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Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Meet Aryeh Spero, The Jewish Bradlee Dean

Rabbi Aryeh Spero is apparently the Jewish Bradlee Dean -- a liar with a severe case of Obama derangement.

That's the impression we get from  Spero's March 30 column, which begins with this load of derangement:

Much has been said about the strange behavior of Barack Obama, who can’t let a day go without maligning Israel and Mr. Netanyahu. In contrast, he displays friendship to a thug and anti-Semite like Erdogan of Turkey, palled around with the deceased communist Hugo Chavez and keeps standing-up for the Iranian mullahs who want to kill us all or make us slaves to Islam. 

Spero then rants:

This last week, Barack Obama published classified information showing the world photographs of Israel’s hidden nuclear site, and its inner workings. It was his gift to Iran, Hamas and ISIS. This puts Israel and her citizens, not just Mr. Netanyahu, at great risk.

Actually, as we've detailed, the document in question was not "published" by Obama but, rather, released as part of a Freedom of Information Act request only after a longfight by the Defense Department and only after clearing it with Israel first.

Spero then advances to out-and-out lying:

During a meeting at the White House in 2009, Obama stated early-on that “it’s time to put day-light between Israel and America.” This was done before Obama had even met Benjamin Netanyahu.

We couldn't find any news report where Obama is directly quoted as saying, "it’s time to put day-light between Israel and America," which means Spero made it up. It's apparently based on a statement Obama reportedly made:

"Look at the past eight years," he said, referring to the George W. Bush administration's relationship with Israel. "During those eight years, there was no space between us and Israel, and what did we get from that? When there is no daylight, Israel just sits on the sidelines, and that erodes our credibility with the Arab states."

An Obama aide said that "The case he was trying to make was that the United States will be a better partner to Israel if it has more credibility with the Arab states, that we will be a better, more useful friend to Israel if we have more friends in the Arab world."

Spero claims that Obama "had his young underlings call Israel a “racist” state," but he offers no example of this. Spero apparently missed Netanyahu's racist appeal to his supporters in the recent election by warning that Arabs were "voting in droves."

Spero also claims that Obama "has taken Hezbollah and Iran off our list of terror organizations," which, again, never happened.

Spero tells another lie: "He prohibited flights to Israel for almost two days during her recent defensive war against Hamas missiles being shot from Gaza. He has not done this in other war zones." In fact, at the time of that prohibition -- made by the Federal Aviation Administration, not Obama -- U.S. aircraft were prohibited from flying over six other areas in the world.

Then, it was time for more Obama derangement:

Obama’s inner identity is tied to Islam. We all identify with the ethos of our formative years. His father and step-father were Islamic, as is his family back in Kenya and Indonesia. His brothers are active Islamists. He was raised on the Koran in Islamic countries, he attended Islamic madrassa, and he grew up with its attitudes, sights and sounds, aspirations and narrative, likes and dislikes. As I grew-up to favor Israel, he grew-up to dislike it. Simple as that. Most of my Christian friends, Bible believers, were also raised with the biblical narrative, which admires Israel’s place in our theology and in the cosmos.

The Marxism Obama was fed, from very early-on, made him viscerally dislike successful western countries, such as America, Israel, and Britain. He was taught they were colonizers and imperialist. Yet, he finds nothing imperialistic or colonizing about Islam’s takeover, throughout the centuries, of northern and central Africa, Lebanon, Babylon and Persian, the Balkans, the Mediterranean areas, Malaysia, Indonesia and other parts of Asia, vast tracks of what was India, and countless Christian  and Hindu neighborhoods and cities. Not to see colonialism and imperialism in these conquests, tells us a lot about Obama’s perspective. Love is blind. We don’t see flaws in that and those we love. But, we sure see them, always, in that which we dislike. Obama’s dislike for a strong, independent, proud Jewish renaissance in the Holy Land predates Netanyahu. As with America, the next two years will be difficult, for Obama has set his antagonistic sights on America and Israel … as well as its citizens. Obama has spent the last 50 years waiting for these next two.

Apparently, CNS does not fact-check what its columnists write; otherwise, this would have never been published. Is CNS trying to become WorldNetDaily, which publishes Bradlee Dean?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:19 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 12:25 PM EDT

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