Susan Jones wrote in a March 31 article:
At his March 25 news conference, President Joe Biden called Georgia's new election integrity law "un-American" and "sick."
"It's sick, deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line, waiting to vote, deciding that you're going to end voting at 5:00 when working people are just getting off work, deciding that there will be no absentee ballots under the most rigid circumstances."
A day later,Biden issued a statement, titled, "the Attack on the Right to Vote in Georgia," saying in part: "Among the outrageous parts of this new state law, it ends voting hours early so working people can’t cast their vote after their shift is over."
His remarks are false. In fact, the Washington Post is giving Biden "four pinnochios" for saying what he did.
You will not be surprised to learn that, according to a search of the CNS archive, CNS has not only never devoted an article to a Washington Post fact-check of Donald Trump, it attacked the Post for fact-checking him at all.
In a May 2019 column, for instance, Brent Bozell and Tim Graham -- the people who run CNS' parent, the Media Research Center -- complained that the Post made a big deal of counting 10,000 falsehoods spoken by Trump, whining that the Post engaged in "bias by target selection," "nitpicking" and "bias by multiplying nitpicking times 100" to reach that number , ultimately dismissing the number as "10,000 gotchas."
CNS has repeatedly held Biden to factual standards it refused to apply to Trump.