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Thursday, January 22, 2015
WND's Corsi Inadertently Shows Bias And Craziness Of AIM's Benghazi Kangaroo Court
Topic: WorldNetDaily

WorldNetDaily's Jerome Corsi thinks he's doing Accuracy in Media's "Citizens' Commission on Benghazi" a favor by reporting its findings, but instead he's unintentionally demonstrating how biased and delusional it is.

Corsi writes in a Jan. 18 WND article of "exclusive interviews conducted with 11 of the 17 members of the commission," in which they claim that the congresional investigation has been "compromised" and that Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Republican House member in charge of the Benghazi investigation, "has been warned away from the final conclusion or he’s been threatened."

What Corsi won't tell you, however, is that -- as we've documented, the "Citizens' Commission on Benghazi" is a kangaroo court stacked with birthers, Obama-haters and conspiracy theorists who could not possibly be trusted to investigate the issue objectively. Of course, as a birther, Obama-hater and conspiracy theorist himself, Corsi simply saw like-minded people instead.

Corsi goes on to quote one CCB member as fretting that Gowdy's next hearing on Benghazi " likely will be closed and classified." But the CCB has demonstrated no transparency whatsoever in its proceedings. It has held no public hearings, and its interim report states conclusions without detailing how it reached them. Its sources, when mentioned at all, were typically anonymous, such as the "American citizen source trusted by the CCB."

A day later, Corsi wrote another article on the CCB, touting its crazy conclusion -- again, lacking any on-the-record support -- that  "The Obama White House and the State Department under the management of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton 'changed sides in the war on terror' in 2011." Corsi laughably tried to distance the commission members from the commission itself by claiming that they were "speaking for themselves, not for the commission."

It wasn't his goal, but Corsi spent these two articles demonstrating why how utterly fringe the "Citizens' Commission on Benghazi" is and why it cannot be believed.

Posted by Terry K. at 10:35 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, January 22, 2015 10:35 AM EST

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