Topic: Newsmax
The Newsmax columnist doesn't seem to like Hispanics, yet he claims to speak for them. Read more >>
Thursday, January 9, 2014
NEW ARTICLE: Immigrant-Bashing Is James Walsh's Business, And Business Is Good
Topic: Newsmax The Newsmax columnist doesn't seem to like Hispanics, yet he claims to speak for them. Read more >>
Posted by Terry K.
at 4:06 PM EST
WND Still Trying to Prove Corsi's Oil Theory Is True
Topic: WorldNetDaily A Jan. 3 WorldNetDaily article tries to take a victory lap on Jerome Corsi's 2005 WND-published book "Black Gold Stranglehold," which promoted the fringe theory that oil is continuously generated from within the Earth, or abiotic, rather than a finite biomass. WND's big claim is that Corsi's book accurately predicted rising crude oil prices:
Given the fact of continual instability in the Middle East, including an Iraq war that was going on at the time Corsi's book was published, that was hardly a risky prediction. WND then tries to give Corsi credit for shale oil:
But the article to which WND links to prove this contains no mention of shale oil. And WND fails to mention that shale oil production is feasible only because of higher oil prices -- shale oil costs more to extract than crude, and Forbes reports that crude oil needs to be at least $80 a barrel in order for shale production to be profitable. And late last year, Royal Dutch Shell took a $2.1 billion writedown on its $24 billion investment in shale in the U.S. because it has not generated a profit. Of course, shale oil has nothing whatsoever to do with Corsi's abiotic oil theory since, like crude oil, it's already in the ground.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:02 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, January 9, 2014 2:03 PM EST
Newsmax Concedes Christie Bridge Scandal Is a Real Story
Topic: Newsmax Last month, Newsmax published an article by Melanie Batley complaining that "The bridge closure controversy that has dogged New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for weeks is threatening to go national as Democrats see a possible chink in the armor of the GOP's potential 2016 presidential nominee." Batley further complained that "Democrats have also created a politically-charged YouTube video with a narrative designed to raise the profile of the issue and link it to questions about Christie's character and integrity." Now, with the release of emails showing that Christie aides directly ordered the bridge lane closure, Newsmax is essentially flip-flopping by devoting the top of its front page to the scandal: That's better than WorldNetDaily and, each of which are mostly downplaying the Christie scandal.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:44 PM EST
WND's Farah Has Another Problem That's Solved By Sending Him Money
Topic: WorldNetDaily Joseph Farah is not giving up on trying to separate you from your money. Farah's Jan. 7 WorldNetDaily column considers how "Republicans in the House need to be convinced" that "they can defund Obamacare and dozens of other wasteful programs by denying any more hikes in the debt limit." And surprise, surprise, it involves sending your hard-earned money to Farah:
As we've pointed out, Farah has provided zero evidence that his scheme -- one of many letter-for-hire scams WND has promoted over the years -- that spamming members of Congress with his bulk letters accomplishes anything beyond lining Farah's pockets. January is traditionally a slow business month, and Farah's solicitation should probably be examined from a financial standpoint, rather than any desire to send a political message.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:30 AM EST
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Newsmax Won't Admit Limbaugh Is Wrong about Polar Vortex Being a 'Hoax'
Topic: Newsmax A Jan. 7 Newsmax article by Amy Woods touts how Rush Limbaugh claimed that "the polar vortex is 'a hoax' perpetuated by the liberal media to further its agenda of climate change and global warming." What Woods didn't mention: Limbaugh is wrong. AccuWeather senior meteorologist Bernie Rayno points out that the polar vortex is, in fact, a real thing: "We've been using the name in this field for — I've been in this field for 25 years, this isn't anything new. ... Usually meteorologists would never even use that term because people wouldn't understand it." It seems that Newsmax is just as scared as to tell its readers that Limbaugh was spreading a lie.
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:14 PM EST
WND Hooks Up With Messianic Jewish Publication In Israel
Topic: WorldNetDaily A Jan. 6 WorldNetDaily article on Barack Obama having a Jewish half-brother actually comes from a publication called Israel Today. The article contains a link to the WND online store for a subscription offer to Israel Today, stating that "Israel Today’s mission is to be the definitive source for a truthful and balanced perspective on Israel and to provide timely news directly from Jerusalem." But the description of the magazine at WND's online store promises something other than balance. It states that "Israel Today is a Jerusalem-based news agency providing a biblical and objective perspective on local news" and also claims to be "the only Israeli magazine providing a Messianic perspective on events in the region." Israel Today's declaration of a "Messianic perspective" seems at odds with its claim to also be "balanced" and "objective." Also at odds is the fact that Israel Today appears to be unabashedly pro-Israel; a graphic on the website's front page states, "Please help us in the online media war against Israel!" which links to a registration page for the site. The fact that Israel Today has specifically declared pro-Israel and pro-Messianic biases means that, by defintion, it cannot be "balanced" and "objective." It makes sense that Israel Today is hooking up with WND, which claims in its mission statement that it seeks "truth and justice" despite publishing numerous falsehoods. Regardless of its agenda, the fact that Israel Today has hooked with such a mendacious publication as WND does not make Israel Today look good.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:11 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 2:15 PM EST
CNS Pretends Pat Caddell Is A Real Democrat
Topic: A Dec. 17 article by Susan Jones touts how "Former Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell says the midterm election could be a 'rolling disaster' for Democrats." Jones doesn't stop to wonder why someone who is so eager to cling to an identity as a "Democrat" would be so disparaging of those in the same party. Indeed, Caddell hasn't done anything for Democrats in years -- he's frequently seen on right-leaning Fox News where, as Salon's Alex Pareene notes, "he’ll reliably repeat every idiotic right-wing talking point that comes down the pike." Caddell also served as a consultant on an anti-Obama film made by right-wing group Citizens United. Does that sound like someone who should be identified as a Democrat? It does to Jones, which tells you all you need to know about CNS' journalistic standards.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:03 PM EST
Will WND's Loudon Confront WND's Playground Politics?
Topic: WorldNetDaily Gina Loudon writes in her Jan. 5 WorldNetDaily column:
Loudon then lists those playground tactics, pretending that only liberals engage in them and failing to note that her employer does the very same thing. Let's help her out, shall we? Fear the rich kid WND -- and Aaron Klein in particular -- loves to fearmonger about George Soros, as if no right-wing billionaire ever sunk lots of money into politics. Fear the new kid (he is extreme) That's pretty much the underlying theme of WND's mendacious coverage of President Obama for the past five years. Fear the unknown That's the underlying theme of WND's birther obsession. There's a reason why WND never reports that birther conspiracy theories have been discredited. Fear the fear FEMA camps, anyone? On top of that, WND is ratcheting up the fear of Obama to foment a military coup and make it palatable to its readers. Sadly, Loudon is too busy ranting against "most vacationing, golfing, tyrannical president in the history of the republic who has never even held a job in the private sector, met a payroll or successfully built an empire based on his own merit" to hold her employer accountable for the very same behavior she's criticizing.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:59 AM EST
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
CNS Transcribes Limbaugh Global Warming Denierism
Topic: James Beattie serves as's dutiful transcriber of the pearls of so-called wisdom that fall from the mouths of right-wing radio hosts. He's so dutiful, in fact, that he can't be bothered to fact-check anything he transcribes. Beattie performs another bit of stenography in a Jan. 6 CNS blog post:
Beattie didn't mention that Limbaugh, in that same segment, also claimed that the polar vortex is a "hoax" perpetrated by global warming activists and the media -- which Beattie surely knows is wrong, given how he used part of his post to define the term. If Beattie really is the aspiring journalist he claims to be, shouldn't he tell the truth about Limbaugh's false claim instead of selectively quoting around it in order to hide the falsehood? Then again, CNS is not paying Beattie to tell the truth about Limbaugh.
Posted by Terry K.
at 4:41 PM EST
WND Does Oppo Research Work For Steve Stockman
Topic: WorldNetDaily We've noted how WorldNetDaily apparently has a quid pro quo deal going with Texas Rep. Steve Stockman -- WND gave Stockman copies of Aaron Klein's slow-selling impeachment book to give away to members of Congress, and Stockman gave WND the scoop on his run for John Cornyn's Senate seat. Now, WND is trying to help Stockman's campaign with a Jan. 5 article by John Griffing trying to claim Cornyn isn't a real conservative because he purportedly is "not standing up to President Obama’s agenda to move the nation toward more socialism." Griffing declares that "Stockman’s assessment that Cornyn hasn’t lived up to his billing as a conservative is correct." Griffing's article reads like an oppo-research document -- for all we know, Griffing worked with Stockman's campaign to put it together. Last time we checked, such blatant shilling for a candidate does not qualify as journalism under any reasonable standard. Further, as conservative Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin points out, the fact remains that Cornyn "is no squishy RINO" and is "the second most conservative senator, according to one ranking." WND loves to blather about how it has "no sacred cows." That has always been a baldfaced lie. And it's clear that Stockman is a very sacred cow for WND.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:21 PM EST
MRC Whines That Wash. Post Article On Kochs Used Accurate Information
Topic: Media Research Center Mike Ciandella whines in a Jan. 6 Media Research Center Business & Media Institute item:
At no point does Ciandella dispute any of the information in the Post article -- only where the information came from, and only because that place has taken money from Soros. Despite his bandying around terms like "attack" and "hit piece," Ciandella offers no evidence that the Post article deviates from standard journalistic practice. Nor does he disclose that his employer has received money from Koch interests.
Posted by Terry K.
at 11:47 AM EST
WND's Corsi Pens Hitler Conspiracy Book
Topic: WorldNetDaily Last year, WorldNetDaily's Jerome Corsi tried to cash in on the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination by rehashing conspiracy theories about his death (parts of which were apparently plagiarized). Now, Corsi is doing the same for Adolf Hitler. Corsi's new book, "Hunting Hitler," actually takes the opposite approach -- he tries to prove that Hitler didn't die in a Berlin bunker but escaped to South America. As a WND article tells it:
Interestingly, Corsi's employer apparently thought so little of this book that it passed on publishing it -- it bears the imprint of something called Skyhorse Publishing, whose other titles include a JFK conspiracy book by Jesse Ventura and a novel by porn star Jenna Jameson. Given that Corsi remains such a committed birther that he has yet to acknowledge that Mike Zullo and his buddies in the Cold Case Posse have been utterly discredited -- as well as his propensity for failing to do even basic research -- it seems prudent to treat this book with the same hands-off policy his previous work has earned.
Posted by Terry K.
at 1:57 AM EST
Monday, January 6, 2014
CNS Gives Mendacious Birther Janet Porter A Platform
Topic: Barbara Hollingsworth devoted a Jan. 3 article to the views of Faith2Action's Janet Porter on the "Duck Dynasty" imbroglio. Hollingsworth didn't mention Porter's history of hate and lies. As we've documented, Porter has been a promoter of conspiracy theories about Barack Obama's birth certificate, even showing up in WorldNetDaily's factually challenged birther documentary. In addition, Porter has used her public platforms -- most notably her now-discontinued WND column -- to promote numerous falsehoods about Obama and others. It says something about CNS that it considers such a mendacious hater like Porter to be a quotable source for a "news" article.
Posted by Terry K.
at 3:18 PM EST
WND Finds Another Military Man to Endorse Overthrow of Obama
Topic: WorldNetDaily WorldNetDaily sure loves folks who are essentially calling for a military coup against President Obama. WND finds another one in former Army colonel Harry G. Riley, and Bob Unruh devotes a Jan. 4 article to his coup attempt:
You'd think that WND would be more wary of military power, given that it has latched onto the death of Miriam Carey as an example of police excess. But it appears WND hates Obama more than it fears the military.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:20 PM EST
AIM's Kincaid: Apartheid Wasn't So Bad Because Mandela Wasn't Executed
Topic: Accuracy in Media In a Jan. 3 Accuracy in Media column, Cliff Kincaid follows WorldNetDaily in taking post-mortem shots at Nelson Mandela that have the effect of whitewashing apartheid:
So apartheid wasn't so bad because Mandela wasn't immediately executed? Is that what Kincaid is saying? As WND did, Kincaid ignores what Mandela actually said in response to offers to free him if he renounced violence: that his freedom was meaningless if apartheid was still legal. While Kincaid laments the "innocent lives" taken by Mandela's "terrorism," he's silent on on the innocent lives taken as a result of South Africa's apartheid regime.
Posted by Terry K.
at 12:59 PM EST
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