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Blowing The Whistle On Bad, Hateful Journalism, Part 3

WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian has used the sparsely read Whistleblower magazine to hypocritically accuse others of what he and WND have been doing for years.

By Terry Krepel
Posted 7/22/2024

David Kupelian

WorldNetDaily's sparsely read Whistleblower has always been the plaything of managing editor David Kupelian, providing him a space to hypocritically explore his personal obsessions and proclivities with the ego boost of being published on physical form instead of online. Let's go back a little farther than the initial entries in this series to see how Kupelian's obsessions played out.

The January 2020 edition of Whistleblower was touted this way:

When conservatives attempt to explain the left’s shockingly wanton disregard for truth, they often say things like, “These people are captive to a toxic ideology” or “They’re obsessed with power” or “They’re playing to their radical leftwing base” or “They suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

All true, says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, “but the ultimate reason the left is so comfortable with lying – as with so many truly big issues in life – has to do with God. Do we honor and submit to the Creator of the Universe and His laws of life, or do we rebel against Him so that we can be, in effect, our own gods?”

It’s difficult for normal people, restrained by a functioning conscience, to comprehend how politicians like Adam Schiff and Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi can look into a TV camera – which is to say, look right into the eyes of millions of people – and flat-out lie continually.

This total divorce from honesty and truth, which has captured today’s Democratic Party, is explored in a powerfully eye-opening and original way in the latest issue (January 2020) of WND’s acclaimed Whistleblower magazine – headlined “IN LOVE WITH LYING: For today’s enraged, power-obsessed Democrats, deception is a creative force.”

You know who else is in love with lying? Kupelian and WND.

To name just two of the worst examples, WND spent eight years pushing the lie that Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. and that his birth certificate was fraudulent, and it also pushed the lie that Seth Rich leaked Democratic emails. And its recent years haven’t stopped it from publishing false, fake news — heck, we caught them just the other day inventing a quote nobody is on record as saying.

The cognitive dissonance continued in Kupelian’s column from the issue filled with more ranting:

Question: What do Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Peter Strzok, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff all have in common?

It’s so painfully obvious, I don’t even need to say it.

Americans of sound mind and morals are being forced right now to confront a bizarre but inescapable truth about their nation’s leadership: The Democratic Party has become essentially a gargantuan web of lies and liars – and very little else.


It’s difficult for normal people, restrained by a functioning conscience, to comprehend how politicians like Adam Schiff, Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi can look into a TV camera – which is to say, look right into the eyes of millions of people – and flat-out lie.

I couldn’t do it and neither could you. Conscience and inner conflict would paralyze us.

Trust us: Conscience and inner conflict is not something Kupelian is burdened by. If he was, he would have used his position as de facto WND leader in Joseph Farah’s periodic absences due to health issues to apologize for the above-cited lies he has spread through WND over the years. The fact that he hasn’t shows us he knows he’s lying and doesn’t care.

Indeed, we’ve also caught Kupelian telling lies, for which he has yet to apologize as well.

Kupelian once wrote a column accusing Democrats of “projection” in criticizing conservatives. But Kupelian was the one projecting then, and he’s doing the exact same thing now.

'Guardians of the Swamp'

Aside from being tasked to help keep WorldNetDaily alive through its ongoing financial crisis, David Kupelian’s stock in trade these days is to pretend that WND always tells the truth and has never published misinformation or falsehoods while attacking other media outlets for doing those very things. So much so, in fact, that the October 2020 edition of Whistleblower was themed “Guardians of the Swamp,” when it claims the “total corruption of what was once a vibrant news establishment is powerfully and insightfully explored.” As if WND has ever been associated with being insightful.

The centerpiece of that issue was a rage-filled essay by Kupelian, published at WND proper in December 2020. He repeated a lot of right-wing media tropes:

  • Joe Biden “not only is obviously disintegrating mentally, is wrong on virtually every issue, and lies continually, but also, as recent but largely suppressed evidence proves, is one of the most spectacularly corrupt politicians in modern American history.
  • Kamala Harris is “one of the most thoroughly unlikable, abrasive, condescending, greedy, grasping, shallow and insincere candidates in a generation.”
  • Trump, “the sitting president of the United States, who rescued the nation’s economy and destroyed ISIS, has since early 2016 been repeatedly compared by major U.S. news organizations to genocidal monster Adolf Hitler.” Kupelian seems to have forgotten that his organization repeatedly compared President Obama to Hitler and other Nazis.

And there was also this:

Think of it: Hillary Clinton literally fomented a four-year attempted coup d’etat against Donald Trump, to whom she had lost the 2016 election, seriously interfering with and undermining his presidency. Why? To divert FBI and DOJ attention away from her own criminal wrongdoing – illegally deleting 33,000 emails after they were subpoenaed, a serious felony for which anyone else would be prosecuted and imprisoned. Yet the media, after front-paging the Trump-Russia collusion story virtually every day for years, simply moved on once their big story was proven to be the greatest political hoax in U.S. history. No apologies – none.

Just as we have had no apologies from Kupelian and WND for publishing Obama birther lies and Seth Rich conspiracy lies.

Kupelian went on to complain that “MSNBC’s top brass determined it would make more money if it served the far left,” while failing to admit that Fox News’ top brass determined it would make more money if it served the far right. He then delved into coronavirus conspiracy-mongering, claiming that major media’s alleged links to China are why “Credible reports from courageous Chinese virologists and other experts with intimate knowledge of the origins of the 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, who claim China intentionally created the virus in a lab, are ignored or dismissed as insane ‘conspiracy theories’ and banned from social media platforms in the U.S.” Perhaps that’s because those reports are not, in fact, credible and actual scientists who have looked into it found no evidence COVID-19 was a lab creation.

Kupelian then lectured:

One final factor that makes all these various elements come together to create a biased, blind, amoral, dishonest, but yet strangely self-righteous press: Hate.

Members of the establishment media tend to revile Donald Trump for being a genuine outsider who dared to invade their beloved realm – known as “the swamp” to outsiders – and for his promise to “drain” it of the monumental corruption, self-dealing and privilege that comprise life within the swamp. The media also hate him for championing a strongly conservative-Christian agenda – for example, appointing conservative Supreme Court justices who threaten their beloved abortion-on-demand culture. And of course, they detest Trump for publicly and continually exposing them for exactly what they are.

Hate is much more than it seems. It’s a transformative emotion that almost magically enables people to be horrendously wrong, yet to feel they are right – even supremely righteous and virtuous (for example, the mobs burning down America’s cities). In that “altered state,” down appears to be up, immoral seems moral and, most basically, evil masquerades as good.

Biased, blind, amoral, dishonest, but yet strangely self-righteous and, above all, hateful? Kupelian is projecting once again, for he and WND are guilty of all of those things. And Kupelian has masqueraded as a “good” journalist when he was sucking up to Trump, a profoundly amoral man, lying to people about Trump’s nature to push a political agenda.

As much has he likes to complain about the media being “guardians of the swamp,” Kupelian is a swamp creature too — a guardian of Trump’s swamp as well as the journalistic train wreck WND has become. 

'The Great Reset'

The idea of a “Great Reset” was tailor-made to be turned into a conspiracy theory. Devised by the World Economic Forum — the folks behind the annual meeting of the world’s elites at Davos, Switzerland — as a plan to restart the world’s economy after the coronavirus pandemic that writer Naomi Klein described as containing “some good stuff that won’t happen and some bad stuff that certainly will and, frankly, nothing out of the ordinary in our era of ‘green’ billionaires readying rockets for Mars. Indeed, anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Davos speak, and the number of times it has attempted to rebrand capitalism as a slightly buggy poverty alleviation and ecological restoration program, will recognize the vintage champagne in this online carafe.”

Needless to say, WND glommed onto this. The November 2020 issue of Whistleblower was devoted to this, and the promotional blurb fully went there:

The first and most pivotal phase of the Great Reset plan under cover of COVID is, of course, winning the 2020 presidential election through a dizzyingly multifaceted attack on the integrity of the U.S. election system itself, in conjunction with a unified campaign by Big Media and Big Tech to elect Joe Biden at all costs.

Biden is fully on board with the “Great Reset.” In fact, the Biden presidential campaign chose as its official campaign slogan the seemingly innocuous phrase, “Build Back Better,” which happens also to be the slogan of the “Great Reset” coined by its originator and main advocate, World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab.

Under cover of the COVID-19 pandemic, Schwab insists the entire world must “act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies,” meaning, as he explains, “we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” In other words, socialism.


Prince Charles is a key advocate for the Great Reset, as is International Monetary Fund chief economist Gina Gopinath, U.N. Secretary General António Guterres, as well as heads of many major corporations, including Microsoft.


Unfortunately, as Whistleblower shows, the world’s elites do not really want equality for everybody. Historically, from Stalin to Mao to Chavez, Marxist/socialist leaders have never been truly interested in everyone being equal. That’s just happy-talk to seduce the masses. What they want, first and foremost, is power, they want wealth and privilege for themselves, they want glory, they want revenge on their enemies, and they want worship.

“In a word,” writes Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, “they want to be gods. The original temptation in the Garden of Eden was, ‘Ye shall be as gods.’ (Genesis 3:5) But when humans try to become gods, they turn into devils. And the agenda planned by these would-be rulers is both insane and evil.”

Kupelian went even further in his essay from the issue from which the promotional blurb was adapted, which started by ranting about events from “Big Media openly siding with the senile and corrupt Joe Biden while portraying President Donald Trump as a mentally ill, racist would-be dictator, to November’s breathtakingly rigged election – likely the most crooked and corrupt in our history.” And since China is the right-wing bogeyman du jour, he ranted about how the Chinese want to put a barcode on everybody:

Since the coronavirus originated in China, and since Joe Biden is profoundly compromised with regard to China because of his family’s corrupt financial activities with that nation, and since Big Tech and so many U.S.-based mega-companies are in total thrall to China both for its vast retail markets and its cheap labor pool, it is reasonable to wonder: How exactly does China fit into the plan to “reset” the world under cover of COVID?

That’s easy: China is the leader.

Recently, in a chilling story headlined “Give Everyone a Barcode? China Trying to Use COVID Fears to Launch Global Tracking System for Humans,” the Christian Broadcast Network reported: “China’s communist leader Xi Jinping is calling for countries across the world to accept a global COVID-19 tracking system that uses QR codes in an attempt to expedite international travel.”

It was during a Nov. 21 virtual G20 leaders’ meeting that Xi proposed the “global mechanism” to deploy an electronic barcode that would help determine travelers’ health status.

Kupelian went on to reference the Biblical “mark of the devil” stuff, of course. And he concluded by declaring that “America indeed needs a great reset, but not one envisioned by deluded, power-obsessed, sociopathic elites. Rather, the reset we truly need is a repentance-fueled revival that will invite God’s renewed blessing on us and restore our nation to its former greatness and goodness.”

'Tribuation and Redemption'
The December 2020 edition of Whistleblower carried the theme “Tribulation and Redemption in America.” Of course, Donald Trump was not the cause of this; WND claims he was “fought mightily against this tide for four years, tirelessly pursuing a pro-life, pro-religious freedom, pro-Constitution, pro-America agenda.” Nope, it’s the liberals fault, as it usually is at WND, prompting the question: ” With such genuine wickedness openly manifesting in “the land of the free,” so much that it evokes the Apostle Paul’s admonitions about “powers and principalities” and “spiritual wickedness in high places,” what can good Americans do about the precarious state of their country? During this time of genuine tribulation and even persecution, how should moral, right-thinking Americans, who work hard, love their country, honor its history and obey its laws – and who don’t pretend there are dozens of new genders and that America is a despicable racist hellhole – now respond?”

Well, Kupelian is here to lecture and browbeat and share with us his particularly warped view of America. For instance, there’s this list of bullet points from his lead essay:

Consider that in the past year the radical Left – with whose cause Big Media, Big Tech, Big Education, Big Hollywood and the entire Democratic Party totally identify – has succeeded in:

* indicting the freest, most welcoming and least racist nation on earth as irredeemably racist;

* inciting violent Marxist revolutionaries to riot, vandalize, loot and burn America’s major cities;

* abandoning their former “safe, legal and rare” stance on abortion in favor of wanton celebration of late-term abortion up to the moment of birth and beyond;

* encouraging innocent children to irreversibly ruin their lives by chemically (and sometimes surgically) “transitioning” to the opposite sex – a scientific impossibility;

* using the COVID pandemic as a cover for imposing unprecedented totalitarian control over Americans; and

* gaslighting an entire nation by perpetrating the most wide-ranging, egregious and in-your-face election fraud in U.S. history while pretending disenfranchised American voters who simply want a fair and impartial investigation are the crazy ones, “trying to steal the election from Joe Biden.”

And that’s just for starters.

Indeed it was for Kupelian (Actually, he's the one gaslighting people by continuing to rant about "election fraud.") He went on to rant that liberals “pretend the corrupt and shockingly senile Joe Biden is qualified to be president” and that thy “liken Trump to Hitler,” ignoring all the times that the website he runs frequently likened Obama to Hitler and various Nazis.

In between the blathering about Marxism — which he sees as no different from liberalism despite the fact that there are obvious differences that anyone who’s not a far-righter like him can see — Kupelian did things like downplay the death toll of coronavirus, presumably because much of it occurred and was exacerbated by the actions of his beloved Trump:

The intervening centuries have all too often presented equally daunting circumstances. While today’s coronavirus pandemic has taken several hundred thousand American lives, 14th century Europe had to contend with the Black Plague, which killed some 25 to 50 million people – and no treatments or vaccines. Then there have been the countless wars, the costliest being World War II with over 70 million deaths, including over 400,000 Americans. Indeed, the 20th century was the bloodiest in all of human history, dominated as it was by the ever-metastasizing Marxist cancer, which consumed an appalling 100-200 million lives.

Truth is, the human race is so regularly mired in intractable crises, one could reasonably conclude that crisis and chaos are the norm for humans, with societal peace and prosperity but rare and cherished aberrations.

Then it was back to ranting about the election being stolen, despite the fact that he can’t produce a single piece of verified evidence to prove it:

First and most immediate: November’s election was a freak show featuring hands-down the most massive amount of voter fraud in Americans’ lifetimes. If the various states that permitted and encouraged election fraud – such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and others – aren’t compelled to play by the rules, America will never again be a unified, peaceful nation – ever. So that is job one.

Even setting aside the outrageous election abuses, the major news media and tech monopolies pre-rigged November’s contest long before Election Day by continually portraying Donald Trump as a Hitlerian, mentally ill traitor while casting the demented and spectacularly corrupt Joe Biden as a moral paragon and guarantor of national healing.

They all knew better, but they did it anyway.

As usual, Kupelian’s solution is a religious revival:

Indeed, no real and lasting recovery is possible for America without a genuine spiritual revival. And each of us can and must play a key part in this revival. How? While we’re engaged on every battlefront – committed to work creatively and effectively, to educate and persuade, to enlighten and awaken, and to outthink and outmaneuver the demented Left – each of us needs, as Christ commanded, to “Let [our] light … shine before men,” always praying we can wage the battle righteously. And even praying for our enemies.

Christianity has historically grown during times of persecution, not only in numbers but in depth and sincerity. America’s coming days promise to be very tough ones, with much persecution directed toward those who dare speak the Truth. But if good people stand up for what is right, for their nation, for what is legal and proper and moral and good – and if they do it with faith in Almighty God that He may be glorified and His will ultimately triumph – they absolutely cannot lose.

Kupelian’s idea of “revival” is to force others to be the kind of right-wing Christian that he claims to be, because he’s simply not patient enough to let God work his magic.

Kupelian is clearly going to cling to his far-right views, even though they played a key role in leading WND into its current ongoing financial crisis and certainly won’t get WND out of it.

'War on Domestic Terror'

The February 2021 issue of Whistleblower had the theme “Democrats’ New ‘War on Domestic Terror’,” and this is the thesis:

However, this new crusade is not aimed at known, ultra-violent anarchist/Marxist revolutionary groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter, which spent much of 2020 rioting, burning, vandalizing, looting, assaulting and killing throughout America’s major cities.

Instead, the new war on terror is focused squarely on the millions of American citizens who enthusiastically supported Donald Trump’s re-election, attended his rallies, exercise their constitutional rights, believe the election was rife with fraud, and are critical of the radical policies being implemented rapid-fire by the new Biden-Harris administration.

That’s right. The “comprehensive threat assessment” of “domestic violent extremism” Biden ordered shortly after being sworn in as president – conducted jointly by the FBI, DHS and Director of National Intelligence – targets Trump conservatives, who are lumped in with the January 6 rioters, and even likened to terror groups like al-Qaida.

The cover went on to portray these Trump supporters as “normal, patriotic, center-right American.” That, of course, is a lie: There is nothing “center-right” about leading an armed insurrection against the government or promoting Trump’s bogus election-fraud conspiracy theories. And there is certainly nothing “center-right” about WND — it’s trying to move the Overton window to make its far-right extremism look mainstream and anything remotely liberal look extreme.

Kupelian pushed this dishonesty further in his lead essay for the magazine:

The plain truth is, today’s ruling elite – which encompasses not just the Biden administration and Democrat-controlled Congress, but also the “mainstream media,” Big Tech monopolies and Washington’s massive, permanent “deep state” bureaucracy – are afraid of the 75 million American voters who supported Donald Trump, believe both the election and their nation were stolen from them, and consider the Democrats’ governing agenda to be deranged and destructive to the nation they love.


For one thing – although saying this is strictly forbidden by today’s ruling elite – it’s essential to realize that November’s presidential election was indeed rigged. Fraud was encouraged, aided and abetted in multitudinous ways, including, for example, the wanton disregard for, and flouting of, the constitutional rules governing how state elections are held in several pivotal states; this is simply indisputable. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch, dissenting from the majority, have just warned the nation of “catastrophic” consequences if the high court doesn’t address the issue of state authorities “changing the rules in the middle of the game.”  In fact, Thomas said, “The refusal to do so is inexplicable.”

Moreover, all of the various species of election fraud came on top of Big Tech’s censorship of negative news about Biden, including the sensational – and entirely accurate – New York Post story on Hunter Biden’s laptop just days before the election. Likewise, Big Media refused to press Biden on any tough, substantive questions about his family’s epic corruption, his history of entirely fabricating stories, his serial plagiarism, his habit of radically changing his policy positions to their opposite (i.e., fracking) during the presidential campaign, and so on.

In a word, the 2020 election was stolen, and what’s more, the progressive oligarchs know it was stolen. (That’s why Trump had to be continually compared to Hitler, because cheating to defeat someone like Hitler is not only acceptable, it’s a moral imperative.)

We will remind Kupelian once again that his WND repeatedly likened President Obama to Hitler and other Nazis, so we can assume that was done to justify spending eight years lying about Obama and where he was born, since lying to defeat Hitler is not only acceptable, it’s a moral imperative, right, David?

Kupelian then went on to huff:

There’s more. Like all nascent totalitarian regimes, today’s Democrats feel compelled to conjure up a universally loathed and feared “enemy” for the purpose of uniting their voting coalition, one made up of wildly disparate, discontented and demanding factions with little or nothing uniting them – except a common enemy. It’s the classic strategy autocratic leaders have used throughout the ages to unite their subjects against an outside foe – and distract them from their leaders’ own malfeasance, hypocrisy and plunder.

For years, the “enemy” of choice was Donald J. Trump. But now that Trump is gone, the progressive ruling class is zeroing in on what was arguably the real enemy all along. Superficially designated “Trump supporters,” they comprise, more broadly and fundamentally, a gargantuan swath of normal, traditional-values, red-blooded, flag-saluting, Constitution-honoring, Bible-believing Americans.

Kupelian is engaging in pure projection here. Every Democratic president was the “enemy” in the eyes of him, Joseph Farah and the rest of WND, and his anti-Biden rants show how WND’s editorial agenda is to denigrate Biden to a point where he will stripped of his humanity and, thus, allow even more vicious attacks that Kupelian will justify as what needs to be done to destroy the enemy.

Kupelian then laughably defended truth:

This is what undergirds this growing totalitarian impulse to crush free speech in America – to de-platform conservative voices from social media, to stage destructive riots to prevent conservative personalities from speaking on campus, to demonize conservatives as dangerous “extremists” and as a “threat to democracy.” Very simply, they represent the truth the left hates – and with which they are engaged in daily, internal mortal combat.

They literally can’t stand to hear the truth. It’s more painful than they can bear, like sunlight to a vampire; they feel as though it’s going to burn them up. They just can’t stand it.

This is more projection. We’ve caught Kupelian and WND spreading lie after lie after lie.

We are not afraid of the truth. But Kupelian and WND are.

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