Topic:, it appears, just doesn't care about journalism anymore, increasingly dedicating itself to being a right-wing propaganda outlet.
The headline of a Jan. 21 CNS article by Penny Starr reads, "Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards: ‘We Proudly…Provide Abortions’." But Starr actually quotes Richards in the second paragraph of her article as saying, "We proudly provide safe and legal abortion."
Not only did CNS improperly pluralize "abortion," it put ellipses in the wrong place for its dishonest removal of "safe and legal."
Starr is an anti-abortion crusader, and her bias shows in her article by irrelevantly noting Richards' salary as Planned Parenthood president. By contrast, we can't recall any CNS article that disclosed the compensation package of its boss, Brent Bozell.