing there in the first place.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:48 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 10:49 PM EST
Morris, Newsmax Made Sure Trump Got Credit For McCarthy's Speakership
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax's coverage of the House leadership battle didn't start out on a promising note: A Jan. 3 article by John Gizzi started by delaring that "Despite facing at least a solid 10 "no" votes, Kevin McCarthy will prevail Tuesday and become House Speaker. But his close supporters in the House told Newsmax it will likely come on the second ballot."

That didn't age well at all. Thatr forced Gizzi to take a more pessimistic tone for a Jan. 5 article:

After six ballots and still not being any closer to the speakership than when the votes began on the House floor, Kevin McCarthy may be poised to finally break the impasse that has kept him from his longtime dream of wielding the speaker's gavel.

Sources close to the embattled House Republican leader said his campaign team agreed Wednesday night to a proposal floated by the conservative Club for Growth to win over enough of the 20 House Republicans who have continuously voted for candidates other than McCarthy for speaker — and thus denied the Californian the 217 necessary to win.

It has been suggested that the Club for Growth deal could move about 10 votes to McCarthy. While not enough to make McCarthy speaker, it would give him tremendous momentum.

Later in the piece, Gizzi quoted a Republican congressman vaguely referencing an earlier incident:

Speaking to Newsmax on Wednesday afternoon, Michigan Rep. John Moolenaar underscored why McCarthy will remain in the race until he wins.

"In 2015, after he said some unfortunate things on TV about how the hearings on the massacre at Benghazi [when the U.S. ambassador was killed in Libya] and was widely attacked by Democrats, Kevin suddenly withdrew from the race for speaker because he felt it was the right thing to do for our country," recalled Moolenaar.

"Now he will stay in the race — and continue to have the unwavering support of 202 of us — because he feels it is the right thing to do for the country," he continued.

What the "unfortunate" thing McCarthy said? Gizzi won't tell us.  In fact, he told the truth (known in DC parlance as a Kinsley gaffe) that the purpose of the GOP-led Benghazi hearings were to drive down Hillary Clinton's poll numbers.

As the speaker battle dragged on, it became time to put a pro-Trump spin on things. Dick Morris obliged in another Jan. 5 article:

"I've been talking to Trump, and he's getting really mad about this. He's annoyed," Morris told Newsmax on Thursday afternoon, while appearing on "American Agenda" with another segment guest, former Georgia Rep. Doug Collins, a Republican.

"[Trump's] mad [the 20 GOP holdouts who refuse to vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.] are holding out, embarrassing the party, standing for absolutely nothing," Morris continued. "There's no substantive demand that hasn't been met. And [Trump] thinks they're absolutely fouling up the process."

From Morris' own perspective, the GOP holdouts — a group headlined by Reps. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., Dan Bishop, R-N.C., and Mary Miller, R-Ill. — are "killing" their political careers by continually fighting McCarthy's speakership bid.

"They probably couldn't get elected as dog catcher in their district. For the party, as a whole, 'chaos' was always a Democrat thing. The Republicans were typically the grown-ups in the room, there to restore order; and now, it's completely flipping," reasoned Morris, author of "The Return: Trump's Big 2024 Comeback."

Morris followed up the next day with some (presumably Trump-approved) sucking up to McCarthy:

Political analyst Dick Morris told Newsmax on Friday the skills Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., used to get fierce opponents of him as speaker back on his side shows promise for when he finally assumes the role.

A new agreement among House Republicans earlier Friday broke a logjam in the fight for the speakership, as 15 of the 20 holdouts flipped to McCarthy's side. But after the 13th round of balloting, the California Republican still fell short of the 218 votes needed to become speaker. (Newsmax reported Republicans believe they have the votes for McCarthy in the 14th round, which was set to take place at 10 p.m. EST Friday.)

"I think that this demonstrates that McCarthy will be a very good speaker," Morris said on "Rob Schmitt Tonight.""To navigate everything he's navigated and to succeed at it and go through it and get those votes one at a time, I think it was an act of juggling that would have made Sam Rayburn, the historic speaker of the House, proud."

Well, the 14th vote failed too. But McCarthy ultimately won on the 15th ballot, and Newsmax's Eric Mack knew who to credit in a Jan. 7 article:

Former President Donald Trump was derided for having some of his staunch supporters holding out against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., but Trump's dramatic call to House chamber to Reps. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., and Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., is credited for closing the deal.

"Thank you Kevin," Trump posted Saturday morning to Truth Social, along with video of the newly tapped speaker hailing Trump's late-night call. "It was my great honor!"

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., an advocate for the rights of the imprisoned Jan. 6 defendants, tweeted photos of the calls from Trump to the six holdouts standing firm against McCarthy through the 14th failed vote.

"I do want to especially thank President Trump," McCarthy, once a critic of Trump from Jan. 6, 2021, told reporters after his speaker acceptance speech and the swearing-in of members. "I don't think anybody should doubt his influence. He was with me from the beginning. Somebody wrote the doubt of whether he was there. And he was all in. He would call me and he would call others.

"He really was — and I was just talking to him tonight — helping get those final votes."

Morris returned for a victory lap later that day to make sure Ron DeSantis got no credit whatsoever:

The high drama early Saturday morning in the House concluded after former President Donald Trump closed the deal with a phone call, not Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis, presidential adviser Dick Morris told Newsmax.

"I think it was enormous," Morris told "Saturday Report" about Trump's last-second call to avert an adjournment to Monday and bringing a 15th vote that would elect Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., as House speaker. "I think what we really just witnessed was the new Republican leadership team: McCarthy and Trump, Trump and McCarthy."


DeSantis, who once served in the House with many of those GOP members, would not have had the political cachet to pull off what Trump did at the stroke of midnight, according to Morris.

"And for those who like Ron DeSantis, he couldn't have done this," Morris said.

It is McCarthy's House and still Trump's Republican Party, according to Morris.

"They work beautifully together, despite centrifugal forces," Morris admitted, saying even some staunch Trump supporters were never McCarthy, but ultimately stepped aside to allow the centrist to become speaker of 118th Congress.

Trump surely approved of Morris' sycophancy.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:10 PM EST
Wayne Allyn Root Trump Sycophancy Watch
Topic: WorldNetDaily

When last we checked in on Wayne Allyn Root's Trump sycophancy, he was trying to deflect from donald Trump dining with anti-Semite Kanye West and anti-Semite and white supremacist Nick Fuentes by insisting that he merely hung out with a "celebrity acquaintance" and a "stranger." For his Dec. 23 WorldNetDaily column, Root re-watched "Braveheart" and decided that it is somehow "the story of America today – with the middle class fighting for its very survival ... and one man standing in the way: Donald J. Trump":

Trump is today's embodiment of Sir William Wallace.

Trump believes in cutting back the power of the corrupt D.C. swamp and deep state. He wants to give more power, freedom and opportunity to the people – and that scares the swamp and deep state to death.

The evil villain of "Braveheart" is the king of England: Edward Longshanks. Today the embodiment of King Edward is this Biden administration – which is clearly run by Obama, back for his third term.

I call this two-headed monster "O'Biden."

Just like King Edward, O'Biden believes the citizens' money belongs to government. Just like King Edward, O'Biden believes every decision should be made by government, every conversation should be listened to, and the people's rights and weapons must be confiscated as a threat to government's rule.

I believe that, just like a tyrant, this O'Biden administration uses the FBI to rig and steal elections. Just like a tyrant, this O'Biden administration uses the FBI to frame and raid political opponents – even the former president of the United States.

Just like a tyrant, this O'Biden administration orders social media companies like Twitter and Facebook to censor, suspend and ban anyone who disagrees with their agenda. They even order the media to change the news feed to suppress any negative stories about O'Biden's corruption.

Always remember this administration wanted the FBI to arrest PTA parents. Now they've added 87,000 new IRS agents to act as enforcers and intimidate the people.

We give away $100 billion to Ukraine (the most corrupt country in the world) to protect their border from an invasion, while they leave our border open to an invasion of millions.


History repeats. It's all happening today ... in America. Trump is the only thing standing between us and them. Between freedom and serfdom.

They only attack Trump. Not DeSantis. Not any other Republican. Just Trump. What does that tell you?

Trump is taking our slings and arrows. He is being attacked from a thousand directions. He is being framed, demonized, slandered and destroyed. They want him in prison. The entire deep state is assembled against him. Think what he faces every day. Think what he has given up. For us.

This is a war to save the heart and soul of America: the great American middle class. Trump is our war general. Don't let the con men of the D.C. swamp and deep state turn you against Trump. Ever. He's all we've got.

This Christmas, please understand and appreciate that Trump is our Braveheart.

But Root shockingly disagreed with Trump for his Jan. 6 column:

McCarthy is a prime example of a UniParty fraud: He is a D.C. swamp, deep-state RINO fake who backstabbed former President Donald Trump and then raised money to attack and defeat Trump-backed, America First, MAGA candidates in the 2022 election. He is the worst kind of fraud, coward and pansy. 

Trump argued with me on my Real America's Voice TV show "America's Top Ten Countdown" last week that Sen. Mitch McConnell is even worse and that McCarthy would be better than a lot of other horrible choices for House speaker. Basically, Trump was arguing "everyone in the D.C. swamp sucks, so let's settle for the best of the worst."

I disagree 110%.

I want to remind Trump of how he became one of the wealthiest and most famous human beings in world history. By never settling. By aiming for the stars. By never accepting less than No. 1. No one – including Trump – ever got famous by aiming for the lowest common denominator. You aim for the stars; you don't aim for the curb.

Kevin McCarthy is the curb.

Being "the best of the worst" is not something to vote for. I'm a Republican-conservative patriot. I want conservative, America First, MAGA patriots to lead my party. I want a general to lead us into battle. Not a wishy-washy, middle-of-the-road, RINO fraud who never fails to disappoint conservatives, but always caves to Democrats. That's McCarthy.


The entire U.S. media is gaslighting you, trying to convince you that McCarthy must be the House speaker ... his election must be rammed through ... the entire saga is a "humiliation" to the GOP ... and those 20 holdouts are "insurrectionists."

Nope. They're heroes of American patriotism, American exceptionalism, capitalism and conservative values.

Why is it acceptable to be a "Never Trumper," but not a "Never Kevin"? Since when does voting against someone who gets an "F" rating when fighting for your own top priorities make you an "insurrectionist"?

Root then rehashed one of his earlier sycophantic ideas:

I hate to say, "I told you so," but ...

President Donald J. Trump should have been our House speaker.

I was the first to publicly propose that idea on Jan. 30, 2021. I was the first to ask Trump about it. And I was the first to urge Trump to go after the House speaker position in my one-on-one interviews. I was right.

That's the solution. That's how we break this logjam. We need Trump now more than ever. Trump is the man to lead the battle. We can't wait until 2024. This is how we get Trump today.

Step up, Mr. President.

Of course, Trump is too lazy to actually do something like that (not that Root will admit it, of course).So, in his Jan. 14 column, he reframed things to portray McCarthy's eventual election as speaker as a victory for Trump:

I told you so. My plan worked. It just worked in a way I never imagined.

Like Martin Luther King Jr., I had a dream. My dream was former President Donald Trump as House speaker. I was the first in America to propose the idea in a commentary on Jan. 30, 2021. Then I talked about it nonstop for months on my nationally syndicated radio show. I personally lobbied Trump in numerous appearances on my radio and TV shows.

But Trump made it clear he never really wanted it. Trump is always No. 1. The chairman of the board. The five-star general. He doesn't take orders from anyone. I think he always looked at Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan and John Boehner (the last three House speakers) as errand boys and girls. Order takers. So, Trump never wanted the job. Not enough star power for him.

And who can blame him? Look at Trump's life. Trump has had the greatest life on Earth. He became not only a billionaire, but the most famous billionaire on Earth. The celebrity of all celebrities. With the most famous celebrity estate: Mar-a-Lago. And the most famous reality TV show, "Celebrity Apprentice."

Who'd give that life up?

Trump did. To save America and the forgotten middle class. To fight the D.C. swamp and the deep state. To make America great again. He gave up his one-in-a-billion life for you and me!

Now he wants to be president again. Trump never saw House speaker as his calling. He was flattered by my idea, but he never wanted the job. House speaker takes up too much time. Trump needs to be free to run for president again.

Trump plays chess at a much higher level. My idea was a good one. Trump just made it happen in a different way. You see, Trump is the newly elected House speaker – just not in name. In name, the title goes to Rep. Kevin McCarthy.

But guess who got McCarthy elected? Trump. And guess who controls McCarthy's every move as House speaker? The MAGA, America First, loyal Trump members of the Freedom Caucus.

MAGA has McCarthy by the short hairs. McCarthy can't take a bathroom break without asking the Freedom Caucus for permission. So, guess who's actually running Congress? De-facto House Speaker Donald J. Trump.

This is "the House that Trump built."

Root concluded by praising Trump's laziness some more:

Yes, Trump took my idea and ran with it. Trump is now the de-facto House speaker … without any of the day-to-day work that would prevent him from running for president. Nothing in Congress will happen without Trump's approval. And Trump runs the whole show, direct from Mar-a-Lago.

That's called having your cake and eating it too.

That's some serious spin there, Wayne.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:01 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 3:13 PM EST
NEW ARTICLE -- The MRC Flips Over Elon Musk, Part 6: The Twitter Files Cometh
Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center did stenography work to promote the selectively released files through Musk's hand-picked reporters -- and attacked anyone in the media who wouldn't similarly parrot the pro-Musk narrative. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 1:36 AM EST
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
MRC's Double Standard On President Classified Document Scandals
Topic: Media Research Center

After the FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago to retrieve numerous classified documents that he had refused to return despite repeated requests from the National Archives, the Media Research Center was slow to respond to the story, then quickly moved into defense-and-deflection mode. When a handful of classified documents were discovered among Joe Biden's papers at private offices outside the White House and his Delaware home -- which, in contrast to Trump, he immediately returned when they were discovered -- the MRC moved exponentially faster and immediately went into full pounce mode. A Jan. 9 post by Kevin Tober kicked things off, with the usual MRC complaint that non-right-wing media was failing to embrace right-wing narratives -- and, even worse, pointed out that the Biden and Trump situations were different:

On Monday afternoon, CBS was given an exclusive that revealed that classified documents were found at President Biden's private office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington D.C. After the amount of handwringing and nonstop negative coverage of the news that Trump had classified documents at his home in Mar-a-Lago, you would think the media would take this story seriously. Predictably, they sought to downplay the news and deflect blame from Biden and distance him from any comparisons to what happened with Trump's storage of classified documents. 


Meanwhile, on CBS Evening News, national correspondent Adriana Diaz ran to former federal prosecutor Scott Fredericksen to get assurance that what Biden reportedly did was different from what Trump was accused of.

“How significant is it that these documents were self-reported, and voluntarily turned over?,” Diaz asked. 

Predictably, Fredericksen let Biden off the hook by explaining “the self-reporting here is probably the single most important part of this situation. It indicates a lack of intentional conduct. It's completely different from the Mar-a-Lago case, which tends, based on reporting, to indicate there was intentional activity to take those documents.”

Yes, so "predictable" to point out differences between the two.

A couple hours later, Tober found someone to peddle a conservatively correct narrative:

On CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, senior political commentator Scott Jennings slammed President Joe Biden over his reportedly mishandling classified documents at his private office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington D.C. What made this revelation especially rich was the fact that Biden was so outraged at former President Trump allegedly having documents marked classified at his home in Mar-a-Lago. Jennings even got in a Michael Scott reference during his Monday night appearance.

The pouncing continued in full force the next day:

  • Alex Christy complained that CNN's Don Lemon (accurately) pointed out that the story has "already been politicized by those on the right."
  • Mark Finkelstein whined that MSNBC's Joe Scarborough also pointed out the difference between the Trump and Biden situations.
  • Nicholas Fondacaro grumbled that the hosts of "The View" defended Biden over "newly revealed fact that he stole classified documents." Did anyone at the MRC ever state that Trump stole classified documents?
  • Fondacaro returned to complain that CNN "sought help from former members of the CIA and FBI to defuse the situation Biden has found himself in."

Curtis Houck, meanwhile, served up the requisite daily take that right-wing media aren't sounding like Fox News:

Along with the Monday night network evening newscasts, the Tuesday morning broadcast network news shows tried to dial back the heart rates of liberal viewers by insisting there’s no there there to classified documents being found in the Washington D.C. office of President Biden’s University of Pennsylvania think tank. Instead, it was a case of Republicans “pounc[ing]” despite “key differences” between Biden and what they hope to be the jailing of former President Trump for classified documents found in Mar-a-Lago.

And predictably, none of them mentioned how the Penn Biden Center has received over $50 million in money from communist China.

In a Jan. 11 post, Christy looked at the reaction of late-night comedy hosts, complaining in particular that Jimmy Kimmel pointed out that "for the MAGA crowd, this was like Christmas and the McRib coming back at the same time." Other coverage complaints continued, again largely focused on non-right-wing media not attacking Biden like right-wing media would (and did):

Tim Graham's Jan. 11 podcast pretended that the "liberal media," not right-wingers, are the one with the real double standard:

CBS broke the news on Monday that Biden's lawyers disclosed they have discovered classified documents in an office at the University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center in the nation's capital. The "roughly 10" documents are from President Biden's vice-presidential office at the center, which opened in 2018.

This triggered serious news coverage....and a rash of comparisons suggesting Joe Biden couldn't possibly be half as careless with classified information as Donald Trump. Journalists implied Biden’s a seasoned professional who understands national security, while Trump is the King of Recklessness. On NPR and other networks, they insisted you couldn't compare these two incidents "apples to apples."

NPR media reporter David Folkenflik argued "There really haven't been a ton of scandals during the Biden presidency affecting Joe Biden himself, beyond his troubled son, Hunter. So consider it a little bit of a media test case." Just like they said for Obama, there aren't many Biden scandals...because they're not looking for any Biden scandals. After all, it was NPR that insisted in the last weeks of the 2020 campaign that any focus on Hunter Biden was a "pure distraction."

Fact check: Right-wing media, including the MRC, have been pushing attacks on Hunter Biden precisely because they are a distraction from everything Trump (whom the MRC will never completely repudiate, despite instigating a violent insurrection).

Meanwhile, Fondacaro unironically ranted:

On Thursday morning, news broke that the second batch of classified documents President Biden took when he was vice president was found in the garage of his Wilmington, Delaware home, next to his Corvette. And conspiracy theories flew around the set of ABC’s The View as the co-hosts whine about how these documents just appeared, with some apparent suggestions that Republicans were “behind” them getting into the garage and the President’s former office at the Penn Biden Center.

Fondacaro somehow forgot mention that Trump himself accused the FBI (or, at least, the "Marxist thugs" therein) of planting those classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. You'd think he'd acknowledge there's precedent for such a view, but we know Fondacaro is not an honest guy.

The MRC did find a couple instances of non-right-wing outlets sounding sufficiently like Fox News to be worth promoting:

But it still found other instances of non-Fox-News media behavior to complain about:

P.J. Gladnick, meanwhile, got assigned the duty of complaining that Republican (and MRC) double standards on possession of classified documents were being called out:

ABC News appears to be in such a state of urgency to defend Joe Biden in the wake of the documents scandal that they regurgitated a term that was thought to have been mocked out of existence. The worn cliché, "Republicans pounce" or as the title of ABC News reporter-producer Ben Gittleson's story put it on Wednesday, "GOP pounces," as you can see in "Biden leaves questions unanswered on classified documents, as GOP pounces."


If Gittleson did not write the title to his story, then he needs to warn the editor who did to never again use the "GOP pounces" in a title since it has long ago become a worn cliché that now only serves as a red flag for mocking any article using that term. Even its replacement "Republicans seize" has already become another cliché.

Perhaps Gittleson and his ABC News editors should consult the thesaurus for a suitable replacement. "Republicans swooped." That could work... but only for a brief time until it joins "GOP pounces" and "Republicans seize" in the stale cliché category.

Despite whining about the phrasing, Gladnick did not dispute that Republicans are exhibiting a double standard.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:44 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, February 7, 2023 8:22 PM EST
WND Trots Out Its Favorite Right-Wing Prophet To Rant Against Biden
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jonathan Cahn has long been a WorldNetDaily favorite (and onetime cash cow) -- a self-proclaimed messianic rabbi whose prophecies just happened to coincide with his (and WND's) right-wing editorial agenda -- and it's been trotting him out again recently. In January 2022, it promoted an event featuring Cahn that purported to be "focused on America's history, its spiritual foundations and the importance of its covenant with God." Given that it also featured fringe figures like pseudo-historian David Barton and election denier and MyPillow guy Mike Lindell, it's unlikely the event offered any sort of enlightenment (not to mention the fact that Cahn diminished what standing he has by appearing with such grifters).

In April, Art Moore interviewed Cahn to promote his latest "harbinger" pronouncements in a film in which he claimed to be "answering the 'what now' question that many have posed to him as current events mirror the biblical pattern he wrote about in 2011 in his first book." Cahn did another interview with Moore in September, in which he hyperbolically likened the secularization of Western culture to Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia: ""It's never neutral. The Soviet Union wasn't neutral. Nazi Germany wasn't neutral. And this isn't neutral ... It's just exposing itself now."

Cahn returned for a Jan. 3 article by Bob Unruh hyping his latest attack on President Biden, this time for not hating gay people:

Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn, who famously warned Joe Biden when he became president to follow God's laws or see America's blessings vanish, now is insisting that Biden prepare himself for the time that will come that he will face God.

"The day will come that you will stand before God and you will have no more position, no administration, no government, no media and no public opinion. It will just be you and Him, and He will ask you to give account of what you did, what you did with regard to His Word and His ways."

Cahn said, on video, "Judgment will come."

"Mr. President, the hour is late and eternity is soon coming. Repent and turn to God. The only hope yo have, and all of us have, is salvation."

Biden recently marked his 80th birthday.

Cahn noted he had asked Biden when he took office how he could place his left hand on a Bible, and then with his right hand sign laws that "war against the Word of God."

The issue at that point was the abortion-promoting agenda that Biden was pursuing. The latest video notes Biden's celebration of the misnamed "Respect for Marriage Act" that declares marriage to be whatever two people say.

Cahn cited his warning about following God's laws, or breaking them.

"Now you've done it," he said, citing Biden's decision to officiate over a ceremony that altered federal law.

"You did something no president had ever done," which was enshrine an alternate to marriage into federal law.

Then Biden held a "festival," Cahn said.

Unruh inserted his own bias along with Cahn's attacks:

Since he's been in office, Biden has overseen inflation of up to 9.1%, sky high fuel costs, an open southern border drawing millions of illegal aliens to America, an unstable relationship with foreign powers, shortages of medicine, radical ideologies forced on schools and members of the military, and much more.

Cahn, on Biden's ascension to the White House, noted the pattern of God's judgment from the Old Testament that he discovered were remarkably repeated in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, including on the spot where George Washington stood and prayed on the day of his inauguration. For Israel, he noted that after such a warning, there was a window of time of 19 years to return to God before judgment, or "great shakings" began. Clearly, 19 years after 2001, America suffered a year of "great shakings."

He directed his words to the current president.

"Mr. Biden, you have called for unity and peace. But how can a nation have unity and peace when it wars against the very foundation on which it stands?" he said.

Cahn said the nation can't have unity and peace when it has "turned against the God who brought it into existence."

There was no mention of the adulterous, immoral, thrice-married Donald Trump.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:53 PM EST
Newsmax Still Screaming Victimhood In Week 2 Of DirecTV Deplatforming
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax entered its second week of loudly screaming victimhood and dishonestly elevating DirecTV dropping its TV channel in a business dispute into a "censorship" case and trying to get the government to interfere in it and punish DirecTV and its AT&T parent for its business decision. It has seemingly called in every right-winger who has ever appeared on the channel to register a complaint:

By our count, this makes at least 82 articles Newsmax has published attacking DirecTV in the first 10 days since it was deplatformed.

Newsmax CEO Chrstopher Ruddy also spoke out in a Feb. 1 article that began by complaining that DirecTV wouldn't negortiate with it, then ramping up the victimhood and unproven conspiracy theory that Newsmax was targeted for being right-wing:

"It makes you wonder if there's something bigger behind this that they're so inflexible," Ruddy said.

There has been a "targeted" attack on silencing conservative dissent of liberal political views, he added.

"It was a political decision," Ruddy said, rejecting DirecTV's claim the deplatforming was a "business decision." "They know the elections are coming up. They want to silence conservative voices. They got away with deplatforming One America News, and they hope that they can get away with this, and I think they were shocked and surprised by the outcry."


"They really were selectively trying to target us to essentially put us out of business, because they know a cable news channel needs to have license fee income to exist, and they didn't want us to be treated like another cable news channel," Ruddy told Van Susteren, maintaining that  DirecTV's "cost-cutting" explanation does not hold water.

"Usually you do it by eliminating the very costly channels that have very little ratings," Ruddy continued. "And with us, they're taking a highly rated channel — we're No. 5 for cable news in the United States, we reach 25 million Americans, and we're top 20 of cable overall.

"We're a big deal in cable, and they're saying that we're not eligible for a fee."

Ruddy pompously thinking Newsmax is "a big deal in cable" doesn't mean it actually is.He also didn't mention that DirecTV replaced Newsmax with another right-wing channel, The First.

Newsmax columnists have also had their say.A Jan. 31 column by Craig Shirley weirdly blamed the "dark forces of Wokeism" for Newsmax being kicked off DirecTV:

Newsmax is the vision of founder Christopher Ruddy along with his flagship magazine and radio networks.

But collectivism cannot stand the dissemination of conservative ideas simply because, freedom is better than tyranny.

At the very least, DirecTV — and AT&T are guilty of violating the constitutionally protected right of free speech.

In other words, Direct TV is interfering with Newsmax audience's right to hear all the information on breaking news.

And Direct TV is disrupting Newsmax’s right to do business with you, the viewer.

You don’t get news and information anymore from NBC News' "Meet the Press," they are interested only in shrinking knowledge, not expanding it.

The program's ratings are abysmal.

Same too with The Washington Post, The New York Times, ABC and CBS.

In fact, all the left-wing news outlets.

And forget about NPR. You might as well be reading Mao’s "Little Red Book."

The left just doesn’t want your hard-earned money.

They want to regulate and control you.

In fact, "Meet the Press" garners more than 2 million viewers weekly, while Newsmax TV hovers around 100,000 viewers on a daily basis.

A Feb. 2 column by Dave Donaldson offered another reason to oppose Newsmax's deflatforming -- it gave right-wing and religious groups (he runs a religious group called CityServe) free publicity:

Each week, Newsmax TV gives scores of nonprofits, especially faith-based organizations, valuable airtime to communicate with a broader audience. They get to talk about their projects and why they matter to the broader community. And Newsmax has a reputation for being very generous with its airtime.

Newsmax sees the world in a way that transcends the common partisan struggles over money and politics. Now, I'm sure losing the opportunity to reach 13 million DirecTV viewers will impact Newsmax's carriage and ad revenue. But AT&T and DirecTV need to understand who else is going to suffer.

By the way, none of these people, including Ruddy, have mentioned the fact that DirecTV replaced Newsmax with another right-wing channel, The First, meaning that claims of viewpoint "censorship"are completely inoperative.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:24 PM EST

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