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Saturday, April 17, 2021
Another WND Columnist Won't Accept That Biden Won The Election
Topic: WorldNetDaily

In the event you visit Washington, D.C., this summer – when school is out and the kids can travel again – drop by Pravda on the Potomac and say hello to President Jefferson Davis Biden. If the barbed wire is up again, protecting our faithful government servants, no worries. Any competent tour guide in D.C. can direct you to the underground tunnels and secret entrances our public servants use for their religious services, sacrifices and secret comings and goings.


Jefferson Davis Biden is really the product of today's fake news media. Rather than reporting the day's events, fake media prefer to spin their own narrative, one that supports their globalist partners, and then adjust and shape any news events they might choose to report so those events support those carefully concocted narratives. "Well, it must be true, Mable. They're all reporting the same thing."

The news events from the 2020 election were massive Trump rallies, sometimes several times per day, almost all attended by tens of thousands of supporters. The competing news was the Democratic challenger to President Trump holding reporter rallies inside socially distanced circles painted on the floor and limited to about six people per rally, usually held in his basement.

The news on election night did not fit the globalist narrative, however. America went to bed with a massive Trump reelection victory, and awoke to a false media narrative of tens and often hundreds of thousands of Biden ballots having magically appeared in the electoral systems of battleground states. GOP observers were not permitted to observe these ballots, because fake elections die in the light of transparency.

No one was happy with the election. The globalists were not pleased, because they didn't get what they paid their media talking heads to deliver. In fairness to their expectations, any other Republican president would have done their bidding and conceded the election, because the elites own both parties. Trump still refuses to concede a corrupt, foreign-influenced election.


The globalists are operating on two fronts of resistance, however. First, they have really, really, really pi--ed off God. Passover is coming up soon. For a reality check on what it looks like when God gets really pi--ed, read the book of Exodus. Yeah, I know, it's ancient history, but remember that God lives outside of time.

Second, the globaists have told 80 million Americans that they are delusional; Biden won in a landslide, and only a Deplorable would doubt that! Despite a news and social media blackout that is the envy of the Chinese Communist Party, almost nobody here believes that.

Honestly, though, as bad as having 80 million people pi--ed off at you would be, having the Creator God in that condition would be worse. Even when it gets as bad as it gets, that would still be worse. The "perpe-traitors" imagine that their religion and their secret societies will save them. Read how God dealt with the Egyptians when they tried to hold onto those Israeli slaves once God decided he wanted them freed.

The effect of this globalist plot against God has been the creation of dual presidencies. Jefferson Davis Biden is president of a nation that is $30 trillion in debt and afraid of its own citizens. They have no more money to buy anyone off. Donald Trump is the leader of 80 million Americans who want to see justice done and who want their country back.

-- Craige McMillan, March 12 WorldNetDaily column

Posted by Terry K. at 12:20 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, April 17, 2021 12:21 AM EDT

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