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Sunday, July 4, 2021
CNS' Multi-Pronged War On Nancy Pelosi

Just as it does for President Biden, loves to cherry-pick things about Nancy Pelosi that it can write negative articles about. We've already noted CNS' obsession with attacking Pelosi over the Capitol riot she had nothing to do with, but there have been many other examples over the past several months.

In December, an anonymously written article pushed CNS' weird narrative that Pelosi is old and frail. Under thte headline "80-Year-Old Nancy Pelosi: ‘I Plan to Receive the Vaccine in the Next Few Days’," the anonymous writer stated that "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is 80 years old, announced today that she plans to receive the COVID-19 vaccine “in the next few days.” The article reproduced Pelosi's statement anbout receiving the vaccine, in which her age was not mentioned. The next month, Melanie Arter dutifully repeated attacks on Pelosi for "allowing Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) to vote for her as speaker in person less than a week after Moore announced testing positive for COVID-19." (That  hypocritically contrasts with CNS' reverse mask-shaming months later.)

In March, another anonymous article used Pelosi to take a shot at Biden, noting that Pelosi "lauded President Joe Biden as an exemplary father while introducing his virtual appearance at a House Democratic caucus meeting on March 3—but forgot to mention Biden’s son, Hunter Biden."

Yet another anonymous article that month had the teasing clickbait article "Cuomo Kissed Pelosi and…" But the article's reailty was much more boring, consisting of said anonymous CNS employee being forced to scour the internet for pictures of Pelosi with Andrew Cuomo:

Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York has appeared in some videos and photographs kissing and/or hugging Democratic Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California.

One photo by Getty Images shows Pelosi and Cuomo at an event in New York where Cuomo kissed her on the cheek.

No explanation was given as to why the article exists, such as Pelosi having defended Cuomo at some point. The article didn't even mention that Cuomo was under fire for allegedly sexual harassing (for which, by the way, Pelosi has criticized him, something the article also didn't mention).

In April, when Pelosi awkwardly thanked George Floyd “for sacrificing [his] life for justice" following the murder conviction of ex-police officer Derek Chauvin, CNS made it the lead story that day in an article by Patrick Goodenough.

That month, CNS also got mad that Pelosi marked Ramadan with a message stating that "Our vibrant, diverse Muslim communities are essential to the American fabric." No explanation was offered as to why CNS apparently found that statement so offensive.

A April 15 article by Craig Bannister tried to put words in Pelosi's mouth by repeatedly describing talk about expanding the Supreme Court as "court packing" even though Pelosi never used the term.On May 6, Bannister tried to manufacture outrage about Pelosi saying that Rep. Elise Stefanik was replacing Rep. Liz Cheney in House Republican leadership because "she’s more, shall we say, compliant" -- but failing topoint out that the reason Cheney was booted from House GOP leadershipw as because she failed to comply with pro-Trump colleagues by bringing up Donald Trump's corruption and his role in inciting the Jan. 6 Capitol riot (a narrative CNS enthusiastically embraced).

CNS even finds ways to take shots at Pelosi when reporting on inoccuous things that even the highly partisan CNS can't disagree with. For example, a March 8 article featured Pelosi's statement in support of International Women's Day under the headline "Pelosi: ‘We Choose to Challenge Those Who Commit Violence and Abuse Against Women’" -- but illustrated it with an old photo of Pelosi with former President Bill Clinton (who, for the record, has never been credibly accused of abusing or otherwise committing violence against women).

CNS' weird anti-Pelosi obsessions continued with devoting articles -- most of them anonymously written -- to seemingly every single statement she has made that could be seen as non-hateful to the LGBT community:

CNS is apparently so desperate for Pelosi-LGBT content that it has pulled its old trick of doing multiple articles on the exact same thing. On June 28, an anonymous CNS writer complained, under the headline "Pelosi: ‘Vulnerable Transgender Children Are Being Targeted by a Disturbing Wave of Hateful Legislation’":

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) put out a statement on Saturday to mark the sixth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Obergefell vs. Hodges decision—which declared there was a constitutional right to same-sex marriage—and used the moment to draw attention to the state laws that are now being passed to deal with issues rising from transgenderism.

Then, on July 1 -- under the exact same headline -- came another anonymous critique of the exact same Pelosi statement, albeit slightly reworded from the earlier attack:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) said in a statement marking the sixth anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell vs. Hodges—which declared same-sex marriage a constitutional right--that state legislatures have recently passed a “wave of hateful legislation” relating to “transgender children.”

Are there no editors at CNS? Are they that lazy and unaware of what they publish? Or do they simply hate Pelosi, and transgender people, that much?

Posted by Terry K. at 12:34 PM EDT

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