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Tuesday, May 30, 2023
MRC Mixes Homophobia, Transphobia In Rant About Chasten Buttigieg
Topic: Media Research Center

The Media Research Center's Tierin-Rose Mandelburg mixed in homophobia with her usual transphobia in a March 16 post:

On March 16, The View hosted none other than Chasten Buttigieg, the "husband" of Transportaion Secretary Pete Buttigieg, to dish about fatherhood, his gayness and especially, his support for transgender youth. 

This gave "s**t show" a whole new meaning. 

Amid conversation about challenges of raising a set of twins with his husband, Joy Behar jumped in to switch the topic to the “larger issue” of “what’s going on” where “politicians across the country are trying to restrict gay and trans rights, everything from Florida's so-called don't say gay bill to banning drag shows. There's a war against transgender people.”

Naturally, the other harpies nodded or let out audible notions of agreement. Buttigieg said, “I think it's an extremely dangerous time.”

He's right. It's a dangerous time to be a confused teenager, with the culture telling you that, if you had a bad day you might be in the wrong body, and a whole industry eager to sell you life-altering surgeries and medications and calling it “gender-affirming health care.”

In addition to putting "husband" in scare quotes, Mandelburg hatefully called Chasten "Mrs. Buttigieg." Also, "the culture" is not making people transgender. Mandelburg continued to rage: 

He started harping on book bans. He insisted that kids were “extremely vulnerable” and banning books for them to read was a “calculated choice” to make kids the “enemy.” 

WHAT? Kids are not the enemy. Kids, like he said, are the vulnerable ones who need to be taught truth and taught to love the God-given body they were blessed with. The enemies are groomers who want to sexualize children, confuse them about sexuality, and subject them to harmful chemicals and surgeries with irreversible damage. The enemy is the ideology that preaches there is no normal. 

That’s what’s dangerous.

It seems Mandelburg's idea of children being "taught truth" is indoctrination that anyone who's not exactly like them is evil and must be outcast from society and treated with hate and contempt. In other words, she wants to force an ideology on children that's arguably more dangerous than the so-called "ideology" of accepting people's differences -- and transphobes like Mandelburg believe kids really are the enemy.

Mandelburg went on to defend book bans, as the MRC does:

Going back to the topic of "book bans" for a second, its important to recognize that the titles weren’t being removed for frivolous reasons. Books that were being taken from school libraries were the ones that teach five-year-olds how to masturbate, or the ones that tell vulnerable kids to keep secrets from their parents, or teach about anal sex. THOSE were the things being removed because they were prime ways for adults to groom kids.

She identified no book that "teaches five-year-olds how to masturbate," nor did she explain why secrets shouldn't be kept from parents who would mistreat or reject a child if that secret was known.

Mandelburg concluded with more anti-trans hate and demands for forced conformity:

As a segue, Buttigieg added a plug for his own book claiming that he hopes it "gets into hands of kids and are looking up to politicians and saying do I have a place in this country, do I belong here? My answer to them is, yes, you do.”

Certainly they do, but most especially as the kids they were born to be, not some fictitious version of themselves that they’re told is real and that's what kids should be taught. 

It’s not a surprise that Buttigieg and The View ladies are so “all-in” for transgender youth but the danger lies in the fact that this is the garbage the viewers hear and see and may, in turn, start to believe.

Of course, Mandelburg has made it more than clear that transgender people don't belong anywhere -- and that all she believes is hatred toward others who aren't exactly like her.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:44 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 1:19 PM EDT

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