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Wednesday, September 25, 2013
AIM Columnist Mixes Anti-Intellectualism, Anti-Environment Ranting
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Nicholas Guariglia uses a Sept. 24 Accuracy in Media column to rant about people smarter than he is:

None of this is to say climate change is not happening.  It is to say, however, that if climate change is in fact happening, it may be due to heretofore unmeasured-and, in retrospect, somewhat obvious-”natural variables,” such as the behavior of the Sun.  Nevertheless, President Obama is gearing up for a push of his anti-CO2 climate change agenda, this time by unconstitutionally using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to bureaucratically enforce, through fiat regulation, what his administration cannot get passed democratically through Congress.  And remember, this is the same EPA that spawned the outbreak of the once nearly-eradicated malaria by arbitrarily banning the insecticide DDT (to the silence of environmentalists, humanitarians, and journalists the world over).

This phenomenon-the trillions wasted by the IPCC; the millions dead because of the EPA-is the result of what can only be called “the credentialist fallacy.”  The credentialist fallacy is a dogmatic interpretation of reality, one where greater importance is placed on an authority’s credentials than on its merits.

Meanwhile, Guariglia provides no credentials whatsoever to back up his pontifications, and boy, does it show.

Take, for instance, Guariglia's laughable claim that the EPA is responsible for "millions dead" because it banned DDT. First, the EPA could not (and did not) ban DDT use outside the U.S., and as we've documented, there was never a global ban on DDT usage.

Guariglia also conveniently ignores the fact that, as we've also noted, malaria-carrying mosquitoes were developing a resistance to DDT due to its overuse, reducing its effectiveness.

We would have examined Guariglia's arguments on the merits whether or not he has any credentials to speak of (which, again, he doesn't). And the merits of  Guariglia's mix of anti-intellectualism and anti-environmentalism is decidedly lacking.

Guariglia later writes, "An ignoramus has no business arguing the periodic table with a chemist." As he has demonstrated, an ignoramus also has no business ranting about the environment.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:56 PM EDT
Monday, September 23, 2013
AIM's Unhappy Its Benghazi Kangaroo Court Was Mocked
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Roger Aronoff devotes a Sept. 19 Accuracy in Media column to complaining about how the Washington Post's Dana Milbank mocked AIM's "Citizens' Commission on Benghazi." Aronoff does his best to bolster the panel's alleged credibility:

Now take a look at the biographies of the people on the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi, people who Milbank delights in belittling: people like Clare Lopez, a long-time CIA officer. The commission also includes people like Admiral James Lyons (Ret.) and Retired Generals Tom McInerney and Paul Vallely. There are 13 of us altogether, including 12 who were either top CIA agents, or high-ranking military officers, collectively with hundreds of years of service to the security of this country.

And as we've documented, McInerney and Vallely are birthers, two of at least four birthers on AIM's panel. Lyons, meanwhile, is a conspiracy-monger who claims that the scandal involving an extramarital affair by David Petraeus was a cover for Benghazi. Most of the rest are either anti-Muslim, anti-Obama or both.

In short, hardly an objective panel. But Aronoff desperately wants you to believe otherwise.

And so does Cliff Kincaid, who uses his Sept. 20 AIM column to highlight how "speakers" at the "Citizens' Commission" kickoff "said that the scandal could implicate the President in illegal operations that are international in scope." That's a statement show that the panel expects to put partisan attacks on Obama ahead of any actual fact-finding.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:04 PM EDT
Monday, September 16, 2013
Cliff Kincaid's Favorite Dictators
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Cliff Kincaid has a new favorite dictator, and it's Syria's Bashir Al-Assad, credulously quoting everything he says and insisting that President Obama is the one with the credibility problem:

In his interview with Charlie Rose, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad said there was “not a single shred of evidence” that his regime used chemical weapons. During his Tuesday night speech to the nation, Obama offered none. As the Associated Press noted, “President Barack Obama voiced his conviction Tuesday night that Syrian President Bashar Assad was to blame for deadly chemical attacks against civilians, but again he offered no proof.”

Assad said the Obama Administration “doesn’t have” the evidence. “If they had it, they would have presented it to you as media from the first day,” he said.


Obama also said on Tuesday that “The Assad regime has now admitted that it has these weapons, and even said they’d join the Chemical Weapons Convention, which prohibits their use.” The implication was that Obama’s threats forced the Syrians to make that admission.

In fact, Syria admitted having these weapons over a year ago, and pledged not to use them in the civil war. Syria’s then-Foreign Ministry spokesman, Jihad Makdissi, told reporters, “Any stock of WMD or unconventional weapons that the Syrian Army possesses will never, never be used against the Syrian people or civilians during this crisis, under any circumstances.”

Kincaid also quotes "Former CIA officer Larry Johnson" as claiming that “My friends in the CIA are still around and they are now warning me that both the United States and the United Kingdom know that Bashar Assad is not responsible for the incident on 21 August that killed and maimed Syrian civilians." But then, Johnson also claimed he had a Michelle Obama "whitey tape."

Kincaid followed that up with a column the next day bashing Obama for purportedly arming Syrian rebel "terrorists." Gut Kincaid made no mention of his stealth dictator crush, Assad ally Vladimir Putin of Russia. And Kincaid is certainly not going to mention how horrible he used to think Putin was.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:24 PM EDT
Sunday, September 8, 2013
AIM's Kincaid Takes Russia's Side on Syria
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Cliff Kincaid's normal mode on Russia is to attack it. As recently as Aug. 27, Kincaid was ranting about "how the Russians play the American media—and some Americans—like violins" on the subject or Edward Snowden and how "Putin lied through his teeth about Snowden’s relationship with Russia and is now boasting about carrying out this monumental deception."

Kincaid seems to have a change of heart since then, for he's now on the side of the Russians in opposing U.S. intervention in Syria -- while trying to hide that fact from his readers.

Just six days later, in a Sept. 2 Accuracy in Media column, Kincaid was lashing out at "the dubious case for war" made by President Obama, declaring that "Obama is spouting a bunch of nonsense, and the media know it." Kincaid made no mention of the fact that Russia also opposes Obama's possible intervention in Syria.

The next day, Kincaid conceded that Syria's Assad regime is "backed by Russia and Iran," but insisted that the real issue is "the nature of the opposition, backed by the Muslim Brotherhood. This is the side of the conflict that Obama, McCain and Graham want the U.S. to support." He didn't mention Russia's opposition to U.S. intervention in Syria.

On Sept. 4, Kincaid wrote a column headlined "War on Syria Means Victory for Al Qaeda." Kincaid didn't mention that it also means victory for Russia (though he did seem to tacitly endorse Russia's new "legislation to protect children from homosexual propaganda").

A Sept. 6 column by Kincaid is headlined "O’Reilly Buys Obama Propaganda on Syria," but Kincaid doesn't explain how he has apparently bought Russia's propaganda on Syria.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:36 PM EDT
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
AIM's Benghazi Crowdsourcing Is A Bust So Far
Topic: Accuracy in Media

In promoting its little kangaroo court it calls a "Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi," Accuracy in Media is staging some sort of unspecified conference (which may or may not be a planned Sept. 16 gathering) that it claims will cost $5,000. To that end, AIM is trying to raise $1,000 from its readers through a crowdfunding site, complete with perks for large donations.

Though the campaign nas been up and running for nearly two weeks, AIM has yet to receive a single donation:

Perhaps its readers have realized how much of a kangaroo court its birther-filled "citizens commission" will be. Whatever the reason, it doesn't bode well for AIM or its commission.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:06 PM EDT
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Manning Inspires Transgender-Bashing At AIM
Topic: Accuracy in Media

The gay-bashers at Accuracy in Media are at it again, this time freaking out over Bradley Manning's request to become a woman named Chelsea.

Daniel Greenfield fires off numerous remarks aimed at denigrating transgenders in an Aug. 26 AIM column:

After a great deal of fuss about national security and terrorism, sentence was passed and Bradley Manning, the man at the center of the storm who used a Lady Gaga CD to smuggle out classified information, announced that what he really wanted was to live as a woman.

Posting a photo wearing the least convincing wig outside of clown college, Manning announced that from now on, his name will be Chelsea.

Life might have been simpler for everyone if Manning had just gone straight to the bad wig. In the age of Obama, his right to pretend to be a woman would have been protected with more vigor than the lives of American soldiers serving in Afghanistan.


Every media outlet is now doing cheerful stories about some little boy being raised as an “Adorable Transgender Little Girl” by his Munchausen-by-proxy parents and the intolerant schools who won’t let him use the wrong bathroom.

Gender as a construct is one of those mechanistic progressive fantasies straight out of a Brave New World society where every aspect of human identity can be customized. Like most of the futuristic dystopias, it ends badly.


Bradley Manning betrayed his country for the same reason that he put on a blond wig; because he is mentally ill.

Not to be outdone, notorious homophobe Cliff Kincaid offered his own thoughts in an Aug. 26 column:

CNN’s story, “Chelsea or Bradley Manning: Addressing transgender people,” ignores the other alternative—he/she is simply a pervert who should have been booted out of the service years ago and should never have received a security clearance. The key question—not pursued by the media—is why Manning was allowed to remain in the Army when he was acting in violation of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” policy.

Manning will pay a price in prison, but those who permitted this to happen have still not been held accountable.


The media won’t remind us of this fact, but two previous NSA defectors to the Soviet Union/Russia, Bernon F. Mitchell and William H. Martin, were also perverts.

Mitchell confessed to “sexual experimentation with dogs and chickens,” according to the 1962 report, “Security Practices in the National Security Agency.” Mitchell, who had “associations with members of the Communist Party,” was “sexually abnormal,” had “posed for nude color slides perched on a velvet-covered stool,” and had “homosexual problems.”

Meanwhile, Kincaid -- wearing the hat of his own personal anti-gay/anti-commie group, America's Survival -- is calling for Fox News anchor Shepard Smith to publicly acknowledge that he's gay, presumably so Kincaid can bash him further. His little group has issued a 40,000-word report, authored by fellow homophobe Peter LaBarbera, warning about "Fox News’ Growing Pro-Homosexual Bias."

Posted by Terry K. at 7:26 PM EDT
Sunday, August 25, 2013
AIM Promotes Concussion Trutherism
Topic: Accuracy in Media

An Aug. 19 Accuracy in Media article by Malcolm Kline uncritically promotes a new book defending football and minimizing the impact of the injuries its players suffer.

The book, "The War on Football" by Daniel J. Flynn, appears to fulfill the right-wing agenda of its publisher, Regnery, by channeling Rush Limbaugh's lamenting that concussions aren't a real problem for football players and efforts to reduce the incidence of concussions will destroy the sport. Kline even throws his own two cents into the endorsement:

Moreover, as Flynn eloquently points out, the benefits of football far outweigh the drawbacks.  “Players get knocked down and they either stand up or stay on the dirt,” Flynn writes. “Teams lose.”

“Then they choose—regroup to fight another day or fold. Perseverance makes the impossible possible. Players succeed by transcending pain rather than brooding in it.”

The season I played on the team in high school—sophomore year—I had one pulled muscle. That’s when one of the coaches taught me a trick I’ve used ever since. Don’t respond to pain by doubling over but by straightening up. It works. Could that be a metaphor for life itself?

If concussions are such a minor problem, why did the NFL refuse to cooperate with a documentary produced by ESPN and public television on the effects of concussions in the league? (ESPN has since taken its name off the documentary due to arguments about editorial control.)

Kline is the head of AIM's offshoot, Accuracy in Academia. He apparently didn't try to find any, in the form of dissenting opinions on the concussion issue, before writing this column.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:34 PM EDT
Friday, August 16, 2013
AIM's Kincaid: S.E. Cupp Isn't A Real Conservative Because She Doesn't Hate Gays
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Cliff Kincaid writes in an Aug. 14 Accuracy in Media column:

As a veteran of CNN’s Crossfire in the 1980s, I am intrigued by the channel’s decision to bring back the liberal-conservative debate format show. When I was on the program, the motto was, “Don’t talk while I’m interrupting.” The “liberals” on the show this time around are partisan Obama Democrats. In fact, one of them, Van Jones, is possibly to the left of Obama.

Former Speaker of the House and GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, one of the announced conservative co-hosts, can easily take on the liberals and hold his own. His back-up, Sarah Elizabeth “S.E.” Cupp, is a former MSNBC host and intellectual lightweight. She is a self-declared atheist who has been campaigning for homosexual marriage. She is a member of “Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry,” a gay-rights front group.

Cupp may be “on the right” on many issues, but on homosexuality, a major controversy that can only get hotter in the months ahead, she is on the liberal side.


For her part, earlier this year, on her MSNBC show, Cupp stated that she would no longer speak at CPAC, despite being listed in the program. She objected to the new CPAC policy of refusing gay groups such as GOProud and Log Cabin Republicans from sponsoring the conservative gathering.

“In Cupp’s version of conservative femininity,” writes Amanda Hess, “a woman need not even experience marriage, motherhood, and religious piety in order to promote these values as the most authentic way of living.” Clearly, Cupp is not a traditional conservative with traditional conservative views on marriage and sexuality. She thinks conservatives and Republicans should just move beyond homosexual issues and accept homosexuals and “gay marriage” as legitimate. On the other hand, Gingrich is a solid conservative, from social to economic to foreign policy issues.

By hiring Cupp, whose views are well-known, CNN is also trying to “redefine” the word “conservative.” She also calls herself a Republican, but identifies more completely with the term “Log Cabin Republican,” a reference to the pro-homosexual group. She has been quite open about this, from her perch as a commentator on Glenn Beck’s network.

Kincaid adds:

If CNN wanted a female conservative with solid credentials on social issues, an excellent selection would have been Cathy Ruse of the Family Research Council. If youth alone was the criterion, Ryan Sorba, a young conservative who has traditional views on social issues like homosexuality, would also have been a good pick.

Sorba is best known for using his 2010 CPAC speech to rail against the convention for allowing a gay group to take part. Ruse was last seen calling for a boycott of Girl Scout cookies because "the Girl Scouts decided to admit boys who dress as girls" and issued "a guidebook that tells girls to check with the leftist, George Soros-funded Media Matters before believing what they read in the news."

This is who Kincaid thinks would make wonderful spokespeople for the conservative movement.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:19 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, August 16, 2013 2:37 PM EDT
Monday, August 12, 2013
Huma Abedin Derangement Syndrome
Topic: Accuracy in Media

In 1996, Huma Abedin became a White House intern working for first lady Hillary Clinton. They formed a close bond resulting in Abedin becoming Clinton’s chief of staff during her 2008 presidential campaign run and her top staffer and adviser when Clinton became secretary of State in 2009.

Having ties to Islamic extremist influences, Abedin should have been thoroughly investigated for a position requiring a high-level security clearance. But, again, inexplicably, she was cleared with minimal vetting.

Abedin married Weiner, who is a Jew, in July 2010. Interestingly, while Islam permits Muslim men to take non-Muslim spouses, it prohibits Muslim women from doing so. Thus, such a union should have generated outrage from a Muslim world prone to lash out over anything. But strangely, nothing was heard — not even from Abedin’s Islamist mother.


With Clinton’s departure from State, Abedin may only temporarily be out of the classified information loop. Standing by her man may well be driven by her desire to get back into it, hitching a ride either on Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid train or the constantly derailing Weiner train she still hopes may lead to higher office.

But that desire may well be Muslim Brotherhood-driven.

-- James G. Zumwalt, Aug. 8 Accuracy in Media column

Posted by Terry K. at 10:15 PM EDT
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
AIM's 'Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi' Is A Kangaroo Court
Topic: Accuracy in Media

A July 29 Accuracy in Media post by Roger Aronoff announced AIM's formation of a "Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi." This group, Aronoff claimed, "will focus on resolving some of the many questions surrounding the September 11th attacks last year on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, and the nearby CIA Annex, that remain unanswered to this day."

Actually, this "citizens' commission" looks more like a kangaroo court.

Here are the people on AIM's little commission:

  • Larry Bailey, Capt. (SEAL), USN (Ret.)
  • Charles Jones, B/Gen., USAF (Ret.)
  • Clare Lopez, former CIA operations officer
  • Admiral James Lyons (Ret.)
  • General Thomas McInerney (Ret.)
  • Wayne Morris Col USMC (Ret)
  • Wayne Simmons, former CIA officer
  • General Paul Vallely (Ret.)
  • Former Congressman and Retired Army Colonel Allen West 

It says a lot about AIM's panel that at least four of them -- Bailey, Vallely, McInerney and Jones -- are birthers. Additionally, West has called Obama a "usurper and charlatan," which is birther-friendly language.

Of the rest, Lopez is a supporter of the MEK, which until recently was considered a terrorist group by the US government, and has written for the rabidly anti-Muslim Clarion Project; Simmons says the U.S. should profile students from Muslim countries and claims waterboarding is not torture; and Lyons claims that the scandal involving an extramarital affair by David Petraeus was a cover for Benghazi, suggesting that slain ambassador Christopher Stevens was supposed to be kidnapped and held hostage in exchange for release of "blind sheik" Omar Abdel-Rahman.

Only Morris appears to have made no public statements attacking Obama, and even that is suspect given that he's on a "citizens' commission" with other conspiracy theorists and Obama-haters.

Media Matters reports that during AIM's press conference announcing the "citizens' commission," several speakers lauded Fox News for its role in pushing forward attacks on the Obama administration over Benghazi. Speakers also repeated discredited claims, such as that a stand-down order had been issued preventing a military response to the Benghazi attack.

So far, it looks like AIM's "citizens' commission" has as much credibility -- and as much interest in fairness and facts -- as Joe Arpaio's "cold case posse" on Obama's birth certificate.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:44 PM EDT
Friday, July 26, 2013
AIM's Kincaid: It's Reasonable To Think Obama Identifies With Martin Because They Both Did Drugs
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Cliff Kincaid writes in a July 21 Accuracy in Media column:

The Huffington Post has perfected the smear technique of expressing shock and anger at things that conservatives say which make complete sense and are factually based. “Hannity’s Awful Reaction To Obama’s Trayvon Martin Comments” was the headline over Fox News host Sean Hannity’s reaction to President Obama comparing himself to Trayvon Martin. Hannity said he wasn’t sure how to interpret Obama’s remarks because “he was part of the Choom Gang and he smoked pot and he did a little blow” and “we know that Trayvon had been smoking pot that night.”

Obama, of course, was not deliberately comparing himself to Martin because of their common interest in smoking dope. But the comparison by Hannity was not unreasonable, since Obama was in fact a heavy dope smoker, a member of what his biographer David Maraniss called the Choom Gang, and Martin was smoking dope before he was killed by George Zimmerman following a violent confrontation. Obama had also admitted doing cocaine, or “blow.”

Given that Kincaid thinks white supremacists are credible and supports a proposed law in Uganda that would permit the execution of gays, perhaps his idea of a reasonable view is a little skewed.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:52 PM EDT
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Alan Caruba's Passel of Discredited Claims
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Alan Caruba is a longtime anti-global warming bamboozler, and the bamboozlement continues in his June 24 Accuracy in Media column, in which he rants (boldface his):

There is nothing that humans can or should do regarding the Earth’s climate. It is a force that is so vast and powerful that calls for renewable energy, energy conservation, and a “carbon tax” on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are utterly false, a danger to human life, a threat to global economic development, and the work of scoundrels and charlatans.

At present, there has been no warming for almost seventeen years. The Earth is in a natural cooling cycle as the result of another natural cycle, the reduction of the Sun’s radiation that warms the Earth.

In fact, as we've previously documented, the claim that "there has been no warming for almost seventeen years" relies on cherry-picked data and an arbitrary starting point for examining the data; the long-term trend demonstrates continued global warming, no matter what Caruba says.

Caruba also declares of efforts to reduce carbon dioxide levels: "Carbon dioxide is not 'pollution'; it is, along with oxygen, the other gas most vital to all life on Earth." As Caruba certainly knows, nobody's attacking the mere existence of carbon dioxide as a pollutant -- the question is whether elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere is contributing to global warming (which appears to be true) and other effects on life on earth. It's simply dishonest and ignorant of Caruba to say such a thing.

Caruba also rants:

Obama continues to conjure up global warming despite overwhelming evidence that it does not exist. Dubbed “climategate”, revelations in 2009 made clear that a small group within the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were deliberately falsifying their climate models.

In fact, the stolen emails that were the basis for "climategate" uncovered no evidence that climate models were falsified or manipulated.

But Caruba is not content to lie and mislead just about global warming. He asserts that the stimulus bill "wasted billions of dollars that accomplished nothing to reduce unemployment and avoid economic stagnation." In fact, the Congressional Budget Office found that as many as 3.3 million jobs were created by the stimulus.

Caruba rants about "the revelation that the IRS engaged in a deliberate program against Tea Party, patriot groups, and even Jewish organizations." But it turns out the IRS also targeted groups with "progressive," "occupy" and "medical marijuana" in their names. So much for that scandal.

Caruba also ranted that thet Obama administration "has reduced and degraded the U.S. military with programs to permit homosexuals to serve and women to be in combat units. An outbreak of sexual assaults—26,000 and most men-on-men—in the military has resulted." In fact, there is no link whatsoever between increased sexual assaults and the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Even the Washington Times admits that experts say few of the perpetrators in male-on-male sexual attacks are gay.

The funny part of all this? Caruba's lies were spewed in a column denouncing Obama as "the World’s Greatest Liar."

Posted by Terry K. at 10:40 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 12:51 PM EDT
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
AIM's Sex-Obsessed Kincaid Upset At Being Called 'Sex-Obsessed'
Topic: Accuracy in Media

In a June 10 Accuracy in Media column, Cliff Kincaid takes some potshots at Glenn Greenwald, who broke the story about the NSA's surveillance program, dismissing him as a "far-left columnist" and irrelevantly attacking his personal life:

An American by birth, he currently works for a foreign publication, the Guardian, and has a “lover” in Brazil he calls his “husband.” He apparently doesn’t live in the U.S. because of its alleged oppressive treatment of homosexuals.

Then, after writing that, Kincaid takes hilarious exception to Greenwald once calling him "sex-obsessed":

In fact, Greenwald called this writer “the truly deranged, sex-obsessed, conspiracy-monger Cliff Kincaid,” and said my criticism would prompt him to place his “Izzy” award “on an even more prominent shelf” in his office.

The term “sex-obsessed,” when used against this columnist, was apparently a reference to opposition to giving special rights to practitioners of the homosexual lifestyle, such as Glenn Greenwald and Bradley Manning.

Kincaid provides no evidence that Greenwald's sexual orientation has anything to do with his reporting, which makes his insistence on making sure we know that Greenwald is gay the very definition of "sex-obsessed." Besides, Kincaid has long obsessed over homosexuality-- huffing that Rachel Maddow is "a lesbian with hair so short that she looks like a man," portraying the homosexual "lifestyle" as more dangerous than smoking, and endorsing a proposed law in Uganda that would allow execution of people for mere homosexuality.

Strangely (or maybe not), Kincaid doesn't take exception to be called "deranged" or a "conspiracy-monger."

Posted by Terry K. at 12:23 PM EDT
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Alan Caruba Lies About U.N. Gun Treaty
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Alan Caruba writes in his June 4 Accuracy in Media column:

It’s what you do not know about what the government is up to that can get a lot of people killed. For example, on June 3rd, President Obama will sign off on a UN treaty which, if ratified by the Senate, would override the Second Amendment and deprive Americans of the right to own guns.

In fact, the  proposed United Nations Arms Trade Treaty does not override the Second Amendment; it specifically states that it "reaffirm[s] the sovereign right of any State to regulate and control conventional arms exclusively within its territory, pursuant to its own legal or constitutional systems." Further, the American Bar Association investigated the treaty and found that "the proposed [treaty] is consistent with the Second Amendment."

Apparently, that whole "accuracy in media" thing doesn't apply if you write for Accuracy in Media.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:36 PM EDT
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
AIM's Kincaid Can't Stop Defending Joel Gilbert
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Cliff Kincaid, it seems, is still all in for Joel Gilbert. He writes in his May 14 Accuracy in Media column:

Gilbert directed the blockbuster film, “Dreams from My Real Father,” which was heavily criticized by the left before the November 2012 presidential election because of the Obama campaign’s fear it could alert voters to Obama’s communist connections and Marxist philosophy. 

False -- Gilbert was criticized because his flim is demonstrably untrue, a fact Kincaid refuses to acknowledge.

In all of the columns Kincaid has written lionizing Gilbert, not once has he acknowledged the work of blogger Loren Collins, who definitively proved that Gilbert's claim that Obama's mother posed nude for Frank Marshall Davis is utterly fraudulent. 

If one major claim in Gilbert's film can be so conclusively demolished, why should anyone trust any of the other claims he makes? That's a question Kincaid should answer for his AIM readers before he slobbers over Gilbert again.

And while he's at it, Kincaid should also ask Gilbert who funded the mass mailing of his discredited film to swing states, and exactly how many copies he mailed out.

Those are just a few of the things Gilbert is hiding, despite Kincaid having once laughably claimed that Gilhert "demonstrat[ed] that he has nothing to hide."

It's not that Gilbert has nothing to hide; it's that Kincaid has absolutely no interest in looking. So much for Kincaid's title as head of AIM's Center for Investigative Journalism.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:51 PM EDT

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