Topic: WorldNetDaily
Racially motiviated right-wing writers like to work up outrage of the idea of "demographic winter," in which white Christian Westerners allegedly decimated by low birth rates and abortion are replaced by swarthy Third World Muslim immigrants -- all while speaking in code words and euphemisms in order to hide the explicit racial aspect. Hanne Nabintu Herland is the latest to tackle this -- still speaking in code words, of course -- in her June 20 WorldNetDaily column:
Since legalizing the woman’s right to remove her own offspring, the fertility rate has dropped dramatically in the West, with perplexing consequences. This is the irony: Many countries in Europe now import approximately the same number of immigrant workers as the number of abortions. The generation that was supposed to do the job simply is not there. They are replaced by large-scale import of Muslim and other immigrant groups who love children and regard these as a gift from God. Since atheist feminists have worked so hard to implement disdain for their own offspring, other and stronger groups naturally take over and form new dynasties in the West. Why complain about immigration? It is the direct consequence of the desired childlessness.
The West has, with the help of the suicidal progressive movement, caused its own decline. Italy has the lowest birth rates in 150 years, with a 1.4 percent fertility rate, Denmark 1.7 percent, Switzerland 1.5 percent, Portugal 1.2 percent and Germany 1.4 perent, according to 2016 numbers from World Bank. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and other surveys, abortion rates in Scandinavia, U.K. and France rate as high as 20-30 percent, Germany, Finland and Benelux 11-14 percent. Since abortion was first legalized in the 1970s, Germany has removed 120,000 annually, France around 200,000, Netherlands 30,000, Norway 15,000 yearly and Sweden 35,000. Tally the numbers; they are massive.
In the U.S., over 50 million have been lost to abortion since 1960, according to former Newsweek editor Jon Meacham in what he calls “The end of Christian America.” If you add the pictures of the screaming women, fuming with anger and rage in pro-abortion parades, you know you are watching the end of a culture. No childless society can survive.
When looking at demographics, it is only a question of time before the traditional European becomes a minority in Europe. We may guess that this is what the progressive feminists wanted: The end of their bloodline.
Nicely code-worded, don't you think?