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Sunday, November 17, 2013
CNS Is Unhappy That Gays Are Allowed To Ride Trains

Eric Scheiner sounds a bit appalled in a Nov. 15 article:

Amtrak has announced the launch of three microsites targeting specific segments of the population:, and

In an Amtrak news release, the government-funded intercity train service company says the new websites launched last week, “provide connections to Hispanic, African and LGBT travelers.”

“ speaks to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) traveler. The site is loaded with photos, testimonials and blog posts from Amtrak’s LGBT editor Mark Mastro,” the release says.

It's unclear from the tone of the article whether Scheiner is appalled that gays are allowed to ride trains or if he thinks Amtrak should not engage in the type of niche marketing every other business does.

Given that, as Scheiner concedes, "Amtrak received $1.3 billion in government funding for 2013," he should be happy that Amtrak is trying to expand its reach, even if it's to those dreaded homosexuals Scheiner apparently despises enough to be concerned that they might sitting next to him on a train.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:57 PM EST
Kathleen Willey Wants You To Buy Her A House (And WND Wants To Help)
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Kathleen Willey is not done trying to cash in on her infamy on the fringes of the Clinton administration -- and WorldNetDaily is eager to help her cash in.

WND -- which published Willey's factually flawed memoirs in 2007 --  has published an unbylined Nov. 14 article which claims that Willey is "is fighting through a maze of refinancing pitfalls and money shortfalls to stabilize her life." What does that have to do with us? Turns out she's started a Kickstarter-esque website in which she begs for donations to help her pay off her house.

The article helpfully adds: "A $50 donation will earn an autographed copy of her book, donated by WND." Books no doubt long ago amortized as losses and collecting dust in WND's warehouse since 2007.

The article touts how Willey has talked about "The possible identity of the mysterious jogger sent to threaten her, and his Clinton connection." In fact, the person she claims was the "mysterious jogger," Cody Shearer, was documented to be thousands of miles away at the time of the purported threat.

The article states that Willey claims she "was drawn 'unwillingly' into the Paula Jones lawsuit, the Ken Starr investigation and impeachment proceedings." She does, however, seem very willing to try and cash in on her infamy while she still can.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:12 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 12:40 PM EST
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Alveda King Hides Full Truth In Case of Anti-Abortion Teacher
Topic: Newsmax

"Dr." Alveda King writes in a Nov. 12 Newsmax column:

Bill Diss has a passion for teaching young students. He has risked and sacrificed much of his life to make a difference in the lives of his students. Parents extol his efforts, and youngsters cherish his role as a mentor in their lives. Yet school authorities are making a grandstand effort to tar and feather him.
His teaching license is being challenged because he advises his students to make healthy choices which don't include the agenda being forced upon students by Planned Parenthood and other agencies who promote "free sex" and similar agendas.
Mr. Diss and indeed all teachers who genuinely care about teaching and empowering students with the ability to think, learn, and live long, healthy, and productive lives need our help. If you live in the Portland, Ore., area, please attend the November 14 hearing where charges are being brought against him. If not, please call or write the authorities to demand justice for Bill and his students and their families who appreciate him.


Please, let's pray for Bill Diss, his students, and their families, and indeed all educators who are being attacked for exercising their constitutional rights of freedom of speech while their adversaries are being paid by our tax dollars to distribute condoms, easy access to abortions, harmful birth control products, and deceptive propaganda that will stunt the intellectual and moral development of the generations to come.

King makes sure not to mention evidence of questionable and unprofessional behavior by Diss toward his students. The Oregonian reports:

According to multiple district employees questioned by (school district legal counsel Stephanie) Harper at the hearing, Diss frequently prompted complaints from students who said he yelled at them. One student told district officials Diss said they would end up on Southeast 82nd Avenue, a reference the student associated with prostitution or drug addiction, according to Carol Campbell, Benson’s former principal.

Campbell, who is now at Grant, also testified that Diss had used another student’s name in a test question, in which the student was in a burning building. Other students told Campbell that Diss had frequently picked on that same student, she testified.

Frank Scotto, the human resources regional director, said he was concerned about reports of Diss often yelling and ordering students to address him as “sir.”

“It was beyond firm and strict,” said Scotto, calling Diss “militaristic” and “harsh.”

King doesn't mention that there is a body of evidence against Diss that has nothing to do with his anti-abortion advocacy.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:50 AM EST
Puff Piece On WND's Aaron Klein Lies About His Politics
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Here's how a Nov. 13 Talkers magazine profile of WorldNetDaily's Aaron Klein -- touting his WABC radio show -- begins:

Aaron Klein simply breaks all of the stereotypes of today’s talk show hosts.  He’s just 34 years old. He does not lean liberal or conservative, nor does he speak in political talking points. He does not love or hate President Obama, or stand on the ground of anyone’s political party.  

Say what?

A reporter who writes for a far-right website and declared his agreement with the extremist views of violent far-right Israeli activist Meir Kahane "does not lean liberal or conservative"?

An author who has written three books attacking Obama, one of which advocates for his impeachment, "does not love or hate President Obama"?

Has Jeff McKay, the author of this puff piece, ever listened to Klein's radio show?

McKay also weirdly credits Klein with debunking the "60 Minutes" Benghazi story:

Recently, Klein took a CBS “60 Minutes” investigative report to task for not really digging deep enough for answers, and first announcing that something wasn’t right with their sources. Soon after, CBS News and “60 Minutes” were forced to publicly apologize after it was determined their source was not truthful and gave conflicting stories to CBS and the FBI.

In fact, as we've documented, Klein defended the "60 Minutes" report and its chief source, Morgan Jones aka Dylan Davies, declaring that the "alleged attempt to discredit a Benghazi guard possibly has backfired." It wasn't until after CBS apologized that Klein conceded that Jones/Davies was "discredited." Klein played absolutely no role whatsoever in discrediting the "60 Minutes" report.

It appears the fact-checking process for Talkers is the same as it is for WND -- that is, basically non-existent.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:03 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, November 16, 2013 12:04 AM EST
Friday, November 15, 2013
CNS Thinks Comparing Random Things to Obamacare Signups Is 'News'

Yes, these are the actual headlines of actual articles gratuitiously bashing signups for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act:

'Skins Put More In Seats in 1 Home Game Than HealthCare.Gov Enrolled

More Barbie Dolls Sold in 1959 Than Obamacare Buyers Today

Obamacare Shoppers: 106,185 – Sharknado Viewers: 1,000,000

Ali Meyer wrote the first two, Michael W. Chapman wrote the final one.

Meyer and Chapman appear to believe that comparing random things to Obamacare signups constitutes "news." They couldn't be more wrong.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:30 PM EST
WND's Bradlee Dean Uses Bogus Stalin Quote
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily writers do love their bogus quotes from Soviet communists. Bradlee Dean writes in his Nov. 14 WND column:

As you know, friends, America is under attack on a daily basis from an un-American, communistic, totalitarian mindset. In fact, it has been stated by dictator Josef Stalin, “America is like a healthy body, and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”

As Snopes details, not only is there no contemporaneous record of Stalin saying such a thing, it's highly unlikely that Stalin would have said such a thing since its subtext is praise for American patriotism, morality and spiritual life.

Last December, WND columnist Lee Hieb forwarded a bogus quote she attributed to Vladimir Lenin.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:45 PM EST
AIM Joins Larry Klayman's Anti-Obama Rally
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Accuracy in Media announced in a Nov. 14 blog post:

Accuracy in Media has joined the “Reclaim America Now Coalition,” put together by Freedom Watch. AIM Editor Roger Aronoff will be speaking at the Washington D.C. rally on November 19th at Lafayette Park, across from the White House. To learn more about the rally, and the coalition, click on the link below.

If you go to the Reclaim America Now website, you'll find that it's a project of failed lawyer Larry Klayman, the rabid Obama-hater (and man found by a judge to have engaged in "inappropriate behavior" with his children). AIM thus joins a rogue's gallery of participants that includes WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah, Floyd Brown and Bradlee Dean.

We can only presume this means that AIM's participation in this event constitutes an endorsement of Klayman's increasingly unhinged anti-Obama rhetoric, which recently culminated in a call for Obama "to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come up with his hands out."

P.S. Klayman's website also plays the chorus of the Martina McBride song "Independence Day." Klayman is apparently unaware that the song is about domestic abuse, not patriotism.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:29 AM EST
Updated: Friday, November 15, 2013 11:30 AM EST
Jack Cashill's Favorite Murderer Is Out of Jail
Topic: WorldNetDaily

A Nov. 14 WorldNetDaily article announces that Steven Nary, who served 17 years in prison for second-degree murder, has been released from jail.

You might remember Nary as a cause celebe of WND columnist Jack Cashill, who argued that Nary was justified in killing his victim, Juan Pifarre, because he was fighting off Pifarre's attempts to rape him.

The unbylined WND article reads like a Cashill column -- if not written by him, at least cribbed from his previous work -- complete with martyr status for Nary and disparaging the victim, citing only "reports" to back it up:

Nary’s memory on what happened has always been imperfect. He wrote from prison about Pifarre’s attempt to rape him that, “I felt stuck. I could not speak. I could not move, and I could not do anything. He just kept trying and trying over and over. In fact it brings me to tears as I write this because I have avoided this image for so long.”

Nary had no idea he was describing the precise reaction of a person who had been slipped a date rape drug, then all the rage among sexual predators. Nary’s public defender did not even raise the possibility at the trial.

“Please, stop,” the lanky, 18-year-old sailor begged as he struggled through a paralyzing stupor.

But Pifarre would not.

In desperation, Nary grabbed a glass mug by Pifarre’s bedside and smacked the chunky, coked-up Pifarre in the head with it. Pifarre fought back.

Nary had never before been in a fight. But this time he was fighting for his life. When he finally subdued Pifarre, he grabbed his clothes and fled back through the deserted streets to the naval base.

Back at the ship, Nary told the chaplain. It being a Clinton re-election year, the politically sensitive Navy washed its hands of the young sailor in unseemly and likely illegal haste and turned him over to San Francisco authorities.

As we've documented, Cashill or whoever wrote this conjexcture-filled article leaves out some pertinent facts: Nary allowed Pifarre to perform oral sex on him, for which Pifarre offered to pay Nary $40; Nary told police he choked Pifarre for five minutes, and the apartment where Nary killed Pifarre was strewn with blood; and Nary originally denied any sexual contact with Pifarre and told the Navy medic who treated the broken hand Nary suffered in killing Pifarre that he had hurt it playing basketball.

Now that Nary's free, his next step is likely an exclusive interview with Cashill for some more whitewashing.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:57 AM EST
Updated: Friday, November 15, 2013 12:59 AM EST
Thursday, November 14, 2013
CNS: Catholics Aren't Allowed to Be Happy for Gays Who Marry

James Beattie writes in a Nov. 12 article:

Gov. Chris Christie said last week that.he is “happy” for same-sex couples who got married in New Jersey after his administration withdrew its appeal of a court order to start issuing them marriage licenses.

"I'm happy for them, if they're happy," Christie, a Roman Catholic who attended an inaugural Mass in 2010 after being first elected governor, said at a press conference in Union City on Nov. 6th, the day after his historic reelection.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church, the doctrinal manual for over a billion Catholics worldwide, teaches that marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman: “Sexuality is ordered to the conjugal love of man and woman. In marriage the physical intimacy of the spouses becomes a sign and pledge of spiritual communion. Marriage bonds between baptized persons are sanctified by the sacrament.”

According to the catechism, “Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection."

Beattie doesn't say whether the Catechism of the Catholic Church forbids people from expressing happiness that gays can marry. We don't recall that from our Catholic childhood, so we're willing to guess that it doesn't. Nor does Beattie explain what qualifies him to pass his brand of Catholic judgment upon Christie.

Which means that CNS has published an article attacking Chris Christie for expressing happiness for someone. Has Beattie nothing better to do with his time than to make such a mean, petty attack??

Posted by Terry K. at 10:21 PM EST
WND Lets Jackie Mason Spew More Hate
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Jackie Mason stopped being funny a long time ago; now pretty much all he does is spew hate about President Obama and other Democrats.

But WND loves him for some reason -- all that hate-spewing, perhaps? -- so he continues to get a platform. Enter Aaron Klein's radio show, where WND touts Mason's appearences and his latest verbal vomit.

From a Nov. 4 WND article:

Legendary comedian Jackie Mason has uncorked a full-blown assault on President Obama and his troubled attempt at providing health care for Americans.

“It’s such a ridiculous thing. The whole country’s walking around wondering if this guy’s really the president of a country. He sounds more like a maniac in an asylum,” Mason said in a radio interview Sunday night.

“He’s saying things that nobody believes. He was always lying every day of his life. Every time he talks it was a lie. The only time he told the truth is when you didn’t hear from him.”

“This is becoming so ridiculous, that even the biggest liar can’t top himself,” Mason, 82, told host Aaron Klein on WABC in New York City. “He looks at you straight in the face, and tells you that if you want your plan, you got your plan, you keep your plan. Now, a month-and-a-half later, you got no plan, you lost your plan, and he tells you you still got a plan.”


The stand-up comic, who calls himself “The Ultimate Jew,” continued on Obama: “He has a whole country walking around dizzy wondering who we’re listening to. If this is a president of a country, how come he’s the only one in America who doesn’t seem to know what’s going on here?

“Never did I expect a guy like this, the head of a country, to blatantly lie to your face, and then not only lie to your face, then lie about the fact that he never lied. Then lie again about the next lie he told. There used to be a time when you would worship the president, even if you didn’t like him. You knew he told the truth because he’s the president of a country. Now, he’s the only guy in America who would have the nerve to lie this much.

“You say to yourself, ‘Wait a second. Who am I listening to? Was this guy actually elected to the presidency? A man who’s completely out of his mind, who’s out of touch with humanity, with America, who doesn’t seem to know what’s going on here? Does he read a paper?’

“A guy like this should be locked up … If he wasn’t the president, he’d be in jail or in a sanitarium. He wouldn’t be outside talking to people in this condition. He would be considered a danger to his own his own health, to his own life.

But Mason wasn't done spitting out his hate, so WND devoted a Nov. 13 article to more of it:

Comedian Jackie Mason, who has made it known he thinks President Obama is a lying “maniac,” is also unloading on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as an “empty-headed” invention of the press who could actually be put on trial “as a murderer” for her role in the Benghazi fiasco that left four Americans dead.

“I would say that compared to this guy [Barack Obama], she’s a sensational person. Compared to a person who should be a president, it sounds like this is another case for a sanitarium,” Mason told WABC Radio host Aaron Klein.

“Because the truth of the matter is she’s accomplished nothing in her life and she’s an invention of the press. The press is a Democratic Party press in this country, and when they pick out somebody to anoint them for the position of the presidency, they elevate them every single day in the paper as a brilliant woman. When you see ‘brilliant woman’ every day, and if you’re not involved in politics, you assume she must be a brilliant woman, because you’re reading it every day in the paper.”

“So they invented her as some kind of a genius,” Mason continued, “and nobody is studying the situation to find out what she really is. What she really is is an empty-headed person who accomplished nothing all her life. And they created a piece of fiction out of absolutely nothing. It’s just like they took a person from the street and they decided that this guy who’s sweeping toilets all his life really should be the president because he’s not really in the toilet, he’s creating the toilet.”

Mason said it was time to be honest, and that Mrs. Clinton’s only claim to fame is that she was married to a president.

Since Mason believes in honesty so much, perhaps it's time to tell him that he's not funny and should stay away from a microphone until he figures out how to be funny again. 

Aaron Klein is certainly not going to tell him that.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:48 PM EST
MRC Bashes Mormon-Owned Paper For Not Being Conservative Enough
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center recently did another one of its shoddy analyses of media, this time going local -- attacking two Utah newspapers, the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News, for its supposedly negative coverage of Sen. Mike Lee and his role in the government shutdown. Rich Noyes wrote:

By a margin of 33-to-1, editorial opinion at both newspapers was harshly against the strategy of linking ObamaCare’s fate to government funding. Coverage in the news pages was scarcely more balanced, with 32 news stories tilting against the conservatives’ strategy, vs. just three in favor and 13 conveying a balanced debate.

As for assessments of Lee himself, editorial opinion was heavily negative — by a margin of 25-to-1 — while news pages tilted in favor of Lee’s critics by a greater than three-to-one margin (17 negative stories vs. five positive ones, with 14 rated as balanced).

[METHODOLOGY: MRC analysts tallied all statements from journalists and quoted sources that explicitly provided an opinion — pro or con — about the strategy of linking ObamaCare to the government funding bill, and/or offered a personal assessment of Senator Mike Lee. If the total number of opinions in a story was tilted in either direction by a greater than three-to-two margin, then the story was scored as either “positive” or “negative” for that topic. If the margin was narrower than three-to-two, the story was scored as providing a “balanced” discussion.]

Noyes seems to be demanding a false balance here. He does acknowledge that public opinion was largely against Lee's strategy of forcing a government shutdown as leverage to defund Obamacare, which means that the newspapers were at least somewhat accurately reflecting public opinion -- something which the MRC has consistently railed against.

Still, Noyes ranted that "This review shows the national media’s liberal spin is also reflected in local coverage of local politicians, even in a reliably red state such as Utah — more documentation of the uphill battle conservatives face as they try to fight the advance of big government in the age of Obama."

This was joined, of course, by indignant ranting by MRC chief Brent Bozell:

“Now that ObamaCare has crashed to earth in a ball of flame, the Utah media that pounded Sen. Mike Lee relentlessly for his attempt to spare the nation this pain owe him a sincere apology. Lee led a courageous fight in Congress to defund ObamaCare in hopes of saving the American people from this big government embarrassment.

“Rather than applauding the principled efforts of their own senator, the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News parroted the national liberal media’s shutdown hysteria. The wreckage of ObamaCare has vindicated Lee’s efforts to tie the fate of Obama’s doomed health care law to government funding. Even some Democrats are now calling for a delay.

“The honorable thing for the Utah media to do is apologize and acknowledge that while they were too short-sighted to see the oncoming disaster, Sen. Lee saw the forest for the trees.”

Bozell followed this up by sending letters to board members of the Tribune and Deseret News in which he asserts that the papers "parroted the hysterial of the liberal national news media" and demands more false balance: "There are two sides to this story and they deserve equal footing."

But amid all their ranting about the "liberal media," Bozell and the MRC have carefully hidden one inconvenient fact: The Deseret News is owned by the Mormon Church, and it is considered the more conservative of the two Salt Lake City newspapers. It has even published columnists who echo the MRC's talking points on media bias.

It seems that what Bozell and the MRC are doing here is less media analysis and more Heathering, attacking a conservative newspaper for not being conservative enough. It's quite a feat for the MRC to bash a Mormon-owned paper for being too liberal.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:38 PM EST
NEW ARTICLE: Begging Off A Benghazi Bungle
Topic: The ConWeb
The ConWeb promoted the "60 Minutes" story on Benghazi. After its implosion, they try to spin the issue -- or, in the case of the Media Research Center, ignore it entirely. Read more>>

Posted by Terry K. at 10:04 AM EST
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
CNS Unearths More Jobless Numbers to Pull Out of Context

Now that has all that sweet cash from "a gift made in memory of Dr. Keith C. Wold" to fund its "business and economic reporting," it can cherry-pick the unemployment numbers even more.

In addition to the six stories CNS cranked out last week focusing on various isolated numbers from the new unemployment figures -- all of which failed to mention that 204,000 jobs were added in October -- CNS has found two more numbers to cherry-pick, written by Ali Meyer:

Americans’ Participation in Labor Force Hits 35-Year Low

African American Labor Force Participation Hits 31-Year Low

In addition to continuing to ignore any positive economic news from the economic numbers -- the very epitome of media bias -- Meyer fails to explain why the laborforce participation rate is dropping.

In addition to demographic factors like baby boomers retiring, there's also an anamoly in October's jobless numbers. As economist Paul Ashworth explained to Business Insider:

[T]he alternative household survey defines employment slightly differently and, as a result, those Federal workers were not counted as employed or in the labour force. That explains the 720,000 drop in the labour force and the 735,000 decline in the household survey measure of employment. As a result, the unemployment rate ticked up to 7.3%, from 7.2%, and the participation rate plummeted to 62.8%, from 63.2%. With those Federal employees back at work now, however, all of this will be reversed in November's report.

Presumably, Keith C. Wold didn't donate his money for economic coverage so shoddy and biased. Or maybe he did, in which case his memory is getting exactly what it paid for.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:36 PM EST
WND Resorts to Anonymous Sources to Keep Obama Military Conspiracy Alive
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Michael Maloof has been piling up various crazy, Obama-hating retired generals and others who appear to be motivated more by Obama derangement than anything else to promote his conpsiracy theory that President Obama is systematically removing military officers for whatever reason.

In an apparent admission of the weakness of his case, Maloof is now resorting to random anonymous military members to bolster the conspiracy. From a Nov. 12 WND article:

The extraordinarily large number of senior military officials being relieved of duty under the Obama administration – nine generals and flag officers this year alone and close to 200 senior officers over the last five years – is part of the creation of a “compliant officer class,” according to a U.S. Army intelligence official.

In WND’s ongoing coverage of what some top generals are openly calling a “purge” of senior military officers who run afoul of Obama or his agenda, some military personnel have been speaking out.

According to a veteran Army intelligence official who spoke to WND on condition of anonymity, there is within the armed forces a major concern that a “compliant officer class” is being created by the Obama administration. So much so, he said, that it’s becoming harder to find “senior officers with a pair of balls in there [the military] now that would say no to anything.”

“Maybe at the rank of major or below, and possibly there are some in SOF (Special Operations Forces), but to make colonel and higher is all politics,” he said.

Maloof's anonymous sources are utterly meaningless since their claims can't be double-checked (not that this particular coward is doing anything other than issuing an opinion that really can't be fact-checked).

But in the Obama-derangement incubator WND cultivates and Maloof inhabits, untraceable sources and retired officers who are no longer in the military for good reason are all it takes to keep an Obama-hating conspiracy alive.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:38 PM EST
MRC Finally Acknowledge '60 Minutes' Benghazi Debacle, Sorta
Topic: NewsBusters

For the past two weeks, the Media Research Center has refused to devote any original coverage to the implosion of the "60 Minutes" Benghazi story it promoted. It's finally done so -- but only as a passing glance.

A Nov. 12 MRC item by Brad Wilmouth is devoted to attacking MSNBC's Chris Hayes for having "fretted about CBS News correspondent Lara Logan being biased in favor of military action against terrorists." As an aside, Wilmouth adds: "He also theorized that her retraction for using a dishonest source 'would be a huge story' if a conservative was being criticized, as he alluded to Dan Rather's story about former President George W. Bush and the National Guard."

Wilmouth doesn't mention that one key piece of evidence supporting Hayes' claim is his own item, which is the first original MRC work to acknowledge any problems with the "60 Minutes" story.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:08 PM EST

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