WorldNetDaily, it seems, is not done saying weird things about the death of David Rockefeller.
Discredited anti-Kinsey obsessive Judith Reisman devoted her March 29 WND column to attacking Rockefeller for giving money from his family's foundation to "the father of the sexual revolution, Dr. Alfred Kinsey of Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute, and Margaret Sanger, the founder of abortion-on-demand and population-control agent Planned Parenthood." She went on to rant:
The Rockefeller Foundation was a major funding source for pedophile Kinsey. In his 1948 book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” Kinsey naturally claimed proof that children are sexual from birth and unharmed by sex with adults. He even showed his “proof” on five tables timing the alleged “orgasms” from serial sexual abuse and rapes of children as young as 2 months old. (The babies and children screamed, fainted and/or convulsed during the abuse; Kinsey, an S&M bi-homosexual pedophile, called these reactions “orgasms.”)
Buoyed by a Rockefeller Foundation financed media tsunami and a respected scientific publisher, Kinsey’s child-rape “data” were accepted as “scientific” evidence of the “true sex lives” American adults and children. Kinsey’s “fake science” was and is today taught as factual data in law and in “higher” education.
Kinsey’s book launched the pornography industry in 1954 via Hefner’s Playboy, prompted a wholesale revision of our sex offense laws through the 1955 Model Penal Code, called “virtually a Kinsey document,” legalized mass abortion and same-sex sodomy, and spawning our pedophilia and child porno-crime epidemics.
As we've pointed out, Reisman's accusations that Kinsey conducted sexual experiments on children to get that data on sexual response has been discredited.
Reisman also gets stuff wrong about the Model Penal Code. It actually wasn't approved until 1962; the only thing that came out in 1955 were two drafts, out of 13 issued between 1953 and 1961.
We have to go to a 2003 Human Events article to find out what the heck her deal is with the Model Penal Code: that it sought to stop the criminalization of private, consensual sexual behavior. Also, she's upset that the code's authors "quoted Kinsey’s junk science in order to overthrow the Judeo-Christian sexual morality of The Greatest Generation and replace it with Kinsey’s ideology of sexual anarchy."
Reisman concluded by ranting:
Rockefeller Foundation’s sponsorship of Kinsey’s child rape-based sexual freedom agenda and its domino effect on law, society and culture, our modern child porno-criminal, pedophile and trafficking epidemics, and the eugenics-based work of Planned Parenthood, which justifies killing millions of unborn children, has certainly proven the truth of Justice Brandeis predictions.
David Rockefeller’s contribution to this bloody, destructive legacy must never be forgotten.
Meanwhile, Reisman's legacy is all about trying to falsely smear Kinsey.
Bozell Defends Trump With Hot-Take Rants About Susan Rice Topic: Media Research Center
Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell hasn't said a word about the Bill O'Reilly sexual harrassment scandal -- in fact, nobody at the MRC has beyond Randy Hall obliquely complaining about CNN's "obsessive Bill O'Reilly coverage," and Bozell certainly does not want to put his TV hits on Fox in jeopardy by mentioning it -- but he has suddenly become a veritable hot-take machine on the subject of former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice and the unmasking of .
Bozell issued a statement asserting that Rice engaged in "politically-motivated unmasking of Trump associates"-- never mind the fact that Bozell does not and cannot know, at this point, whether Rice's actions were " politically-motivated."
Bozell went on to rant: "We have a smoking gun that points to criminal activity by President Obama’s national security advisor and the media have shown an utter lack of interest in pursuing the story. If this story is not a top priority for every news outlet, they are aiding and abetting a cover-up. President Trump has every right to be furious with the press and the American people have every reason to be disgusted."
Bozell, meanwhile, doesn't want to talk about the "smoking gun" that is the $13 million in settlements O'Reilly and Fox News have paid to settle sexual harrassment complaints.
Bozell then ran to Fox News' sister network Fox Business (of course) to assert that "CNN has been on a jihad" against outlets that report on Rice, insisting that Rice was engaged in "parsing of words" by claiming that she did not unmask for political reasons.Bozell then whined that "there have been non-stop, countless, innumerable stories done about these allegations of a Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians. Not one single piece of evidence has come up to point to that allegation." He didn't mention that his own "news" outlet,, has been desperate to spin away the Trump-Russia connection.
In a separate Fox Business appearance, Bozell was still ranting about Rice, this time invoking the tired right-wing Benghazi warhorse: "This is the same Susan Rice who went on five national news shows after Benghazi and lied and blamed it on a video and yet you have got Andrea Mitchell reporting her spin on it that this was the latest of a Trump administration series of attacks." In fact, the House report on Benghazi found that Rice was following White House talking points about the video, which were based on an editing error by the CIA, and that she was not deliberately lying.
Bozell also invoked his persecution narrative, insisting that the media "want [Trump] out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. So they're keeping a story alive that has absolutely no legs."
Bozell and Tim Graham's April 5 column rehashes all this hot-take spin -- calling her a "liar" on Benghazi, baselessly suggesting she leaked the unmasked names. They then laughably complain: "The media don't care first about "facts." They care first about liberal victory. Their hope now is to remove Trump from office. Keep that in mind when they speak."
Pretty rich coming from a couple of guys who didn't care about facts when applied to Trump and cared only about a Trump win and protecting Trump from his words and actions. Keep that in mind when Bozell and Graham speak.
WND Goes Into Pro-Trump Defense Overdrive Topic: WorldNetDaily
In pointing out WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah's ludicrous assertion that there's no actual news in thte connections between Donald Trump and Russia, we stuck our well-worn Farah "LIAR" graphic on it -- and not just because Farah repeated the lie that Obama spent taxpayer money to influence an Israeli election.
We also noted how WND has been spinning so hard to pretend there is nothing to see here regarding those Trump-Russia links, and how Farah is lying about how that's not really a story. WND's pro-Trump, Russia-denying agenda has been consistent through the news of the past week or so.
First up is Garth Kant (pictured), who in a March 27 article baselessly asserts as fact that there was "possible spying by the Obama administration on then-President-elect Trump’s transition team," then insists that the real story is that alleged spying, not the fact that numerous Trump transition officials had contacts with Russia. In to deflect from Republican Rep. Devin Nunes' partisan handling of the House of Representatives investigation of the Russian contacts, Kant forwarded the pro-Trump spin that the actual scandal is that the FBI is engaging in a "possible stonewall" of Nunes' requests for information and whined that "the media antennae were all aflutter with the whiff of scandal" over Nunes' unorthodox behavior.
Yes, somehow this is all the media's fault for trying to hold Nunes accountable, according to Kant.
Kant struck again in an April 3 article attacking former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, proclaiming that "Mike Cernovich broke the story in an article in Medium on Sunday that said, 'The White House Counsel’s office identified Rice as the person responsible for the unmasking after examining Rice’s document log requests,'" going on to baselessly suggest that Rice leaked those names. Kant didn't mention that Cernovich is an alt-right troll who makes racially charged statements and who promoted the Pizzagate scandal -- which was so bogus that even the conspiracy-lovers at WND largely stayed away from it, though notcompletely -- and, thus, really can't be trusted.
An April 4 WND article by Alicia Powe actdually embeds a Cernovich tweet promoting his dubious story -- then, incredibly, attacked media outlets like CNN who pointed out the emptiness of the claim that Rice leaked the names of Trump associates who had contacts with Russian operatives as "fake-news giants." Powe went on to huff:
Following months of uninterrupted media coverage of unproven allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russian agents to undermine Hillary Clinton’s candidacy – and the media’s reluctance to inform the public on whether Obama White House gathered and leaked surveillance information on Trump or his aides – America’s trust in the media is rapidly diminishing.
Most Americans (60 percent) believe traditional media outlets publish fake news reports, and Republicans are more likely to believe that fake news is being pushed to advance an agenda, according to a recent Monmouth University poll.
Someone forgot to tell Powe that she's employed by a fake-newsgiant.
Newsmax's Hirsen Runs to Devin Nunes' Defense Topic: Newsmax
James Hirsen is ostenibly Newsmax's "media analyst," but he's also a pretty tight Trump toady. And he's upset when others are portrayed as such.
In his March 27 column, Hirsen complains about how Democrats are allegedly trying to "systematically disparaging, discrediting, and sometimes seeking to destroy, in a political sense" Republican Rep. Devin Nunes for his highly politicized handing on the House investigation of allegedly links between Russia and the Trump campaign. Hirsen parrots the right-wing spin that "officials in the Obama administration had wrongfully revealed and disseminated the identities of U.S. citizens" but doesn't actually prove it.
Hirsen then runs to Nunes' defense of perhaps the most indefensible thing Nunes has done, briefing President Trump on the investigation before even members of his own committee:
The critique of Nunes by the Democrats and their mainstream media allies focuses on the following:
1. Nuness disclosure having been made without first notifying committee Democrats.
2. Nuness having briefed the White House on the newly exposed evidence.
The House Intelligence Committee Chairman apologized to Democratic committee members for the apparent break with protocol of not notifying Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee (and his fellow committee members) before going public.
Nunes did not, however, apologize for providing the newly revealed evidence to the White House, nor was he obliged to do so.
Nunes said that the "unmasking" of names of individuals in the reports was a development "significant" enough to warrant his briefing the president as soon as possible.
The chairman told Fox News that he believed he had a "duty and obligation" to inform President Trump.
The headline on Hirsen's column, by the way, is "Nunes Briefed Trump Out of a Sense of Duty Only." Hirsen does not know that; he only knows what Nunes has claimed about it.
You'd think a media analyst would be smart enough not to solely take someone's word for something.
WND's Farah Doesn't Understand Why Trump-Russia Is A Story. No, Really. Topic: WorldNetDaily
Joseph Farah writes in his April 2 WorldNetDaily column:
I don’t understand it.
I don’t comprehend it.
I don’t get why so many people take this Russian influence business seriously.
I don’t see any evidence for it.
I certainly don’t see any evidence it was effective at tipping the scales on the election.
So why are the media, Democrats and even some Republicans and members of the Trump administration taking it seriously?
That's right: the man who spent eight years promoting conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's birth certificate -- and the man whose website just claimed that CoverGirl hiring a Muslim spokesmodel makes it a "proxy for jihad" -- somehow doesn't see any significance whatsoever in the Trump team's Russian connections.
We suspect he'd see this as a story if Trump was a Democrat, though. And his WND wouldn't be spinning so hard to pretend there is nothing to see here regarding those Trump-Russia links.
Farah also repeats the falsehood that "Barack Obama used U.S. taxpayer money openly to influence the election of its best ally in the Middle East, Israel." As we pointed out the last time Farah told this lie -- which refers to an Israeli group that received State Department funding for a separate project that later used the project's infrastructure to run a campaign against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- no laws were violated, the organization did not violate any conditions of its deal with State, and no State Department money went toward funding the anti-Netanyahu campaign.
(Note that Farah doesn't refer to Obama as "President Obama." Farah apparently still refuses to acknowledge that Obama was ever president.)
In case you missed in our full-length article last week on's continued fawning coverage of fossil-fuel interests, CNS reporter Penny Starr -- the site's leading fossil-fuel stenographer -- has flown the coop, leaving in March to take a new job at Breitbart.
Indeed, a skim through her archive shows that Starr is doing pretty much the same thing at Breitbart she did at CNS, though for a larger audience and (presumably) a bigger salary -- heavy on single-source items designed to promote a right-wing, pro-Trump agenda.
Of course, as a Breitbart employee, she's now a part of the "state-owned media" of the kind her former employer, the Media Research Center, loved to rail against when the president was a Democrat.
WND Again Attacks Muslims Who Invoke Law It Praised Christians For Using Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily has predictably served up another example of attacking Muslims for using the very same religious-freedom law it has praised Christians for invoking.
Bob Unruh writes in a March 31 article about "a case brought by Mohammed Ali Chaudry and the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge against Bernards Township, [New Jersey]," which is trying to build a mosque, a case that in part involves "the apparent intervention of the Obama administration against the local government, even while the public hearings over the project were ongoing."
As is WND's biased standard, Unruh quotes only opponents of the mosque, as is to be expected given that he's merely rewriting a press release from the right-wing Thomas More Law Center, which is representing mosque opponents who apparently don't want to be held accountable for their words. Unruh also quotes Karen Lugo, whom hedescribes only as "a specialist on constitutional law and zoning issues" (a turn of phrase straight from the Thomas More press release), not mentioning that she's an anti-Muslim activsts whose real expertise is manipulating local zoning laws to stop mosques from being built.
That's what seems to be the case here, in which the township required that the mosque have more than twice as many parking spaces than it requires for a similarly sized church. Unruh does acknowledge this, but also complained that the Department of Justice, "under an agenda imposed by Obama, sued Bernards Township" over the planned mosque.
What Unruh doesn't mention, however, is that the "agenda" the DOJ is using is the federal Religious Land Use and Institutional Persons Act, and as a real news outlet reported, a federal judge found Bernards Township guilty of violating it by demanding an excessive number of parking spaces in denying zoning for the mosque after a four-year battle. WND has repeatedly praised Christian organizations who invoked RLUIPA against alleged municipal discrimination.
Unruh says nothing about RLUIPA being the basis for the legal action, even though the Thomas More press release did -- just like Unruh's WND colleague Leo Hohmann failed to do in writing about a similar legal action regarding a proposed Michigan mosque.
The headline on Unruh's article calls the legal action "mosque lawfare." We're pretty sure WND used the term "church lawfare" to describe any Christian organization that invoked RLUIPA.
More Pro-Trump Spin: CNS Touts How 'GOP Protects Trumps Tax-Return Privacy' Topic:
We've noted how CNS' chief Trump stenographer, Susan Jones, has obsessed over (and defended against) calls for Donald Trump to release his taxes ... but was curiously silent when MSNBC's Rachel Maddow actually did release details of one year's return.
Well, she's at it again, in a March 29 article under the spin-heavy headline "GOP Protects Trump’s Tax-Return Privacy: ‘No Single Individual Has Ever Been Targeted in Such a Manner’." In it, Jones simply blockquotes one Trump defender while his critics get the normal "news" treatment, and she once again makes sure to point out that "there is no law requiring" Trump to release his taxes.
WND Ludicrously Calls Makeup Company A 'Proxy for Jihad' Topic: WorldNetDaily
It seems that at WorldNetDaily, Muslims are the new communists. Just like right-wingers found reds under the bed, WND is finding "jihadists" under seemingly every rock it turns over. Like in makeup.
No, really. From an anonymously written March 29 WND article headlined "Muslim expert warns of new proxy for jihad: CoverGirl":
An expert on Islam is warning that jihadis have a new proxy to fight for their rigid, uncompromising and all-controlling way of life: CoverGirl, a new report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin reveals.
“Beauty and fashion industries in particular offer a mold in which intellectual discourse and cultural commentary is cast aside for opinion. That opinion is then shaped, packaged and pushed as a product onto a population group already pliable to messaging,” wrote the expert, Shireen Qudosi, director of Muslim Matters at America Matters.
“With CoverGirl’s newest ‘brand ambassador,’ Nura Afia, the message echoes the mantra of hardline Islamist groups who have, since the presidential election, lost much of their political ground. Lost ground is now regained in new spheres through personalities such as Afia, without any association with political parties.”
“Islamist influence is now using Western culture to solidify Islamist values in society’s more coveted circles: fashion and beauty,” she said, explaining that Melanie Elturk, the chief of Haute Hijab, is boasting that “fashion is one of the outlets in which we can start that cultural shift in today’s society to normalize the hijab in America.”
It was CoverGirl, she said, that picked Muslim beauty blogger Nura Afia as a new brand ambassador.
“She now stands with celebrities such as CoverGirl’s first male makeup model, James Charles; ‘Modern Family’ star Sofia Vergara and pop singer Katy Perry in a campaign that highlights brands of makeup targeted at customers who applaud surface ‘diversity’ and ‘equality,'” she wrote.
Needless to say, WND did not quote an actual "expert on Islam" who, by contrast to Qudosi, does not hate Muslims to rebut her nonsense.
The only surprise about this article is that chief WND Islamophobe Leo Hohmann didn't write this piece (or, heck, maybe he did since there's no byline).
CNS' Top Tebow-Touter Takes Another Swing Topic:
We'vedocumented how writer Michael Morris was lavishing praise on Tim Tebow's nascent baseball career while ignoring the fact that he's not exactly major-league material at this point.
Morris takes another swing at it in a March 20 blog post, touting New York Mets manager Terry Collins' noncommittal assessment that Tebow is "getting better."
Morris did make a passing reference to "minor league spring training," but he ignored one notable bit of news that occurred the same day his article was published: Tebow was sent to play for a Mets affiliate in Class A ball, the lowest rung of Major League Baseball.
Morris hasn't written about Tebow since. Of course, minor-league baseball isn't that exciting, even when Tebow is playing it.
WND's Right-Wing Doctor Still Lying About Planned Parenthood Topic: WorldNetDaily
A couple years back, we caught Elizabeth Lee Vliet -- WorldNetDaily columnist, affiliate of the right-wing Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and fearmongerer -- spreading lies about Planned Parenthood.
In her March 29 WND column, Vliet went back to that well, asserting "If one goal of 'health-care reform' is to eliminate 'disparities,' eliminating tax funding to Planned Parenthood would help save lives of minorities. Approximately 80 percent of abortions in the U.S. are done for two minority groups: African American and Hispanics."
Vliet's support for this claim? That lie-filled 2015 WND column. As we pointed out then, 55 percent of abortions are among whites.
Vliet also asserted:
Taxpayers should also pressure Congress to eliminate the $500 million (half a billion) tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood, whose primary business is abortion in their estimated 400 U.S. clinics. Low-income women already have access to health services in several thousand federally qualified health clinics across the country. This taxpayer funding for women’s health would be preserved in block grants of federal Medicaid dollars to the states.
In fact, according to Washington Post fact-checkers, it's unclear whether community health centers can fill the void left by denying federal funding to Planned Parenthood (none of which, by the way, goes to pay for abortion, a little fact that Vliet elides), and the Congressional Budget Office found that pulling Medicaid funding from Planned Parenthood would reduce the use of contraceptives and increase the cost of births to the federal government. Further, rural health clinics are not required to provide family planning services and do not have to serve low-income patients.
Vliet concluded by ranting, "Obamacare cannot survive. It is in a death spiral as many on both sides of the political spectrum have painfully realized." Um, no, it's not.
MRC Hides Conflict of Interest in Promoting Right-Wing Columnist's Crusade Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center has apparently signed onto a crusade by right-wing columnist Michelle Malkin to free Daniel Holtzclaw, an Oklahoma police officer convicted on multiple counts of rape and other sexual offenses.
A March 2 MRC post by Matt Philbin touted Malkin's investigation and how Rick Newcombe, head of Creators Syndicate, which syndicates Malkin's column, is calling for ABC's "20/20," which did a report on the Holtzclaw case last year, to do another report based on Malkin's investigation aimed at clearing Holtzclaw. The MRC's NewsBusters site also published Malkin columns on her investigation, including a March 22 column smearing the attorney for several of Holtzclaw's accusers, Benjamin Crump, as "the new Al Sharpton on steroids."
That nastiness is a red flag that Malkin is hardly a objective reporter and has an agenda to push.
The MRC's "news" division,, has joined the bandwagon as well, publishing a March 27 column by Newcombe promoting the work of "firebrand conservative columnist" Malkin on the case, which also quotes from Philbin's MRC post and includes family photos of Holtzclaw and a shot of Malkin with Holtzclaw family members (another sign that Malkin is not objective here).CNS also published Malkin's smear column on Crump, as well as Malkin's weekly column, in which she has promoted her investigation of the Holtzclaw case.
Which brings us to the question of conflict of interest.
The MRC has a business arrangement with Newcombe and Creators Syndicate, and not just paying him for the privilege of running Malkin's column. Creators also syndicates the twice-weekly column by MRC bigwigs Brent Bozell and Tim Graham -- a fact not mentioned by Philbin or in CNS' publication of Newcombe's column.
Further, as we documented, when it was revealed in 2014 that Bozell's columns (for which he was receiving sole credit) were actually ghostwritten by Graham, Newcombe ran to Bozell's defense insisting that "it is absolutely false to say that Brent Bozell does not write his column," adding that "I remember years ago when Brent suggested that he share the byline for his column with Tim, and I said it would be better for us to promote a single individual." After that imbroglio -- about which neither Bozell nor Graham has spoken publicly -- Graham got to share a byline with Bozell, but he was never given retroactive credit for the decade-plus of columns he wrote before that.
This suggests that the MRC has latched onto the Holtzclaw case less because of news value and more as a favor to a company it's doing business with.
WND's Cashill Signs On for Wingnut Welfare Topic: WorldNetDaily
Looks like WorldNetDaily columnist Jack Cashill is going the wingnut welfare route.
Cashill has signed on as editor and president of the Sentinel, a website operated by the Kansas Policy Institute that claims it will hold "government and mainstream media accountable for providing complete, accurate and unbiased information so that citizens can make their own informed decisions on matters of public policy.
The Kansas Policy Institute is part of the State Policy Network, a group of right-wing state-level policy group that is heavily funded by the Koch brothers. This setup will presumably pay Cashill more than he was making as a WND columnist.
In a video, KPI president Dave Trabert identified Cashill as among the "dream team of investigative journalists" hired for the venture, gushily claiming that Cashill has "debunked false claims and conspiracies at the FBI and the CIA, and he can't wait to hold government and media accountable right here in Kansas and Missouri."
Actually, Cashill is much better known for perpetuating conspiracies than debunking them. (Also, endorsing murder and denigratingTrayvon Martin.) He's so obsessed with the words of Barack Obama that he still insists that Bill Ayers ghostwrote Obama's first book and even claims that Obama didn't write his own love letters.
This is the guy who's running Trabert's "dream team." Is it Trabert's dream to fund a website that nobody considers to be credible?
MRC's Jeffrey Lord: Words Matter! (When They Might Make Trump Look Bad, That Is) Topic: Media Research Center
Trump sycophant Jeffrey Lord writes in his March 18 Media Research Center column:
Words matter.
Fact: The administration of President Barack Obama surveilled the campaign associates of the President’s political opponent, Donald Trump. Then the classified information gained was leaked to the press - repeatedly. All of which furthered a liberal narrative that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton.
How do we know? Because the New York Times says so.
Of course, the New York Times didn't actually say that. As the Times itself explains, the focus of the federal government's surveillance was Russian contacts, not Trump.
But in addition to that, Lord is also lying about how much words matter to him. A couple days later, Lord put in another appearance on CNN as its resident Trump sycohphant, where he was even more sycophantic than ever. Lord actually insisted that Trump wasn't lying when he claimed without evidence that Obama was wiretapping him. Wwe'll let the Washington Post take it from here:
Trump, he said, was speaking “Americanese” when he tweeted that Obama had orchestrated a “Nixon/Watergate” plot against him. The president’s supporters knew what he meant, but Washington insiders didn’t and blew it out of proportion.
Cooper and other guests seemed baffled.
“What you’re arguing then is the FBI and the Justice Department are mistaken for taking the president literally because they don’t speak Americanese?” Cooper asked.
Other guests continued to press the issue.
“The whole world had a chance to watch this unfold, and it was a direct test of his credibility. And the whole world now knows he lied about it,” former White House aide David Gergen said of Trump.
“We’ve seen it again and again,” Gergen continued. “When we have a president who is a congenital liar, it really matters.”
Lord tried to jump back in with an attack on Obama, but Cooper cut him off.
“Do you believe this president of the United States is a congenital liar,” the host asked.
“No,” Lord replied.
At that point, tensions boiled over, with the obviously frustrated guests gesticulating and talking over each other.
Again shifting gears, Lord brought up a tweet from Trump’s White House Twitter account saying the FBI and the National Security Agency had found Russia “did not influence electoral process.” Asked about the tweet, Comey said it didn’t reflect his congressional testimony. The Washington Post rated the tweet false.
Not a lie, Lord responded. The tweet, like his wiretapping allegations, had been misinterpreted.
“You’re smarter than that,” an exasperated Cooper told Lord as others chimed in. “Oh, come on Jeffrey.”
If Lord is spinning Trump's lies as "Americanese," that means words don't mean a damn thing to him.
WND Gives A Platform to More Anti-Gay Activists Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily apparently wants to remind us that it can be just as anti-gay as the Media Research Center. So it gave a March 17 column to wildly anti-gay "researcher" Paul Cameron and his son Kirk (no, not that Kirk Cameron).
In their column, the Camerons freak out that "Homosexuality is exploding among youth, citing an increase in those identifying as "either homosexual or heading in that direction!" they rant:
The strategy is working, especially among girls. Gallup reports that the majority of homosexuals 20 years ago were men – 55 percent now are women. By painting gays as “victims” under the “civil rights” umbrella, these efforts have many girls “feeling sorry for” lesbians in the same manner they use to rescue wayward guys. And the feminist anti-male attitude and proliferation of female sports teams (along with many lesbian coaches) are added motivations to go gay as well.
President Trump is NOT going to be able to make America great again with increasing numbers of our younger citizens ensnared in the problems of homosexuality. They need instead to be participating in the joys (and problems) of getting married and having kids. Our birthrate is falling – it’s already below the 2.1 children-per-woman needed for a stable society.
Teenagers are acquiring homosexual experience and interests at a rapid rate. Young adult homosexuality is growing as well. What our grandparent’s generation tried to protect kids from is now being taught as a “civil right” and an “obligation to support and join with sexual minorities.” Our youth are obeying.
The historic church alerted that the Bible warned societies against letting homosexuals take over – that there would be hell to pay if they did. Well, here we are, the takeover is moving along briskly, and our kids and young adults are getting swamped. All we have to do is be silent just a little more, and the absence of children will assure our cares will be with us only a little while. At least we’ll have the satisfaction of knowing we will have died with more really great stuff than any other civilization.
This being WND, nobody was given space to respond to the Camerons' hate-hurling.