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Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Is Jesse Lee Peterson Secretly A White KKK Leader?
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Read the following:

Dear white people: your days are numbered

This has been a brutal couple of weeks for those with white skin.

It started with a three-ring circus at the University of Missouri, another landmark in the slow death of white America. And it drew to a close with the actual deaths of scores of French citizens.


The University of Missouri will never be the same now.

Weak, liberal whites have created monsters in their schools. The monsters are now eating them, and threatening to eat others.

By Thursday, chaos reigned across the country as students protested their schools and called for heads to roll.

The situation will not get better until white Americans put an end to it. In fact, it will only get worse.


And with clear evidence that white Americans are standing by as their country is going down in flames, Friday evening we heard news of the Paris attacks and concert hall massacre of mostly white French by Muslim terrorists.

Somewhere along the way, whites in Europe and America have lost their connection to God and have decided to give up defending their communities and freedoms. Europe has been in the process of handing their continent over to Muslims. And white Americans are handing over their country to black malcontents – and Muslims. Friday it was reported that the first wave of Syrian immigrants had arrived in New Orleans. Where was Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to stop this? Where are the protests from outraged Americans?

If you stand up against the bullies – whether they’re radical black bullies on campuses, or Islamic bullies, they will go sit down.

But if you act with fear, they will run over you and your children.

You can’t prove anything to angry people. You just have to speak up, be honest and live your life. Telling the truth and setting a living example is the only way to change anything for the better.

The greatest civilizations in the world are being destroyed by the godless.

The godless have not been raised by decent parents. They’re looking for love in all the wrong places, and in the wrong way. And now they’re destroying the free world.

It’s time for whites in America, and in Europe, to stop the madness. If it isn’t stopped, your way of life – and possibly your life itself – will be stopped.

Who does it sound like wrote this? A leader of the Ku Klux Klan who believes in white supremacy?

Nope -- it was by Jesse Lee Peterson, a black conservative, at WorldNetDaily.

If these words had come from the pen of a white KKK leader, he would be universally rejected and condemned. But because it is Peterson saying it, he gets a pass (just like fellow WND columnist Mychal Massie).

Even more laughably, WND -- who's publishing his latest book as well as giving him a weekly column --  is trying to market Peterson as a "civil rights leader." Would any actual "civil rights leader" say such things?

Peterson leads nobody in the civil rights movement; he has no constituency other than white right-wingers who know he says the things that would be too racist for them to say.

Sadly, it seems that being a proxy for white racists is something Peterson actually appears to want to be.

Posted by Terry K. at 12:18 AM EST

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