We've detailed how is transcribing Mark Levin radio segments without disclosing the fact that CNS' parent, the Media Research Center, has a business relationship with Levin that includes Levin promoting the MRC on his radio show and CNS promoting Levin's logrolling blurbs.
Well, CNS' James Beattie is still at it. Over the past month, he's played dutiful stenographer for Levin on these posts:
Levin: If You're Gay in Iran, 'They Hang You in Public Hangings'
Levin: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Is About Cronyism, Not Capitalism
Levin: $23 Billion Budget Cut Deal Is ‘The Price of Mustard’ at the Baseball Stadium
Levin: Former RSC Executive Director Purged ‘Like The Old Soviets’
Levin: 'If This Were 1776...Chris Matthews Would Be Siding With the Crown'
Levin: 'The Way You Unleash Prosperity Is to Embrace Prosperity'
Not once does Beattie mention CNS' business relationship with Levin -- something you'd think a website that at least pretends to aspire to journalism would consider doing.