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Saturday, February 21, 2015
Will WND Correct Or Retract Its False Anti-Gay Story?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Bob Unruh amped up the incident as much as he could in a Feb. 6 WorldNetDaily article, under a headline pronouncing it a "shock claim":

A legal team already challenging a Lafayette, California, high school over its use of Planned Parenthood personnel – including a self-described “pleasure activist” and another who led demonstrations at a “sex toy porn shop” – to teach public school sex-education classes now is accusing school officials of allowing a “Queer Straight Alliance” to bully students.

The Pacific Justice Institute dispatched a letter to officials at Acalanes High School in Lafayette asking for documents that would show what happened.

Pacific Justice said “students were singled out and ostracized for their beliefs.”

This being the lazy ideologue Unruh, the sole source of his information is a press release from the anti-gay PJI. Unusual for him, Unruh claims he contacted the school for a response but that it "declined to respond"; he provides no evidence he actually did so or who at the school he allegedly tried to contact.

Considering the people and groups involved, it should come as no surprise that the story has turned out to be bogus. Media Matters contacted the school district superintendent, and he pointed out the way in which right-wing reporting on the alleged incident "does not reflect what actually took place":

Did not happen [quoted directly from PJI's press release]: ridiculed and humiliated / intimidation and interrogation / also had students line up. The peer led classroom activity was a carried out in a respectful environment and under the supervision of the classroom teacher. The activity focused on tolerance and acceptance, with an emphasis on anti-queer harassment and homophobia. It was intended to help students better understand the LGBTQ student experience.

The program is in its 15th year at Acalanes High School and his been a model program and replicated throughout the region.

The onus is now on Unruh and WND: Will Unruh correct or retract his false article? Will he report the school superintendent's statement debunking PJI's false, overheated take? Will he tell WND readers that PJI has a history of fabricating incidents to promote its anti-gay agenda? Or will WND simply let Unruh's false story stand as is, furthering its reputation for publishing false articles and refusing to correct them?

Given WND's history on such things, we're betting on the latter.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:51 AM EST
Updated: Monday, March 2, 2015 9:43 AM EST
Friday, February 20, 2015
Farah's Lying Again: No, WND Didn't Break HSBC Scandal
Topic: WorldNetDaily

It's amazing how desperate WorldNetDaily is to be taken seriously as a news organization, despite years ruining that credibility through its obsessive hatred of President Obama and the lies and unfounded rumors it presented as fact.

That Obama-hate has popped up again in a hail-Mary attempt to stop the nomination of Loretta Lynch as attorney general. WND is now trying to bring up her alleged role in brokering a deal in which banking giant HSBC paid a $1.9 billion fine to settle charges of money-laundering for drug cartels.

This being WND, no actual evidence is offered that Lynch did anything wrong. Jerome Corsi's Feb. 6 article on the subject states merely that there may be documents that "could implicate Lynch in a massive cover-up of Obama administration involvement in international money-laundering of Mexican cartel drug money."

A  Feb. 12 article by Corsi also identifies no actual wrongdoing; he suggests without evidence that Lynch helped HSBC "escape criminal prosecution" in the case -- as if a $1.9 billion fine is escaping criminal prosecution. Corsi also cites Rolling Stone's work on the case; just a few weeks earlier it was attacking Rolling Stone for its now-discredited story about a rape at the University of Virginia. All is forgiven when you parrot WND's agenda, apparently.

This being WND, this story has also led to WND straining an arm trying to pat itself on the back for breaking the story on HSBC's money-laundering. In a Feb. 10 article, Drew Zahn proclained that "The rest of the media are finally catching up to what WND has been reporting for years." And WND editor Joseph Farah blustered in his Feb. 19 column:

Question: Which news agency and which reporter uncovered the massive money-laundering operation for drug dealers and terrorists at mega-bank HSBC, which has now tied to the confirmation hearings for Loretta Lynch, Obama’s nominee to succeed Eric Holder as attorney general, who was in charge of the investigation that resulted in no criminal charges, no firings of officials and no meetings with the whistleblower who was fired for his efforts?

Answer: That’s right, it wasn’t Brian Williams. It wasn’t any of the world’s renowned financial reporters. It wasn’t any of the big, establishment news agencies.

It was, once again, Corsi and WND, who scooped the world with a series of stories in 2012 that had significant consequences for both the reporter and news agency. Corsi, who moonlighted as a financial adviser for a New York bank, was let go as a direct result of his investigation. And HSBC targeted WND by using its power and influence with upstream Internet providers to launch a denial of service attack that lasted several hours before the news agency was able to intercede and restore service.

This being WND, Farah is lying, as he did in July 2012 when he also asserted that WND was "the news agency that actually broke the news about HSBC’s money-laundering schemes."

As we've documented, other news organizations had reported on the HSBC scandal a full week before WND's first article -- which acknowledged earlier reporting on HSBC. WND's contribution was detailing the claims of ex-HSBC employee John Cruz, who provided WND with "1,000 pages of evidence" of alleged HSBC wrongdoing. But the Senate subcommittee that investigated HSBC did not interview Cruz, which raises questions about the value of Cruz's information.

Farah's claim that Corsi lost his job at an bank where he "moonlighted" raises another question he has yet to answer: Why is Farah apparently paying his supposedly valuable "senior staff writer" so little money that he has to have a second job? And it's no like Corsi's moonlighting employer, Gilford Securities, was all that proud to claim him; as we've noted, much of Corsi's work during the time he also worked there carried a disclaimer that "The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by the author are his alone and do not necessarily reflect Gilford Securities Incorporated's views, opinions, positions or strategies." 

Farah then goes on to huff: "Good journalism should be rewarded – just as bad journalism should be punished." But Corsi is a veritable font of bad journalism -- from peddling bogus documents to reporting out-and-out lies to hiding the false nature of his birther conspiracy theories.

And given Farah's effusive praise, it's clear that Corsi's bad journalism has never been punished at WND -- it's celebrated. Which puts the lie to Farah's claim that WND is "fearless in our pursuit of truth."

Even if WND is somewhat correct in its HSBC story, it has crapped the bed so many times before that there's no reason to believe anything it says. Farah apparently still hasn't learned that basic lesson in journalism.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:32 AM EST
Thursday, February 19, 2015
NEW ARTICLE -- Needed At WorldNetDaily: A Vaccination Against Lies
Topic: WorldNetDaily
When WND isn't falsely claiming the measles vaccine is worse than actually having the disease, it's falsely blaming illegal immigrants for the measles outbreak. Read more >>

Posted by Terry K. at 12:57 PM EST
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

President Barack Obama rose to make the point that Christians should be very careful up there on their high horses criticizing Islamic groups like ISIS for crucifying children, burying their captives alive for “not being Muslin enough,” beheading them and, most recently, drenching a Jordanian pilot in flammable liquid and burning him to death in a cage. I was just about to solidify feelings of moral superiority for our different ways. Obama stopped me just in time.


But here? But now? While that metal cage was still smoking from the Jordanian pilot’s incineration? Is this the president’s idea of proper timing for that particular history lesson?

Why did it give me the impression that this president is not quite mad-as-hell at ISIS?

There’s something highly biblical going on. The forces of evil have risen. Will the forces of good rise up to overwhelm them? For that, stay tuned.

-- Barry Farber, Feb. 10 WorldNetDaily column

In those two words, “sacred union,” is the rub. Obama not only lied, but he used “God” to sell the lie, a stunning bit of blasphemy in whatever faith Obama professes.

For Obama, lying about his faith was apparently no big deal. As he told Axelrod after stumbling through a question on same-sex marriage, “I’m just not very good at bulls––ing.”

One has to ask, if Obama was willing to bulls–- about his relationship with God, what was he not willing to bulls–- about? Why should anyone, for instance, believe his “for me as a Christian” line?

The Axelrod revelation casts further doubt upon Obama’s professed Christianity and fuels the speculation that he might well be a crypto-Muslim.

-- Jack Cashill, Feb. 11 WND column

While Mr. Brokaw is calling for Mr. Williams’ head, we should remember the discussion Brokaw and Charlie Rose had just a week or so before Barack Obama was elected in 2008. In that conversation, which can be seen on Youtube, Brokaw and Rose discussed what little they, the media, or anybody knew about this Barack Obama community organizer.

Had Tom Brokaw been completely honest during his discussion with Mr. Rose, he would have stated how the media was in the tank for Barack Obama, which is why they didn’t live up to Journalism 101 by performing due diligence on Mr. Obama. Brokaw failed, many believe intentionally, to do his journalism job and encourage other reporters to do their jobs. For that, no one should ever listen to what this semi-retired windbag has to say.

-- Ted Nugent, Feb. 11 WND column

As circumstances in America deteriorate more rapidly (with the advancement of the Obama administration’s unimpeded agenda), I have noted an increasing instance of certain grave issues coming to light months after my having reported them (usually here on WND).

-- Erik Rush, Feb. 11 WND column

President Obama has, in so many words, explicitly expressed his desire for total control over you. As he sibilantly slurs his way through various attacks on Christianity, individual liberty, economic freedom, American exceptionalism and every other foundational tenet of this free nation’s founding documents and underlying philosophy, he is making clear not just that he hates you and your politics, hates you and your liberty, hates you and your family. He is establishing quite clearly through word and deed that he has absolutely no problem with the myriad ways in which your government (and every other entity, private and public) invades your privacy.

To Democrats, you are not an individual. To progressives, you are not a human being. To Obama, you are not a free citizen.

-- Phil Elmore, Feb. 11 WND column

Here we are again this week complaining about the same administration that has transgressed the law and the rights of the American people. Barry blurted out the truth in his confusion this week, claiming that the media overstates the terror threat (Deuteronomy 28:36).

However, the American people are now coming to the realization that he hates Christians (Leviticus 26:17).


Yet, in America we see that the president of the United States rules by his will concerning the decisions that are made from the people’s White House and does so arbitrarily. It is not for any representative, regardless of branch or capacity in which they serve the people, to rule outside of their scope of authority. That is unlawful and, therefore, illegal, which makes it a criminal act.

-- Bradlee Dean, Feb. 12 WND column

When Obama continued missing shot after shot, it was because he believes he is God, and that eventually the planets would re-align themselves and his shots would all start swishing through the net without his having to make even the slightest adjustment.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Feb. 12 WND column

It’s time for the media to start calling Obama out for what he is. The president simply is not detached from reality or incompetent, as the media apologetically often depict his numerous foreign-policy failures and scandals. Even Fox News, which I congratulate and appreciate for its hard-hitting fair and balanced reporting generally, skirts this central issue: Obama’s biases and prejudices and how they destructively affect his governance. Even if the media will not brand him as the anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic bigot he is, it is at least high time that reporters, columnist, and television and radio commentators say it straight up: Obama sees nearly everything and acts from the lens of his Muslim, African heritage, frequently to the detriment of the rest of us.

Last year I was criticized by the left-wing media for giving a speech satirically challenging the president to get up off his knees, to put the Quran down and to come out with his hands up. Given his prejudices and his myriad scandals, along with his refusal to call Islamic terrorism what it is – but instead casting blame on Jews and Israelis, Christians, whites and, by implication, Jesus himself – my words now ring truer than ever.

-- Larry Klayman, Feb. 13 WND column

In some ways, I actually have a degree of sympathy for Barack Obama, or whoever the man in the White House actually is. While you are gathering up the stones, I will explain those sympathies.

  • The man is in so far over his head he has given up. All that matters to him now is his eventual escape from the fishbowl of the presidency and the perks and distractions of which he can avail himself between now and then.
  • The man doesn’t have the education he claims to have. If he did, he would have written to the colleges and requested the public release of his educational activities. Why would you not be proud of those accomplishments?

-- Craige McMillan, Feb. 13 WND column

Does anyone believe anything Obama says about anything? If he promised the sun will rise next Monday morning, tens of millions of Americans will start planning for life in darkness, and for good reason.

-- Tom Tancredo, Feb. 13 WND column

Barack Obama and others like him have a direct connection to evil; whereas too often people serving God are not directly connected to truth. This is why Obama can lie and push his destructive agenda and mercilessly attack our freedoms and sacred institutions.

-- Jesse Lee Peterson, Feb. 13 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 8:14 PM EST
WND Isn't Giving Up On Claiming Obama Is The Antichrist
Topic: WorldNetDaily

No, WorldNetDaily still hasn't given up on the idea that President Obama is the Antichrist.

In a Feb. 16 article, WND executive news editor Joe Kovacs -- who, if you'll recall, has said he joined WND because Joseph Farah and Co. "cared about reporting the news. I mean the real news. The news that matters" -- reported on a newspaper's correction about whether a letter writer called Obama the Antichrist. Kovacs seemed to be playing the story as a joke ... until the final paragraph, where he tried to bolster the idea:

Ironically, the night Obama was first elected president in November 2008, the three-digit winning lottery number in Illinois, the state in which Obama resided at the time he was running, was 666, a figure which the Book of Revelation in the New Testament calls the “number of the beast.”

So, apparently, the "real news" and "the news that matters" to Kovacs is keeping the fringe-right idea of Obama as Antichrist alive. Good to know.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:21 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 9:14 AM EST
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Matt Barber Lies About The SPLC
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In the midst of a rant against thte Southern Poverty Law Center in his Feb. 13 WorldNetDaily column, Matt Barber complains about how the SPLC portrays him:

The “social justice” organization’s most recent hit on me came this past Monday in the form of a “Hatewatch” report. While the SPLC’s lies about me are legion, a shining example can be found in this particular report’s claim that I have said, “HIV is a punishment from God for homosexuality.” I have never said this, nor even remotely suggested it. Neither do I believe it. It’s a lie.

If you look at the SPLC  article to which Barber is referring, it does not claim that statement attributed to Barber as a direct quote and is presented as a paraphrase:

Matt Barber, the editor of the virulently anti-LGBT, is a frequent host of the Liberty Counsel’s Faith and Freedom Radio. Barber has Tweeted that “Fake ‘gay marriage’ is fake ‘consummated’ through squalid and feculent abuse of the reproductive and digestive systems.” He has called same-sex parenting a form of child abuse, and [s]aid that HIV is a punishment from God for homosexuality, stating that “it is never good, healthy, normal or natural.” He also expressed support for Russia’s draconian anti-LGBT laws, saying that he would like to see laws that “stop homosexual activist propaganda from corrupting children in our nation and we need to see that right here in the United States.”

The link the SPLC uses to support that statement is a Right Wing Watch post quoting from a September WND column by Barber:

Scripture admonishes, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Unnatural behaviors beget natural consequences. It is hateful to promote a sin-centered lifestyle to children, to anyone for that matter, which leads to disease, death and, unless repented of, eternal separation from God.

It bears repeating: “[H]alf of all gay and bisexual men will be HIV-positive by age 50.”

The wages of sin is death.

Yet in today’s upside-down world it is we who are disingenuously accused of “hate” – those of us who remain compassionate and bold enough to warn our fellow fallen human beings of the spiritual, emotional and, yes, even the physical death that comes as a natural consequence of unnatural behaviors. A toxic cloud of political correctness distorts reality, choking off any honest appraisal of these self-destructive sexual behaviors. We truly live in a dark age that calls evil good and good evil.

Homosexual conduct is always sin. It always has been. It always will be. It is never good, healthy, normal or natural.

The wages of sin is death.

Summarizing Barber's statements to "HIV is a punishment from God for homosexuality" is perfectly accurate. Barber does not explain why it isn't.

In other words, Barber is a liar. But he's not done lying:

In the same report, the SPLC attacked my good friend and former colleague Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel – a legitimate civil rights organization by contrast – absurdly asserting that as the judicial imposition of same-sex “marriage” becomes a widespread reality, Staver has said, “everyone will decide to be gay and society will ‘cease to exist.’”

I kid you not. They actually wrote that and attributed it to Staver. Read it for yourself. Again, this particular whopper is so stupid that it strains credulity to imagine how they thought it would fly.

Apology? I won’t hold my breath.

The SPLC cites a Right Wing Watch transcript of a radio interview in which Staver stated: "If you ultimately promoted same-sex marriage and everyone started to go towards same-sex marriage, what would happen to society? It would just simply cease to exist."

So, yes, Staver is pretty much saying what the SPLC claims he is. And Barber is a liar.

Will Barber apologize for his lies? We won't hold our collective breath.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:01 PM EST
WND's Corsi Thinks Illegal Immigrants Are Bring Smallpox Into U.S.
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In a Feb. 13 video posted on WorldNetDaily's Facebook feed, Jerome Corsi lists diseases purportedly making a resurgence in the U.S. as a result of "open borders" and illegal immigration.

Corsi lists measles, of course, because he apparently didn't get the memo that the measles vaccination rate in Latin America is equivalent to that of the U.S. But then Corsi starts bloviating that "various diseases that have been eradicated from the United States, including smallpox and other diseases coming from Latin America, Mexico, South America through illegal immigration."

Wait, smallpox? The disease that was eradicated worldwide in 1980 and exists today only in two highly secure laboratories for research purposes? That smallpox? Apparently so.

Thank you, Mr. Corsi, for reminding us that you're a major reason why nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:04 AM EST
Monday, February 16, 2015
WND's Klein Whiffs On Blaming Measles, Other Diseases On Illegal Immigrants
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily keeps trying -- and keeps failing -- to blame the measles outbreak on illegal immigrants.

The latest scapegoat stab comes from Aaron Klein in a Feb. 12 WND article. First, he concedes there really isn't a link:

Is there more to the measles outbreak than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have acknowledged?

A close look at the history of measles outbreaks in the U.S. over the last 15 years evidences two significant themes – the vast majority of all cases were imported from outside the country, and many of the disease clusters were located in California, a state known for its large concentration of illegal aliens.

Still, while diseases such as enterovirus are rampant in the countries where most illegal aliens originate, there does not appear to be strong evidence that current or past measles outbreak originated with illegal aliens.

Still, he endeavors to insist there's a link just the same:

The fact-checking websites note that most illegal immigrants stem from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. According to the World Health Organization, the measles vaccination rates among those countries for the past four years have been equivalent to, and in some cases exceed, the rate in the United States.

Still, the CDC reported the current outbreak has spread to Mexico.

PolitiFact points out the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s protocol calls for it to provide “vaccinations to all children who do not have documentation of previous valid doses of vaccine.”

However, PolitiFact misses the fact that the Refugee Resettlement, a program of the Department of Health and Human Services, mostly deals with legal immigrants who obtain the status of refugee and who are seeking safe haven within the U.S.


Unaccounted for, however, are illegals who are not caught, do not enter detention centers or who are released by border agents within 72 hours of their capture.

Thirteen-year Border Patrol veteran Chris Cabrera is vice president of the Local 3307 chapter of the National Border Patrol Council, the exclusive representative of approximately 17,000 agents and support personnel assigned to the U.S. Border Patrol.

He recently said in a radio interview the Border Patrol is being overwhelmed by illegals, with many slipping through the cracks possibly carrying disease.

In short, Klein can't identify any actual facts to back him up and must resort to speculation and some rather lazy guilt-by-association. He does it again later in the article:

While medical literature backs up the argument that Latin America is currently safely immunized against measles, a WND review of the history of outbreaks in the U.S. since the 1980s shows two major themes: Almost all of the outbreaks came from overseas, and California saw some of the largest concentrations of the disease.

Again, no actual proof. Klein eventually gives up and switches to another disease entirely he can more easily blame on illegal immigrants, enterovirus, even though has nothing to offer but, yes, "speculation the polio-like enterovirus, which mostly targets children, could have been carried into the U.S. by illegal-alien minors from Central America."

Needless to say, Klein is wrong here as well. The Centers for Disease Control have found no evidence of a link between illegal immigrants and enterovirus outbreaks in the U.S. -- which Klein concedes a few paragraphs later after he reports all the baseless speculation.

But an increasingly desperate Klein has to find something to blame on illegal immigrants. Finally he settles on chikungunya, a mosquito-borne tropical disease that he speculates is being spread through mosquitoes that "could just as easily have been transported into the U.S. in baggage, clothing, food, or liquids carried by illegal aliens crossing the border." But once more, he can only rely on speculation, not actual proof.

In sum, Klein has an article with a whole lot of speculation designed to rile up the anti-immigrant readers of WND without any solid facts to back them up. And he buries the fact that he can't back up his speculation. 

In other words, just another reason why nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:37 PM EST
WND Now Using Twitter To Race-Bait
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily has really cut back on the race-baiting since Google AdSense threatened to cut off ad revenue to WND because of all the rampant Colin Flaherty-fueled paranoia about "black mobs." (Flaherty also stopped writing for WND around this time.) But that doesn't mean WND can't race-bait in social media.

WND uses Twitter to promote its articles, and one tweet sent on Feb. 15 was so important that it had to be announced in ALL CAPS: "IF I HAD A SON -- NEARLY 1000 BLACK TEENS STORM THEATER IN ORLANDO TO GET IN FOR FREE."

Funny thing about the purloined Florida TV station article WND is promoting here:

1) it says "more than 200 juveniles" were involved in a disturbance at a local mall, of which only "about 100" rushed the theater -- not the "nearly 1000" the WND tweet claims. An earlier viersion of the article, which WND stole for its website, claims that "about 800 teens" were involved. Which, last we checked, requires a lot of stretching to be considered "nearly 1000."

2) The word "black" does not appear in the article, the original version that WND stole, or in the accompanying video report.

WND does not explain how it divined that every single student involved in the incident -- whether 100 or "nearly 1000" -- was black. They have have simply assumed that if there was a large crowd of teens causing mayhem, they must obviously be black.

Also, the "If I Had A Son" tagline does not appear on the stolen WND version of the article -- it simply uses "WND Crime." Apparently, this reference to President Obama's statement about Trayvon Martin is some sort of dog whistle to its more race-obsessed readers that this is another story about blacks behaving badly (despite, again, no evidence that this is indeed the case).

WND, it seems, has decided it can rest assured that no ad revenue will be threatened by Twitter calling out its race-baiting like Google did.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:04 AM EST
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Yes, Joseph Farah, You Are Linked To Violence
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah rants in his Feb. 12 WorldNetDaily column:

You know, in all the years I have been listed among the SPLC’s list of “haters,” I have never once been linked – even by three degrees of separation – with any act of violence. To the best of my knowledge, no one who has ever befriended me on Facebook or held me up as an inspiration has ever committed a heinous act of terrorism or violence.

Farah, as we've come to expect from him, is lying -- he is linked to violence, and we don't even have to go to three degrees of separation to find it.

As we've documented, the manifesto of Anders Breivik, who slaughered dozens in Norway in 2009, cites WND six times, and it also cites anti-Muslim activists frequently highlighted by WND, including Pamela Geller (now a WND columnist) and Walid Shoebat. Breivik's screeds against Islam, multiculturalism and feminism closely parallel WND's own editorial content over the years.

Needless to say, WND never told its readers at the time about how Breivik expressed his admiration for WND, its friends and its editorial agenda. Don't expect Farah to acknowledge his link to this act of terrorism now.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:05 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, February 15, 2015 11:35 AM EST
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Another Anti-Gay WND Columnist Thinks He Knows What's Best for Bruce Jenner
Topic: WorldNetDaily

As we've detailed, anti-gay columnists at WorldNetDaily have decided they know what's better for Bruce Jenner than Jenner himself, and that means denigrating his apparent decision to become transgender. Carl Jackson -- best known for an unhinged rant accusing liberals of trying to "bring America down to size" by supporting soccer -- meddles as well in a Feb. 10 WND column headlined "My hope for the man Bruce Jenner," starting by citing a discredited psychiatrist:

Did you know that transgenderism is a mental disorder? Nothing more, nothing less. Dr. Paul McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current distinguished service professor of psychiatry has stated that “transgenderism is a ‘mental disorder’ that merits treatment, that sex change is ‘biologically impossible,’ and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.”

During a more sensible time in American history, a few years ago, we use to call it “gender dysphoria” or “gender identity disorder” – and for good reason. Professional psychiatrists like Dr. McHugh, who are trained in mental disorders, regularly diagnosed patients who suffered from a “disorder of assumption.” Gender identity disorder is comparable to the eating disorder anorexia, where people become dangerously thin, and Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), where a sufferer is perfectly healthy but does not accept a limb or limbs of his own and seeks to amputate them, sometimes on his own, or even become paraplegic. All of these mental disorders lie in the person’s “assumption” that they are different than the physical reality of their bodies.

Sadly, politicians, diversity counselors, leftist physicians, elitists and ignorant activists in states like California, New Jersey and Massachusetts, who presume to know more about psychological disorders than trained psychiatrists and psychologists, have climbed on their high horse and invoked laws banning mental health professionals, despite parental permission, from working to restore natural gender feelings to what is described by Dr. McHugh as a transgender minor.

Slate details how McHugh "has a storied history of using his credentialed respectability to peddle the worst, most discredited, myths about gay and transgender people." We've noted how other commentators have pointed out how an anti-transgender op-ed in the Wall Street Journal was based on selective reading of literature on the subject, a fit of either laziness or incompetence that makes him a lot less "distingushed" that Jackson thinks he isl

Does Jackson have any more unsolicited advice for Jenner? He certainly does:

It’s equally troubling to me that doctors who swear to “first do no harm” under their Hippocratic Oath would endeavor to perpetuate a mental disorder like transgenderism where the suicide rate is 20 times higher than the rate amongst non-transgender people. Transgender sufferers like Bruce Jenner will never achieve their goal of becoming a member of the opposite sex. According to Dr. McHugh, at best they’ll become “feminized men or masculinized women.” If Bruce Jenner chooses to undergo sexual reassignment surgery, it is unlikely that he’ll ever experience a sexual orgasm again; conveniently, he’ll never have a menstrual cycle or menopause like real women; and smegma-mucus from his makeshift vagina will have to be flushed out routinely due to its shallow walls. Disgusting, yes, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

If that weren’t enough, according to Dr. McHugh, “for those who had sexual reassignment surgery, most said they were ‘satisfied’ with the operation, but their subsequent psycho-social adjustments were no better than those who didn’t have the surgery.” This is the reason Johns Hopkins Hospital, the very place that pioneered sexual reassignment surgery, has stopped performing these surgeries. They no longer saw a need to amputate “normal organs.” If proponents of the transgender movement were really compassionate and caring, they wouldn’t seek to subject mentally ill patients to a life filled with turmoil and mutilation!

God doesn’t make mistakes, and he certainly didn’t with Bruce Jenner. I don’t know how long Mr. Jenner has struggled with his mental illness, but I know with advanced technology, counseling and medicine, the tools exist for him to conquer his disorder. I wish his family, friends and community were informed and courageous enough to convey that to him, and insist that he remains the patriarch of the family. They don’t need another matriarch. They’ve got Kris.

God may not make mistakes, but don't expect Jackson to admit he made a mistake by parroting the views of a biased, discredited doctor.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:30 AM EST
Friday, February 13, 2015
WND Clings To Another Discredited Birther Conspiracy
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's birther obsession is slipping from desperate to truly pathetic.

A Feb. 11 unbylined WND article resorts to a birther conspiracy theory to attack Savannah Guthrie as a possible successor to Brian Williams on the "NBC Nightly News":

On April 27, 2011, White House correspondent Savannah Guthrie claimed to have seen Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate and “touched and felt the raised seal.”

The segment on “NBC Nightly News” was titled “Obama birth certificate – signed, sealed, delivered.”

Guthrie’s claims that the PDF document posted on the White House website is backed up by two certified paper copies delivered to the White House contradicts the digital forensic findings of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse” investigators in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Alan Jones, writing on his 1776 Channel site Wednesday, noted Arpaio’s appointed lead investigator on the birth-certificate case, Mike Zullo, has been promising the release of “universe-shattering” information regarding the document.

The release of additional findings, Jones wrote, likely would pose for NBC News a “credibility crisis far more severe than the Brian Williams fiasco.”

Jones on Wednesday interviewed Zullo, who noted Reed Hayes, a document examiner who has served as expert witness for Seattle law firm Perkins Coie – the firm that flew an attorney to Honolulu to personally deliver two paper copies of the birth certificate to the White House – has concluded in a signed affidavit that the document posted on the White House website is “entirely fabricated.”

“We have no evidence of a raised seal being displayed on that document that Savannah Guthrie supposedly felt,” Zullo said. “We don’t know what she felt. No evidence that we can determine shows alterations to that paper body indicating a raised seal. Their work flow is a scan of the document. Upon examination, there is no evidence of raised seal.”

WND doesn't tell you, of course, that Zullo's investigation is a discredited joke. He obviously didn't look very hard for the seal, because it's right there, as this enhanced image of a photo of the certificate taken by Guthrie demonstrates:


And as we've previously noted, Zullo has never publicly released Hayes' analysis; he's actually expert in handwriting analysis, not digital documents.

The fact that WND is still pushing birther conspiracies and hiding the fact they've been discredited is really all you need to know about why nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:54 PM EST
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Obama Derangement Syndrome, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In a followup to last week’s WND column by Matt Barber, I would like to point out that there has to be an orchestrated effort to make certain that the five prisoners swapped for army deserter Bowe Bergdahl are not called terrorists. Why? In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, “What difference does it make” if we call them terrorists or armed insurgents? The difference is that we don’t negotiate with terrorists, but I suppose we can negotiate with armed insurgents, even though the Taliban is registered on two government lists as terrorists. It seems pretty clear to me that you need to call it as you see it.

So why is this administration turning itself inside out over something so transparent? Why are they so hesitant to use the word? Could it be that, as Matt Barber brought up in his piece, they are afraid of being accused of treason?

-- Morgan Brittany, Feb. 3 WorldNetDaily column

It’s not that President Obama can’t utter the phrase “Islamist terror,” it is that he won’t do so, because at this juncture, Obama has become the chief facilitator of Islamist terror on a global scale.


This has gone far beyond dishonesty, disloyalty, or even self-aggrandizing corruption. Hanging offenses have been committed by people in high places; the list of such offenses increases daily, as does the number of those who add themselves to the list of the culpable, or dig themselves in deeper with each diversion they craft and lie they utter.

-- Erik Rush, Feb. 4 WND column

Why was Barack Hussein Obama calling for a “New World Order” in Europe before becoming America’s president, claiming that there was “no other way”?

Why is he now meeting with designated Muslim terror groups in the White House? Why is he allied with America’s sworn enemies by appointing them to key positions in governmental positions? Why is he aiding and abetting America’s enemies? Why is he trying to disarm the American people through means of terror? Why is he releasing thousands of illegal felons on the streets of America? Why has he transgressed the U.S. Constitution, lied to the American people, wasted taxpayer money and been involved in cronyism in 900 documented incidents?

-- Bradlee Dean, Feb. 5 WND column

Not since Santa Claus was in short pants has anyone been as generous as Obama when it comes to bestowing gifts. But unlike Santa, Obama insists on rewarding those who have been naughty and turning into Scrooge when it comes to those who are nice.

Although all it would take to bring about immigration reform is for Obama to build a 21st century fence along our southern border, he keeps it as porous as possible because he wants the nation flooded with future Democrats.

-- Burt Prelutsky, Feb. 5 WND column

Once again, here is yet another example of many from Barack Obama.

Some of the prideful boasts would be laughable if they were not so shameful: I’ve made the U.S. stronger, more prosperous, safer, more influential.

Does he really believe that? One has to wonder.

Do you feel America is safer, more prosperous, more influential, stronger under Obama?

At least he didn’t say he brought more humility to America.

-- Joseph Farah, Feb. 6 WND column

The president made a fundamental error in his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast: He tried to maintain the liberal absurdity that all religions, all beliefs, all theologies, are equally valid. He wants to maintain the myth that all religions are fundamentally the same and only superficially different, whereas the fact is most religions are fundamentally different and only superficially the same.

-- Joshua Charles, Feb. 6 WND column

There is a temptation to refute everything Obama says because of his track record of failed policies, deliberate deception and the confusion he seems to sow every time he opens his mouth.

Thoughtful Christians, however, should recognize the most effective lies, like those told in the Garden of Eden, are often mixed with some truth.

That’s what makes Obama such a profoundly dangerous demagogue.

-- Joseph Farah, Feb. 8 WND column

Those of us who saw this coming back in 2008 and 2009 were excoriated, ridiculed and marginalized for speaking the truth about Obama’s past. In 2007, I wrote a commentary for Israel National News titled, “Obama, the Muslim Thing, And Why It Matters.” Before Obama’s election, anyone who used his middle name, Hussein, was labeled a racist-anti-Muslim-Islamophobic-bigot. And yet the first call he made to a foreign “leader” after he was inaugurated was to terror leader Mahmoud Abbas. The first interview he gave was with al Arabiya television. His first world tour was an apology tour to the Muslim world, culminating in a speech from the leading Islamic university in Cairo, Al Azhar. He invited the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group to his speech in Cairo, despite the fact that it had been banned for decades. Then President Mubarak and his cabinet, America’s 30-year ally in that troubled region, could not attend Obama’s speech because of the terror presence.

It’s why I wrote my 2010 book, “The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America.”

And now, five years later, with the global jihad roiling the world thanks to Obama’s support and sanction, he deigns to tell us what our religion is.

President Dawah. The more jihad rages, the more Obama proselytizes for Islam. Muslim countries like Jordan are taking a much harder line than the U.S. It’s outrageous.

The question isn’t whether Obama is or isn’t a Muslim. The question is, if he were a Muslim, what would he be doing differently? In a word, nothing.

Enemy in the White House.

-- Pamela Geller, Feb. 8 WND column

If Obama is not stopped, ISIS, al-Qaida, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood will have their way, and America will be forced to bow to Islam (as Obama bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia). Then, the only choice left for us will be to submit or die.

That is a choice unacceptable to any real self-respecting American.

-- Jesse Lee Peterson, Feb. 8 WND column

OK, Barack. That did it. I’m offended, and I know you don’t care.

You pushed your luck with that speech at the National Prayer Breakfast last week. Your words made it abundantly clear to me where you stand on Islam and reveal your antagonism toward Christianity.

Despite the fact you were elected twice to the presidency of this country, your words finally did it for me – and, I suspect, millions of others across the country.


Barack Obama, I have seen your classlessness and insults over the years. Finally, I will say it: You have offended me, and there’s no way for you to correct that. I will be ashamed of you as the president, but I will not be ashamed of my country.

Barack Obama stepped in it so deeply this time, he has no way out of the quagmire. Obama pushed his luck in his unending quest to diminish this country and denigrate Christianity.

It’s too bad there weren’t any people at the prayer breakfast with the courage to stand up during Obama’s speech and turn their back on him. Better yet, they should have walked out.

But no, Christians are not allowed to be offended when their beliefs are dragged into the gutter of insults.

Well, it’s time to change that.

-- Barbara Simpson, Feb. 8 WND column

Those who wish to play God do not wish to acknowledge God. Hence, Mr. Obama’s telling silence. During his first election campaign, he made some pretense at being a Christian. Now he is more and more openly Muslim. He treats Christianity either with sneering indifference or with outright contempt.

Mr. Obama’s anti-Christian stance is something his Republican opponents should openly condemn. They need to start making serious inroads into the black and Hispanic vote. Many blacks are Protestant; most Hispanics are Catholic. At present, they vote “Democrat” without thinking further than the next food stamp or benefit check.

-- Christopher Monckton, Feb. 8 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 1:07 AM EST
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
WND's Farah Boards The Vaccine-Lie Bandwagon
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The fact that it simply isn't true that the measles vaccine has killed dozens of people will not keep WorldNetDaily from repeating. And now WND editor Joseph Farah is parroting it.

Farah writes in his Feb.  9 WND column:

When was the last death from measles in the U.S.? Anyone know.

Dr. Lee Hieb, an expert in the field, says 2005. But the vaccine that prevents measles infection has taken the lives of 86 in that time, she reports – 68 of them 3-years-old or younger. Almost 2,000 were permanently disabled by the vaccine.

And Bill Press wants government to mandate forcible vaccines for all children, despite the obvious fact that the shot is far more dangerous than the illness.

As we've documented, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which tracks claims of adverse events to vaccines and which Hieb cites as the source of her claim, clearly and explictly states that it does not verify whether a cause-and-effect relationship exists between vaccines and the reported adverse effects, and that "No proof that the event was caused by the vaccine is required in order for VAERS to accept the report." Hieb ignored this disclaimer, making her claim false -- and making Farah a liar yet again for repeating something he should know is a falsehood.

In a delicious irony, Farah's column appeared at WND the same day it published  the latest from syndicated columnist Thomas Sowell, who points out that "false claims, based on other false claims, led many parents to stop getting their children vaccinated against measles."

Sowell also noted that "crusading movements are seldom stopped by facts." As a man who pretends to be a journalist but embraces lies, Farah provides a clear example that even Sowell could not have anticipated.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:35 AM EST
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
WND Tries, Fails, To Turn SPLC Criticism of Ben Carson Into Attack From 'Hate Group'
Topic: WorldNetDaily

From an unbylined Feb. 8 WorldNetDaily article:

How politically extreme is the Southern Poverty Law Center, a well-funded legal hate group known for its guilt-by-association tactics and whipping up hysteria over the ever-present threat of a second coming of the Ku Klux Klan?

The latest target to be placed on the group’s “extremist watch list” will give you a clue.

He’s a highly acclaimed brain surgeon, potential presidential candidate and, according to polls, one of America’s most admired celebrities.

That’s right. Dr. Ben Carson.

The reason? He’s against same-sex marriage.

From the SPLC website: “Ben Carson rapidly ascended as a far-right political star after publicly scolding President Obama, whom he sat a few feet away from, at a National Prayer Breakfast in February 2013. Carson’s reproach of Obama for his health care and tax policies went viral, unleashing a flood of adulation from right-wing media and hate groups.”

SPLC unfairly labels him “anti-gay.”

Ah, so much to respond to:

1) It's rather hiliarious that WND -- the king of likening Obama to Hitler and other Nazis (not to mention the Antichrist) and fearmongering about vaccines -- would attempt to criticize the SPLC for using "guilt-by-association tactics" and "whipping up hysteria."

2) WND doesn't bother to link to the SPLC article on Carson, so you know it's trying to hide something. And when you actually look at the SPLC's profile of Carson, the first thing you'll notice is that at no point is Carson described as being on an "extremist watch list." WND appears to have lifted the phrase from a post at the right-wing blog Legal Insurrection, which Talking Points Memo states "appeared to have been the first to notice" Carson's SPLC profile.

3) The next thing you'll notice in the SPLC profile is that Carson isn't being criticized for merely being  "against same-sex marriage" as WND claims. He's being criticized for portraying homosexuality as equivalent to bestiality and pedophilia.

4) The term "anti-gay" appears nowhere in the SPLC profile, despite WND putting it in quotes. The SPLC describes his "ideology" as "anti-LGBT," and it points out that Carson has spoken to "anti-LGBT" groups.

5) At no point does WND demonstrate what is "unfair" about highlighting Carson's anti-gay rhetoric. Instead, it simply quotes what Carson said, then blamed the SPLC for Floyd Lee Corkins' attempted shooting spree at the Family Research Council because Corkins "admitted that he used SPLC’s hate map to identify FRC as a target."

By that same logic, we should credit WND for helping to inspire Anders Breivik's massacre of dozens in Norway since his manifesto cites WND six times.

In a (similarly unbylined) follow-up article, WND falsely claims the SPLC called Carson a "hater" and repeated the inaccurate "extremist watch list" phrase. The article claims to quote Carson responding to the SPLC designation, but it's unclear where the quotes came from -- WND does not identify their source, and  none of the quoted matter specifically references the SPLC.

Interestingly, a Breitbart article carries the same alleged quotes from Carson but also doesn't identify their source. Did WND steal Breitbart's story like it did Legal Insurrection's? If so, that would explain why the WND writer did not want to put his or her name on this work.

Actually, it appears Carson made his statements to the Daily Mail, which neither WND nor Breitbart credit. (Fun fact: The Daily Mail's U.S. political desk is helmed by David Martosko, the former managing editor for the Daily Caller, where he was best known for defending reporting that was clearly false.)

Further, neither article shows any effort on WND's part to contact the SPLC for an explantion of its Carson profile -- that would be too much like journalism, apparently. TPM, meanwhile, did what WND couldn't be bothered to do:

SPLC spokesman Mark Potok told TPM on Monday that including Carson in the organization's "extremist files" isn't tantamount to following the potential presidential contender around in fear that he is plotting to blow up a federal building.

"Our criticism of him was based in large part on his very extreme rhetoric about the evils of gay people," Potok told TPM by phone. "He says that any criticism he makes is always kind and never meant to destroy the person, but then he says that gay marriage will lead to the destruction of America much in the same way the Roman Empire collapsed."

Stealing the work of others, the inability to get basic facts correct and refusal to exhibit any sort of fairness demonstrate why nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:24 PM EST

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