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Sunday, April 25, 2021
CNS Touts State Efforts To Ban Transgender Athletes

It's been observed that right-wing activists have ramped up their targeting of young transgender athletes because their activism against same-sex marriage has turned into a failure -- indeed, it has become the latest culture-war wedge issue for right-wingers. Because is a stenographer for these right-wing activists, it has eagerly pushed this anti-trans narrative by touting efforts to push state laws banning transgender athletes.

In February, it published an article by Quinn Weimer touting the Idaho student  who has been made into the appealing face of anti-trans athlete laws, Madison Kenyon, insisting that "Idaho’s ban on transgenders in girls’ sports is positive, and that efforts to allow biological males to compete against biological females are wrong and unfair to women." Weimer went on to declare that "Female athletes continue to worry about the implications of allowing biological males to compete in their sports. Consequences of one male athlete joining could result in a missed scholarship, victory, or athletic opportunity." There was no attempt at balance made by publishing the other side of the story.

That was followed a few days later by CNS' chief LGBT-hater, managing editor Michael W. Chapman, quoting his favorite right-wing evangelical activist: "In reference to President Joe Biden's executive order mandating that transgender women (biological males) be allowed to play on real girls' sports teams at public schools and colleges, Rev. Franklin Graham said 'this is blatant discrimination against women and girls,' and asked where is 'the outcry from feminists and women's rights groups'?" Chapman included deliberately unflatterng photos of transgender athletes.

CNS finally serve up a counterpoint in a Feb. 10 article by Melanie Arter, in which she complained that White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki noted that "trans rights are human rights" -- a view that runs counter to CNS' editorial policy.

CNS even highlighted former President Trump playing to the crowd at the right-wing Conservative Political Action Conference, where he declared that "Women’s sports as we know it will die" if transgender athletes are allowed to have the same rights as other athletes.

As states -- egged on by right-wing anti-LGBT groups -- started to push for bans on transgender athletes, CNS wrote of the efforts while burying or entirely ignoring arguments from those critical of such bans:

(Note CNS' continuing obsession with labeling transgender athletes as "biological females," so much so that it insists on putting the term in the headline.)

In that last article on Florida, Chapman added: "As CNS News has previously reported, Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is 'biologically impossible,' and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder." As we have previously reported, McHugh's views have been widely discredited.

UPDATE: Chapman added a new article on April 26, this one on the Alabama goveror signing the bill "that prohibits transgender 'females' (biological males) from joining real girls' sports teams."

Posted by Terry K. at 4:12 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 26, 2021 2:38 PM EDT

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