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Monday, February 27, 2023
MRC's Double Standard On Officials' Kids Getting Arrested
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Bill D'Agostino complained in a Jan. 24 post:

Broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have been silent about the arrest of Jared Dowell, the adult child of Congresswoman Katherine Clark (D-MA), for allegedly assaulting a police officer during a riot. Since the arrest late on Saturday, January 21, none have spent even a second of airtime on the incident, despite Clark being the second-highest ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives.

MRC analysts examined the flagship morning and evening newscasts between January 22 and January 24 on all three broadcast networks (excluding evening newscasts on January 24; which this piece will be updated to include when they occur). During that time, neither Clark nor her child was mentioned at any point.

As far as liberal cable networks go, MSNBC was also silent on the incident. Meanwhile, CNN acknowledged the arrest twice on Monday, for a total of two minutes and 12 seconds of coverage.

Note that D'Agostino made sure not to mention how Fox News covered Dowell's arrest, presumably because it would demonstrate just how biased Fox News is.

Also worth noting -- since D'Agostino won't -- is that the MRC has completely censored any mention that L. Brent "Zeeker" Bozell IV, the son of leader Brent Bozell III, was arrested more than two years ago over his participation in the Capitol riot. That's right -- this legitimate news has been censored from the MRC's readers for two years.

Maybe D'Agostino could talk to his boss about why that story has been censored across all MRC platforms before he accuses others of being "silent" about something.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:45 PM EST

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