President Biden is not the only Democratic figure loves to nitpick -- Vice President Kamala Harris is getting the same treatment of being quoted out of context with the goal of making her look bad or incompetent.
CNS has had a bit of a thing about Harris occasionally listing her pronouns. After she was named Biden's vice presidential candidate, an anonymously written August 2020 article repeated a year-old YouTube video in which she identified "which pronouns she prefers to be referred to by" at a gathering of transgender activists -- which seems like exactly the thing you'd want to do. When she did it again last July, Craig Bannister had a fit:
On Tuesday, Vice President Kamala Harris announced her preferred pronounces and chosen gender when introducing herself at a roundtable meeting.
At an event commemorating the 32nd anniversary of the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Harris made her declaration:
"I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit."
Republicans were quick to mock the vice president’s politically-correct assertion, given that so many Democrats have had trouble providing a definition of what constitutes a “woman,” even when testifying before Congress.
Bannister was too into parroting the lazy smear that he refused to tell his readers that Harris was following a request to share those details -- this was a conference on disabilities, after all, which included some who were visually impaired -- and that all speakers similarly identifed their gender, pronouns and dress.
We've already documented how CNS knowingly pushed false Republican narratives that portrayed Harris as saying something about hurricane aid that she did not. But CNS has also spent the past year cherry-picking Harris remarks it thinks it can exploit for maximum smear and mockery (not to mention clicks) -- even tying the two together in one post claiming she was having a "Biden moment":
- V.P. Kamala Harris Challenges U.S. Leaders to Ask ‘Why?’ (About…Something)
- VP Harris: 'I Want to Be Very Clear'; Putin's War 'Occupies One of Our Highest Priorities in Terms of Paying Attention'
- VP Harris: Infrastructure Law 'Will Require...Work Outdoors' Where 'Danger' of High Heat 'Is Only Increasing'
- VP Harris at Tennessee State U Commencement: 'You Graduate Into an Unsettled World...'
- VP Harris: 'Children Have Been One of My Main Areas of Focus' (But What About Migrant Children?)
- VP Harris: 'Worldwide, Women and Girls Spend 200 Million Hours a Day...Gathering Water'
- VP Harris in Highland Park: 'This Experience Is Something That Is Going to Linger in Terms of the Trauma'
- Video: V.P. Kamala Harris Says ‘Community’ 5 Times in 1 Sentence to Explain that Community Banks are ‘in the Community’
- V.P. Harris Has ‘Biden Moment,’ Says U.S. Has Strong and Enduring ‘Alliance with the Republic of North Korea'
- VP Harris Suggests Dobbs Decision Could Lead to Reinstatement of Jim Crow Laws
- VP Harris Explains 'Where the Caribbean Is'; Hails 'A Moment That Is About Great Momentum'
And just as it does with Biden, CNS is also obsessing over certain words Harris says or doesn't say. Bannister pedantically complained in a Jan. 23 article:
In a pro-abortion speech decrying last year’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, Vice President Kamala Harris omitted the right to life being endowed by the Creator when she quoted the Declaration of Independence.
Speaking at a nightclub and concert venue called The Moon on Sunday, Harris invoked the Declaration while attempting to frame abortion as a right:
“So we are here together because we collectively believe and know America is a promise. America is a promise. It is a promise of freedom and liberty — not for some, but for all.
“A promise we made in the Declaration of Independence: that we are each endowed with the right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
However, according to the Declaration of Independence, “life” is also an inalienable right – and Americans possess all three rights because they are “endowed by their Creator”:
CNS never applied this same standard of nitpickiness to Donald Trump when he was president.