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Saturday, April 17, 2021
MRC's Wannabe Insult Comic Just Looks Like A Jerk
Topic: Media Research Center

Gabriel Hays isn't a "media researcher" for the Media Research Center -- he's a wannabe insult comic (though none of it is as funny as he apparently thinks he is). His job is to generate clicks by making assholish remarks about liberals. (What a job!) A prime example of Hays' dickishness is a March 11 post in which he pretends to be aghast that anyone would praise a speech by President Biden:

Democrats and far lefties have been so desperate for a president that’s not Donald Trump that they were literally crying tears of joy during the first presidential address to the nation by a mushmouth, low-energy, septuagenarian dinosaur named Joe Biden.

Biden might actually be driving the country into the ground. But his fans are talking him up as if he is an American messiah, rescuing us from a time of Trumpian darkness and incivility. The level of Biden butt-kissing done by Hollywood during the president’s speech was extremely high, so high that celebrities like Rob Reiner referred to the sluggish, meandering speech as an event that moved them to tears. 

Really? The only thing people should have been crying about was that the almost 25 minute long speech from the stutterer-in-chief wasn’t half that long. People are going to insist they were inspired and moved to tears by a half hour Biden snoozefest? Come on, man!

But, yes, it really is as pathetic as that. The director of When Harry Met Sally actually tweeted during the televised speech, “Thank God we have a real President. It makes you cry.”

There are no words for just how sappy this tweet is. Reiner’s just looking for attention. Who in their right mind could see Joe Biden as some inspirational U.S. leader?


It seems like the Biden administration gives the American people complete garbage and expects us to put up with it. They tell us we need unity, and Biden’s signing radical leftist policy. He tells us he’s a man of faith, and he’s advocating for the dismemberment of unborn babies. He vowed to be the president for “all Americans” but he can’t make time for an address to the public nearly 50 days after being sworn in. It has literally been at least 100 years since the last president who did that. And when he does do his first prime time national address, he practically sells the vaccine accomplishments of the last administration as his own.

Who in their right mind would be inspired by this pathetic leader, much less moved to tears?

Of course, Hays was clearly very much inspired in his assholery by the last president -- and, we can assume, moved to tears by just how much of a jerk he could be.Meanwhile, nobody finds Hays' dickishness inspirational -- we just see a pathetic show of wannabe manhood.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:03 AM EDT

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