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Saturday, May 13, 2023
WND's Farah Wants To Deport George Soros Again
Topic: WorldNetDaily

The indictment of Donald Trump has prompted WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah to make another one of his periodic declarations that George Soros' American citizenship should be revoked. He ranted in his April 3 column:

George Soros is destroying America – its institutions, its traditions, its freedoms, brick by brick.

With a $1 million donation to the PAC the supported Alvin Bragg's campaign for Manhattan district attorney, Soros did the most damage ever. He stepped on the gas in his political war with our country in the most visible way to date. This time I hope Donald Trump, as the 47th president of the United States makes him pay the price for it.

It's one I proposed when Donald Trump first became president. He must consider it seriously when he again becomes president in January 2025.

What should he do? He should revoke George Soros' fraudulent dual citizenship and deport him.

This is necessary for reforming election practices in the U.S., as well as generally fighting the radical left.

Are we going to make American great again? With this puppeteer of the left gone, we won't have opposition to that goal – not as much anyway.

Farah repeated the same talking points he issued in making the same demand last year -- it's unclear how Soros got his dual citizenship and getting busted for securities violations should be sufficient cause for revoking it -- and he repeated attacks taken from an issue of WND's sparsely read Whistleblower magazine dedicated to bashing Soros. He concluded by ranting further:

So, again, I ask: Why is this man permitted to retain U.S. citizenship? Why did he achieve it in the first place?

Is it only the money – so much of it he uses to spread strife and division within the nation?

If we're going to clean things up in America, we should start by giving this guy an unceremonious boot.

Again, we'll give Soros himself the last word: "Revoking citizenship as a form of punishment is wrong and undermines the rule of law." Farah had nothing to say about that.

Posted by Terry K. at 1:16 AM EDT

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