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Friday, March 15, 2013
NewsBusters Still Citing Bogus Climate Change Claims
Topic: NewsBusters

Matt Vespa uses a March 13 NewsBusters post to push dubious climate change denier tropes.

Attacking a Slate blogger for highlighting that the Earth's temperature is rising “faster than it has been in 11,000 years," Vespa responded by citing a Daily Mail article claiming that global warming stopped 16 years ago. In fact, that claim relies on cherry-picked data and an arbitrary starting point for examining the data; the long-term trend demonstrates continued global warming.

Vespa also claimed that "1,000 scientists have questioned manmade global warming, and they’re made up of ex-NASA personnel and Nobel laureates." But as we've previously noted, not many of scientists on the list he cites -- peddled by global warming denier Marc Morano -- are trained in climatology, the relevant discipline for scientifically examining climate change.

Vespa complains that the Slate blogger, Phil Plait, "has cited Think Progress and another so-called media watchdog group, which shall not be named, in his posts – so you know it has a left-wing tilt." The watchdog "which shall not be named" is a presumed reference to Media Matters (my employer).

What kind of researcher goes all Voldemort on someone with whose views he doesn't agree with? Not a credible one.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:57 AM EDT

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