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Thursday, April 15, 2021
CNS Still Touting Far-Right Boebert, Won't Tell Readers Her 'Origin Story' Is A Lie

We've documented how -- on top of its work promoting far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene -- has tried to mainstream another extremist Republican member of Congress, Lauren Boebert. While CNS has effectively stopped promoting Greene when her extremism could no longer be ignored or whitewashed, it's still touting Boebert despite her expressed support for the far-right QAnon movement.

We already noted that in February, CNS promoted a statement by Boebert falsely blaming wind and solar energy for the Texas power crisis in February. Craig Bannister gushed over Boebert in a March 4 article:

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) is going to force Democrats’ entire, pork-laden so-called “COVID relief” bill to be read aloud in the Senate before it’s voted on – and Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) thinks that’s such a great idea that all bills should be read aloud in Congress so Americans can know what’s in them.

“Every single bill should be read aloud so the public can hear very clearly what’s in it,” Rep. Boebert tweeted Wednesday in response to news that Sen. Johnson will require the full bill to be read aloud. “Joe Biden thinks many people are too dumb to get on the internet, so by his racist standards no one should be expected to read bills online,” Boebert added.

Bannister gushed again in March 16:

“The Left attack women who are too strong for their liking every single day, then claim there’s a ‘war on women,’” Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) says.

“Well, there is, but they’re the ones leading it!” Boebert added in a Tweet thanking Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) for explaining how the Left is even more hostile to conservative women than it is to conservative men.

Boebert's and Bannister's invocation of Gaetz is a little awkward now given the sex scandal he's involved in (that CNS has been studiously censoring). And Bannister didn't mention that the reason Boebert has been criticized by "the left" is not because she's a "conservative woman," or even because she likes to show her "support for the Second Amendment" by promiscuously brandishing weapons, but that she has supported extremist movements like QAnon.

Speaking of censoring, there's another story CNS won't tell its readers. As an actual news outlet reported:

We’re often interested in the “origin stories” of politicians — regular lines that they use over and over to explain their political motivations.

Boebert is a strong booster of gun rights. She arrived in Congress this year after leveraging her fame as the owner of a restaurant, Shooters Grill of Rifle, Colo., where the wait staff often serve customers with open-carry firearms. A sign outside tells customers that guns are welcome.

Over and over, Boebert says she started allowing her staff to carry guns after a man was killed outside her restaurant. But we’ve obtained police and coroner reports that show her story is mainly fiction.


Boebert tells the story of a man who was beaten to death outside her restaurant. Police considered it a possible homicide but quickly concluded that the man died of a drug overdose. There was a fight, but it took place blocks away from her restaurant; the man merely ran near her business before collapsing.

So her basic origin story is a sham. Why won't CNS tell its readers the truth?

Posted by Terry K. at 5:53 PM EDT

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