Melanie Hunter is full of Huck-love in a Jan. 20 article:
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Tuesday that he has “nothing” against Beyonce, despite criticizing the president and first lady for allowing their daughters to listen to her lyrics, which he called “obnoxious and toxic mental poison” in his new book.
In a chapter called, “The Culture of Crude,” Huckabee talks about Beyonce and her husband Jay Z’s performance of her song, “Drunk in Love” on the 2013 Grammy Awards.
“The song contains words and imagery so graphic that they would never make it through the editing process of this book. … But the onstage gyrations, bare flesh, and (most of) the lyrics did make it onto CBS, again during the smoldering remnants of what used to be the ‘family hour,’” Huckabee wrote.
“You could not repeat the lyrics,” Huckabee told MSNBC’s Scarborough.
In his book, Huckabee wondered why President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama would let Sasha and Malia listen to “that trash.”
“I’ve generally admired the parenting instincts of the First Couple, so it’s hard for me to believe they’ve actually listened to those lyrics,” Huckabee wrote.
Curiously, Hunter didn't mention that a few days earlier, "The Daily Show" exposed Huckabee's hypocrisy on the issue of allegedly raunchy song lyrics by airing a video of Huckabee playing bass behind Ted Nugent singing the lascivious "Cat Scratch Fever."
This probably would have been news at CNS if Huckabee had been a Democrat. But he's a Republican, and his presidential prospects must be protected.