Topic: Media Research Center
We've documented how chief Media Research Center LGBTQ-hater Tierin-Rose Mandelburg melted down over drag queen Shangela being a contestant on "Dancing With the Stars." Well, Shangela has committed the offense of not going away, so Mandelburg's hateful head exploded again in a Jan. 17 post:
The word “cringe” couldn’t have been any more applicable.
Dancing With the Stars contestant D.J. Pierce, commonly known by his drag queen name, “Shangela,” went on Good Morning America Tuesday to talk about his upcoming “Fully Lit” tour and his push for drag queens and LGBTQ garbage across the nation. And the show hosts were head-over-heels excited for their special guest.
The segment started with co-host Robin Roberts literally jumping for joy waiting for "Shangela" to come out from backstage. After that, Roberts and fellow co-hosts Lara Spencer and Michael Strahan sat down with Pierce to talk about upcoming and past highlights of his life.
“We need that right now. We need that all the time but especially now [with] everything going on in the world,” Roberts interjected.
I can name about a billion things we need more of right now other than drag queens, but carry on.
And we need Mandelburg's obssessive hatred of drag queens even less. Yet she continued to whine anyway:
His added that biggest accomplishment was probably walking across the White House lawn in stilettos to watch President Biden sign the Respect for Marriage Act.
“It’s great to see, you know, our country in this way, the administration supporting the LGBTQ community, protecting the rights and the equal treatment of so many people. That is what matters in this world and I’m just happy to be a part of it and to experience it live and in person,” Pierce said.
Here’s the thing: if Pierce wants to dance in dress-up clothes, that doesn't affect me. And if GMA wants to use its air time to frivolously promote someone with clear delusion in his head, so be it. That’s honestly nothing new for GMA.
But the second "Shangela," or whatever he goes by on a given day, enters a space where children are present and tries pushing LGBTQ propaganda down little throats, that's a bridge too far.
Huh? Merely existing as a drag queen "where children are present" is "a bridge too far"? Not hating LGBTQ people is "propaganda"? Mandelburg has a serious complex about drag queens -- and has clearly been indoctrinated to hate them.
We'd suggest she seek professional help, but her mental illness is currently paying her bills and she might see derailing her gravy train as a bit on the cringe side.