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Tuesday, April 27, 2021
WND Columnist Gets Oil Prices Wrong
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Michael Master complained about oil prices in his March 23 WorldNetDaily column:

Gasoline prices lag oil prices until current inventories of gasoline are sold off. So we should expect gas prices to eventually increase about the same as oil prices, to be about two-thirds higher than the $2 per gallon when Trump was president. For average Americans, that would be about $3.40 per regular gallon of gas, depending on location, up from the $2.11 under Trump. If oil increases to $100 a barrel as some pundits predict, then gasoline could reach $5 – and oil oligarch net worths will increase 250%. That is a lot of incentive for oil oligarchs to try to influence U.S. elections.

The actions of the Democrat-controlled Congress and the Biden administration directly benefit oil oligarchs: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, oil company stock holders.


How did oil prices increase so much? Because of what Democrats and especially Joe Biden did in the last couple of months. Biden oil policies are really pro-oil oligarchs and anti-average working Americans, those who consume oil products. While Democrats claim that their policies are meant to "save the planet" by discouraging oil consumption, they lie. Oil prices are inelastic. Therefore, increases to oil prices just act, in effect, as increased taxes on oil consumers and additional payments to oil oligarchs. And oil is used in much more than just gasoline.

Master is lying when he blames rising oil prices on Biden and Democrats. The low gas and oil prices in the final year of Trump's presidency -- which is what Master is citing when he priced gas under him at around $2 a gallon -- was caused by the pandemic, not by anything Trump did. And actual experts have pointed out that oil and gas prices have rising since the beginning of the year because oil-producing countries lowered production last year due to reduced pandemic-driven demand and they have been slow to increase it. None of that has anything to do with what Biden and Democrats have done.

Nevertheless, Master continued to rant:

While Democrats and Biden claim to help working Americans, their actions say something different. Two-bucks-a-gallon Donald Trump actually helped average working Americans by achieving oil independence for the first time since Eisenhower, which must have really ticked off all those oil oligarchs, like Rex Tillerson. Is there any doubt why oil oligarchs ganged up against Trump to help Democrats? Because of low oil prices, just as China helped Democrats because of the Trump tariffs.

Actually, the U.S. oil industry did not support Biden's election because he supports policies that are seen as harming the industry.(And, again, $2 gas under Trump had nothing to do with anything Trump did.)

Posted by Terry K. at 9:52 PM EDT

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