Jesse Lee Peterson, White Supremacist?The black right-wing WorldNetDaily columnist is laughably portrayed as a "civil rights leader," so why does he disparage blacks -- and defend white people's anger at blacks -- at every opportunity?By Terry Krepel ![]() Jesse Lee PetersonA couple years back, ConWebWatch noted WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie's use of his black-conservative privilege to say things he could not get away with if he was not a black conservative, such as calling a black woman a "Negress" or telling blacks to go back to Africa. Now, fellow WND columnist Jesse Lee Peterson is following the same path -- to the point he sounds like a member of a white supremacist group. Peterson has already established himself as a rabid Obama-hater -- another thing he shares with Massie. How ironic, since WND likes to promote Peterson as a "civil rights leader," despite the fact he has little constituency outside white right-wingers. Indeed, Peterson's WND-published book "The Antidote" is loaded with blurbs from white right-wingers like Andrew Klavan, Dennis Miller and Ben Shapiro, and the advisory board of Peterson's organization BOND has included the likes of Sean Hannity and Dennis Prager. (We don't know if they're still on the board, since the list was removed from BOND's website after it was revealed that Hannity has had Peterson as a guest on his radio and TV shows without disclosing their relationship.) Between that and WND's own reputation for race-baiting, it's no wonder that Peterson thinks he can trash his fellow blacks with impunity. For example, in a February 2015 column, Peterson ranted about the meaninglessness of Black History month: Black History Month is dumb. And it provides no value for black Americans or anyone else. Of course, if Peterson has truly gotten over his own blackness, he wouldn't be saying such things. Instead, he does, knowing he would be treated differently than if he wasn't black. Peterson sounded almost exactly like a leader of a white supremacist group in a Nov. 15 column, unsubtly headlined "Dear white people: your days are numbered": This has been a brutal couple of weeks for those with white skin. If these words had come from the pen of a white KKK leader, he would be universally rejected and condemned. But because it is Peterson saying it, he again gets a pass. Sadly, it seems that being a proxy for white racists is something Peterson actually appears to want to be. In a further irony, Peterson's admonition that "You can’t prove anything to angry people" applies mostly to himself. Race-baiting over massacresPeterson is such a race-baiter that he'll change the subject of crime by whites to talk about black crime. When a black man killed a TV reporter and a cameraman in Virginia in August 2015, Peterson was quick to run to WND and rant about "the phenomenon of the black mass murderer, asserting: "An all-but-untold story is how black anger has been finding an outlet in unhinged acts of violence. Inevitably these killers blame white people for their rage. True to form, the media refuse to examine the deeper reasons for their rage, if they bother to discuss these crimes at all." But a couple months earlier, when Dylann Roof, a white man, shot and killed nine blacks in a South Carolina church, Peterson told Newsmax that it would not be news if Roof was not white: "Black-on-black you would not have heard anything about it. If you would have heard anything, it would have been a small, little mention of it. ... Barack Obama would not have held a press conference about it." Peterson also claim that's "absolutely not true" that racism against blacks is an issue -- even though Roof has a clear history of associating with white supremacists. Even more bizarrely, in response to reports that Roof conducted the shooting as a revenge for blacks committing crime, Peterson appeared to agree with the basis of Roof's sentiment, if not his method of dealing with it: "I've been saying to white Americans for the last 25 years, warning them and warning them that you need to start speaking up instead of holding that anger in because you can get so angry that you can come out fighting in the wrong manner." Peterson went on to feel additional sympathy for beleaguered whites whose anger against blacks is entirely justified: [White Americans] "need to speak out to the country, to black Americans, and tell them, 'I am not a racist, I am not your problem, you need to take care of your own lives, you need to get married, raise your own children, get away from the government taking care of you, drop your anger so you can see that I am not your problem.' White Americans have been made to feel for the last 50 years or so that they are to blame for the situation in the black family and in the black community when it has nothing to do with white racism but everything to do with the lack of moral character. So blacks -- white people are feeling fear. If they should speak up they are called racists, and they are feeling guilt because they feel a sense of responsibility for what's going on when they really have nothing to do with this. So they have all this anger that's starting to build up inside of them, and I am very concerned -- I have been concerned for a long time that if they don't open up and express themselves and say 'no' when they are called racists, we're going to see more killing. And I want to be wrong, but we're going to see -- especially young white men and women, we're going to see more of them carrying out acts like the one we just saw in South Carolina. Peterson also complained that the media rushed to speculate on a racial motive for the South Carolina shooting (which turned out to be completely correct). But Peterson has no problem speculating about motives when the alleged perpetrator is black. In November, when a black man named Zebulum James allegedly went on a shooting spree in which two white women were killed, Peterson took to WND and ranted about it: “If a white man shot and killed two black women, I guarantee you that it would be immediately classified as a ‘hate crime’ by Barack Obama and AG Loretta Lynch. Obama and Lynch would hold a press conference and blame racism and lecture white Americans and the nation on the need to end racism. The DOJ would open an investigation for civil rights violations. The local and national media would be all over the issue doing specials and portraying it as a national race crisis. Based on this case and countless other underreported black on white crimes, I’ve concluded that to this administration and the mainstream media: white lives don’t matter! They could care less about black-on-white crimes.” In fact, there's plenty of evidence that indicates that the victims of Zebulum James' crime spree were chosen at random. He also fired shots into a house and a municipal bus, where there was no apparent racial motive. Further, during a later court hearing, James reportedly "began screaming and said that demons were trying to get him," which suggests mental health issues; family members have stated that he suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. Nevertheless, Peterson ranted that blacks should stay in the ghettos where they belong -- “They’re going to be destroying every suburb that they move into, just as they’ve done the inner cities. ... This is ‘forced diversity'" --and defends whites who want to live in a race-segregated community: "The Obama administration is now redistributing poor inner city families to American suburbs. ... This idea of taking the power away from white people by passing these type of laws and then forcing it on them is evil and is not going to turn out for the good." Peterson continued, sounding even more like a serious segregationist: "These blacks aren’t separated from whites because of 'segregation' ... They’re separated from whites because they’re having children out of wedlock, they’re reliant on the government to pay their rent, food, medical, everything, and so they lock themselves into these government sponsored neighborhoods." Paralleling white supremacistsPeterson's rants are getting to the point that they're nearly indistinguishable from those by bona fide white supremacists. For instance, here's Patrick Slattery speaking on the Jan. 23 podcast by racist extraordinaire David Duke about the lack of Academy Award nominations for black actors: And it's more than just affirmative action, it's propaganda. And you're trying to, well, create -- I mean, for instance, if in the movies, you have blacks who are always going to be leading scientists and physicists and they're the judges and they're the -- you know, Morgan Freeman, he's played both the president and God. Funny he wasn't cast as Moses during the 10 Commandments, I noticed that. You know, you create these very unrealistic expectations when you have a society in which that same minority group is too much involved in drugs and, you know, they're not performing well, but yet you're going to wind up with expectations not just from them but from the population at large to see them in large numbers in professions in which under current circumstances they're certainly not likely to be entering in any large numbers. And so it skews expectations and then makes things like, you know, Black Lives Matter or #OscarsSoWhite, it makes them seem more plausible because you've created this, you know, unrealistic fantasy world, which is what Hollywood is. And here's what Peterson said on the subject in his Jan. 24 WND column: Jada Smith is upset because her husband, Will Smith, didn’t win an Oscar for his movie “Concussion.” I’ve got an idea for you, Jada. Why don’t you make movies for yourselves? Not that much of a difference, is there? Race-baiting failSometimes, Peterson's race-baiting backfires. In a September WND article, he weighed in on the death of Illinois police officer Joe Gliniewicz, which he was quick to blame on Black Lives Matter activists at the Minnesota State Fair allegedly chanting “pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon” two days earlier. He added: "They’re putting the lives of police officers at risk by encouraging other angry people to hate the police and target them. ... This is an evil group." But that wasn't true, it turns out. Investigators have since found that Gliniewicz's death was a "carefully staged suicide" designed to obscure the fact that he had been stealing money from a police mentoring program for several years, and that he reportedly tried to hire a hit man to kill a village administrator who was looking into his financial improprieties. Meanwhile, not only does WND's original article remain uncorrected, Peterson has apparently not publicly corrected his now-false linking of Gliniewicz's death to Black Lives Matter. But then, race-baiters aren't exactly concerned with telling the truth. |