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Friday, August 14, 2020
CNS Tries, Fails To Mask-Shame Dr. Fauci

An anonymously written July 24 article tries to play gotcha with Dr. Anthony Fauci over wearing masks:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, dropped his face mask to below his chin while sitting with two other people in the stands at Nationals Park during Thursday night’s Nats game against the New York Yankees, according to a photograph published by WTOP.

The day before the Nats game, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser had issued an order requiring people to wear masks in most circumstances when they are outdoors in Washington, D.C.


The 30th photo in the series shows Fauci sitting in the stands with individuals sitting in the seats immediately to his left and right.

These other two people, a man and a woman, are both wearing masks over their mouth and nose.

Fauci has a mask draped over his ears, but the face covering is pulled down so that his nose and mouth are both exposed.

The caption does not identify the people sitting with Fauci.

Needless to say, CNS wasn't interested in telling the full story. That duty felll to an actual news outlet:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, America's top infectious disease expert, fired back at those who criticized him for pulling his face mask down while seated next to his wife and a friend at Tuesday's season-opening Major League Baseball game. He called the critiques "mischievous," and said he pulled the mask down because he was drinking water.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, threw out the ceremonial first pitch before the game, then sat in the nearly empty stands to watch the Washington Nationals host the New York Yankees.

An image taken by The Associated Press showed Fauci seated directly between his wife and another man with no spacing between them. Fauci had his phone in his hand. A bottle of water could be seen between his legs. He was looking at the other man and smiling.


When asked about it Friday on Fox News, Fauci told John Roberts he had tested negative for COVID-19 the day before the game and that the other man in the photo is a close friend.

"I think this is sort of mischievous with this thing going around. I had my mask around my chin, I had taken it down. I was totally dehydrated and I was drinking water trying to rehydrate myself," Fauci said.

“I wear a mask all the time when I'm outside -- to pull it down, to take some sips of water and put it back up again, I guess if people want to make something about that, they can. But to me, I think that’s just mischievous," Fauci added.

If CNS is only interested in doing partisan hit jobs, it's not really a "news" outlet, is it?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:24 AM EDT

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