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Saturday, January 31, 2015
Obama Derangement Syndrome Watch, Supersize WorldNetDaily Edition
Topic: WorldNetDaily

If and when Iran means to strike, it knows it must do it before Jan. 20, 2017.

Barack Obama made clear in his State of the Union address that he would veto any additional sanctions bill. Perhaps Congress will have a large enough majority to override the mullah’s veto. But whether it does or not, it is clear: If and when Iran strikes, it will be with the knowledge that Obama will do nothing. If Israel needs emergency backup, Iran knows that Obama will not provide it.


The message Obama is sending to Iran and the entire devout Muslim world is, “I am with you. Allahu akbar.”

-- Pamela Geller, Jan. 25 WorldNetDaily column

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than half of American households now receive benefits from the government.

Obama is purposely weakening people by addicting them to programs, hoping their only choice will be to “come to mamma” (the government) for their sustenance.

And he’s purposely weakening America’s defenses, putting us at the mercy of ISIS and al-Qaida.

-- Jesse Lee Peterson, Jan. 25 WND column

In the famous 1997 movie comedy “Liar Liar,” actor Jim Carrey plays a lawyer who, as a result of his young son’s birthday wish being magically fulfilled, cannot tell a lie – he can only tell the truth – for 24 hours. Let’s imagine that such a wish forced President Obama to do the same, not for 24 hours, but only during his State of the Union address.

Here is what he said followed by what he would have said if he could only tell the truth.

-- Dennis Prager, Jan. 26 WND column

Last week, we were once again treated to another presidential malfunction. Hours after Obamas State of the Union speech, the country of Yemen went into meltdown. This was one of the places that he had touted as a huge success story for us in the Middle East, and now it was being overrun by Shiite Houthi rebels who had succeeded in overthrowing one of the only friendly governments that we had in the region. The media ran footage of angry rebels shouting “Death to America!” and raising their weapons in defiance. Humiliating? I would say so.

With Yemen in tatters and ISIS and al-Qaida growing stronger by the day, Obama seemed oblivious to anything except his agenda.

-- Morgan Brittany, Jan. 27 WND column

If he actually qualified as a real leader, Mr. Obama would hold a press conference immediately where, surrounded by all our military top brass scowling at the camera, he states unambiguously that it is our clear and present objective to kill every Islamic vermin on the planet.

Once he’s done talking there should be a big television screen behind him with a live video of a missile or bomb blowing up some voodoo vermin training location.

-- Ted Nugent, Jan. 28 WND column

First – when did this man who has has never held a real job become an expert in Criminal Justice? Harvard Law graduates do not summarily qualify as such, and Obama’s records from Harvard have been sealed anyway. His law degree could be as legitimate as Elvis Presley’s black belt for all we know.

Second, they’re going to put federal muscle behind those recommendations.

Recalling Obama’s advocacy for a civilian police force as well-equipped as the military during his 2008 campaign, we should have seen this coming, yes? While fomenting racial tension has had its uses for the administration, in the context of demonizing the police, there is an additional objective.

-- Erik Rush, Jan. 28 WND column

Try to imagine what it would have been like if Barack Obama were running things at the start of World War II.

After Pearl Harbor, he would have denied the Japanese were the enemy.

“It couldn’t be the Japanese that were the problem,” he might say. “The people commanding those planes and aircraft carriers were not Japanese. They couldn’t have been. After all, the Japanese people are good people. This attack must have been committed by some rogue elements – probably folks who don’t understand the peaceful nature of the Japanese culture and religion.”

Obama would then declare war not on Japan, but on sneak attacks.

-- Joseph Farah, Jan. 29 WND column

Well, that didn’t take long. This summer after Barack Obama inexplicably (and illegally) freed five of the Taliban’s most deadly terrorists in exchange for army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, I asked a burning question – a question that remains unanswered: “What will it take for our spineless U.S. Congress to impeach this tyrant? This is way beyond partisan politics. This is about justice. This is about the safety of the American people. Barack Hussein Obama is America’s biggest threat to national security. He is ‘an enemy within.’”

Long gone are the days when calling an American president a tyrant and accusing him of treason amounted to political hyperbole. Just a few short decades ago this anti-American Marxist would not only have been accused of treason, he would have been tried for it.

But alas, inaction and injustice are the lawless hallmarks of today’s political milieu.

We’ve become “fundamentally transformed,” all right.

-- Matt Barber, Jan. 30 WND column

Posted by Terry K. at 9:17 PM EST

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