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Thursday, December 19, 2013
WND's Unruh Plays Stenographer Again for Disbarred Anti-Abortion Attorney
Topic: WorldNetDaily

Last week, WorldNetDaily "reporter" Bob Unruh played stenographer for the supporters of disbarred anti-abortion attorney Phill Kline by whitewashing the offense that led to the suspension of Kline's law license.

Now, Unruh has managed to find a way to be even more sycophantic to Kline. He writes in a Dec. 14 WND article:

The Kansas Supreme Court has come up with a response for when its own justices are accused of being biased toward the abortion industry and against a former state attorney general who investigated alleged criminal activity there.


That’s the result of a petition to the court that was filed on behalf of former Attorney General Phill Kline.

Kline probed alleged illegal activity by abortion provider Planned Parenthood and the late abortionist George Tiller, eventually filing charges against them after getting the counts approved by several trial judges in the state.

However, the pro-abortion political atmosphere in the state spelled defeat for Kline in the next election, and his foes launched criminal investigations into his probe of Planned Parenthood and Tiller.

Among the political powers Kline defied was then-Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who had partied with Tiller.

Now the justices on the state’s highest court have refused even to consider evidence that uncovers their bias against Kline, and have refused to explain their decision or provide a comment to the public.

The slanted assertions Unruh is presenting as unassailable fact are, in truth, merely the opinions of Unruh and attorneys for Kline. Just because the Kansas Supreme Court refused to hear Kline's appeal and did not publicly explain why, for instance, does not equal a "stonewall."

Unruh makes no effort whatsoever to fact-check the claims of Kline's attorneys, nor does he bother to tell the other side of the story -- it's a totally one-sided effort designed to puff up Kline and attack the Kansas Supreme Court for daring to suspend his license. Unruh snidely wrote that "A court official, contacted by WND with a request for a comment, said the justices refused to comment. Or explain."

Unruh also manages to whitewash Kline's offenses even more, falsely claiming thatthe only reason Klinbe's license was suspended involved "an alleged failure to make sure grand jurors understood state law after he explained it to them." In fact, Kline violated 11 rules governing the professional conduct of attorneys.

Unruh used to write for the Associated Press, but he flushed any sense of journalistic ethics and fairness he might have gained working for that organization the day he joined WND. He's just another reason why nobody believes WND.

Posted by Terry K. at 7:05 PM EST

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