Topic: kicked off 2021 the same way it conducted itself in previous years: giving copious (unpaid?) promotion to the Media Research Center's favorite right-wing radio host, Mark Levin. Here's what CNS published to boost Levin in the first tw0 months of 2021:
- Mark Levin Will No Longer Have to ‘Listen to Outrageous, Constant Propaganda of CNN’ in Airports
- Levin on Impeachment Report: Historians Will Ask ‘What Kind of a Moron Wrote a Document Like This?’
- Gingrich to Levin: When the Left Says 'Unity,' It Means 'Surrender'
- Levin on Impeachment Trial: 'None of This Is Legitimate...Period'
- Rand Paul: We Didn't Try to Impeach Bernie After Steve Scalise Shooting (Levin guest)
- Hawley to Levin: Break Up 'Woke Capitalist' Megacorps the Left Is Using as 'Hand of Government'
- Levin: Dems Call Trump an Insurrectionist for 'Fight Like Hell'...After They Said It Numerous Times
- Levin: Biden Will 'Follow the Money,' Not the Science, on School Reopenings
- Stephen Miller to Levin: State AGs Must Sue Biden for Suspending 'Entire Swathes' of US Code
- Levin: McConnell Is 'Not a Leader,' But a 'Schemer'
- Levin: ‘When We Looked at Rush, We Looked Up at Rush’
- Levin: 'I'm Sick and Tired' of 'Mobster' Teachers Unions 'Shaking Down' Parents
- Levin: 'Shame on' Kavanaugh and Barrett for Refusing to Do Their 'Damn Job'
- Levin: Biden's UN Ambassador 'Doesn’t Even Know or Understand What the Hell China Is'
That's 14 articles to kick off 2021, and it gets CNS back on pace to do around 100 Levin articles this year. It had achieved that level from 2017 to 2019 but fell off the pace a bit last year with only 86 Levin articles.
Posted by Terry K.
at 2:30 PM EDT