Slanties 2019: Into the Slantie-VerseAs the web the ConWeb weaves continues to spread under new writer Donald Trump, it's time once again to highlight the worst ConWeb reporting and craziest ConWeb opinions of the year.By Terry Krepel
But crashing into this twisted web is the 16th annual Slantie Awards, ConWebWatch's celebration of sycophantic and just plain bad journalism. Time to document the atrocities -- er, hand out some hardware. * * * The first award is for the most egregious example of bias in "news" coverage. The nominees are: -- WND's existential crises -- WorldNetDaily spent much of 2018 trying to stay alive, running two different campaigns of begging for money from readers. Editor Joseph Farah apparently took his eye off the financial ball to write a book, and he begged for money to publish that too. But while Farah regularly railed against the "digital cartel" purportedly running him out of business, he has refused to discuss the most likely cause: WND's long history of promoting fake news and conspiracy theories (not to mention how it published books by white nationalists and anti-Semites). Indeed, it continued to do so by touting conspiracies involving Seth Rich and Steve Stockman, demonstrating it has not learned the needed lesson from its imminent demise. -- CNS pro-Trump stenography: followed up last year's spate Trump stenography by doubling down on it, not even bothering to fact-check Trump or his surrogates when they tell blatant falsehoods. CNS also kept up its double standard on employment-statistics coverage, making Trump-era news as positive as its Obama-era news was negative. -- MRC's and CNS' coverage of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings -- The Media Research Center knew it had to defend President Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, and it obliged by denigrating the women who accused him of sexual misconduct, beating up on Anita Hill (again) and burying the fact the a key figure in the controversy used to work for the MRC. The MRC's "news" division, CNS, followed in its parent's footsteps with added mocking of Kavanaugh critics. -- The MRC's war on journalists -- The Media Research Center has never liked journalists, but 2018 was all about bolstering President Trump's war on "fake news" by targeting journalists. The biggest target, though, was CNN's Jim Acosta, for committing the offense of asking challenging questions of the president. When the White House pulled Acosta's press room access, MRC "news" division CNS actively rooted for it to be pulled permanently. And the Slantie goes to ... the MRC's Brett Kavanaugh coverage. Its egregious unfairness is made even more so because much of it appears in the context of attacking "liberal media" outlets for their alleged unfairness. Admit that Mark Judge -- a high-school buddy of Kavanaugh who played a key role in the narrative that Kavanaugh misbehaved -- worked for you, MRC, and then we can talk. * * * The next award is the LoBaido Award for the silliest statement made by a writer for a conservative news Web site (named after Anthony LoBaido, who wrote a post-9/11 column for WorldNetDaily that was so unhinged -- he blamed the attacks on America's immorality since "all that is evil in the world can be found in New York" and, for good measure, called Hillary Clinton "openly Marxist, treasonous and abortion-mongering, occultic" -- that WND eventually pulled it from its site). Here are this year's finalists: In my view, President Trump exemplifies precisely what manhood is all about. It is about protecting the people you are responsible to protect, be they your wife and children, family, or, in the case of the President, the people of the United States. -- Aryeh Spero, Dec. 12 CNS column Can we stop pretending that heterosexual and homosexual relationships are equal? They’re not. And to say otherwise, doesn’t make you homophobic. It makes you logical. If a married couple had 12 kids but they constantly catered to the wants of one of their children, while ignoring the needs of the others, wouldn’t you say that child is spoiled? -- Carl Jackson, Dec. 10 WND column With all you’ve seen, heard and read about climate change in the last 30 years, how about just considering the possibility that God’s still “got the whole world in His hand?” And how about considering still that some of the plagues we’ve all witnessed in recent years from catastrophic storms, devastating earthquakes and raging wildfires represent what God clearly explains in His Word as an effort to ensure you do not “perish quickly from off the good land which the Lord giveth you?” (Deuteronomy 11:17) -- Joseph Farah, Nov. 25 WND column Now along comes Donald Trump, who reminds me of Michelangelo. A friend asked that Renaissance champion how he managed to produce a work of art as breathtaking as his sculpture of David. “I entered my studio and gazed upon the block of marble across the room. Then,” confided the master sculptor, “I lifted my tools and chopped away everything that wasn’t David!” -- Barry Farber, Nov. 20 WND column As it happens, my knowledge of psychology surpasses what my formal education would suggest. I know that it is far easier to influence an individual utilizing mind control techniques than the average person might surmise, and that the methods available to clandestine agencies are far more sophisticated than most people know. It’s even easier if that person is mentally or emotionally compromised, and easier still if they are predisposed to such action. -- Erik Rush, Oct. 31 WND column As president he manufactured a Cloward-Piven dystopia that was spread like an airborne disease in the classrooms of his neo-Leninist ideological fraternity kinsman who masquerade as college/university professors nationwide. This explains why Obama spent so much of his time giving speeches on college campuses and fundraising in Hollywood. -- Mychal Massie, Oct. 8 WND column My wife, Shirley, and I raised four beautiful daughters right in the middle of Hollywood and Beverly Hills, in public and private schools, pretty and intelligent and desirable girls. I was a pretty protective dad (I had once been a boy, a normal boy), and I saw to it that my girls knew and understood what the “games” were and that there would be, for example, no single dates till they were 16. And we stuck to it. -- Pat Boone, Sept. 25 WND column Trump is well-known for promoting women in his industry, like Louise Sunshine who rose to executive vice president of the Trump organization. Sunshine worked for Trump for 15 years and has admitted that he often chided her about her appearance. However, she wasn’t offended. She said, “It was a reminder that I wasn’t perfect. ... It was just his way.” -- Jane Chastain, Aug. 1 WND column The simple fact remains: Without white people, there would be no America. White men founded this country and made it great. White men like President Trump are the last ones holding America together and it is hanging by a thread. -- Jesse Lee Peterson, July 15 WND column It's a well-known fact that ESPN doesn't always stick to sports. And this week The Worldwide Leader in (Liberal and Naked) Sports will prove again that it doesn't always stick to clothed athletes either. ESPN is unveilingdisrobing is a better word choiceits 10th edition of the Body Issue (online and in its magazine), and 16 current and former athletes will be featured without a stitch of clothing. For the past few days, the network website has been titillating viewers by featuring nude photos from an archive of the past nine years of body issues. -- Jay Maxson, June 25 MRC post On Thursday's The View, the liberal majority fulminated against Rudy Giuliani suggesting on Fox's The Ingraham Angle that the Mueller probe has accomplished nothing and should wrap it up. Sunny Hostin lamented "He says this is a witch hunt, and it's caught a lot of witches and warlocks! There’s been 75 charges already, 22 people have been indicted so, the suggestion somehow that the Mueller investigation isn't finding anything is nonsense." So Mueller doesn't actually have to convict anyone of anything? -- Tim Graham, May 17 MRC post Jesus was an outsider, a Jew, but the bearer of a New Covenant, exposing lies and fallacies and shining a light in the dark places of corruption and deceit. -- Charlie Daniels, May 8 column Roughly a quarter of Major League Baseball consists today of foreign-born players, and an even higher percentage of foreigners have flooded the minor leagues. Today, some minor league rosters look more like a World Cup soccer team than a baseball squad. -- Andy Schlafly, May 1 WND column Behind the European obsession with importing tall, dark, Middle-Eastern young men are hordes of horny, menopausal, Social Justice Warriors (SJW). -- Ilana Mercer, April 26 WND column Trump may very well be our first punk rock president a sentiment it seems Johnny Rotten may echo, having labeled Trump “a political Sex Pistol” who “terrifies politicians.” -- Andrew Thorp King, March 27 WND column “Love, Simon Everyone Loves a Great Love Story” is a sham. It’s also another device of the devil to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10) our children. -- Larry Tomczak, March 19 WND column Did the president have a brief affair with a porn star in 2006? I’m sure no one would be surprised to discover that he did. Will “60 Minutes” run an interview with Stormy Daniels? If so, what can it possibly tell us that we don’t already know? Daniels is a whore who sees herself as a “star” and wants to publicize her experience with Trump to polish that star and increase her income. -- Barbara Simpson, March 14 WND column The republic and our freedom hangs in the balance as long as the Clinton and Obama deep state represented and aided by the corrupt Robert Mueller is able to continue to wage a jihad on President Trump and his administration, all with the aim to bring it down and destroy it so that a socialist, communist, radical leftist, feminist and atheist country will take the place of the one conceived of at Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. -- Larry Klayman, Feb. 25 WND column We do know that [Oprah Winfrey is] very pro-woman from her films like “The Color Purple” where all the men were weak or ruthless, to her investment of $40 million for a school for girls in Africa. With her vision of Africa, only the little girls will have a quality education; the boys will be working in the fields. What kind of relationship would that create between men and women? With the women educated and better-employed, it would have the same results of the old South, when girls left the farm for college and the boys stayed home to keep the farm going. The next generation of black Southern female nurses, teachers and secretaries had a difficult time relating to the uneducated farmhand. This gave fuel to disrespect between the two and helped break up black families. Oprah attempting to help only African girls with school will have the same effect. -- Mason Weaver, Feb. 8 WND column Next to illegal immigration, feminism is the second-greatest seminal threat to American independence. -- David R. Usher, Jan. 24 WND column Why are Trump and masculine men so toxic and repulsive to today’s intellectual left and Democratic Party? Previously, I argued that the Republicans are the Daddy Party and the Democrats the Mommy Party. Although both parties like our entire country are highly feminized compared to adversaries like Russia, North Korea and numerous militant Muslim nations, there is still a residue of tentative maleness among Republicans. By contrast, the Democrats virtually swim in an ocean of estrogen and had the election gone as predicted, America would have quickly morphed into a gigantic harem ruled by Hilary the Great, replete with legions of male eunuchs and gloriously happy and safe “girly girls.” -- Kent Bailey, Jan. 19 WND column There were 664 homicides in Chicago in 2017 and, for comparison, 37 casualties in the U.S. military in its myriad operations around the globe. That's according to data from the Chicago Tribune and from the Department of Defense's press office. -- Michael W. Chapman, Jan. 2 CNS article And the Slantie goes to ... WND's Andy Schlafly for claiming there aren't enough Americans in Major League Baseball. He doesn't seem to understand that fans actually want to see the best baseball players no matter what part of the world they're from. If you force out players just to put American players in for the sole reason that they're American, it detracts from the game. * * * Our final award is the Slantie Award for Career Achievement in Conservative Bias. This goes to a reporter or commentator with a consistent record of biased and slanted reports that fly in the face of time-honored journalistic practice, the truth and/or common sense. This year's honoree is ... Tom Blumer, formerly of NewsBusters. Blumer cranked out a lot of misinformation in his time as a NewsBusters contributing editor, unique in his ability to get things wrong and still hold that position. The folks at the Media Research Center even let Blumer justify the racism of Trump supporters, insisting that it's not racist to believe that blacks are lazier or less intelligent than whites. In true MRC style, it was not the former attitude that brought about Blumer's downfall but the latter one (though not that particular post). When Media Matters highlighted how Blumer had included in a 2015 post a link to white nationalist site American Renaissance, as well as a 2017 post linking to the white-nationalist VDARE operation, Blumer was quickly and quietly let go from NewsBusters. In keeping with the MRC's record of never taking public responsibility for its screw-ups, Blumer's forced departure was never announced to its readers; likewise, it was silent on what punishment, if any, was given to NewsBusters editors who allowed Blumer's posts with those offensive links to be published in the first place. Of course, if the MRC keeps following Trump farther right, he just might be welcomed back at NewsBusters someday. |