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Wednesday, August 1, 2018
WND Just Can't Let The Obama Birther Thing Go
Topic: WorldNetDaily

One big reason why WorldNetDaily is currently in a perpetual state of financial crisis is that it squandered what little journalistic credibility it had in a war on Barack Obama, a key component of which was pushing the biggest fake-news story of the past decade: that Obama was ineligible to be president because he was not born in the U.S. and that his birth certificates were forgeries.

For the second time this year despite Obama long being out of office, WND took a dip in the birther cesspool in an anonymously written July 22 article:

Why do so many Americans still believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya?

Maybe because he keeps insisting it’s so.

He did again last week, while visiting his ancestral homeland of Kogelo.

Participating in the opening of Sauti Kuu Resource Center, a youth facility built by his half-sister, Auma Obama, he said: “Now, three years ago, I visited Kenya as the first sitting American president to come from Kenya. When I was president it was a little bit harder to get up here cause my plane didn’t fit the tarmac up here.”

WND is deliberately misquoting Obama. He did not say he was born in Kenya, he said that he "c[a]me from Kenya" -- not the same thing, and an indisputable fact given the Kenyan heritage of his father (though WND has occasionally insisted that Obama's real father is Frank Marshall Davis).

Yet WND still want to relitigate the whole birther thing by repeating false claims by others that Obama was born in Kenya: "So, which is it – native-born son of Kenya, native-born son of Hawaii or native-born citizen of the world?"

And WND seems a little bitter that its birther obsession ruined it:

While allies of the former president have been quick to blame his political enemies for continuing to plant doubt about Obama’s constitutional eligibility to occupy the White House, obviously not all the assertions being made come from so-called “birthers,” a term of derision used by his friends and supporters.

In fact, some of his friends and supporters in Kenya still insist he was born there.

Even Michelle Obama referred to Kenya as “his home country.”

Had WND chosen to act like the "news" operation it claims to be and honestly reported the entire truth about Obama's eligibility instead of promoting liars, charlatans and opportunists like Jerome Corsi, Joe Arpaio and Joel Gilbert, it wouldn't have to be so bitter about being dismissed as the birther obsessive it is

Because it didn't report honestly, WND continues to circle the drain and Joseph Farah is begging for money. Again. (More on that soon.)

Posted by Terry K. at 1:23 AM EDT
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
WND Becomes Putin's Stenographer, Pushes His Bogus Anti-Hillary Claim
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We've noted how uncritically promoted Russian President Vladimir Putin's assertion that a critic of his, Bill Browder, donated $400 million to Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign while not bothering to mention the fact that it's false.

An anonymous WorldNetDaily writer did the same thing in a July 16 article:

A quip by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his conference in Helsinki with President Donald Trump that ‘business associates” sent $400 million to Hillary Clinton’s campaign has sparked a long list of questions.

Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge discussed the comment.

“Vladimir Putin made a bombshell claim during Monday’s joint press conference with President Trump in Helsinki, Finland, when the Russian president said some $400 million in illegally earned profits was funneled to the Clinton campaign by associates of American-born British financier Bill Browder – at one time the largest foreign portfolio investor in Russia. The scheme involved members of the U.S. intelligence community, said Putin, who he said ‘accompanied and guided these transactions.'”

ZeroHedge is a fringe blog prone to publishing fake news -- which WND should know, having published fake news from ZeroHedge a couple years back. Also, "Tyder Durden" is not a real person; it's a pseudonym for a group of writers that post at the website. That tells you how far WND has fallen -- it has to outsource its fake news.

Needless to say, WND has not updated its story to point out the $400 million claim is false -- heck, even Putin himself has walked it back, now saying it was just $400,000 (which appears to also be false). Instead , WND rehashes ZeroHedge's attack on Browder, which claims that Browder "allegedly was behind the 2012 Magnitsky Act" but skips the part about how he died in a Russian prison after allegedly uncovering tax fraud committed by the Russian government against Browder's businesses. (The fake-name ZeroHedge piece blames Browder and Magnitsky for the alleged fraud, citing ... the Russian government.)

By serving as Putln's stenographer, WND is, in effect, promoting Russian propaganda. That's not how one regains the credibility to remain a viable "news" operation.

Posted by Terry K. at 5:09 PM EDT
Monday, July 30, 2018
WND's Farah Redefines 'Independent' To Falsely Portray WND As That
Topic: WorldNetDaily

For years, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has laughably insisted his "news" organzation is "independent," despite it having an obvious right-wing editorial agenda that colors its "news" coverage. Farah finally offered a defintion of the term in his June 25 column -- which he conveniently redefines to fit what he thinks WND is:

I founded the very first independent online news-gathering company in 1997 – some 21 years ago. We’ve faced many crises over those two decades, but nothing like we are experiencing at the hands of this cartel that shares a worldview so narrow, so tyrannical, so bullying and so disrespectful of dissent that all five of these companies count on an extremist organization called the Southern Poverty Law Center to help them police content. Is that a coincidence?

The combined clout of these companies makes them the de facto gatekeepers of all media in the U.S. If they like your content, it is treated favorably. If they don’t like your content, they treat you … well, harshly. That means your content doesn’t show up in searches, you don’t get much if any advertising, social media outreach is strictly limited. Thus, independent media are in crisis. They’re dying – and not slowly. It may be too late to save what’s left.

What do I mean by independent media? WND was the first, aside from the DrudgeReport, which is a genre all its own – perhaps the inspiration for all efforts that followed.

  1. I use the term to describe media efforts created specifically for the digital online age. When I started WND, I was a refugee of the so-called “mainstream” print media. I saw in the promise of the internet, a chance to level the playing field in such a way that an upstart, strictly digital enterprise could compete head to head with the corporate media established in the print and broadcasting era. For 20 years, we proved it could work. Others followed. Another old dearly departed friend of mine, Andrew Breitbart, took it to new heights with Tucker Carlson introduced innovations at the Daily Caller before moving on to Fox where he has become one of the finest hosts on cable news. Glenn Beck left television to start There are now dozens of such efforts. And they are all experiencing what I am experiencing – a fight for survival, with some closer to losing than others, but none with answers for long-term prosperity.
  2. Independent media are also defined by independent thinking. We don’t all agree politically. But we all agree the establishment media are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
  3. Independent media also tend to be skeptical of Big Government and other big institutions, cultural, corporate, political or otherwise.

Note that all the websites Farah lists are right-wing sites like his. Pushing a right-wing ideology through a biased editorial agenda is not "independent thinking" at all. And being "skeptical of Big Government and other big institutions, cultural, corporate, political or otherwise" is another tenet of right-wing orthodoxy.

There is no independence at WND. There might have been at one time early on, when it dared to break from the Republican agenda during the 2000 election and admit that few voters were discouraged from the polls in Florida when the networks mistakenly called Florida for Gore while some polls in the state were still open, forgetting that the Florida panhandle is in a different time zone than the rest of the state. But since then, Farah and WND have renounced true editorial independence to be pro-Bush, then anti-Obama, and now pro-Trump.

A truly independent media outlet reports facts without fear or favor -- something that can't said about WND, where agenda always comes first.

If Farah can't honestly tell readers what his website does, WND doesn't really deserve to live, despite Farah's bogus framing that WND going out of business means the death of the First Amendment.

Meanwhile, WND is sliding into yet another existential crisis. More on that later...

Posted by Terry K. at 10:56 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:58 AM EDT
WND Columnist Disappears Eight Years Of Right-Wingers Treating Obama Like A Manchurian Candidate
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Rich Logis rants in a July 17 WorldNetDaily column:

“Constitutional crisis” and “Democrat” have never been more closely aligned. Considering all the dangers of the Democratic Party – exploiting our youth into Redcoat Hitler Youth gun-control activists and violence against fellow Americans who don’t share their political beliefs, to name just two – one under-the-radar danger will soon, I expect, become over the radar:

The Democrats will never, ever again accept presidential election losses.

So what’s to stop them from ever accepting congressional losses, either in the House or Senate? What about gubernatorial and state elections? Local? School board? Dog catcher?

But in all his ranting about how Democrats questioned the legitimacy of Republican presidents and treated him as a "Manchurian candidate" for winning the Electoral College but not the popular vote, Logis curiously omits the eight years that right-wingers questioned Barack Obama's legitimacy and pushed bogus conspiracy theories about where he was born. Heck, the website that publishes Logis' column issued an anti-Obama book called "The Manchurian President."

It's unclear whether Logis ever promoted anti-Obama conspiracy theories -- his day job is that of a right-wing radio host --  but given that he writes things like "We must view the Democratic Party and their sycophantic voters, addicted to the anti-Trump occult and the DMIC, the Democrat Media Industrial Complex, like the Allies viewed the Nazis: as an existential threat to (lowercase d) democratic institutions and, in our case, constitutional institutions" tells us he was likely a carrier of Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:56 AM EDT
Friday, July 27, 2018
WND's Peterson Sounds Like A White Supremacist Again, Declares That It's 'White History Month'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

You know how Jesse Lee Peterson loves to rant like a white nationalist but gets away with it because he's a black right-winger? Well, he's taken that to a whole 'nother level in his July 15 WorldNetDaily column:

For the last 60 years or more, white people have been under attack, falsely called “racist,” and blamed for the failure and problems of black Americans and other so-called “people of color.”

Each year reveals new levels of insanity celebrating radical Black History Month, transgender and homosexual history, feminist women – celebration of everyone except for straight, white, conservative Christian men of power.

White people have been under attack, unappreciated and under a spell of fear for so long that most of the country can’t even remember that it was whites who made this country the destination that it is!

The simple fact remains: Without white people, there would be no America. White men founded this country and made it great. White men like President Trump are the last ones holding America together – and it is hanging by a thread.

So out of appreciation, I deemed July as White History Month

For some reason, whites allowed others to come in to this country who would turn around and betray them! Reportedly, whites will soon be a minority in their own country!

If we allow the vilification and replacement of whites to continue, then our country will become a ghetto. We will see more black-on-white crime, more laws against Christians and men, a total loss of freedom, and destruction of communities.

Aside from the fact that this rant would be not be out of place on white-nationalist or supremacist websites such as Stormfront or VDARE, Peterson misses the point hard here. Just as every day is Children's Day, every month is already White History Month by dint of whites being the dominant culture in America despite Peterson's fearmongering to the contrary. Thus, there's no need to declare one.

Peterson once again labeled President Trump the "Great White Hope" -- apparently still oblivious to the fact that the phrase originated as a racist, anti-black insult --  and then showed he's still learning the wrong message from all this:

Some friends and callers express concern for my safety, fearing a violent backlash against White History Month. We should be wary of violent leftists and white haters, given the incitement by anti-Trump agitators like Maxine Waters (the Wicked Witch of the West), corrupt government officials, media and Hollywood. There are places where it’s not safe to be an open Trump supporter. But the children of the lie proudly tout their beliefs with no sense of shame for being wrong – they’re in your face promoting evil!

If you are a child of God, you have no fear. Perfect love, the nature of God, drives out fear. But if you have fear, you are still of your father the devil. In counseling and talking with people, I notice most men and women have fear. Men are afraid to deal with their wives. Grown men and women are afraid to face their mothers and be honest with them!

Where does fear come from? Anger and unforgiveness. Unless you forgive, you will not be forgiven. And you will have all of the children of anger: fear, doubt, insecurity and suicidal thoughts. So forgive and be free!

Peterson seems to be confusing a lack of fear with a lack of shame. And his continuing Obama derangement demonstrates that he still harbors a massive reservoir of the anger (and, we can assume, its children) that he claims not to have.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:43 AM EDT
Thursday, July 26, 2018
WND Thinks A Mischievous Wikipedia Edit That Lasted Only 9 Minutes Is 'News'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Treating minor political mischief as "news" is among the laziest thing a so-called journalist can do -- which is probably why WorldNetDaily is no stranger to the practice. For instance, WND once devoted an entire story to a picture of Hillary Clinton's book that somebody placed in the science-fiction section of a bookstore.

That sort of politically motivated lameness resurfaces in an anonymously written July 17 WND article:

John Brennan, who shoved himself into the headlines this week with the wild claim that President Trump’s actions at his summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin were “treasonous,” was described in a new way, briefly, at the online site Wikipedia.

“Silly old fart.”

The entry for Brennan, for a few minutes Tuesday, read: “Brennan withdrew his name from consideration for director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the first Obama administration over concerns about his support for transferring terror suspects to countries where they may be tortured while serving under President George W. Bush. Instead Brennan was appointed deputy national security advisor, a position which did not require senate confirmation … is now best known as an irrelevant silly old fart who spends his days in his favourite slippers tweeting furiously about the Trump administration.”

The Washington Examiner explained the page was edited only a day after he lashed out against President Trump for comments at the summit.

The edits were live for about nine minutes before the text was changed back to its original.

So the Wsahington Examiner actually did the reporting on this lameness, and WND is merely repeating it secondhand? That's even more lame than we originally thought.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:00 AM EDT
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
WND Buys Into Fake-News #WalkAway Campaign
Topic: WorldNetDaily

An anonymous WorldNetDaily writer enthused in a June 29 article:

It’s “intolerant, inflexible, illogical, hateful, misguided, ill-informed, un-American, hypocritical, menacing, callous, ignorant, narrow-minded and at times blatantly fascistic,” says a new political activist who has created a campaign online to oppose a party that he says he’s leaving.

Naturally, he was a silver-spoon-in-mouth Republican, with corporate executive parents and privilege from morning until night, and he’s fed up, right?

Well. No.

He’s leaving liberalism and the Democrats.

His video is titled “#WalkAway Campaign – Why I left liberalism & the Democratic Party” and is one of those must-see projects.

Brandon Straka explains he’s, “for years,” watched as the “left has devolved” into that list of negatives above.

So now it’s over.

He’s online at Facebook and other social media sites and his campaign is moving in viral leaps and bounds.

Like most things too good to fact-check -- and the latest in the pile of fake news WND has promoted -- the #WalkAway campaign turns out to be a bit on the bogus side.

As the Washington Post reports, a significant portion of those "viral leaps and bounds" were apparently artificially generated by Twitter bots, not real people. And one of themost heavily retweeted #WalkAway tweets is itself apparently fake, with a profile image stolen from a book about making money in penny stocks. And later #WalkAway images simply use stock photos of people and not actual humans who actually are members of the movement.

Even the WND article promoted a tweet that doesn't sound like an actual American human, with the Twitter handle @Zealandian and the name "52-75-73-6b-69," which sure sounds like a Russian bot to us.

All that shadiness, however, didn't keep WND columnist Patrice Lewis from promoting the alleged movement in her July 13 column. She insists it's a real thing and attacks anyone who points out otherwise:

Unable to accept the idea that people loath their hateful message, the left is denying anyone is leaving. FrontPage Magazine notes, “The paranoid leftists at hate site claim #WalkAway is a Russian-operated misinformation campaign. Bob Cesca writes that #WalkAway ‘is a likely Kremlin operation’ that is fueled by ‘online trolls.’ It is a myth that ‘real-life Democrats [are] leaving the party in disgust[.]'” Huffington Post makes a similar claim. The Washington Post redefines the definition of “viral.”

That FrontPageMag article is written by the dickish Matthew Vadum, so  it too is of dubious descent.

If WND bothered to actually do some basic fact-checking, it wouldn't have to publish so much fake news.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:24 AM EDT
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
WND's Kupelian: No Collusion! Obama Is The Collusion!
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian has to go deep into his well of Obama derangement to deflect from credible accusations of pro-Trump meddling by the Russians during the 2016 election -- as well as rehash some old, discredited Clinton derangement in the process. Here's how Kupelian starts his July 15 column:

Is it just me, or is everyone missing the biggest, most mind-boggling part of the never-ending “Trump-Russia collusion” drama?

Let’s set aside all the deceit, demagoguery and mass hysteria associated with the left’s ongoing campaign to overturn Trump’s election by endlessly accusing him of “colluding with the Russians,” and consider the biggest scandal of all:

For the past 100 years, it’s the left that has been continually “colluding with the Russians.”

For something like three generations this nation’s most vital institutions, from higher education to Hollywood, have been powerfully influenced, if not entirely dominated, by the Marxist-socialist worldview incubated, nurtured, celebrated, propagandized and exported primarily by Russia.

As I have documented, today’s Democratic Party, pushed radically leftward by President Barack Obama (whom both former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy and ex-New Left leader David Horowitz accurately call a “neocommunist”), has become almost indistinguishable from the Communist Party USA. In case you didn’t know, the CPUSA came into existence as a U.S.-based, Moscow-controlled-and-funded communist party, but has lost most of its influence and support since the Soviet Union collapsed, thanks to President Ronald Reagan. Today, the CPUSA no longer fields its own presidential candidates, but rather, urges voters to support Democrats, having enthusiastically endorsed John Kerry, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.


Remember also that the Democratic Party’s rapid leftward drift while Obama steered the American ship of state for eight years was characterized by actual “collusion with the Russians,” including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s official agreement to hand over control of one-fifth of America’s strategic uranium reserves to Russia, in return for which millions of dollars flowed from Russia to the Clinton Foundation – not to mention $500,000 to husband Bill for giving a one-hour speech in Moscow. And who can forget President Barack Obama being caught on a hot mic saying to Russian President Medvedev,“This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” (Translation: After I’m re-elected president, I can do things Putin wants, but that the American people would never approve of.) To which comrade Medvedev replied, “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you.”

In fact, no quid pro quo has ever been found betweenHillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the deal to let a Russian-owned company control that sliver of U.S. uranium deposits, and Clinton was one of nine Cabinet members who had to sign off on the deal, and she had no power to approve or veto the deal on her own.

Kupelian also huffed: "Barack Obama, in his zeal to influence the outcome of Israel’s 2015 national election, actually spent American taxpayers’ money on a failed attempt to defeat a sitting prime minister and close ally, Benjamin Netanyahu." This is another lie from Kupelian.

Kupelian then called WND's favorite ex-Soviet Bloc spymaster, Ion Mihail Pacepa -- who endorsed Trump despite his cozy ties to Russia and Putin -- who is sounding more like an Obama-deranged pro-Trump shill:

“Mike,” I emailed recently. “How long would you say Russia has been actively trying to influence American society, politics and elections?” I explained the gist of the article I was writing about the American left’s century-long secret “collusion” with Russia.

<>Russia, he said, has been attempting to influence America for more than half a century, adding pointedly: “The leaders of our Democratic Party have known at least for seven decades that Russia was trying to influence the U.S. policies and her elections process – it was an open secret.”


Interestingly, Pacepa added in his email: “In 2009, the U.S. got its first Marxist president, and in March 2013, the CIA got a director, John O. Brennan, who had voted the Communist ticket.” (That’s right. In the 1976 U.S. presidential election, Brennan voted for Communist Party USA candidate Gus Hall.)

So, what does Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, one of the world’s top experts on genuine “Russian collusion,” think about the leftist Democrats and “mainstream media” daily attacking President Donald Trump for alleged “Russian collusion”?

The left, he said, specializes in fabricating fake news, history and reality, and always has. He recalled, thoughtfully: “In my other life as a Soviet bloc intelligence general, I had a banner posted in my DIE [Romania’s foreign intelligence service] office proclaiming in upper-case letters: ‘CAPITALIST ESPIONAGE REPORTS HISTORY. WE MAKE IT.’ Communist espionage was not designed to predict enemy intentions, as Western espionage services do. Our omniscient rulers knew best,” he said, indicating that communists prefer to rewrite and re-invent history, something the American left is notorious for doing.

And never more ferociously than right now.

“Now,” summarizes Pacepa, “a new generation of Democratic Party leaders who seem to have sawdust in their heads are trying to use Russia as a scarecrow in order to prevent the return of the U.S. to capitalism and freedom.”

Kupelian concluded by grousing: "In the meantime, the same left that demonizes America and capitalism with arguments identical to those learned at the feet of Russian communists, continues to accuse pro-American capitalist Donald Trump of 'colluding with the Russians.' That’s irony for you." No, the irony is that if Obama had done the same things Trump is accusing of doing with Russia, Kupelian would be screaming bloody murder.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:12 AM EDT
Monday, July 23, 2018
WND Frets Again About Not Enough White People
Topic: WorldNetDaily

For years, WorldNetDaily has fretted about low birth rates among white people, compared with the swarthy, Muslim-y hordes who want to immigrate to Europe and the U.S., which usually takes place under the "demographic winter" euphemism. That fretting pops up yet again in an anonymously written July 12 article that starts off with the usual code words -- the words "white" and "Christian" are absent, instead obliquely referring to  "Europe’s native population" -- but ultimately descends into right-wing huffing about "diversity" and "Islamic piety":

Newly released European Union figures show deaths surpassed births in 2017 among Europe’s native population.

The office Eurostat released the report ahead of World Population Day on Wednesday, reported LifeSiteNews.

The EU saw 5.3 million deaths and 5.1 million births in 2017 while the overall population increased from 511.5 million to 512.6 million due to immigration.

The report found Ireland retained the highest birth rate and lowest death rate in the EU, making its natural population growth five times higher than the EU’s average. Births also continued to outnumber deaths in Cyprus, Luxembourg, France, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Brian Stewart writes at The Federalist that Europe has been “importing a considerable mass of people on the unspoken assumption that more diversity in a society will invariably breed ever more tolerance.”

“Worse, this massive influx has been accompanied by an austere and often fervent Islamic piety; and this has been doubly dangerous,” he said.

That anonymous writer almost let his pro-white agenda out of the bag.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:40 AM EDT
Saturday, July 21, 2018
WND's Continuing Adventures in Fake News
Topic: WorldNetDaily

We've documented WorldNetDaily's descent into fake news that played a key role in its near-death experience earlier this year -- and more examples keep piling up.

Buzzfeed detailed how anti-Muslim propaganda travels from Europe to the U.S., citing WND as a conduit. For example, an August 2017 article by the anti-Muslim Gatestone Institute carried the headline ""Muslims Tell Europe: 'One Day This Will All Be Ours'"-- but the article quotes no Muslim saying that (it game from a French Catholic bishop who was purporting to quote unnamed Muslims). WND republished part of the Gatestone article, complete with false headline.

WND has gotten burned by fake news from Gatestone before; we've documented how it promoted an alarmist Gatestone article about how more mosques than churches were being built in France, ignnoring that Christianity had a centuries-long head start over Islam in the country and has far more churches than Islam has mosques. Gatestone has since deleted its false article, but WND's article, by Alicia Powe (see below), remains live and uncorrected.

Meanwhile, Media Matters reported on the closeness between American conservatives and Macedonian-based fake news operations, noting that one figure in the operations, Trajche Arsov, had recruited Alicia Powe to write for one of those fake-news sites during the 2016 election, and that Powe also shared numerous fake-news stories on her personal Facebook page. Powe joined WND as a reporter in February 2017 -- where one of her beats was perpetuating Seth Rich conspiracy theories -- and stayed for approximately a year; she now writes for the even less credible Gateway Pundit.

Meanwhile, WND still won't admit its dubious editorial policies played a role in leading it to near-death, continuing to whine about Google and Facebook prioritizing other (read: more credlble) content.Until Joseph Farah and crew admit they have a problem and apologize to its readers for essentially lying to them, they can't even begin to fix it, let alone regain the credibility it needs to stay alive.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:25 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, July 22, 2018 1:53 AM EDT
Friday, July 20, 2018
WND's Mercer Thinks Her Daughter Deserves To Be In America Because She's White
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The important thing to remember about WorldNetDaily columnist Ilana Mercer is that she laments the end of apartheid in her native South Africa. That puts her July 5 WND column in context -- not a good one, mind you, but as an indication of where her sense of racial entitlement is coming from.

She starts things off with a fit of immigrant bashing: "America’s immigration policy – driven as it is by policy makers and enforcers – exalts and privileges those of low moral character. It rewards law-breakers, giving them the courtesy and consideration not given to high-value, legal immigrants." The bulk of it, though, of it is complaining that her daughter, who she says was studying in Canada and was "bamboozled at the border-crossing in Blaine, Washington" and "gave the wrong answer to her petty American inquisitor," allegedly causing her green card to be taken away.

Then commenced a rant about how people like her and her daughter deserve to be immigrants while those other, swarthy-looking people "have nothing to offer the commonwealth":

More fundamentally, hers was not an ill-gotten green card.

The principal sponsor, a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, had entered the U.S. on an O-1 visa. Unlike the H-1B visa, the O-1 visa doesn’t replace Americans; it adds to them. For it is granted to those with “extraordinary ability in the fields of science, education, business or athletics.” The O-1 necessitates “a level of expertise indicating that the person is one of the small percentage who has risen to the very top of the field of endeavor.”

Not by deceit did my child gain her green card. But by deceit is how the swarms on the border will get theirs. The squeaky wheels squatting on the southern border, funneled daily into the interior to create facts on the ground, are not refugees or legitimate asylum seekers. Rather, they are merely from what President Trump has termed “s–thhole countries.” By that criteria, Americans could be forced to welcome the world.

A refugee, conversely, is an individual who is persecuted on the basis “of race, religion, nationality, and/or membership in a particular social group or political opinion” – like my South-African compatriots, who, every day, are culled like springbok in a hunting safari. But for South Africans, U.S. refugee and immigration authorities reserve their unalloyed prejudice.

Let’s be realistic. Aside from their demands, the hordes on the southern border have nothing to offer the commonwealth.

Back to la bandida. Was my daughter allowed a phone call to her parents? No! What about access to an immigration attorney? No!

A well-behaved, legal resident, who did not enter the United States to cause trouble, this young lady obeyed the laws of the country. She did not defy its enforcers. Timidly, she accepted her lot.

Our daughter had her hard-won green card stripped by state bullies because she gave the wrong answer to a trick bureaucratic question.

Her case, no doubt, was further hindered by the fact that she simply was not a sympathetic “type.” After all, she speaks good English, was attached to productive people, residing lawfully in their own home in the U.S., mere hours away. And she is not of a more exotic persuasion. At least not visibly so.

No, not simpatico at all

So, she was tossed out of the United States of America like so much … white trash.

I hazard that had my daughter spoken in tongues or rendered a “good” Pidgin English; had she cried, created a scene; called for the presstitutes and the immigration advocates – she’d have “passed” with flying colors and would have been sent on her merry way.

It’s as though people of early American probity, to paraphrase writer Mary McGrory, are carefully and purposefully weeded out by contemporary America’s immigration policies and policy makers. (Until Trump.)

Indeed, we South Africans are just not part of the “multicultural noise machine,” now sitting on the southern border seething with rage, poised to make common purpose with America’s professional merchants of racial hatred.

We are not pushy. We do things the right way. And we swallow the pain and indignity.

One would think that being treated like ICE treats everyone else would have aroused in Mercer some sort of sympathy for others. Instead, it seems to have aroused a lingering sense of racial entitlement.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:42 AM EDT
Thursday, July 19, 2018
WND Columnist Tries to Defend Ron Paul Over Racist Tweet
Topic: WorldNetDaily

When you defend the indefensible, it's best to change the subject. That's what David Gornoski does in a July 4 WorldNetDaily column trying to deflect attention from a tweet attacking "cultural Marxism" using racist caricatures from Ron Paul's Twitter account. After acknowledging it was a bad idea and uncritically swallowing Paul's explanation that a staffer, not he, was responsible, Gronoski then attacks the media for reporting on it and then going far afield to attack both President Obama and Hillary Clinton for their yeasr-ago actions in Libya and Syria ... and then starts ranting about the "mental tomb" the media are purportedly in for not reporting on the good things Paul has done:

Obviously, it was a dumb mistake for a staffer to post an ugly cartoon. But no one of an informed, sound mind thinks Ron Paul approves of racial hatred. Since the 1970s, Paul spent an entire political career denouncing the prison industrial complex, war hysteria and majority rule oppressing minorities. In every appearance, he lectures about the importance of respecting individual personhood over collective group identities: an ethic that rejects racial tribalism completely.

When Ron Paul ran for president, he promised to pardon all nonviolent offenders in prison. He challenged the Bush, Clinton, Obama-status quo of bombing Middle Eastern countries and spying on Muslims, and protested the assassination of Anwar al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son, Abdulrahman, an innocent U.S. citizen. All things an honest press should do but refuse to this day.

[CNN's Chris] Cuomo is right. What we ignore we empower. CNN and most of the major media have continued to ignore and empower all the worst state atrocities Ron Paul has battled. Journalists like Cuomo rage against a cartoon gaffe with righteous fury. But their silence was deafening on Abdulrahman’s execution by Obama.


CNN did not slam this horror with the righteous zeal they throw at Ron Paul over a stupid cartoon. They did not show the blood-soaked faces of Libyans crying out to God over how such evil wannabe gods can get away with destroying their homes and loved ones’ bodies.

Where was Cuomo’s call for Secretary Clinton to be fired for creating mass chaos in Libya?


The media desperately wants to blot out Ron Paul’s message of truth and nonviolence from the history books. That is why they parrot the same lies to rewrite his legacy with their own myths that serve state power. But they will fail.

For now, we suffer the statist quo Cuomo and the PC media. They are whitewashed tombs – shiny on the outside for shaming rivals’ politically incorrect speech, but inside hiding the bodies sacrificed by the state they adore.

Come out of your mental tomb, media myth-makers. See our neighbors – flesh and blood victims of war and prison. Who will hide their faces from your viewers? History stands with Ron Paul. The voices of the victims of state violence will be heard.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:42 PM EDT
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
NEW ARTICLE: The Obama Derangement Never Ends At WND
Topic: WorldNetDaily
WorldNetDaily has spent the past three years obsessing over an Obama-era non-scandal -- and now a right-wing legal group is helping keep WND's obsession alive well after Obama has left office. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 10:17 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 11:31 PM EDT
WND Promotes Crazy Lawsuit, Hides The Craziness
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In 2016, WorldNetDaily provided damage control for author Gary Byrne, a former Secret Service officer whose then-new book making dubious, tawdry claims about the Clintons was falling apart as it was debunked as the work of a low-level agent who could not have known the things he claimed, who made claims that differed from those he testified to under oath as part of Kenneth Starr's investigation, and denounced by the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service as eroding the trust between the Secret Service and those it protects.

WND is giving a boost to Byrne again in a July 1 article about his latest venture:

Former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne has filed a mega-RICO civil lawsuit against Bill and Hillary Clinton, their foundation, John Podesta, Media Matters, David Brock and even George Soros charging they are involved in an epic criminal conspiracy against him because of his role in the impeachment and his authorship of a tell-all 2016 book called “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate.”

But he’ll have his work cut out for him. The judge assigned to the case in D.C. District Court, Paul L. Friedman, is a Bill Clinton appointee.

Byrne asserts, among other charges, he was the victim illegal domestic and electronic surveillance at the hands of the conspiracy – especially leading up the 2016 election.


“For the past decade in which relevant predicate acts were corruptly carried out by the named defendants as ‘payback’ for Plaintiff Gary Byrne’s role in the Clinton impeachment and his status as a ‘Clinton enemy’ (for his temerity in telling the truth concerning obstruction of justice and gross abuse of power), along with their corrupt surrogates and collaborators (referenced individually and collectively as the ‘Enterprise’), David Brock and William and Hillary Clinton have been synonymous with criminal behavior, malicious baseless attacks (using mainly the illicit and vicious defamatory tactics against perceived political enemies (like Officer Gary Byrne, the Plaintiff here) of those willing to compensate participants like Brock) – and coordinating by mail and wire to violate myriad Federal and State laws in the exploitation of Enterprise nonprofit entities they use for purely partisan purposes,” Byrne says in his summary of the case.

The Clintons and their associates, Byrne says, have effectively run what amounts to an organized crime syndicate.

“This is sedition, bordering on treason, and patently illegal,” Byrne concludes.

He’s suing for more than $1.5 billion in damages for alleged violations of nearly 500 statutes.

The article is very light on details about what, exactly, Byrne is alleging. Perhaps because its link to the lawsuit is behind a paywall and WND's current precarious financial situation doesn't allow WND to spring for the cash to actually see it. But it may also be that the lawsuit is so crazy even other right-wing outlets are dubious about it.

The Daily Caller reports that "Among the many charges that appear in the at times almost incoherent filing is the charge that a criminal syndicate involving the Clintons, David Brock, Donna Brazile, and George Soros murdered Seth Rich." And the Western Journal/Conservative Tribune called the lawsuit "curious," adding that "there’s more than a soupçon of the conspiratorial behind this." But it also added, like a good anti-Clinton obsessive: "Then again, this is the Clintons — and stranger things have happened."

As a side note, both of those articles appeared more than a week before WND's version, which shows the current decimated state of WND's journalistic capabilities.

So it seems WND is doing more damage control for Byrne -- this time by omission.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:52 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 12:55 AM EDT
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Why Boise Stabbing Spree Didn't Trend At WND
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A July 4 WorldNetDaily column by Jack Cashill snarkily claimed that an incident in which a man stabbed several people in an apartment complex in Boise, Idaho, housing refugees -- killing one child -- didn't get more play because the alleged assailant, Timmy Kinner, is black and "There is nothing 'Idaho' or 'MAGA' about him." Cashill went on th claim that "In the last decade, mentally unstable black men like Kinner have killed scores of non-black victims in serial attacks that often have a racial motivation. If fame was their goal, these killers misunderstood the media.

Ironically, Cashill's column is only one of two articles at WND that even mention the stabbing incident. The other is one of WND's trademark theft of the work of others, this time a CBS report on the stabbing. One curious aspect of the excerpt WND used is that it omits any mention of the fact that the victims lived in an apartment building with refugees.

You might remember that over the past couple of years, WND -- mostly former reporter Leo Hohmann -- relentlessly fearmongered about refugees moving to Idaho, exploiting an incident in which two children of refugees engaged in alleged sexual behavior with a third child in order to inflame anti-Muslim and anti-refugee sentiment. Hohmann was particularly incensed by a Chobani yogurt plant in Idaho hiring refugees, so much so that he and WND published false smears about Chobani and founder Hamdi Ulukaya over the refugee issue -- claims that were quietly and mysteriously scrubbed and corrected months later, presumably after Chobani threatened to sue WND.

(These days, though, Hohmann is reduced to spewing his anti-Muslim hate at his own website.)

You'd be reading a lot more about this incident at WND if a refugee had been the perpetrator. But because refugees were the victims, the story gets shoved down the memory hole with copy-and-paste coverage instead of original reporting.

Instead of asking "why Boise murder didn't trend on Twitter," as the headline of his column stated, Cashill would be better off asking why it didn't trend at the "news" outlet that publishes his column. Of course, the answer -- because WND is hostile to the status and religion of the victims -- is too obvious and wouldn't fill out a whole column.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:22 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 6:33 PM EDT

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