Topic: WorldNetDaily
Joseph Farah devoted his Oct. 30 WorldNetDaily column to complain about Mitt Romney highlighting how the partisan media has created a confirmation bias in which news consumers are "not seeing the other side" and "not even getting the same facts." AS he is want to do, Farah made it about himself by complaining that Romney wouldn't advertise on WND in the 2012 presidential election:
Did you know that during the 2012 election, the Romney campaign prohibited any advertising dollars to be spent on WND? On the other hand, as many of you noted with chagrin, the Obama campaign flooded WND with advertising messages.
What does that show?
Romney didn’t covet WND visitors as voters. Perhaps he felt it was a lost cause. Obama wanted them.It shows the difference between the Democratic Party establishment and the Republican establishment. The Democrats compete for every vote. The Republicans don’t.
It also shows that the Republican establishment is actually more hostile to independent, Constitution-minded voters than is the Democratic establishment.
Farah seems to have forgotten how extreme his "news" operation was in 2012, so extreme Romney would justifiably shun it:
- WND was heavily pushing its Obama birther lies and censoring the fact that they have been discredited.
- WND's Jerome Corsi, on top of his birther activism, was spewing lies about Obama so egregious that his fellow birthers felt compelled to correct him.
- WND's columnists were frothing at the mouth with anti-Obama hate, none so frothed as Larry Klayman and Mychal Massie.
- WND had started its own anti-Obama super PAC, which turned out to be a total scam.
- WND was entering its long, hot summer of race-baiting about "black mob violence" courtesy of Colin Flaherty.
- By the end of the campaign, WND had completely destroyed what little credibility it had, and Farah himself declared that Obama's re-election is nothing short of "God's judgment" against America.
Why would any sentient being associate himself with an organization known for such extreme attacks and rhetoric? It seems that Romney was just acting prudently.
Of course, Farah could have blocked Obama's ads if he so chose, but
Farah laughably pretends WND represents "independent" voters when, in reality, it peddled some of the sleaziest so-called journalism of the campaign. The fact that Farah refuses to repent for his sins tells us Romney was correct to shun WND.