Slanties 2021: Hy-Slantie-ChloroquineIt's awards season, so it's time to honor, as it were, the worst ConWeb reporting and craziest ConWeb opinions of the year.By Terry Krepel
In that spirit, it's time to kick off awards season in the form of the 18th annual Slantie Awards, ConWebWatch's celebration of bad journalism and creepy right-wing sycophancy. Time to document the atrocities -- er, hand out some hardware. * * * The first award is for the most egregious example of bias in "news" coverage. The nominees are: -- MRC's failing war on social media: The Media Research Center is so desperate to falsely smear "Big Tech" as solely and uniquely hostile to conservatives that it defends coronavirus misinformation and embraces far-right extremists in order to keep up the victimization narrative -- even as sites like Facebook continued to suck up to conservatives (something the MRC has deliberately ignored). -- CNS' aggressively pro-Trump election coverage: has always acted like pro-Trump state media, but it turned that up to 11 for the 2020 presidential election, being heavily pro-Trump and anti-Biden before the election , adding biased coverage of the debates, and promoting Trump's bogus election fraud conspiracy theories after the election. -- The ConWeb v. Norma McCorvey: When a documentary was released on Norma McCorvey, the "Roe" plaintiff in the Roe v. Wade court decision that legalized abortion, the anti-abortion activists in the ConWeb attacked the film, alleging that it somehow manipulated McCorvey -- who later in life became an anti-abortion activist as well -- into renouncing that activism, preferring to keep the "pro-life" narrative above the facts. -- WND's coronavirus conspiracy theories: Because WorldNetDaily never met a right-wing conspiracy theory it didn't like, the coronavirus pandemic was too good an opportunity to pass up. It trotted out its coterie of dubious fringe-right docs to push hydroxychloroquine, and its columnist racked up the bad takes. And the Slantie goes to ... CNS' aggressively pro-Trump "news" coverage. CNS has pretty much abandoned its mission statement to "fairly present all legitimate sides of a story" to serve as a servile stenographer to Trump, thus ensuring nobody ever takes it seriously as a "news" operation. * * * The next award is the LoBaido Award for the silliest statement made by a writer for a conservative news Web site (named after Anthony LoBaido, who wrote a post-9/11 column for WorldNetDaily that was so unhinged -- he blamed the attacks on America's immorality since "all that is evil in the world can be found in New York" and, for good measure, called Hillary Clinton "openly Marxist, treasonous and abortion-mongering, occultic" -- that WND eventually pulled it from its site). Here are this year's finalists: One does not have to like Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein (I fought with the latter for decades) to like what their lawyers are saying in their defense. There are some lines of defense that are not only persuasive, they have direct application to accused priests. -- Bill Donohue, Jan. 23 CNS column The duped, historic majority of the U.S. will willingly cede political and institutional dominance in return for the constitutional safeguards for the abstractions offered by democracy. This, Democrats know only too well. -- Ilana Mercer, Jan. 30 WND column I urge all women not to follow the example of the pettiest, rudest, lowest female in public America: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The utterly disgraceful display of lack of manners as President Donald Trump held his State of the Union address Tuesday, makes me ashamed to be a woman. -- Hanne Nabintu Herland, Feb. 6 WND column “Dora the Extorter?” “Exploited Development?” “How I Nagged Your Mother?” Whatever the eventual title, be afraid. Greta Thunberg is headed for TV. -- Gabriel Hays, Feb. 12 MRC post House Speaker Nancy Pelosi acts more like Cruella de Ville in Disney's "101 Dalmatians" than she does a woman at the apex of the nation that is the most prosperous and generous in the world. Cartoonist Gary Varvel was genius in his recent illustration of Mrs. Pelosi as the evil Cruella throwing a vitriolic temper tantrum. -- Rebecca Hagelin, Feb. 13 WND column "None of us," said the pronoun-challenged Buttigieg, "have the experience, the lived experience, of, for example, of walking down the street or in a mall and feeling eyes on us regarding us as dangerous without knowing the first thing about us, just 'cause of the color of their skin." -- Jack Cashill, Feb. 26 WND column A more plausible explanation is that the virus was developed by China. At least that's what my Chinese driver told me after picking me up at the airport in Australia. -- Michael Brown, March 11 WND column As the clock ticks, the number of new COVID-19 infections rise. While promising theories are emerging over potential vaccines and drug treatments, the stark reality is that without large-scale human experimentation of those new medications, the public will remain at risk. State and federal prisoners may hold the key to finding a cure for this pandemic. -- Richard Kibbey and David Lamos, March 25 WND column I don't wish to minimize the seriousness of coronavirus. But the pandemic is just the latest attention-getter from God, showing that disobedience to His way of life results in death. Believers are indeed saved by God's grace, which is underserved, but we need to make every effort to get sin out of our personal lives. -- Joe Kovacs, April 5 WND article But circumstantial evidence now has some wondering whether the virus release was intentional. Supporting this is the fact, while millions of people were on lockdown in Wuhan, there were no reported cases in Beijing where most senior political and military leaders reside nor in Shanghai, the country's financial center. Additional evidence includes China building a 1,000-bed hospital in Wuhan in just 10 days, the stockpiling of masks and ventilators then sold to other countries, the disappearance of medical personnel "whistleblowers" and causing havoc in foreign stock markets with little negative impact to its own. Now, as economic engines around the world remain shutdown, China begins powering up. -- James Zumwalt, April 15 WND column It seems like some folks have used the ghost of Ernesto "Ché" Guevara as their guide through the COVID-19 epidemic in the United States. Said Ché: "To send men to the firing squad [job loss, suicide, substance abuse], judicial [scientific] proof is unnecessary. ... This is a revolution! And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate [of President Trump]." -- Marilyn Singleton, April 27 WND column Progressive ideas and global pandemics go together like a strain of COVID-19 and a mucous membrane. -- Adam Guillette, April 29 Accuracy in Media column Is there any reason to believe that the SARS-CoV2 virus is not America's Trojan horse, or should we say Trojan virus? A Trojan horse that provides the tools for the left to weaponize the invisible enemy and empower it far beyond its inherent physical capabilities. America's Trojan horse provided the blueprint to America's anti-freedom left to brilliantly engineer a coordinated campaign against the American culture and society. A crusade of lies, blame, deceit, deception and false accusations all designed to spread division, fear and panic like a virus from coast to coast throughout our republic. All to accelerate America's rush to national suicide by the tyranny of socialism. -- W. Scott Magill, May 5 WND column I'm sick of hearing how black lives matter. Black Lives Matter is a Stalinist domestic terrorist group comprised of bigots, racists, anarchists and terrorists with three things in common: 1) They all hate America; 2) they're funded by taxpayer money and Soros money; and 3) they're all going to hell when they die, if they do not confess their sins, repent and turn from them, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. -- Mychal Massie, June 8 WND column The national media has been stubborn about awarding any recognition to Ivanka. -- Doug Wead, June 24 Newsmax column Such violence happened 75 years ago Aug. 9, 1945 when President Harry Truman unleashed the second atomic bomb, on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. -- Lowell Ponte, Aug. 6 WND column In 1999 the late Rev. Jerry Falwell exposed an example of indoctrination of young children in the British-originated "Teletubbies" TV program. One of the four characters, Tinky Winky, was defined by a mocking journalist: "purpleness (the gay pride color), [an inverted] triangle (the shape of the gay pride symbol) and 'magic bag' [a purse] as evidence for Tinky Winky's same-sex preference." The U.S. distributor replied, "To think we would be putting sexual innuendo in a children's show is kind of outlandish." [The effrontery!], but the article did admit "Tinky Winky has been a gay icon in Britain since the show premiered there in 1997." The ridicule of Falwell was so relentless that few would defend him for what we front-line pro-family activists instantly recognized as unmistakable toddler-targeted conditioning, called "grooming" in criminal justice terminology. -- Scott Lively, Sept. 28 WND column What we're seeing in the whole charade of the Biden-Harris campaign right now where the entire media are playing along pretending this is a real person, pretending this is a person who has a mind, pretending he has any original thoughts going on at all right now, it's all a huge pretense. What we're seeing really is a -- what has infected all these people, the Democratic Party, the news media, culture, the incubator for all of it which is our colleges and universities, is something that we call Marxism, OK? But again, that's just a label. What it really, really, really is is a rebellion against God, a rebellion against God's laws and his son and his morality. -- David Kupelian, Oct. 9 WND video The Deep State is allied with Democrats and has failed to protect our president against this Chinese viral invasion. Apparently tanks and planes are easier to repel than a virus, particularly if genetically designed to cause harm. -- Andy Schlafly, Oct. 6 WND column Anybody with eyes to see knows that the globalist whores had nearly destroyed America since they took over both political parties. Trump rebranded the Republican Party in 2016. When he started it was half the globalist cartel, in bed with all those self-identified elites who wanted to run the world for their own benefit. In 2020 Trump is rebranding the Democratic Party as the corruptocrats, who never met a dictator or tyrant they didn't like ... provided he had sufficient money to spread around to "the family." -- Craige McMillan, Oct. 30 WND column While votes are still being counted and the outcome of the election is undetermined, there is one thing we can say with certainty: once again, the polls weren’t just wildly wrong, they were deliberately wildly wrong. -- Brent Bozell, Nov. 4 MRC statement Former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris decided to give victory speeches in Wilmington, Del., on Saturday night, causing NBC to break away from its broadcast of the football game between No. 1 Clemson and No. 4 Notre Dame to cover the speeches. -- Terry Jeffrey, Nov. 7 CNS article Anyone who factually believes Joe Biden won this election is a moron, a fool or both. Common sense dictates no other options. Not even Democrats and/or people in the Biden campaign believe he actually won. The Biden camp enjoined with the Democrats and media are cheering that for the moment it appears the cheating has worked. -- Mychal Massie, Nov. 9 WND column Who would look more manly? A gnarly-faced Scot who’s clad in a kilt, sporting a fierce beard, brandishing a claymore and wearing a scowl that could kill a snowflake? Or a smooth-faced boy with styled hair who’s wearing a dress that resembles a ball gown from the 1800s? -- Sergie Daez, Nov. 17 MRC post We are truly witnessing corruption of biblical proportions that God alone can deliver us from. We don't yet know how this struggle will end, but we do know that He has empowered President Trump and a massive MAGA army of constitutionalists to wage war in the cause of truth in a manner unseen since the founding of this nation. -- Scott Lively, Nov. 20 WND column I feel disenfranchised with last month's vote because of such apparent widespread voter fraud in six key swing states. But the media say, "There's nothing to see here." As of this writing, 40 court decisions seem to agree with them. -- Jerry Newcombe, Dec. 8 WND column Donald Trump's late father Fred loved quoting a poem by Edgar Guest, one he kept framed on his desk. -- Christopher Ruddy, Dec. 20 Newsmax column And the Slantie goes to ... CNS' Terry Jeffrey, for whining about how Joe Biden's victory speech interrupted his football game. That kind of pettiness would not be tolerated in the real world of journalism, and that's why Jeffrey can't be considered a real journalist. A close second was Richard Kibbey and David Lamos offering up prisoners as captive test subjects for coronavirus vaccines and treatments. There are reasons nobody does this anymore and should never do this again -- namely, that "volunteers" tend to end up being anything but -- but they don't care. * * * Our final award is the Slantie Award for Career Achievement in Conservative Bias. This goes to a reporter or commentator with a consistent record of biased and slanted reports that fly in the face of time-honored journalistic practice, the truth and/or common sense. This year's honoree is ... David Kupelian, managing editor at WorldNetDaily. Kupelian has been with WND almost since the beginning, running the "news" operation, writing pedantically preachy books and assembling his pet project, the sparsely read Whistleblower magazine. If Joseph Farah was WND's flamboyant front man, Kupelian was the guy in the background, keeping the right-wing faith by hating Obama, loving Trump and spreading falsehoods. But when Farah suffered a stroke in early 2019, forcing him to take time off to recover, Kupelian had to step up to be the public face of WND. Unfortunately, Kupelian is no Farah, lacking his boss' panache, chutzpah and utter shamelessness. So when Kupelian tried to drum up donations by insisting that WND tells "real news stories about important issues free of bias and selective reporting," it rang even less true than when Farah claimed it (not that it ever was true in the first place). Kupelian's portrayal of WND's continued dire financial circumstances as a result of its victimization of tech websites also rang hollow for anyone who knows that nobody who wants to read actual news has any interest in an operation so laden with falsehoods and conspiracy theories as WND. Kupelian has made it clear he's a WND dead-ender and that he'll be going down with the ship -- which may be sooner rather than later. |