Topic: WorldNetDaily
Gina Loudon writes in her Jan. 5 WorldNetDaily column:
Politicians and their consultants are like amateur sociologists and psychologists. Politicians spend each election season trying to figure out what constituencies want and get into the mind of the voter. The 2014 midterms will be no different.
The political bullies hit the playground every two years and do the same thing they did in elementary school (which is exactly why I homeschool my children). Dr. Dathan Paterno and I called this “Playground Politics” in our book, “Ladies and Gentlemen,” and I believe we could lose our country based upon our gut reaction to political games and our childish reaction to the head games they play on the political playground.
Loudon then lists those playground tactics, pretending that only liberals engage in them and failing to note that her employer does the very same thing. Let's help her out, shall we?
Fear the rich kid
WND -- and Aaron Klein in particular -- loves to fearmonger about George Soros, as if no right-wing billionaire ever sunk lots of money into politics.
Fear the new kid (he is extreme)
That's pretty much the underlying theme of WND's mendacious coverage of President Obama for the past five years.
Fear the unknown
That's the underlying theme of WND's birther obsession. There's a reason why WND never reports that birther conspiracy theories have been discredited.
Fear the fear
FEMA camps, anyone? On top of that, WND is ratcheting up the fear of Obama to foment a military coup and make it palatable to its readers.
Sadly, Loudon is too busy ranting against "most vacationing, golfing, tyrannical president in the history of the republic who has never even held a job in the private sector, met a payroll or successfully built an empire based on his own merit" to hold her employer accountable for the very same behavior she's criticizing.