Topic: Media Research Center
Mike Ciandella whines in a Jan. 6 Media Research Center Business & Media Institute item:
The Washington Post slammed Charles and David Koch for their “political network” on the paper’s front page Jan. 6, but they partnered with a group funded by George Soros to get their information.
The Post proudly stated its partnership with the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP), a group they labeled “nonpartisan.” Nowhere in their 2,457-word hit job on the Kochs, did the Post mention CRP’s Soros funding or Soros’ similar network of organizations and media outlets he uses to influence politics and the economy.
Apparently blind to the hypocrisy, the Center for Responsive Politics has received $725,000 from liberal billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2000. To the Post, the CRP was merely “a nonpartisan group that tracks money in politics.”
The Post attacked the Koch brothers, as well as a number of right-leaning groups, including the NRA, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and Americans for Tax Reform.
At no point does Ciandella dispute any of the information in the Post article -- only where the information came from, and only because that place has taken money from Soros.
Despite his bandying around terms like "attack" and "hit piece," Ciandella offers no evidence that the Post article deviates from standard journalistic practice. Nor does he disclose that his employer has received money from Koch interests.