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Tuesday, April 22, 2014
MRC Loves Sharyl Attkisson, Buries Her History of Shoddy Reporting
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center is unsurprisingly promoting former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson's media tour in which shse claims that she was being too critical of the Obama administration:

Tim Graham promoted Attkisson's appearance on Fox News, in which she and Hhoward Kurtz commisserated about "liberal bias leading to soft coverage of Obama." Graham touted Attkisson's CNN interview as well, in which she discussed how "CBS lost interest in investigative journalism to favor Obama." NewsBusters' Tom Johnson attacked TPM's Josh Marshall for being critical of Attkisson's unsupported claims of being targeted by Media Matters (disclosure: my employer); Johnson didn't mention that Media Matters has denied the claim and pointed out that it targeted Attkisson solely for her shoddy reporting.

What you won't read at the MRC, however, is any new criticism of Attkisson's embrace of anti-vaccine conspiracy theories, even though it has criticized other anti-vaxxers like Jenny McCarthy.

As author Seth Mnookin reports, Attkisson has "parroted anti-vaccine rhetoric long past the point that it’s been decisively disproved," repeatedly pushing the discredited idea that vaccines cause autism.

And the MRC certainly won't tell you that it criticized Attkisson's reporting on vaccines in the past:

  • A 2005 item criticized an Attkisson report for lending credence to claims linking vaccines to autism. A 2005 column by Dan Gainor repeated the criticism.
  • A 2008 MRC item criticized how "Attkisson reported on the plight of the parents of an autistic child and their fight to win money from a federal fund for 'vaccine damages.'"
  • Another 2008 item noted that CBS' newfound reporting that there is no link between vaccines and autism contradicts Attkisson's earlier reporting.

In one of his posts, Graham references "people who questioned [Attkisson's] reporting on autism and vaccines," but he didn't mention that one of those critics has been the MRC.

If the MRC didn't trust Attkisson when she peddled faulty reporting on vaccines, why does it trust her now on her victimhood, even though her reporting on Benghazi and other Obama administration issues is just as untrustworthy?

Because Attkisson is now portraying herself as a victim of liberal bias, which aligns perfectly with the MRC's anti-media agenda.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:15 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 3:33 PM EDT
WND Columnists Rack Up The Accolades For Rancher, Militia Thugs
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily columnists are continuing to show their love for lawless rancher Cliven Bundy and the militia thugs that defended him. Larry Klayman serves up a very Klayman-esque rant:

If the events in Nevada over the last week or so are any indication, where brave patriots, exercising their Second Amendment rights, stood down the tyranny of Obama’s Bureau of Land Management on behalf of the Bundy family and their cattle ranch, then indeed full-scale revolution is now in full swing in both the courts and through armed men on horseback. Here, militias from throughout the nation converged, along with other brave citizens, to show the government that we simply will not take their “horse manure” anymore. As in the years leading up to 1776, when King George III had his redcoats break into our homes, steal our weapons of self-defense and other property, and rape and pillage the colonies in general, We the People will not stand by and submit to this modern-day despotism. Here, Obama’s henchmen at the BLM, without court order, sent in government goons to seize cattle that were legally grazing on state and not federal lands. But when these goons saw that the people meant business, they threw in the towel and fled the scene of their crime as the cowards they are.

But as later forecast by the ultra leftist, corrupt, pro-Obama Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the government will be back. Indeed, this was no idle threat and no coincidence; Reid and his lawyer son have an interest in kicking the Bundys off of their Nevada ranch , as they have been involved in using this land for their own ends.

Before these government goons do come back, let this message go forth. Barack Hussein Obama, Harry Reid and the gutless Republican establishment leaders in Congress who roll over to and further this continued government tyranny, We the People have now risen up and we intend to remove you legally from office. This country belongs to us, not you. This land is our land! And, we will fight you will all legal means, including exercising our legitimate Second Amendment rights of self-defense, to end your tyranny and restore freedom to our shores!

Klayman apparently missed the fact that the militia thugs are the goons here.

Tom Tancredo declares that the law doesn't matter in proclaiming Bundy his new Martin Luther King:

The narrow legal issue in the Bundy ranch controversy is his refusal to pay grazing fees to the Bureau of Land Management over the past 21 years. There is a court order telling him he must pay the fees, and many conservative commentators say he has no legal leg to stand on in that defiance. In terms of “settled case law,” they are probably right. But, is that a good enough reason to abandon Cliven Bundy and his family?

Martin Luther King heard the same arguments when he protested segregated lunch counters in Birmingham, Ala. King chose to go to jail to challenge those “settled laws,” and those laws were overturned by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Barbara Simpson is unhappy with Harry Reid for calling those militia thugs the domestic terrorists they are:

The armed men backed off, but Reid didn’t. He quickly spoke up from the safety of his offices that the people who objected to what happened, and the Bundy family in particular, are “domestic terrorists” and that this incident “isn’t over.”

According to Harry Reid, disagreeing with the feds and standing up for your rights makes you a terrorist, and because of that, the feds have the right to blow you and your family away.

Sorry, Harry, that’s not America and despite what you say, Americans don’t use the military to enforce laws.


If I were the Bundy family, I’d chain the fences, lock the doors and lock and load.

They might need all the protection they can muster.

Mychal Massie also bashes Reid, and for good measure, throws in some trademark borderline-libelous Obama derangement as well:

When Reid speaks of domestic terrorists and involvement with same he need look no further than those in his party. Let’s start with the pernicious one he calls the leader of his party. Does Reid want us to forget that Barack Obama’s good friend, confidant and ghost writer of his books “Dreams From My Father” and Obama’s memoirs is none other than Bill Ayers? That’s Bill Ayers the avowed communist and leader of the domestic terrorist group Students for a Democratic Society who went on to co-found the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group that planned and carried out a campaign of bombings of police stations and government and public buildings through the 1960s into the 1970s.

Does Reid want us to forget that Obama’s good friend Bill Ayers openly lamented, while Obama was in office, that his only regret was his bombings did not cause more harm and destruction? Would Reid have us forget that the wife of Obama’s good buddy William Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, was a hunted fugitive on the FBI Ten Most Wanted List for her role in a bombing that resulted in the murder of a police officer? Would Reid have us forget that Bill Ayers, the good friend and financial supporter of his president, co-authored a book in 1973 titled “Prairie Fire,” which was dedicated to, among others, Sirhan Sirhan, the domestic terrorist who assassinated Robert Kennedy?

Do We the People who support the Bundy family descend to that level of behavior? Absolutely not.

Massie loves to lie about all things Obama, and he does so here too. Ayers first said he regrets he "didn't do enough" to stop the Vietnam War -- not that he regrets the Westher Underground's bombs didn't do "more harm and destruction" -- in 2001, not "while Obama was in office."b And Massie is exactly the kind of unhinged Obama-hater who would believe Jack Cashill's conspiracy theory that Ayers ghost-wrote Obama's first book.

As far as the level of behavior Massie descends to: In addition to the aforementioned depraved lies, he loves to call Michelle Obama "Buttzilla" and rooting for Obama to be assassinated. Apparently that's the level of filth Massie is most comfortable with.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:01 AM EDT
Monday, April 21, 2014
Newsmax Disavows Malzberg's Clinton-Bashing
Topic: Newsmax

Newsmax publisher Christopher Ruddy has become a good buddy of former President Clinton, so it became a bit of an issue when Newsmax radio host Steve Malzberg went on a tirade about Chelsea Clinton's pregnancy on his April 17 show:

Pardon the skeptic in me ... but what great timing! I mean, purely accidental, purely an act of nature, purely just left up to God. And God answered Hillary Clinton's prayers and she going to have the prop of being a new grandma while she runs for president. It just warms the heart. It brings a tear to my eye. It really does. Wow!

It was enough of an issue that Newsmax distanced itself from the words of its employee in a statement to Mediaite: "Steve Malzberg’s comments were intended to be humorous not hurtful. They were clearly inappropriate and do not reflect the views of Newsmax."

Strangely, there's no mention of the Malzberg controversy on the Newsmax website, even though it did publish a clip of the Media Research Center's Tim Graham complaining that "Chelsea Clinton's pregnancy proves Democrats get royal treatment while Republicans are snubbed."

Posted by Terry K. at 8:58 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 21, 2014 8:59 PM EDT
WND's Matt Barber Fails Satire
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Professional gay-basher Matt Barber devoted his April 18 WorldNetDaily column to ranting about a Slate column by William Saletan facetiously claiming that, in the wake of Brendan Eich leaving Mozilla after the firestorm raised by his donation to an anti-gay marriage campaign, we should go after all donors to the campaign. Just one problem -- Barber took it seriously:

No, this is not parody. It is not a bad joke. It is not Mr. Saletan satirically assuming the role of Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s Nazi propaganda minister, in an effort to underscore how utterly out of control his own “progressive” movement has become and, in the spirit of argumentum ad absurdum, gently coax his fellow bohemians from madness.

Neither was Slate joking. They were not joining in on Saletan’s fun, pretending, for a day, to be “Nationalsozialistischen Briefe,” Goebbels’ parallel publication, in a clever endeavor to use the power of metaphor as a scrub brush to wash away the stench of totalitarianism from an American left bathed in it.

No, these ruthless cultural Marxists are as serious as Josef Stalin's heart attack.

As Right Wing Watch detailed, after Barber finally got the message that Saletan's column was satire, he rewrote the column while blaming Saletan for for his own inability to recognize satire. Barber's WND column now begins with an author's note stating that Saletan "contacted me claiming that his piece was intended as satire. I have given him the benefit of the doubt." In the column, he now huffs, "Satire is traditionally somewhat clever, witty and fairly easy to recognize as such. Mr. Saletan’s piece was none of these things."

The version of Barber's column at fails to mention that he originally failed to understand Saletan's satire.

Posted by Terry K. at 6:50 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 21, 2014 6:56 PM EDT
CNS' Starr Can't Stop Shilling for the Oil Industry

Penny Starr shills for the oil industry again in an April 15 article:

Three U.S. oil companies paid a total of $289.7 billion in corporate income taxes between 2007 and 2012, the biggest portion of corporate taxes in absolute terms, according to analysis by Standard & Poor’s Capital IQ.

The data show, as reported in the New York Times on May 25, 2013, that when it came to corporate income taxes -- federal, state, local, and foreign – between  2007 to 2012 the three major oil companies paid the following:  ExxonMobil, $146 billion; Chevron, $85.5 billion; and ConocoPhillips, $58.2 billion.

That totals $289.7 billion.

In addition, a 2013 report (p. 7) by the oil and natural gas trade group American Petroleum Institute (API), using S&P Research Insight and S&P 1500 by GICS Industry Code data, shows that the oil and gas industry had the highest effective tax rate during that time period (averaged over 2007-2012) of any U.S. business: 44.6%.

That compares, according to S&P Capital IQ, to Apple -- the largest market capital company at $400 billion – which had an effective tax rate of 14% over the same timeframe. Oil and gas firms are paying more than three times the tax rate of Apple.

Because Starr can't be bothered to go beyond PR flacks for the API, readers don't know that this amount is in dispute because of how the tax figures are computed. Reuters reports:

The difference between the effective tax rate cited by Exxon and lower rates cited by groups such as Citizens for Tax Justice, a left-leaning tax activist group, has several causes.

One is that the company counts foreign taxes paid, while Citizens for Tax Justice does not. Another is that Exxon counts deferred taxes, as well, but the consumer group does not. Still another is which profits are counted by the company and critics.

There are other technical variations shaping the calculations of effective tax rates, but these subtleties are often lost in the sound bites of the ongoing tax policy debate.


Citizens for Tax Justice considers U.S. profits and U.S. taxes paid only. By that measure, Exxon Mobil paid 13 percent of its U.S. income in taxes after deductions and benefits in 2011, according to a Reuters calculation of securities filings.

Chevron paid about 19 percent by that method, near CTJ's average for all industries.

It is a far cry from the 35 percent top corporate tax rate.

But, again, since the only person Starr apparently actually talked to for this article was a "spokesperson for API," she's not reporting the full truth.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:09 PM EDT
Surprise, Surprise, Another Lie from WND's Farah
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah writes in an April 18 WorldNetDaily column:

No doubt those behind the 1993 Clinton administration plan to disarm personnel on U.S. military bases thought nobody in their right mind would attack one. Since that decision, hundreds of soldiers and civilian workers on domestic U.S. military bases have been killed or wounded. Prior to that decision, there were no recorded mass shootings.

In fact, the Department of Defense directive establishing the rules limiting firearms on military bases was issued in 1992, when George H.W. Bush was president and Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense.

But hey, serial liar Farah did admit that he publishes misinformation, so it's all good!

Posted by Terry K. at 9:38 AM EDT
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Daniel Pipes Pretends He Didn't Help Inspire Norwegian Massacre
Topic: Accuracy in Media

Daniel Pipes uses an April 16 Accuracy in Media column to make a big deal out of left-wing writer Max Blumenthal getting praise in a post by alleged Kansas City Jewish center shooter Frazier Glenn Miller on a racist website as evidence that Blumenthal inspired Miller:

Daniel Greenfield suggests that Miller referred here to “a Blumenthal interview on Putin’s propaganda channel RT, which he has since defended, in which he claimed that Netanyahu was targeting Ron Paul and Obama.”

Greenfield further finds that “there are 382 results for [Max Blumenthal] on the Neo-Nazi VNN forum that the Kansas City killer patronized.” Participatnts at Stormfront, the premier American Neo-Nazi site, often mention Blumenthal approvingly.

Mondoweiss took a closer look at those references to Blumenthal and shreds that count:

Yet a closer look reveals that Google suspects the majority of the results to be duplicates, and that—after weeding out those duplicates—Google finds only “about 71” references to “Max Blumenthal.”

Even within those 71 references, I found several more duplicates, narrowing the count to 46.

…over 300 references praising Blumenthal’s criticism of the State of Israel and American-Jewish support of Israeli policy.

Wrong. Among the VNN Forum’s approximately 46 references to “Max Blumenthal,” many of them would not be considered “praise”—nor do they reference “criticism of the State of Israel” or “American-Jewish support of Israeli policy.”

For instance, the VNN Forum has a weird way of showing “praise” when its participants refer to Blumenthal as:

“Jew Max Blumenthal”

“Kike Max Blumenthal”

“Jewish propagandists including … Max Blumenthal”

“an avowed queer like Max Blumenthal”

“Max Blumenthal … a flamboyant, exhibitionistic anti-racist”

“that douche bag sodomite Max Blumenthal”

One page on the forum even links to an article that sarcastically refers to Blumenthal as “Country Music Expert Max Blumenthal.”

A different VNN page refers to “obvious biases and outright misinterpretations contained in Max Blumenthal’s article,” while another one accuses Blumenthal of “vicious character assassinations.”

The real purpose of Pipes' column, however, is to pretend this standard can't be applied to him and other anti-Muslim activists like Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller for their repeated citations in the manifesto by Norwegian massacre perpetrator Anders Breivik:

Never mind the fundamental inaccuracies of these statements – that (1) Geller, Spencer, or I ever engaged in “eliminationist” rhetoric and (2) ignoring that Breivik cited leftists about as much as rightists and Muslims as often as counter-jihadis – what’s important is that Blumenthal exploited Breivik’s murderous rampage to score cheap points against fellow American analysts.


Breivik, it is now clear, intentionally sought to discredit counter-jihadis like me; but Miller gives every appearance of being a true believer inspired in part by Blumenthal’s ravings.

That's not true either. As Daniel Luban summed up: "So, to be clear, Breivik agrees with Pipes’s allies about the threat Muslims pose to the West, and merely disagrees with them about the desirability of mass deportation, revolution, and 'armed resistance' to deal with it."

Pipes cites as evidence that Breivik "intentionally sought to discredit counter-jihadis" his own speculation as well as that of other anti-Muslim activists about Breivik's alleged move toward a Nazi-esque outlook. But that does not mean his anti-Muslim outlook wasn't inspired by the likes of Pipes, and Pipes provides no evidence of a plausible motive for Breivik to intentionally discredit him.

P.S. We've previously highlighted how Breivik's concerns about Islam and multiculturalism are closely aligned with the editorial agenda of WorldNetDaily.

Posted by Terry K. at 9:32 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, April 20, 2014 10:31 PM EDT
WND's Unruh Misleads, Hides Facts on Montana Ammo Plant Raid
Topic: WorldNetDaily

When you read a Bob Unruh article, experience shows that you have to ask yourself the question: "What relevant information is Unruh leaving out?" That happens yet again in an April 16 WorldNetDaily article:

Critics of the way federal agencies in Montana handled a recent raid on a company that recycles brass for ammunition are calling for an investigation.

Government officials have declined to respond to allegations that armed officers with weapons drawn locked up USA Brass employees, confiscated their cell phones and otherwise violated their rights.

The incident in Bozeman, Mont., drew little attention from media.

To protect against lead contamination, USA Brass had installed filters and added training. The company had passed a subsequent inspection before officers from the Environmental Protection Agency and FBI arrived, apparently with guns drawn.

Unruh's description of how the company has purportedly acted to "protect against lead contamination" conveniently leaves out the fact that USA Brass has a documented history of such violations. A Montana TV station reports:

Last fall the Gallatin City-County Health Department reported 22 people, all current or former USA Brass employees showed elevated levels of lead in their blood. In September of 2013 the US Department of Labor cited USA Brass with 10 serious violations and proposed more than $45,000 in penalties and fines.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, workers found the company overexposed workers to lead and failed to provide basic safeguards to reduce lead exposure, including breathing protection and protective clothing.

Unruh also didn't mention that an EPA official stated that the USA Brass raid involved "alleged violations of environmental law."And Unruh misleads by not identifying when the raid occurred, implying that it was somehow tied to the federal standoff with the Bundy family in Nevada. In fact, the raid took place on March 27, two weeks before the Bundy standoff.

WND adds on to the misleading nature of Unruh's article by including this photo of a SWAT team:



 In fact, this photo is apparently a stock photo and is not from the USA Brass raid. The Bozeman Daily Chronicle published the following photos showing that the situation was much less menacing than Unruh portrayed:

If WND editor Joseph Farah ever wonders why nobody believes what his "news" orgabization publishes, this article serves as a prime example.

Posted by Terry K. at 4:44 PM EDT
MRC's Bozell, Who Uses Catholicism As A Cudgel, Questions Pelosi's Sincerity of Faith
Topic: Media Research Center

Craig Bannister gives us his boss' latest rant in an April 18 blog post:

Conservative leader and Catholic L. Brent Bozell III today blasted Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for mimicking the pope's Holy Week foot-washing tradition while touting her immigration reform legislation:

"I am a Catholic and I am offended at Minority Leader Pelosi's continued abuses of the Catholic Church's teachings and traditions.  As a Catholic who has watched Ms. Pelosi champion one anti-Catholic cause after another, I believe this to be sacrilegious.

"Christ taught the washing of the feet as an act of utter humility, while she turned a sacred religious tradition into a grandstanding political publicity stunt. Ms. Pelosi's politicizing of Holy Week is sickening and shameful."

That's an odd statement coming from someone who has made a career out of politicizing his religion. As we've documented, Bozell has made one of the MRC's missions to go after any critic of Catholicism, no matter how much that criticism is deserved. He even has a NewsBusters blogger whose sole job is to whitewash Catholic scandals.

Isn't Bozell's using his religion as a political cudgel just as sacreligious as what he's criticizing Pelosi for doing? When has Bozell ever practiced his religion with "utter humility" instead of using it for political gain?

Perhaps Bozell should answer those questions before he publicly questions the sincerity of others' religious faith.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:34 PM EDT
Saturday, April 19, 2014
WND Admits Farah Acts As An Enemy, Not A Journalist
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah has long presented himself as a journalist when it was more than clear to everyone else that he was acting as a right-wing partisan. But WND appears to be conceding that Farah was acting in enemy mode when he targeted the Clinton administration in the 1990s. It's right there in the headline of this April 18 article:

It's also right there in the lead of the unbylined article:

If you want to learn what Hillary Clinton meant by “the vast right-wing conspiracy,” part of the extensive collection of dossiers the Clinton White House kept on its media enemies was released Friday by the Clinton Library.

The most important of the documents, “The Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce,” originally some 331 pages, was reduced to only 28 pages in the sanitized and heavily redacted version posted by the presidential library.

One of the components of this "stream of conspiracy commerce" was the Western Journalism Center, which Farah founded and from which WND sprang.

The article does quote Farah later on trying to keep up the journalistic pretense: "This was a report distributed to select U.S. reporters in an effort to discredit a new breed of investigative journalism into what was, until now, already emerging as the most scandal-plagued administration in the history of the United States."

Farah will never admit that his "new breed of investigative journalism" is nothing more than the basest, sleaziest rumor-mongering that has no basis in fact and which nobody believes. In other words, the kind of stuff you write when you're acting as an enemy, not a journalist.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:46 PM EDT
Friday, April 18, 2014
CNS' Starr Finds A Way To Attack Obamas For Their Tax Return

It seems to be an official policy -- nothing positive must ever be reported about President Obama and his administration, and any story must lead with the most negative spin possible.

Penny Starr, being a loyal CNS employee, implements the policy perfectly in an April 14 article on Obama's tax returns. Here's how she starts it:

President Barack Obama gave $1,500, or 0.3 percent of his income, to St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., according to his 2013 tax return.

The tax return, made public on Friday and filed jointly with first lady Michelle Obama, shows Obama’s income for the year was $503,183. In Schedule A, under “cash contributions,” the $1,500 donation to St. John’s is listed.

It's not until the fourth paragraph that Starr gets around to mentioning that the Obamas donated more than $59,000 to charities last year.

Starr has performed her Obama-bashing duty. Her boss, Terry Jeffrey, must be proud.

Posted by Terry K. at 2:03 PM EDT
WND Still Pushing Discredited Bundy Ranch-China Conspiracy
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily is simply not letting go of its Bundy ranch standoff conspiracy. James Simpson writes in an April 16 WND article:

Supposedly at issue was the desert tortoise, a reptile on the endangered species list that purportedly could not coexist on the land with Bundy’s cattle. But why, many asked, would the turtle suddenly be threatened by animals it had cohabited with for the 100-plus years the Bundy ranch has been in operation?

A BLM document unearthed last week discusses mitigation strategies for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone, just southwest of the Bundy ranch. The “mitigation strategy” proposed to use the grazing lands near the Bundy ranch as a kind of sanctuary for the desert tortoise, because the entire region is slated for a large number of solar, wind and geothermal energy generation facilities.

The solar projects will obliterate most of the turtle’s natural habitat.

Bloggers quickly made a connection between the effort to remove Bundy’s cattle and a solar energy project in Southern Nevada financed by the communist Chinese energy firm ENN. It was to be the largest solar farm in the U.S.

Reid had lobbied heavily for the company’s business, even traveling to China. Reid’s son, Rory Reid, formerly a Clark County commissioner, became a lobbyist for ENN, and the Senate majority leader’s former senior adviser, Neil Kornze, now leads the BLM.

But as we've pointed out, other conservative websites have reported that the land for the proposed solar project is nowhere near Bundy's ranch.

It's only after he's written the above that he admits it's bogus: "But the solar energy complex financed by the communist Chinese was not at the heart of the Bundy Ranch fiasco after all. The project died last year."

But wait! The conspiracy lives!

However, the BLM’s library of renewable energy projects revealed it was only one of more than 50 solar, wind and geothermal projects planned for Nevada, California, Arizona and other Western states. Reid was focused on at least one, and maybe more, of the projects, much closer to the Bundy ranch.


A company called First Solar is listed on a BLM renewable energy project map of southern Nevada, one of 11 sited in Clark County. Additionally, the map shows six wind projects in Clark County and also lists the K Road Moapa project under “transmission projects.” In other words, there is a lot more going on than media have reported.

First Solar investors comprise a who’s who of Democratic insiders, including major Obama campaign bundlers, billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones, Al Gore, Ted Turner and Goldman Sachs. First Solar’s CEO is Michael Ahearn, former fundraiser for both Obama and Harry Reid.

First Solar has at least three other solar projects in California. So it becomes apparent why the BLM, Reid and many other interested parties have such an intense interest in the desert tortoise.

The lucrative business opportunities explain both why Cliven Bundy has been facing such intense intimidation and why all the other ranchers have been chased out. Bundy represents a financial threat not merely to Reid, but a whole gamut of Democrats tied to Obama, Clinton and Gore.

The conspiracy must live. What would Simpson and WND have to write about otherwise.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:53 AM EDT
Thursday, April 17, 2014
MRC's Graham Sneers At Chelsea Clinton's Pregnancy
Topic: Media Research Center

Yesterday we asked if the Media Research Center's Tim Graham would learn a lesson from that Sally Kohn column he's been touting -- you know, the one where she realized her conservative opponents were personable and human.

The answer, apparently, is no.

Graham used the opportunity of Chelsea Clinton's announced pregnanacy to sneer in a tweet, "Congratulations! The Clintons have decided it's a baby, not a women's-rights-problem."

It seems that Graham is continuing to refuse to acknowledge the Clintons as human, and he is apparently incapable of being nice to someone without turning it into a snide partisan attack. But we knew that about him already, didn't we?

Posted by Terry K. at 10:03 PM EDT
WND's Farah Just Can't Stop Peddling Birther Lies, Continued
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Joseph Farah reminds us what a dedicated birther he is in his April 16 WorldNetDaily column raging at President Obama for daring to tell a birther joke:

I don’t think he has stopped thinking about how he conned the American public into giving him the presidency without genuine, fraud-free documentation. He only produced something a few days after Corsi and WND Books released the No. 1 best-selling book in the nation, “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” – with the intent of halting the sales of a book that proves beyond a reasonable doubt Obama is as phony as his birth certificate.

Watch the video for yourself. Obama’s laughs went on self-consciously long.

“Ha, ha. I think it’s still up on a website somewhere,” he said. “Ha, ha, ha, ha.”

Then he took a long pause.

“You remember that? That was crazy,” he said. “That was some crazy stuff. Ha, ha, ha.

“I hadn’t thought about that in a while,” he said, shaking his head. “Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha.”

Har har hardy ha har.

Are you laughing about this?

Were you part of the media establishment chorus that laughed off the eligibility question?

This is where that laughter leads.

Are you still laughing?

Now that he has hoodwinked the American people into allowing him to be president for five years without proper identification, the story is that he wants anyone to VOTE without it, too!


I’m glad he brought up his birth certificate again. Maybe it’s time for Americans to give that phony document the examination it should have received when he released it.

If Obama thinks the birth certificate non-troversy is a joke, it's people like Farah that have made it that way. It's clear that no documentation Obama could produce would satisfy the likes of Farah, Jerome Corsi and the other birthers.

If Farah actually cared about the birth certificate, WND would have reported the evidence debunking the birthers' claims. But it hasn't -- which tells us that Farah doesn't care whether it's real or not, only that he can use the issue as a cudgel against a political enemy.

And Farah can't even do his birther rant without telling a lie. Obama released his long-form birth certificate on April 27, 2011 -- three weeks before Corsi's "Where's the Birth Certificate was released, not "a few days after" the book came out as Farah claimed.

Farah's impotent rage at Obama for making fun of him demonstrates that he's still sore about sqandering what little credibility WND had for a five-year birther crusade that backfired because of his own arrogance and desire for vengeance. Nobody believes him or WND anymore, and he only has himself to blame.

The only chance Farah has to salvage his reputation is to admit the obvious -- that the birther crusade was a sham all along. But that would require him to show some humility and have an attitude of repentence, and we know that ain't gonna happen.

Posted by Terry K. at 8:21 PM EDT
CNS Promotes Claims of Serial Health Care Misleader

Susan Jones devotes an April 15 article to the musings of Betsy McCaughey:

A leading Obamacare critic sees trouble ahead for people who signed up for health insurance on the new government exchanges.

First, even the insurance companies that issue the plans are worried about "public pushback" from rising insurance premiums, Betsey McCaughey, the former lieutenant governor of New York and author of the book "Beating Obamacare," told Fox News's Neil Cavuto on Monday.

"That's only part of the bad news," she said. "You're also going to see a million people or more default. In other words, they have paid their first premium, but when they discover what it really means to have a $3,000 or $5,000 deductible on their plan, they go to their doctor again and again and have to pay full freight, even though they're paying a premium, they're going to stop paying their premium.

Jones makes no attempt to get reaction to McCaughey's dire views. Because she's in stenography mode, Jones is certainly not going to tell her readers that McCaughey has a lengthy history of misinforming about Obamacare.

Jones is presenting as authoritative the views of someone who has been repeatedly caught distorting and misinforming. That's pretty much the opposite of journalism.

Posted by Terry K. at 3:56 PM EDT

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