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Wednesday, April 14, 2021
WND 'News' Articles, Columns Push Advertiser
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Doing ads for Chuck Norris' new gold-company sponsor is not the only way WorldNetDaily is trying to make itself relevant. It's also promoting a new search engine ... that needs money at least as badly as WND does. An anonymously written Feb. 10 WND article gushed:

Emphasizing free speech and privacy, a tech entrepreneur who has been developing a search engine for the past decade plans to roll out a platform that will include the features of Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter., says Jeffrey Sisk, will begin with a messaging platform similar to Twitter then add the search, social networking and video features, putting them together in one app.

"It's the convergence of an amazing brand name, innovative technology and a public that is desperate to find any new way to help win this war on truth," he told WND.

Sisk said he is inviting the millions of Americans who are seeking an alternative to the Big Tech giants to join him in funding the venture.

The article is an ad for Sisk, complete with links to his GoFundMe page. His previous claim to fame -- conveniently for right-wing tech-victim narratives -- was launching a previous search engine called Zeekly, whcih allegedly had "millions of pageviews and positive feedback from users buyt was mysteriously "demonetized by Google's ad network and several others." Same thing with Zeekly TV, which was allegedly shut down by "severe denial of service attacks from an unknown source."

WND editor gushed further in his Feb. 14 column, touting that Sisk "is building a search and social-media platform under one app that will do much of what Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter do – except without controlling speech in America and around the world." Farah added: "I have known Jeffrey Sisk for quite a few years. He's been involved in some neat projects. He has bigger projects in his future. Right now, he's driven by the determination of our Founding Fathers. What's holding us back? Here it is! The solution to the Big Tech nightmare in our grasp!"

Farah plugged Sisk's project again in his March 5 column: "This project is taking off! Are we up to the challenge? YES! Brave men like Jeffrey Sisk need our support. I urge you to stand with him. Maybe then we can raise up something resembling what we had for nearly 245 years in America."

Farah took credit for the alleged success of Sisk's crowdfunding in his March 11 column:

Here's one free speech app that is taking off on GoFundMe in a campaign started on WND.

Jeffrey Sisk is the pioneer behind the His company is building a search and social-media platform under one app that will do much of what Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter do – except without controlling speech in America and around the world.

Why is this an existential threat to the control-obsessed robber barons who think they're in charge of fair elections and the free press in America? Because anyone can be censored, canceled or suppressed by the official "mainstream media" and its masters ruling from atop Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter – even a sitting president, Donald J. Trump, can be silenced! Remember, he still doesn't have his Twitter handle back! Maybe he won't need it.

Farah went on to claim that Sisk and "have received in their account the record-setting amount of $3,252,240!" But the page currently shows the project at a little over $1.2 million of its declared $5 million goal. Where did that $2 million go?

Sisk's project got another boost in an anonymously written March 31 article featuring a podcast interview in which he declared that "Americans should be 'honoring' their Founding Fathers by protecting free speech and privacy."

The last time Farah was this excited about someone else's project, he was trying to give away cryptocurrency to donors in a desperate bid to save WND. He has still not told WND readers how that turned out -- which could be a cautionary tale Sisk might want to take heed of.

Posted by Terry K. at 11:02 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, December 23, 2021 11:16 PM EST

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