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Saturday, February 25, 2023
WND Columnist Gives 'Gifts' To Boost Trump
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Larry Tomczak began his Jan. 3 WorldNetDaily column by linking the Bible to the selective "Twitter files" releases:

One of the most obscure verses in the Bible has prophetic significance for 2023. It focuses on a bird as a carrier of sensitive information previously hidden.

"Do not revile the king even in your thoughts or curse the rich in your bedroom, because a bird of the air may carry your words and a bird on the wing may report what you say" (Ecclesiastes 10:16-20).

The legendary Twitter bird is one of the most recognizable logos worldwide. It symbolizes how quickly information can travel to impact multitudes.

Are you paying attention to the "Twitter Files"? Elon Musk has released damning evidence exposing how corruption in the top levels of the FBI and social media (Google, Twitter, Facebook), along with the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC aligned in deceptive practices to trash Trump and back Biden before the 2020 election.

Tomczak then claimed that the "revelation" of the files "can help our former president regain traction for the next election":

Winston Churchill, Bill Clinton ("The Comeback Kid") and just recently Benjamin Netanyahu (reelected prime minister in Israel) all lost their political "mojo" but re-calibrated to regain their footing. So can Donald Trump!

Scores who remain loyal to our former president sympathize with the nonstop pummeling he endures and refuse to conveniently forget his outstanding record of achievements against all odds.

Some want him to let go of 2020 "fraudulent election" claims and be more circumspect in his conduct. Many believe God is neither done with him nor wants to waste the gift of governance He gave him. We're not putting our trust in politicians or particular institutions but praying for influencers in government to stand courageously for righteousness.

In the meantime, I believe patriotic and principled conservatives should consider three presents for our former president who did so much for all of us in our quest to honor God in America and advance the Gospel.

the first of those "gifts" is prayer. The second is "understanding," which apparently translates into embracing his discredited election fraud lies becuase he supposedly believes them:

At the core of his being, Donald Trump sincerely believes that: 1) his loss to Biden in the 2020 election was due to fraudulent activity (covered up but increasingly being revealed); and 2) this injustice must be rectified, otherwise we jeopardize our Constitution and fair elections in America.

He seeks understanding from fair-minded, patriotic and principled Americans who seek to curb our country's decline. His core conviction is: "Our great Founders did not want and would not condone false and fraudulent elections."

I grant Mr. Trump understanding of his position, knowing the only path to resolution is to present hard evidence before the Supreme Court to rule on this issue. Wouldn't you want the same if you were he?

The third is "encouragement," because trump is just like the leader of Ukraine:

Time magazine announced its Person of the Year for 2022 was Ukrainian President Zelensky. He courageously has persevered against Russia's bellicose attempt to capture his country, assassinate him and decapitate their government.

Likewise, Mr. Trump has persevered against relentless attacks. Countless millions refuse to bail in his hour of need.

Tomczak concluded with a "personal appeal" to Trump begging him to read his defense:

"President Trump, I hope this commentary reaches you.

"On June 15, 2016, you descended on an escalator trip that changed America and catapulted you into nonstop attacks that would have crushed the overwhelming majority of people on planet Earth. You were like lightning in a bottle, and I thank you for persevering to champion America as a world leader once again.

"Your accomplishments are among some of the greatest for a first-term president in U.S. history. In campaigning I respectfully appeal that you run on your record contrasted with the disastrous free-fall we've all suffered with Biden! Stay focused and fan the flames of America's greatness!

"Billy Graham called socialism the 'religion of Satan.' Masses of Americans are clueless as to what's happening. How bad will things have to get before we wake from the induced complacency to see a turnaround and desperately needed spiritual awakening? Lead the way!

"Humble yourself. Ask God for guidance. Be accountable to godly leaders who can help you. We offer you our prayers, understanding and gratitude."

Who says being a Trump dead-ender isn't a cult?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:20 AM EST

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